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ALL: Soap Characters with a Well-Defined Romantic “Type”

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Lucinda Walsh (ATWT) seemed to be attracted to smarmy schemers and corporate climbers who could match wits with her (Craig, John, Kirk, Scott, even James). Bo Brady (DAYS) had a thing for stunningly beautiful, headstrong, slightly tomboyish brunettes (Hope, Carly, Billie). For Reva Shayne, the last name “Lewis” was an aphrodisiac.

Certainly soaps often attempt to catch lighting in a bottle twice (or more), replacing a popular love interest with lesser photocopies (Sonny and his string of dark-haired, vaguely “exotic” Brendabots on GH: Hannah, Angel, Sam, Reese, et al). Obviously, actor chemistry plays a role here as well. And there can be exceptions (just because you have a type doesn’t mean it’s the only kind of person you’re attracted to).

What other characters have a very well-defined type of romantic interest in terms of personality/profession/looks (other than gorgeous and with the right “equipment”)?

Edited by Faulkner
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Erica Kane summed up her type quite well in the early episodes of AMC: "When I'm set on a man, he's going to have success written all over him before our marriage even starts. And when he makes it, I'm going to be just what he bargained for." Her guy is the dashing romantic, somewhat cosmopolitan, often fiery and fed up with her sht but ready to dance that dance. She thought she wanted Jeff, Phil, and Tom, but she was always drawn to the Jason Maxwells, Nick Davises, Brandon Kingsleys, etc. Once the 80s hit and she met Adam and Mike, it was game over for the simple PV guys. And we all know this is a reflection of her daddy issues.

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Y&R: Victor Newman had a thing for damsel in distress soft women that he could be the classic dominant somewhat paternalistic husband to. Nikki, Ashley, Hope (who turned out to be very strong), Diane at first, Julia, Cassandra etc.

I don't recall ever seeing Victor with a strong independent woman like Lauren.Thr closest he probably came was his flirtation with Cricket in the mid 90s.

Carly GH: Carly clearly has a thing for bad boys Sonny, Jason, Alcazar, Johnny, Franco, Drew, Todd, her friendship with Xander. Maybe you can lump AJ in there. The acception the the rule is Jax but he breaks corporate rules. 

Off topic, there are the people with no clear romantic type: Brad from Y&R will plow any woman that walks as long as she looks good

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I was thinking about her flirtation with the seemingly blue-collar Chris Stamp, but even he was revealed to be an attorney and spy. And you make a good point about her “daddy issues”—this was a character who had been thoroughly thought through. It’s a reason why she was so iconic. Also why people were so put off with her dalliance with the likes of Ryan Lavery. It struck a dissonant chord. (I didn’t mind her taking advantage of a little younger totty as long as it wasn’t sold as some great love affair.)


There’s a reason why I only enjoyed him with Hope. She appeared vulnerable but had a ramrod composure of steel. I’m becoming more and more appreciative of what Signy Coleman achieved in that role, and it’s sad that they undermined her legacy with all of the Adam bullsh!t.


Lady loved to sh!t where she eats. Correct me if I’m wrong, as I didn’t watch GH in the ‘80s except via YouTube, but it’s funny that Alan didn’t appear to rack up such a body count (although the affairs he did have were major and consequential—like Susan Moore and Lucy).

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To me, the big mistake in putting her with Ryan is that Erica wasn't interested in no damn Pine Valley men anymore lol When was the last time Erica was truly with a man who'd already been on the canvas for an extended period of time? She was not there for picking up anyone else's leftovers - much less her damn daughter's - she was the one who dropped her scraps under the table for the other girls to eat. There was no mystery with Ryan. She knew him, and he knew her. If he was ever going to be attracted to her, it would have happened ten years earlier than it did.

This is also why I think people tired of her with Jack. In the early days, yes, but after a while, what was it about him that kept her going back? I do think that he worked for her as the "Okay, I've had enough, it's time to settle down" option, but it's been well-discussed here over the years that Erica truly settling down wouldn't include a man.

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Brooke - son in law, brother in law, father in law, daughter's boyfriend, sister's husband and etc. If you are not married, you don't have a chance for her to even notice you.   

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I never understood the popularity of Erica/Jack. Erica was never going to be satisfied, that’s the nature of her character.

Alan was much more the marrying type. He did have another affair and some flirtations, just not as major as the ones you listed. A nurse maybe after Susan Moore? And he liked them from the wrong side of the tracks- Lucy, Rhonda, even Susan to some extent.

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AMC: I guess because Jack was her "main piece" and all the others were sides with Dimitri being her favorite side.

Kind of like Nikki is Victor's main chick, Ashley is the alternate and the rest are "sides" so to speak. 

GH: IDK who was worse with cheating Alan or Monica lol. I started watching GH in the mid 2000s so I had no idea Monica was like that back in the day. The both of them weren't your typical soap hunk/babe, they were average mature looking people so their history surprised me. 

Yes. Always crying in scenes, insecure Nikki (one of my favorite characters) came off very catty and pathetic in her behavior to Hope. I remember her telling Hope something like: "you don't get any sympathy points from me for being blind". 

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I would have to disagree. Nikki said herself she's tired of waiting on Victor to come through home and fulfill her everyday. Her entire life revolved around being victor's wife and being a mother to his children. It wasn't until Nikki invested in Jabot and especially until the MAB era that we got some independence out of the character. 

Ashley under Brenda Epperson was a lot more independent and well put together. Under Eileen Davidson Ashley did all sorts of desperate acts like sperm gate to hold onto Victor. 


Edited by Planet Soap
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