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DAYS: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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Roman is such a crucial character to me.  He started the Brady's being a thing on Days.  I get that Roman's role is redundant with John, but I will always hope Wayne reappears.  He's too important to be wasted away with whatever Josh Taylor has been doing for decades.  WN's Roman doesn't have to be paired with Marlena.  There are other options currently on canvas for him even outside of Kate.

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In 2022, on "Beyond Salem 2",  Pandrew (Paul Narita and Andrew Donovan) were hunting some clues about Megan Hathaway.
They encountered Chris Kositcheck (played by Josh Taylor !!! ) at a health club he was running. Chris mentioned he was married to Savannah.

I think this could be written in the future:

  • It is revealed that the man currently running Brady Pub is actually ChrisK's twin who thinks he's Roman but isn't.  A third Kositchek brother -- not the original Chris, and not Jake the Strangler. 
    • (or the man currently running the Brady Pub is an unrelated doppelganger of ChrisK who has implanted memories of Roman)
  • We learn that the man running the health club in BeyondSalem2 is the RealChrisK.
  • Wayne returns as RealRoman to expose all this.
  • Drake remains John Black.
  • Edit to clarify: The Brady family agrees
    to allow the ChrisK lookalike (as played by JoshT) 
    to remain in Salem for whatever reason. 
    ... OR ... RealChrisK (as played by JoshT) returns to Salem. 
    (This would be a way to keep Corday happy by keeping JoshT employed.)


Edited by janea4old
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Also Wayne & Lynn have 2 adult sons. One is an actor. He could easily be a "Roman clone". Also Hank Northrup would have the look so many DAYS guy fans would really love. 

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Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Nor do I.  It's just frustrating to see a great character reduced to running the Pub and missing crucial evidence about Gabi's disappearance.  You can also feel Deidre's indifference toward Josh, and while I don't like actors actively working against story, she's Deidre Hall.  At least with Wayne they would be believable exes with chemistry.

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Today's ep 6/10

I appreciate that due to budgetary constraints, they use these time jumps.  Like Connie and Gabi struggling over the knife, and then the cut to Roman finding the room empty.  It is a clever way of avoiding too much blocking, or the need for stunts, and I like that it depends on the audience's imagination.  I don't need to see Connie dragging around Gabi and Melinda in order to get it. 

Also, it makes sense for Roman to investigate, as he was once the police commissioner, than for Paulina to go to Connie's apartment. It doesn't make sense why Gabi can't control her phone, or call someone during an emergency, but I'm willing to suspend disbelief for an episode.  Similar to how Connie wouldn't know the blueprints of the mansion, because the sooner this over, the better.

BTW, I was also thankful that Connie confessed why she stabbed Rafe, because I had completely forgotten the whole deal with Everett to off Rafe, so Jada would be single.  That was a plot that went nowhere fast.

Edited by j swift
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It's not like Josh Taylor looks young and spry lol.  I get your point though.  I think Wayne looked quite a bit older than Drake for a long time, but now, not so much.  I think Roman is supposed to be older than Marlena.  I believe Marlena is closer to Kim's age.  Younger than Roman, but older than Kayla/Bo.

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