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DAYS: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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I can't recall if Gabi got a settlement beyond ownership of GabiChic.

You'd think she'd either get enough for her own place, or make enough for her own place.  Especially because her nutty ex-assistant could afford a two-bedroom place, with a view.

It's pretty suss that Gabi and JJ are both divorcees that can't afford to live in their own homes.  And yet, they're one of the most eligible/least conflicted couples in Salem.

Edited by j swift
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I was pretty much going to post the exact same sentiments with about the Kate/EJ scenes. That music cue needs to be thrown in the trash. This show proved last week they know how to do drama correctly, I don't understand how they dropped the ball so quickly.

However, in regards to Gabi, I actually don't think she was supposed to be the bad guy, but instead was being written as the Greek chorus for those who hate Leo. Maybe that's my bias talking, or the remnants of how great last week was, but I thought Javi also came off as incredibly naive and Leo was just a problem that would soon sort itself out. 

JJ has never been married.

After wondering if today was Joy's last episode, I went to her Instagram to see if AlexAnn Hopkins mentioned anything, but her account is private, which could be proof in itself. Plus, there's no mention of DAYS in her bio, but that was also the first time I went to her page so could mean nothing. If anyone sees confirmation of her exit, please post it.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Days of Our Lives‘ March 19 episode.]

AlexAnn Hopkins wrapped up her run as Joy Wesley on Days of our Lives on March 19.

A spokesperson for Days says, “We enjoyed having AlexAnn bring the character of Joy to life, it was a short yet important story arc, and we hope the fans enjoyed watching it unfold.”

[There's more to the article but this was sufficient to your request.]

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It was such a strangely short run, and the ending seemed to turn on a dime between last week and this week.  Perhaps she filmed the whole thing in two weeks, and has forgotten about it because it was so long ago?

But, I assume her kid will haunt Alex and Stephanie forever.

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Damn… Days was late today. Hope it goes back to being uploaded at 5 AM.

I like the way that some people were there for the people that they care about throughout today’s episode, even Rafe and Jada, even though Shawn’s part in their storyline needs to be utilized a lot more.

I especially enjoyed Julie and Doug III. They really do have a nice relationship, even though he did seem like a bit of a wimp today at The Bistro. I’m interested in seeing what’s going to happen next for him. 

Tate confessing to Holly about his jealousy over her friendship with Doug III was a good choice as well. They seemed like real angsty teens today lol. I hope they continue to build up this storyline and the rivalry/feud between Tate and Doug III, because it could be really good. 

As for old Rachel… oh well. If this means that’s she gone, then good riddance. Bringing her back, and this storyline in general, were a big mistake. 

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I'm so glad someone found her interesting at some time. Sadly, to me she's just been a perpetual disappointment. The only thing I ever liked about her is her nickname. For a Stayla fan you can't beat "Little Sweetness".

In my mind I refer to her Big Rachel but I'm posting to agree. What a mistake she was!

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It was really odd Joy had those scenes with JJ, then took the job at Titan, and left the next day.  All of that was very pointless.  Until I saw confirmation of her exit I really thought she'd be back in a few weeks.  I tend to think something had to happy behind the scenes with her character because even the Joy/Johnny/Chanel story turned out to be a whole lot of nothing.

Obviously, we know Joy will be back with a baby at some point. 

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After careful contemplation of Friday’s episode, I couldn’t help but hope that Arnold, Joy, and Rachel Sr. escape the melodramatic confines of Salem and form a blissful throuple somewhere far more serene. Perhaps Fiji?

Now, on to the ever-confounding world of soap opera law enforcement. Why do cops on soaps always fancy themselves as prosecutors too? JJ could’ve just arrested Trask and called in Belle for the legal gymnastics, but no—he had to deliver the statutory soliloquy on stolen goods like he’s lecturing in a first-year law class. Honestly, who speaks to their grandmother like that?

Once again, I find the geography of Salem distracting. Are Julie, Marlena, and Maggie all within strolling distance of Horton Square, or has Salem collapsed into some space-time singularity where everything is simultaneously near and far? Is Horton Square the downtown nexus or just a glorified, slightly-outdated mall?

And then there’s the Pub—it’s like a quantum object, once by the waterfront near the hospital, now in the heart of town but somehow still by the pier. I’m no cartographer, but these establishing shots aren’t doing much to orient anyone.


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I'm sure you realized I mean Google machine

Is there any good reason for Joy keeping her pregnancy a secret from Alex? Or did Ron just wake up one day and realize he already had another "I got her pregnant" storyline running?


The establishing shots on DAYS are the worst of any soap by far, to the point that I enjoy them because they're so laughable.

A high schooler could do a better job with these shots. I honestly think Janet Spellman-Drucker is a luddite who doesn't even know how to use that Google machine I mentioned.

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