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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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funny, nex, and remos, thanks for the comments! I really had fun writing it, though it took me longer than I wanted it to.

So, Wubs has some stuff up about Tracy being concerned and thinking Lulu needs a "vacation." I'm not spoiler-tagging it just 'cause Wubs to me isn't that accurate unless she gets it from someone else first (i.e. magazine, cable guide)... Anyway, if it's true, it almost sounds like Tracy sends her away to the loony bin, LOL.

I was thinking the other day that I miss Manipulative!Tracy. She really hasn't done anything illegal in like a year! (and that's if you count aiding and abetting Luke in Laura's kidnapping). If you don't count that... Well, I guess there's the will thing... I need her back up to her old tricks.

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Hi guys, not tracy comments today other than to say she is LONG LONG LOOOOONG overdue and sorely missed, but I had a question for you all. Does anyone know and can tell me how to set up a website? I tried on freeservers.com or .net or something. It works, it is just a pain in the ass and it very limiting in how I can set it up if I don't pay for an upgrade and the problem with that, as you all well know, is... no money!! that's the point of the site anyway. I'm trying to set something up so I can get some portrait work so I was putting my portfolio up and it will only set it up as an album. I can't get anything else on, I can't put any directly on the site if I want to... maybe I can but I can't figure it out. If anyone can help me out it's HUGELY appreciated!

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knh, Nancy knows a lot about creating websites. She's been busy with real life lately, but I think she's the best one to go to. MinervaFan might know some stuff too...

Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Ooh, I see TL just posted the link!

EDIT: tnl, are you gonna post the you know what? :P

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hi everyone! Hooked! I'm around, kind of... I find myself so busy all the time. I really need to stop in more.

Ms. Q I like your avatar... where the hell is Tracy?!

I have totally stopped watching the show, without even realizing it. I got so sick of the mob stuff and all the terror... I just haven't been making time for it anymore. And Logan! They twisted the character and killed him off?!??! Say whaaaaat?! JD was such an awesome actor. What a WASTE of talent. My mom was telling me how she has been watching AMC now. And she used to be a huge GH fan. She said that she likes the romance and relationships on AMC since GH is seriously lacking in that area. I guess it has a much more positive, up-lifting theme. GH makes me so depressed after watching it. Except of course Tracy is on... but of course she never is. I've been resorting to clips.

Knh, I read your rant and I think I am a little late, but I hope you are feeling much much better. I had a friend in high school who was so frusterated with her mother that she did that to herself, too. It was only once, because like you it was just out of anger at the moment and she didn't really want to hurt herself, but it showed that something really had to change. I think you should definately get out of there. And about your sister, that is uncalled for. Mine had a 'tude at that age and it was really annoying, but I knew that deep down somewhere she loved me. I don't know if you are seeing that with her. I also hated how my mom always sided with and protected her just because she was younger. Ugh that still burns me up. Anyway, as I said, I hope things are working out better now.

Edited by missjane
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Haven't done one of these in awhile...

Want to know what was happening in Tracy's world ONE YEAR AGO today?

Tracy pleaded with Dillon to stay in Port Charles.

He left to do his directing gig, anyway.

JE and SC were SO good!!!

Want to know what we were doing ONE YEAR AGO today?

We were all posting machines.

To quote hooked, it was a "banner day."

Total posts: 30

Total members posting: 10

bsg was the first post of the day.

hooked was the last.

bsg: 3

TL: 8

MagicHappens: 1

MinervaFan: 6

hooked: 4

remos: 3

knh: 1

MsQ: 1

Lainey: 2

Colette: 1

Topics of discussion included HellaGood's Character Game, welcoming remos to the thread, POSITIVITY (MinervaFan's idea), and our girl's fabulous scenes. :D

Special Note: The breakroom link was posted 3 times in a 24 hour period.

EDITED to condense post and to wave to funny. HI!!!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Morning everyone! I am home sweet home and on my own computer again! Yay!

My husband messed wth me screen though so everything is small...ugghhh..but he did fix my printer, so I will forgive him. Found out that since I was gone, his best friend we stayed with in chicago a few weeks ago is getting divorced, and my friend here who always professes to have this perfect marriage is about to have it all come crashing down on her because her husband left her a letter saying if she didn't find a way to pay off her bills in the next two months he was leaving her. Nice!!

I see this from SD..

Tracy is concerned about lulu and thinks she needs a vacation

Which may be from wubs...or may be from SD that wubs took I dont' know.

I can't wait to catch up on everyone's fics/blog, etc.

I just picked up my dog from the boarding place and now have to run out to get my stitches out (from my gum surgery).

I will check back this afternoon.

Hope to chat later!

Missed you guys.

Anyone seen or heard from ladyA?

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Welcome home (again :P), hooked.

No to Lady Ashton. :( I haven't tried emailing her yet though...

EDIT: I also want to say HI to missjane! We've missed you around here. And Tracy is in Europe. :P (funny, I am still going to write to SOD if we find out she's been there AGAIN... hahaha).


Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cflBFt-v0Yc

Note: Most of us are familiar with the second part of this (Tracy introduces Dillon to his family), but the first part shows a woman's legs while she gets in a limo - if it weren't for the "TRACY QUARTERMAINE RETURNS THIS WEEK" flashing on the screen in the days prior, I would have actually been wondering who that was since I wasn't involved in the TQ online world yet. I remember asking my mom, "Who's Tracy Quartermaine on GH?" She said something like, "A real bitch." And I said, "Oh, well, she's returning." :lol:

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdvwRikTdM4

Note: The Q's, sans Lila, are very hurtful here, especially Ned - since we expect such behavior from Edward.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Where the heck is everyone today??? So your spoiler ho is back doing her duty....

So I just an answer from an anon on SD

If there is any lurking insider...can anyone tell me if Tracy is on this week at all or next week?

Next week. She's funny and helpful.

Hope that is true...no doubt about Lulu...trying to find out what day...

Gotta catch up on the blog, fics and the like...

I will give the blog some action in a bit...

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