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DAYS: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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Wow, did a Peacock exec finally wake up and wondering what on earth the garbage they've been putting out is? It's incredible how they just wrapped everything up in one episode basically. I've never been fully convinced that Ron got fired over the Body & Soul stuff, but I'm starting to become a true believer, because that was some "wrap this [!@#$%^&*] up now" writing going on. 

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At first, I thought it was Body&Soul that got Ron fired, especially after what Dee said to Michael Fairman, but now I'm not so sure lol. 

This is speculation on my part, but I can't help but think that there were other factors at play in Ron's final months. The whole thing about EJ ordering Fake Rafe to not sleep with Jada and Leo not harassing Doug III seems un-Ron like to me, like somebody instructed him to not include that in his storylines. Plus, he was clearly not happy with a lot of what was written during the strike. And we all know how he gets when things don't go his way. I could imagine that there was some backstage conflict that ultimately led to him finally being fired.

As for the rushed way Body&Soul ended, that had Jamey Giddens written all over it, so I'm not convinced that anybody at Peacock mandated them to wrap it up. Wednesday was basically a retread of the poison biscuit thing, which was also something big that was rushed and wrapped up in one episode. I can see him doing that again. He has no sense of plotting and pacing or how to get a story to successfully reach its climax.

Also, everything being all fine with Johnny and Chanel was just like how everything became all fine with Li and Gabi after the biscuit thing. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Maybe, but I feel like the poison biscuit thing wasn't as big of an umbrella story arc where you had large parts of the cast involved with it for months. I remember it as being quite short time spanwise at least. With the Body & Soul thing you had people who literally started caring for it for months only to... wrap it up in an episode. Maybe you're right and it's just their awful pacing and planning that's showing rather than Peacock / Corday wanting it wrapped, but that's how it came across in the writing. Someone put their foot down and said end it.


My other theory is that he was told plenty in advance that his contract wasn't going to get renewed and he just devised this Body & Soul garbage as a metacommentary. The writing for Kim Coles came off very much like him being pissed at viewer feedback (you think you know better than me!). 

Either way, I'm glad it's done, though suddenly I fear what might be coming in the next two months. But hopefully they told him that he had to transition the show into the new headwriters and we'll mostly get a game of stale mate. 


Though suddenly I fear the suggestion that Rachel Blake will just be Peter Blake in latex drag.


ETA: I think with Body & Soul moving from Salem, it would be a good time to say goodbye to Hattie at least. Have her move with production and take Leo with her. And some other useless characters. 

Edited by te.
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Anything's possible.

But Body&Soul was garbage from the very beginning. I can't help but think that someone in power would have put their foot down before now 

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And I'm with @Khan too, what was done to Abe was a disgrace. Sometimes, it was like I was watching a completely different character. 

Well tbf, he's been dealing with that feedback since like 2019 

That was Ron really started to fall off the rails.

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I'm seriously putting in a call to the NAACP.  The show did everything short of putting Abe in a [!@#$%^&*] dress and changing his name to "Madea."

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I was just thinking, why didn't Paulina hire Abe as interim-chief-of-police? 

B&S is over.  He solved the crime.  He has clearly recovered from his brain injury.  And, even Paulina thought Arnold seemed weird at the wedding.

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Ken will come out and explain he took a call on the golf course, and reception wasn't great, so he thought that Deidre's Body and Soul soap from the 90's had finally been picked up- but for budget reasons Days cast members had to play the roles.

But now that its all over he's promising fans are going to get the Days they deserve. He's looked at the scripts and he has to say that they are fantastic and  show is going back to classic Days-it's going to be a roller coaster of romance, mystery and thrills. You won't want to miss an episode!!

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Again, there are so many good elements and dynamics on the show right now but it’s all being handled so poorly and lazily. It’s at the point where I think Ron’s not the only one who deserved firing (besides Jamey)

Belle being made into an idiot is not the right way to go either. I mean, I like EJelle, but why are they not playing it up that she’s f*cking the guy who raped her sister and tried to kill her father? 

I did see a bit of spark between Shawn and Jada though, and I hope they go there with the two of them. I just wish that it wasn’t written the way that it was.

And yeah, I can’t wait for this Aremid stuff to end.  

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Wouldn't ya think the Woman in White would be confused about whom these people are, given all the SORASing in Salem? 

I imagine her saying asking about why Kristen is interested in Brady, who was three years old the last time she heard about him, and EJ wasn't even conceived yet!

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I agree.  The show literally just could have said Rachel Sr. has been keeping up with Kristen's life from afar.  Instead, Rachel knew nothing about Stefano being dead and they implied she wasn't up to date on anything. 

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So, Rachel Sr.'s first assumption should have been John was the father of Rachel Jr because her last name was Black and Kristen was obsessed with him last she knew.  I also believe Kristen was still actually pregnant when Rachel "died", but obviously that kid would be older.  Instead, Rachel Sr. doesn't find it strange at all her daughter had a baby with someone she was a stepmother to and has known since they were a baby.  Obviously, that's not odd or dysfunctional at all so they need to kill Ava so Rachel Jr. can have a family.

Anyway, it would have just taken a few throw away lines in the show for Kristen to say "it's a long story I'll explain it to you later" or just give her a brief rundown.  Are you really even using history if you are basically ignoring everything about the Aremid story to begin with?

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Does anyone remember the term Vivian Alamain called her young male assistant (henchman) when she returned to Salem about 10-12 years ago, and buried Maggie alive in a sarcophagus?    She used a particular term to refer to his position with her.  I think it was a European term.  Does anyone remember it?

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