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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That was a great look. Almost as good as Skye realizing she'd already lost him.

Groan... and here I thought I was the only one who watched the opening credits just to glimpse her that day. Not good... not good at all.

And so you were asking, what did Luke and Tracy do today. Well, here was how they spent the afternoon...

The Annals

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Lisa, here are those scenes. :D Credit goes to Geena.

halee, I just got done watching the 4 parts to Luke, Skye, Tracy, Jax, and the Dead Guy on YouTube. Thanks for posting them! I haven't seen much of that since it first aired, and it was fun to watch LuNacy interact pre-marriage. And there was Trucky that I had totally forgotten about! :o You know, while Tracy pining over Jax wasn't one of her shining moments (not that I'm anti-Trax; I would just rather see mutual attraction), that story with Detective Duncan was a good one. And Tracy got to be so deliciously evil, which is always a treat!

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I got your text and I'm so proud of you! Congrats, Mama! That's great news! What's next? :D

Mr. BSG and I are up in Maine and savoring the Labor Day weekend. Off to the beach tomorrow!

YES! The I'd love you if you didn't have a dime was definitely a defining moment. I also loved the stuff at the B&W ball. And when he said that he for the first time he had something to come home to. Sigh. :)

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Welcome, Eraser.

Lots of people have answered this.. and mine will be similar... but I absolutely LOVE :wub: this question, so here goes my take on it:

  • Nov. 7, 2006 -- It's the day he told her he'd marry her if she didn't have a dime. She inhaled a giant bucket of realization and said, 'I'd be thrilled if you didn't just tell me you were going to marry Laura.' She had tears in her eyes when he told her 'I come home to you, Tracy. I come home to you.' Also amazing that day was Luke asking her 'could you tell her? Could you??' And she answered, with enormous emotion, 'if it meant keeping my husband. yes' AWESOME. LIFE CHANGING DAY.
  • A week later he told her he loved her... and TG actually forced that 'I love you, Tracy' into a script. I don't think JE was aware he was going to say it, and there was a glass clink.. something happened to indicate her surprise.. and she closed her eyes. It was great (except the cameras weren't set right for a true reaction shot.. and I don't believe JE was prepared to play it out).
  • When he came back in Feb 2007 and told her she pushes him to the 'edge of' his 'experience' and that they would remain married until she decided otherwise. Her look and her reaction -- one of realization and complete surprise, mixed in with a bit of bliss and restraint -- was priceless. It was the next episode where she told her father gleefully "I'm a Spencer," and at that point.. I believe she was. She had accepted it, and was thrilled about it. To me.. that day -- before the hostage stupidity -- sealed the events of November and February. They had survived the remarriage and Luke's departure and were back together -- TRUELY together for the first time.

  • Everything after that is the wonderful push and pull of LuNacy!! (Including the 'I love you, Luke!' in April of 07. We should have had our sex scene on April 20, 2007. We were denied!!)

Hmmmmmm.. very tasty!

Boycott over. I'm back.

Now, much like Oliver Twist: "May I have some more please, sir?" ;):P;):P;):P

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Oh, I forgot completely about that one - good call, Laine

I love ya, but you are incorrigible. (no kissy smilies here)

And for those following the poll: Laura 131, Tracy 129.

Off for a nap. Tracy doesn't go after Luke again, eh... have to think about this one...

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