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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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Early on they leaned hard into Dillon and Georgie as their hot young couple when they realized what they had. I think it was Michael Conforti who was credited for doing a lot of their early stuff. But Lindze was always an afterthought for that regime - they fell in love with SC and started pairing Dillon up with Luke, then trying him with every young girl under the sun. Then Kirsten and Julie came in. They never committed to LL the way they should've.

I'd bring Georgie back (along with Emily) if I could even just for a day, to say Felicia's daughter is alive. I don't care if Lindze is retired lol. She still looks good and always does well whenever they have her pop up for special occasions as a ghost. She comes in, does a few days, goes off to a happy life! You can recast someday.

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-- That courtroom scene when Kristina wailed as Alexis was sent to Pentonville without bail....

Why didn't she cry out when the judge first said it? Why wait until the 3rd time?

And why do soaps always have the judge say "Please get your daughter under control"? I mean, Kristina isn't 10 years old. She's an adult, and the damn judge should tell her to get her ass under control.

-- Natalia continues to ignore the eff outta me. I despise that character.


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LMAO! But not wrong.

Though perhaps RPW's time away might have given him layers?




I always loved Georgie and felt she was the heir apparent to Robin if that makes sense. Or the Robin of that generation of teens. I was sad she was killed off because she was plain, but relatable in every way. 


Because I have been known to look, I do believe Duhon had a few things post-GH, but has moved completely beyond acting if I'm not mistaken. Still FOINE AF. 


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I guess all that time in New York has made Martin lose that absurd accent.

I guess all of this stuff with Kristina getting help for her grief is supposed to make me feel bad for her, but I feel zero sympathy. She still calls it her baby and she had no intentions of actually giving her sister the child she promised. So no, I still don’t feel bad for Kristina.

Sonny is sitting around drinking having a great time with Natalia while Alexis is going to prison for his crime. This show is so backwards.

LH also has chemistry with DZ. Again why not just do a permanent recast

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Absolutely loving how much time Ric and Liz are having together. The chemistry is still absolutely there.

Edited by Antoyne
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