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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That is so cute! Very cool. How did you find that on soapdish? I must have missed it! :)

Oh no..it is the hoodie jacket pic again--ha ha!

How's the hair Stace? Kind of long and not so oomphy but not bad either--ha ha. How did the obeservation go today?

My parents are here now. Don't know if I will be on to chat later...no new spoilers to speak of anywhere...guess it is the end of the year blues!

No new TV shows to watch at night or Tivo either!


JE looks so short doesn't she in that picture without her tracy heels on!

Edit again...

nyone got a minute to chat? I can't stay long (8:40 central time)

Edited by hookedongh
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So cute! JE looks great. TG looks like he has a sunburn or something.

Thankfully my week of holiday parties is winding down. And I'm downloading the H-E-double hockey stick clips now. ;) Thanks for posting them nex!

I've gotta get to bed b/c I'm exhausted and feeling a little under the weather. Hope to catch up with you guys this weekend.

Are you done with all your stuff for the semester, TL?

*waves at IluvAandM*

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I've seen the new GH 411 for Dec. 24 recap/25 preview.



Also, I think it's the Cdn. TV Guide (not positive, though) that says Luke's surgery is finished on the 26th, so that's twice Xmas week.

OT: Would you believe it's snowing again! This is so strange. TO has had green Christmases 10 of the 11 years I've been here. Harness up the sled, we might need it to get through these mounds of white.

Edited by remos
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Hey Remos, I just read your latest story on the TQ livejournal. the last moments before Luke's surgery. I love it. LOVE IT. No joke, it's fantastic. Such a short moment and they are still so sweet and SO adorable.

On the clip: I love that Dillon is there. It's about time someone is trying to comfort his wife. Lucky has been trying a little but it's not enough so I'm glad her son is there cuz she looks so worried

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Tracy and Dillon---awww...guess this is xmas eve and his surgery is on xmas day. I will be in Mexico but someone better email me recaps! Ms. Q, Remos, TL someone!!!

Oh sorry, just noticed that Remos beat me to posting this. I have been out all day with my parents. Just got home and gotta run again to pick up the kids. Guess they were not on today as we figured. At least we get them twice next week and twice xmas week (assuming Monday and Wed that week) and then NYE. Maybe one other day if we are lucky...

She looks really worried in that clip. So glad that Dillon is with her at least...which means he is on for more than just next TH and Friday. NIce that someone is there to comfort TQ!!! Instead of the horrid spencer clan being mean to her!

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Okay, guys, I'm really feeling this LuNacy drought.

Any vids on the way?

Anyone writing besides me?

It's only Friday, we've got until Wednesday.

Oh, saw this on Cafepress.com: A t-shirt that says "Hello my name is Mrs. Spanky Buns"


They've also got the "I Speak Spinelli" t-shirt

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Colette- you have a PM... Hooked, sonce you're on, you have mail coming right now!! so do you ILTQ ( think that's who was helping me. I don't remember who the email went with... sorry)

*waves to Hooked*

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This was on soapdish tonight in the Insider's lounge for 2008 previews


luke cant change

tracy gets frustrated

tracy threatens to divorce luke if he doesnt change his lifestyle

rocky marriage


Well we knew they couldn't be totally happy, lovey dovey forever in the soapworld...at least they will have some stuff coming up...maybe fighting and making up? Maybe some conflict will be good for them for a bit....probably the segway for Luke to take off the next time. Hopefully he will come back and come to his senses...the only other good thing I see in this is that no couple of any worth on a soap is ever happy for too long--this means Lunacy is one of their viable couples right??? The othe good thing is the were listed among Sonny/Kate, Carly/Jax, Lulu/Lognan/Jonny, Maxi/coop, LuckySam, Liz/Jason.

Maybe we all need to call/write and beg for them to keep them together

Breakroom anyone for a few minutes ? 10:25 central

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That is exactly what makes me happiest about that spoiler!!!! The second a couple is taken seriously and is not just meantas a scene filling SL they are torn apart. It is no longer a joke marriage therefore joke divorce, so if they are threatening a divorce at all it means they are a serious story and they writers are thinking of them as a very important part of the show!!! all I think of right now (lame as it is) is Ren and Stimpy jumping around singing happy happy joy joy (I know, stupid, but I was little, it stuck with me)

Plus, maybe this will be the story that TG really likes, maybe it'll sort of be a challenge again, since he's not just laying around being a shlub and wining about living HIS way... memo to Luke... the Sinatra thing only worked for... well... Sinatra and ol' Blue eyes is gone, so sorry Lukey. He'll be doing a real story again, so I hope it's good.

Oh yeah, and the writers saying they were all having SOOO much fun with the hell story thing... really? they had that much fun wih it and it didn't even last more in that episode. I know that heaven is still to come, but they made it seem like a longer thing. As much as everyone disliked it... I kinda liked it. I know it was over the top and cheezy, but as much as I agree with that, I still thoguht it was kinda fun. Maybe I just thought it would be kinda fun to do it. To be that over the top and rediculous and not have to worry about it. It just looked like a blast to make b/c they knew they all looked foolish.. and were supposed to

Ok, off to watch classic TRacy and get my fix

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