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Y&R actress off contract

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At one point I wanted MO's Abby to become more like Kimberly Simm's Mindy Lewis. Have an affair with a married man, be more scandalous. 
I think that Bryton James should be the next to go on recurring. Devon is not that interesting and the Tucker McCall-Katherine Chancellor connection is so not Y&R

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Abby has such a bizarre origin story, but on paper she had potential. Even if she simply added a different dynamic to the played-out Nick/Victoria/Adam/Victor snoozefest, it would have been useful. Abby and Adam as the two outsiders (reminding Nikki of Victor’s other great loves) up against Nick and Victoria writes itself. Her antagonistic chemistry with Amelia Heinle was the best thing about her. She could have played more of a role in the Abbott/Newman war for sure. But the writing was on the wall when Abby didn’t even play a part in her own mother’s mental illness story.

It’s crazy how dominant she was with story with Danny Boaz’s Chance—they were pushing MO as Y&R’s young leading lady. DB’s firing and the idiotic baby story derailed all of that.

Devon doesn’t seem long for this world either. Marrying him off to a story black hole and bringing on another Black male in his age range (billed as a mover and shaker and more connected to Nate) doesn’t bode well. Devon Hamilton is one of the most ill-conceived long-running characters I’ve ever seen, so it’s a shocker he lasted this long.

Edited by Faulkner
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@Faulkner When they announced Damien, my first thought was this was *insurance* because Bryton might be leaving the show at the end of his contract. With MO status change, that only strengthens that possibility.

And, yes, Adam and Abby as outsiders should be unholy allies. Abby should be far more vocal and torn about the Victor/Jack war. It's never too late to refocus Abby. I also like MO and especially how much she loves Y&R. I also appreciate that she's been so professional about the change.

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But they then have the option of dropping Chance for a while when he is not needed.

Recurring works well budget and story wise as long as the actor is happy with more limited appearances.

These ongoing characters appear to be recurring. Most, but not all officially acknowledged.









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I have never understood why the writers never touched on Abby and Adam, the younger two outsiders teaming up. As you said it literally writes itself.

This has always annoyed me because Abby was very much Brad’s daughter at the time of his death and the show has just completely erased that for some reason.

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