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Y&R: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Frankly I don’t even know what can be done with Abby anymore.

The Naked Heiress had potential but MAB’s bad writing and Rylan being too old just didn’t work.

Abby should be better off as a recurring character as a spoiled  jet setting heiress traveling around the world, doing PR for both Jabot and Newman, running her own handbag and jewelry line, with Victor and/or Adam coming to her rescue her every now and then from her various outrageous scandals like an affair with Italian Prime Minister or getting detained in North Korea

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16 years when you count the pointless Hayley Erin SOARS

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The sets problem is horrific. If Ed Scott does nothing else, I hope he works on this.

Another hallmark of Josh Griffith writing. He gets credit for knowing Y&R history, but this is a perfect example of what he does with it. Look at the entire Mamie return. Did any of it makes sense?

No one. That whole scene was embarrassing and made no sense. Why would a bride turn every element of her wedding over to her ancient father? The worse was hearing Victor say "Leave it all to me" when Devon and Abby said "What about the guest list?" HUH???

Also implied was that A LOT of people would be invited, and we all know they're not going to fill up a ballroom. Is this going to be the surprise return of the ranch?

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Lol. Yeah, I'm been enjoying this week so far. It makes me wonder if there is a twist on Friday coming. And I loved the Ashley mention with fingers cross ED is about to grace my screen again.


She really is!!!!  I just saw the scene of her in the call yesterday and went hmmmm. I see they are playing with my theory again so I again am intrigued. I just wish it had a...more flow?...to it. Like when Ashley and her alters started...it became clear slowly, but gradually in such an organic way. Almost like JG knew what he was doing.

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 Heck, how ED played it made it clear long before it was clear on screen which was like a cherry on top.


This storyline has been more zig-zag and it can be frustrating. I at least am happy that now that we are in the thick of it that SC is stepping up. 

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I KNOW VICTOR DIDN'T!!!! lol. I gasped at Victor walking up to Jack and throwing John Abbott in his face. Go right ahead and make Jack see red. Meanwhile, I'm not sure how I feel about seeing a rift appearing between Jack and Diane. It felt almost as jarring as when JG first started this stupid Kyle vs Diane storyline in the first place when Kyle was the one who wanted Diane to have the job in the first place. I did like the Michael/Diane scene. They really haven't touched on their friendship too much since Diane's resurrection so it was great to see. I am sad Christian shaved his beard though.

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It was great to have Traci and Alan back in town. But don't tell me that foreshadowing a Traci/Alan/Sharon storyline once the mess with Sharon is over? Or perhaps Alan will be the one to figure out exactly what the issue with Sharon will be?


Because I can't say it enough...I LOVE seeing Chance back in cop mode. It just feels sooo RIGHT. Heather's murder continues to get good performances out of MG, LB, and SC. Though there was a slight drag on the framing up. 


I also enjoyed the Sally/Audra scene. 

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Victor has no respect for Jack and Billy, but he respected their father John. Victor respected John because John was a good businessman and John was also a good father, which Victor didn't have and Victor tried to be.

Edited by kalbir
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I felt the week was watchable. Then again, when Victor was Victor-ing...hehe.


I'm actually going to be sad when the Victor/Lily part of this plot are over to be honest. It's been fun to see Lily with an older scheming mentor of sorts. But Devon cluing her in to what Victor's intentions truly might be and Lily figuring it out slowly, but surely, climaxing with a talk with Nikki...another character that I've been enjoying Lily interact with as of late...was bittersweet to watch. And that's not even mention how Lily figuring it out with Victor/Nikki impacts the Devon/Abby relationship now that Devon/Abby are getting married. And Victor stepping in on that is bound to also lead to some drama. Cuz we know Devon won't keep his mouth shut once Lily confirms what he thought.


And to not be outdone, Victor pushing the growing rift between Jack and Diane has been delicious. And it doesn't help that Diane is a few steps away from Diane-ing herself. Sad to say since it still feels abrupt to me. Still I enjoyed her brief scene with Victor. 


You know what? Team Jack. Those Kyle vs Jack scenes were simply explosive, each of them getting in some great digs. And I really want Jack to go through with his threat. But Kyle doing that preempted strike on Jabot's new product was the kind of old school Y&R that I miss. The only problem for me...was...it was the first time I was bothered they found out sitting around Society. Plausible and helps with the sting, but I feel I would have liked it more if they had been at the Jabot offices. I also like the Jack/Claire scene because it reminded me of how Jack still to this day treats Nick (and also Adam) like stepsons, so I appreciate the kid gloves he used with her as he was talking about Victor.


Sharon's storyline felt like a solid B story even though it pretty much was the A storyline being on throughout the week. Of course I loved the Sharon/Nick fantasy, but I'm bias.

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That said...I do wonder if there will be aftereffects in reality once this storyline is over. I continue to enjoy seeing Chance in his element as a cop. And CF has never looked hotter being able to do what he does. 


Nate's potential connection to Amy Lewis and the misadventures of Teriah was straight C story. But I guess it's nice to have C story on this show. 




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I have a love/hate relationship with the show featuring Jess Walton via Zoom.

On the one hand, I love seeing her, and this is a novel way to do it.

On the other hand, I hate that the show couldn't be bothered to send her a Jill Abbott suit and insist that she hot roll her hair. I can clearly see that she is filming in a corner of her home office with the beauty of Oregon reflected in the glass of a picture frame. 

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GET HIM, JILL!!!! GET...HIM. God, how I missed her. And while I didn't like her on Monday in the Zoom with ponytail, but I loved her today. And that hair...that lovely wh*re hair...God bless Jill. If only I got a diva head toss. But I loved her dragging Billy and him throwing one of his tantrums did not sway her at all. GO, JILL!!! And THANK YOU, LILY (and Chance) for getting her caught up on what's been going on. GET BILLY AGAIN, JILL!!! GET HIM FOR ME!!! lol. I just wish she was back in the flesh. Oh, wait...SHE'S...COMING...FOR...THE DEVON/ABBY WEDDING!!!! YES, PLEASE. And her dissing Giggly Heffa was a bonus. 


Outside of that...this week has already gotten off to an uneven start. The good news...it IS looking like it will be a great week. 


Victor is weaving his web and it's going great. He already knew Nikki would crack and tell Lily. And I love he's not mad, but it was part of the plan. And Nikki is not mad at him, either. And now he's slowly manipulating Diane. This is going to be gooooood. 


My God, LB is doing great as Lucy is dealing her grief over Heather's death. I admit the ugly cry got me as she was talking to Faith. The fact...that obsession aside...Faith was able to be there for her was a good moment.


Giggly Heffa pushing the Sharon storyline along was much needed. I was honestly surprised that Chance searching Daniel's place was not the Friday cliffhanger. I was even annoyed at it being stalled. That said...it happening at the end of the episode makes me want to watch it tomorrow. 


I honestly zoned out over all things Adam/Chelesa/Billy/Sally. Though Courtney Hope stays looking fine AF. And I'm gay. Just wow. Bombshell. But that story is just a mess now. 


I enjoyed Nate being there for Audra and trying to cheer her up. 

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