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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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True. But that has been why I enjoyed the (very) slow ascendency of Alexis over the last few years. She slowly, but surely built herself back up. And then PM came in and went for it by getting her law license....and taking us on quite the journey. And it felt so well earned regardless of any attempts to waylay the journey. I was worried that she might fall to the wayside post-PM, but I have enjoyed that she is still in the mix in stories. 

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@titan1978Sorry for your loss. When my mother died, even though I was fully grown, I suddenly felt little & alone, almost as if it made me an orphan. I hope you can look at your grief & tell it to go to h*ll. 

About Alexis, I thought her writing the first 2 days after Sam died, was a gift from the writers & they aren't giving out many presents. Her reacting to Sam's body being cold, asking for the blanket, even getting into bed with her, all of that was more than decent writing. But, it's funny, it was stage directions, action, not words. 

I guess we have to call those days Halloween-1 & Halloween-2. 

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The Danny actor is not ready for this material at all. 

If GH stays on the air into Danny and Rocco being adults, I’d love too see what type of things will test this brotherly bond. I would definitely keep them written as close so it’s more impactful when something messes it up.

Edited by Antoyne
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Finn Carr has been working every single script he's been given; Asher Antonyzyn does quite well, as well. The scenes where Danny found out Sam died I felt it, and it brought back my own memories. But while I feel Carr excels with emotional scenes, I do think Antonyzyn excels more with the every day type of material. That's his strong suit. Unfortunately, he's working too much with Steve Burton, and is picking up on those bad habits.

At least it isn't Hudson West, cause.... whew. That kid went from decent to bad as time went on.

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Well, I also think it's a different time than then. The only child star I can think of that was allowed to remain in-role and definitely got better as they continued to grow up is Brooklyn Rae Silzer. When she popped in, briefly, in 2023 I was still sold on her in the role because they allowed her to grow into the role from 2010–2018.

Hudson West came into the role of Jake in 2016, but has been inconsistent in the role since then. Perhaps if he'd been consistently working throughout that entire time it'd be different. But... yeah. I don't miss him at all.

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Well, well. Now that I'm here for sure...called it!!! I said at the start of this Holly mess that probably it would end as Robert's swan song. And look! The quick breakup with Diane...who figured it was coming. One more Anna vs Holly scene and I was just as annoyed as Anna was. And then off they are on the plane. I guess that does explain why the total focus on the writers who I felt was really wanting to write that story last week as the A plot, but again...Sam's death. I do admit that Holly's talk about people coming for her kept making me think she might wind up where Valentin is, but fingers crossed that is not the case. I can't wait to see Mac's reaction to seeing Robert leave.


Liz was my highlight. I was cheesing like a kid seeing her with Jason. Be still my Liason heart. Swoons. And I loved her continued effect to be (Just) a friend to Jason. Meanwhile, YOU BETTA READ, ELIZABETH WEBBER!!!! Cuz Lucky was on my last nerve. I can't believe he was going to just leave again with his woe is me act when he promised his son he was not about to be running away. Oh, you weren't the one to save Lulu. Well, SHE WAS SAVED!!! The lack of self-awareness...well-timed with my weekend I guess. So RH sold that to me as she read him down. Now...where's Ric? Cuz evil man or not, at least he wouldn't run off on her. And don't get me started on Jason vanishing without a word and Lucky just showing off. I think I missed Jason leaving. 


And now here we are with Trina's new love interest. And my feelings are...mixed. I just said that while I don't mind meet cute (see B&B Will&Electra), I do dislike when it comes across forced to me. And I felt this did. It could have been as simple as 'oops. Trina spilled a drink' on him and Trina looked smitten...as did Kai. Then he just had to add on the 'football player who just happens to be her partner who is ditching class' and ugh. Look at how that happened versus how Gio was slowly introduced and THEN months into his run...they found an (organic actually) reason for him and Trina to have an issue: Ava. Heck, even in Trina's interaction with Kai...there's the potential organic reason for conflict: Kai's friend being a problem cuz he sees Trina as uppity and Kai being pressured about his image. There could be banter around that without the typical 'hate-you/love-you' that those scenes turned into. But let me wait and see.


I do love that Danny continues to see Rocco as his brother. What I loved about PM during his run was how much he made me care and get invested in Dante, Sam, and their blended family...something that really does not get touched on. And it would be so easy for them to forget about them with Sam's death. Good they are not. And Jason having to move into the Q mansion per Sam's wishes for her children...YES PLEASE. Make him grow a pair and step up as a father that isn't always worshipping at the altar of Sonny. 

My worry as well.

She really has. There have been moments over the last few weeks she's looked breathtaking. Maxie definitely got her mojo back. 

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Y'all really slandering Hudson West in the thread while I was away! I will just say I totally disagree there (yet again). That moptopped kid was halfway carrying most of the show during that dreadful Chimera business with Billy Miller, Franco, etc. and was excellent for several years straight. And while I think he had some less than fantastic performances before his recent exit I also thought he was mostly fine to very good as a young adult. It's not like they gave him much to do since Steve came back either other than occasionally appear out of nowhere (and don't get me started on that Charlotte thing in the strike). YMMV, haters!

Anyway, I do think Finn Carr has been excellent but I don't care about the supposed family unit of Sam, Dante and their kids beyond what that kid and DZ bring to this grieving period. Scout is a non-entity the show rarely remembers exists unless someone in her immediate bloodline dies. And Danny, as has been said, cannot stop grinning through every scene.

At the end of the day, I'm sorry but Sam and Dante dated for a few years in a C-list pairing that was largely in the background of the show. And in all that time we never saw much of this Rocco/Danny 'bond' except for when Sam died and (very briefly) when Dante got shot. It's not like this was Luke and Laura raising Sly Eckert (who disappeared!) or Lucky and Emily as kids. Why should I buy two people who dated for a little while's two kids as foster brothers? Why should I care about their instant connection let alone Scout? We're not exactly dealing with the Hughes family and Andy Dixon here. It just seems like a somewhat awkward substitute for what was happening with Jason's feuding sons early in the year, and frankly AA (I am not trying to say that kid's full name) is not up to it anyway. Someone else needs to start working with him because so far Steve isn't helping much.

Much more likely excepting Danny, the least talented IMO. At least Rocco has his mom back to keep him in the mix for now.

I think that girl was pretty much your standard issue kewpie doll child actor. She's weak and pretty much always has been in any material other than looking cute, grinning wide or sobbing for Mommy. She's grown up to be a lovely teen but is not ready for primetime.

Edited by Vee
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