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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I didn't watch yet, but my friend who is the insider said the intent of the scene was to show that luke really did sign it and she saw it and realized it and realized the true depth of their love for each other etc and threw it in the fire as he ultimate symbol of trust--for what it is worth that is what she told me

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GRRR… finally saw it and WTF were the mobbies doing taking over LuNacy's day. I'm SOOOOOO glad both Lulu and Tracy said how rude that was, because it was. Luke's reaction was funny - and gives a little insight into some of his other so-called non-chalant reactions to Sonny's stupidity. Perhaps Luke isn't as amused as he appears.

Also nice touch between Brook and Luke. I've been wanting a scene forever where Brook calls Luke her grandfather, and it's almost exactly like I envisioned it would be, lol.

As for the pre-nup, Luke TOTALLY signed it. He might have undersigned it Coyote, but there is no way Tracy would have reacted like that to a false name. In the end she knew he gave her everything she asked for, and she gave him what he wanted. It was a beautiful scene of love, honesty, and commitment. And tell me - when was the last time we had a scene with absolutely no dialogue what-so-ever? That was perfect.

The music thing - that's a reason to call TPTB and complain. The wedding was beautiful, the reception was mostly wonderful, but LuNacy theme song is for them alone - not Dante and Brenda.

Edited by remos
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^^ no, montages don't count, not like this. This was a full scene, two people only with a full chunk of the story being told. Montages are usually snippets of the story or moments of follow-up, but they don't tell any story in and of themselves.

I'm serious, I can't remember any soap doing what they allowed JE and TG to do today. That is huge trust in the actor's abilities that they left the entire scene without dialogue. Perhaps my Liturgist background is influencing me here, but it's noted that Westerners have a really hard time with silence. Easterners seem to be comfortable in it, but Westerners tend to get really antsy if there isn't something being said. So to allow an entire scene without any intervention is an amazing compliment. Can you imagine Brenda being give that? Or Carly? Or bless her heart, Lulu?

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Ok, so after watching the last 2 minutes of todays episode like 20 times, there isn't a doubt in my mind that Luke signed his real name. I know when Alexis called him Wiley E. Coyote that I thought that was the name he signed, but after seeing Tracys reaction to seeing the pre-nup he did sign his real name. And I agree with remos and funny, the silence between them in that scene was priceless. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED IT!!! :wub::wub::wub:

Edited by nex4evr
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Incredible :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

I have no words! Haha. It was such an amazing scene. I remember asking for a love scene for this wedding, and I got pretty darn close. It was beautiful. I loved how passionate they were. Hearing her sob as she is kissing him, and then he puts his hands on her waist. I was almost gone. I was thinking, ok, let's steer them toward the bedroom now. I was beginning to think they might do it on the floor. Then, the camera cut away to Dante. That angered me. I am thrilled that Tracy finally recognizes that Luke truly loves her. Yeah, he loves money, but he loves her most of all. Oh, how breathtaking. Thank you, GH.

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okay. I've now rewatched multiple times, too.

it makes more sense now if you assume he signed his real name. Her emotion at the end is even more poignant... but.. but....

it's not clear. It should be clearer. If you assume Luke signed his "real name," then she should have reacted slightly differently when she read the document... a gasp...something.


Edited by LaineyBev714
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