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GH: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Not really sure why all this crap with Heather and Portia even happened if Heather was gonna get written out anyway, but whatevs.

Keep thinning the herd lol

I didn’t expect Cody to be the one to expose Drew but I don’t mind it. Let this be the thing that costs Drew the election… and ultimately leads him to Willow

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And hopefully, this Sidwell stuff will actually lead to something interesting. Maybe he’ll be the one to implement my idea of a sweeps month bombing of PC 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The strange filming schedule strikes again. Where is Lucky during the surgery? Also you can stretch something like this out much better than they are doing right now.

Compare this medical crisis to what happened with Dante when Mulcahey was clearly rewriting scripts. That first week of shows had so much depth and every little beat was being played.

Also- Cody and Sasha are adults that did not grow up together, in a family that has just happened. While the idea of them being first cousins and in love is both disgusting and ridiculous, it wouldn’t be that strange for them to be together under the circumstances. Which again, are ridiculous. Just don’t have kids!

Edited by titan1978
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Well, look at these New/Old Writers setting up Curtis like he's Sean Butler after the Nikolas's payout!!! As the acting head of Aurora, is this going to be how Curtis will be moving forward, money on hand to manipulate people? I guess time will tell. I knew the return was coming so nicely done with Steve out and about. 


Look at my Beast getting Carly to manipulate Jason. I was smh. But darn it if he didn't look good in that suit. Yuuuummm.


And speaking of YUM, heeeeeey Isaiah. And even Lucas was giving good bod. But I rolled my eyes at the towel humor...cuz on brand for the New/Old Writers. 


As the episode went on, it occurred to me...especially in the group 'Good-Bye, Sam' scene...that the Wagger murder story has pretty much up and vanished, hasn't it? lol. Almost makes it pointless...if not pointless period because SONNY. 


I am surprised how much that last scene hit me. Perhaps it is the time of here for me. Also, the forthcoming drama so Sam's scenes with her kids hit harder. And I liked KM's now-revealed improv. 


Lol at Ric with Liz again. Are we sure these New/Old Writers aren't going to detour her into Ric's orbit before she lands back in Lucky's? Because they were giving sitcom vibes which actually did not bother me in this case. And I liked the coda of Liz seeing her brother. 

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Like I knew Sonny wouldn’t pay for Jagger’s murder but holy sh.it. The way it’s just been totally not mentioned now that Alexis is out of prison and Sonny didn’t confess is just wow. And now I’m stuck still watching because I’m enjoying Ric so much, Liz being used allll the time now, curiosity about the Willow/Drew/Nina story the writers don’t care about, and wanting to see how they end a 2 decade plus character in Sam. 

I do love that they keep finding ways for Ric to come to Liz for things and the sitcom nature of it actually does work with them. Give me Ric/Liz/Lucky into Ric/Ava!

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TBF, it did take this long for me to realize how we have gone from propping up hearing about Wagger's death every day to crickets. I guess my concern for Lulu and where things are going with Sam was a great distraction. But I think the moment I realized it was him showing up at the hospital as Sam is about to get carted off...all dimples as if he didn't shoot a FBI agent in cold blood. Or maybe it's just my happiness at Alexis's being free with her degree intact. lol. 


Don't get me started re: Willow/Drew/Nina. Nina reduced to an afterthought. Color me shocked actually after all of that very well-done build-up. 


Same on Ric. I was just as surprised when he went running to Liz behind Heather's back to get her to come and take care of Heather while she's out. Especially after those superb scenes with him and Ava. I wouldn't mind it at all slowly (and hopefully organically which so far it has been) morphs into a Ric/Liz/Lucky story that turns into a Ric/Ava coupling since Liz/Lucky is the endgame.

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I honestly didn’t realize it until I saw a poster mention it. They really Jedi mind tricked me away from thinking about the story that pissed me off. 

All of the Liz/Ric/Lucky stuff like you said thus far has been very organic. If it can spin off to Ava and Ric without anyone feeling like a loser I’d love it.

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And today we get a duality Sonny episode. He gets to do minor criminal stuff with Holly and Jason that’s light hearted and then he’s great supportive father to Dante at the hospital. Hell he even told Jason family is everything while going to check on Jason’s baby mama who didn’t seem to care one bit about Sam now.

You honestly wouldn’t know Jason and Spinelli were ever close with how little they’ve interacted since Jason came back from the dead. I can’t say I’ve actually minded though because Spinelli as a family man has toned him down significantly than when he was in the constant Jason/Carly/Sam/Sonny vortex.

Oh [!@#$%^&*] Cody’s drunk ass blurting out the Drew secret! Now that was unexpected! But damn that story could’ve been so much juicier but the new writers clearly didn’t care about it.

Color me shocked to hear Sam made it through surgery fine.

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Edited by Antoyne
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No US soap would likely go there, but it would be an interesting topic to explore. Instead, I assume there will just be angst until they figure out that they aren't related. 

As it is, the idea of Cody having a big downward spiral after realizing that becoming a "good" person didn't stop him from such turmoil could be interesting - it's the type of soap angst I enjoy - if I thought they could execute any material properly. 

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What the frak did I just watch?


I mean...this episode had several potential story beats and/or ideas. The team-up between Holly and Cody. The friction between Anna and Cyrus with Laura making three. Robert and Sasha getting the results of the DNA test. Diane's feelings over all of this Holly mess AND Heather's release...as if the New/Old Writers REMEMBERED SHE ALMOST DIED!!! Even the Heather/Steve scenes.


All great ideas and beats to explore within the episode. But guess what? There was no time to stay in ANY of the scenes because Frank Valentini someone is not allowing the scenes to breath to take anything in really at all. If this is the case of block filming, Frank Valentini someone needs to ditch that. OR write it much better than it was written here. I mean...in essence this episode only has two/three characters talking to each other scenes and could have come across so much better than they did here. 


Honestly I felt like the only scene that got even a little bit of a chance to breathe was Diane's reaction to Heather's release. And even that was brushed away too quickly. 


And speaking of Heather...if this is the end of the storyline for real...other than the potential of it being Steve taking her away and given the history between Heather and Steven Lars...the whole storyline was lackluster. But I already said what I wished would happen. So a moot point. 


Nice Ms. Wu mention. And another Nina walk-on. smh. 


And because I can't say it enough...HELL NO to Valentin coming back. If Anna wants to go and find him...she can find him OFF SCREEN. Perhaps FH is doing her yearly vaca and she can come back with Charlotte, but NOT HIM. #letitgofrank 


I couldn't care less for Sasha as the Friday cliffhanger. I would say the same about Heather and Laura, but I love Laura so...



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