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DAYS: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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Leo looks too old next to Javi. I cringed at their scenes. They are wasting Javi on Leo. Glad Gabi told Javi about Leo's past. It didn't make a difference. I wonder if they'll have any antagonist besides Gabi?

Leo and Alex? Did someone read my post about pairing the two losers?

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DAYS Anniversary 11-8-1965
DAYS OF OUR LIVES was created by Irna Phillips, Allan Chase & me & was designed to bring to the daytime audience a new & vital set of characters, at once identifiable & set on the broadest possible family base. From our years of experience in the daytime serial field we think we know what will capture the daytime audience - strong emotional stories that spring from interesting people. (from Maureen Russell's book)

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Happy 59th Anniversary, Days!

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And welcome back, Belle, Paul and Andrew! We’ve missed you a lot  

Today was a good one, even though all the talk of John, and of Doug too, was really sad. Especially John’s phone call at the end

Despite what Ron did to some characters and families, I’ll always appreciate how much love and respect he had for the Evans-Black family. You could tell he enjoyed writing for them as a whole, and today was no different. 

Kristen was once again unnecessary though. I’m sorry, but Marlena, Belle, somebody really needed to just throw her ass out. There was no point to her being today’s episode. That last scene she had with Brady could have definitely waited until Monday. Btw, her mentioning Dimitri to Andrew was another reminder of what a missed opportunity and what a mistake it was to not have a Paul/Andrew/Dimitri triangle. 

But still… Pandrew!

If we can’t get them on the canvas full time and sent to hell and back like every soap couple lol I’ve more then fine with them being married and getting a happily ever after. And I know I’ve said it before but I gotta say it again… I really love Colton Little’s smile

I enjoyed all the bro bonding between Paul/Brady/Tate/Johnny over baseball and about John. Paul telling them about John at the pride party in BS2 was one of the moments that made me tear up a little lol Btw, Johnny’s new haircut looks good. 

I also really liked Maggie, Sarah and Julie encouraging Holly to not give up on Tate and using their own histories in order to help her understand. Sometimes I feel that the Tate/Holly storyline moved a little too fast but I like seeing them as the angsty teen couple.

I hope Maggie/Sarah/Holly continue to have scenes together. Building up a relationship between Maggie and her daughter and granddaughter was the right decision. And basically moving Julie into the Alice role was the right decision as well.

Today is one of those days though lol 

Plus, no Leo

If we’re stuck with them, they should be written as like an older man-younger man relationship/dynamic. But of course, Ron will probably write them as contemporaries. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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What a lovely and touching episode.  You have to credit RonC with one thing, he writes romance for gay characters that is different from most soaps, and he created a full array of gay characters, not just a single prototype.

I did laugh a little when they mentioned that it was both Marlena and Maggie's anniversary (as well as the birthday of some charaters, and the day that a lot of special events have occured over the past 59 years).  Because it was as if the characters have no awareness of how special November 8th is in the rest of the television universe.

I also feel like there's a lot of unnecessary inconsistencies in what everyone knows about the paralysis serum.  Like, Sarah and Brady met after he was released from prison, so why didn't she tell him the whole story.  And random people seem to know that Philip halted the Titan sale, but few people seem aware of the consequence.

Finally, bringing up that Konstantin tried to get revenge on John for a reason that was untrue is simply too convoluted.  I need to know why Konstantin didn't know that Caterina (Katerina?) wasn't dead.  She was supposed to be a young woman, and they buried her.  So, who did he think died and was buried. 

And, isn't Victor still kind of a dick for not telling Konstantin that his daughter was alive and well, and had four kids (as well as apparently never checking in on Fiona)?

Anyway, I'm glad they still engrave bracelets in Salem, because in our universe Tiffany & Co. has stopped providing the service, and it is so romantic to me.  

Edited by j swift
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When Sarah saw Brady the deal was talk EJ into dropping the charges for the serum. Sarah and Xander did that so Brady assumed that Kristen was honouring the original deal.

Victor didn't know Catharina survived. I think Mrs Konstantin, who vanished right after the supposed death, faked her daughter's death and her own to escape Kon.

I hope Fiona returns one day and we get more information on her, Titus and Victor. That was sorely lacking in Ron's speed story telling 


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Enjoyed more than usual this week, although I could do without Clyde and Kristen, both of whom I've grown to despise.

I give Carlivati credit for so many gay characters, but putting Javi with Leo? No. Just no. It's like getting the best peanut butter and jelly and putting it on 6-day old bread. Bread that's moldy.

In her interview with Michael Fairman, Diedre Hall mentioned that Body & Soul was over -- and that Ron was sent packing because of it. So do we have MONTHS of this B&S crap to come???

I did love seeing how short Queen Dee was with Fairman. She takes no prisoners, and I loved it.

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I felt like the interview was more purposefully obtuse.

While there are obvious positive connotations to saying that the stories have become more person centered.   I didn't get the sense that she was criticizing Ron.  My interpretation was that Ron's vision of a campy, silly, OTT storylines no longer fit with the vision of the producer, and so he left.  Neither actor was saying that they didn't like his writing, they just noted a preference for more family-driven drama. 

In the end, I think there is a difference between not preferring a certain style of writing, relative to how it fits with a character that one has been playing for five decades, versus saying that they felt the writer was untalented or inarticulate.


Edited by j swift
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