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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Don't sweat it!!! I promiced I'll email the updated one to you though, it's looking like that can be this weekend. I just need to type the last wo or three in there and i'm good to go!!

Looks like a good show today!!!!! Have to watch later, but oh well.

Happy birthday to Kieth!! Hope you had a great day... even if you didn't come in and check the thread out today

Snow today, Snow today!!! Totally in the middle of a wannabe... could-be blizzard! So psyched about that. I love the snow!!!!!

Mrs Q. can you do me a favor if you have it? Do you have the banner you made for my b-day? If not, not a big deal, I can go back a bit and find it, it's just a lot of pages to go through and I didn't find it yet. I'll look if you don't though. Thanks to much

Definately making a snowman with my friend's son tomorrow. One of the girls from work ha the cutest little boy, excluding my cousins, that I've ever met. He's adorable. 1 1/2 years old and I'm draggin' him out to make a snowman tomorrow. I',m really going over to tape his room b/c his mom asked em to paint it for him, but who are we kidding, it's the first good snow of the season. I'm measuring the wall to figure out how I have to divide it up and i'm out the door making snowmen and snow angels with my rent-a-brother. That's what I decided he is. I was over her house for a dem and I was just gonna take him for the weekend end. She's hysterical about it though, she's like "as long as you don't forget his blanket!"

Can't wait!!!!! I'm such a five year old.... Oh hold the phone!! cousins are coming in in 1 1/2 week! They can't wait for the snow, they are going to be so fun at Christmas!

I know most of thay had nothing to do with the show, but I never get to watch anymore until 10, so I don't have much else to say

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Greatest invention of the decade....Spanx! That is my tip of the day today! :) Hope you guys have a good night! I will try to pop in later when I get home.

Still didn't get to watch today's episode...guess I will have to do that tomorrow.

OMG...EDIT....I am going to be so late for our dinner, but I just watched your video Ms. Q---You TOTALLY outdid yourself this time. Lainey...perfect song...Staci...you are amazing. That was your best video yet! And dont' think I didn't notice how great you coordinated the lyrics with certain parts like the "tied up" one, etc. INcredible!!! Love all the voices in the beginning and the end...they really are HOT HOT HOT!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Those were the ones I was missing. Lulu's birthday party was such a wasted opportunity. Bobbie and Tracy were both wallpaper. :angry:

MagicHappens, I'm so sorry to hear that. Will be thinking of you.

Thanks everyone for video feedback! Lainey, glad I didn't let you down; I know you've been wanting that video for awhile. And hooked, yes, I do try to match clip to lyric when possible...

knh, have fun in the snow!

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How much do you guys love me!!! I'm just kidding, but I will say that I literally did nothing after my meeting today except download and edit yesterdays and todays clips, so you all better enjoy them! hehe

Yesterday's clips 12-6-07


Clips provided by Izzy, edited by me

Today's clips 12-7-07


Clips provided by Izzy, edited by me

Have a great weekend!!!!

ETA: Page 500, do I get anything for that!!!!!! hahahaha

Edited by nex4evr
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Magic, so sorry to hear about all that. I hope it all works out for you!

Nex, thanks for the clips!

So, my favorite moment in todays show (aside from... ya know... the whole thing and all of JE laughing) was the look after Tracy told Bobbie that Monica exaggerates. She turned around and raised the eyebrow like she was speaking total bullsh-t. It was fantastic, go back and watch. I know there was so much else that could have been a fave, but that was it for me. Small but very nice!!

So we definately didn't go to the tree lighting for cancer at the hospitl today with all the snow. No one wanted the 20 minute drive in he blizzard, but oh well. My grandma told us to stay home, no one else from the fam went and they all live closer than us, so I don't feel as bad about it. And now I have to present the gift with my mother at the funeral instead of my cousin b/c he didn't want to do it, but I'm still in. Sooo not looking forward to that Monday.

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For anyone who knew my email, it is totally spammed up so I had to disable it. ugh. knh, I am afraid we will have to communicate through here for now because I am email-less. Now all my pics are gone because I gotta make a new photobucket account.... this is irritating.

Also, traumatizing yet unrelated, I will not be able to be around during afternoons now. No recapping. SHOOT ME. That means much less time on the boards, which just might kill me. With such a packed schedule, it is going to be hard to be on. I apologize in advance because I know a lot of you counted on the recaps.

Edited by Colette
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500 pages? Geez.. we are a bunch of LUNAtics, aren't we?

Best part of today's show, imho: Monica's reaction when Tracy told her not to scrub in. Very good facial expression. I thought, 'wow.. they finally have been giving LC a chance to stretch her acting muscle... maybe it's getting back into shape!' Ha! Mean! Mean, but true.

Um... I FLOVED that Tracy was on 7 times, but I wasn't loving her today. She was too much of the manipulative shrew. I thought we had gotten past that stage of Tracy (And don't get me started on the Bobbie/Tracy interaction. It seemed totally inappropriate. They're on the same side this time!!!) I guess we're supposed to think that Tracy is unravelling with the stress of it all. JE certainly looked rattled today (I kept thinking, 'she doesn't look good. she doesn't look good.' then it dawned on me -- 'oh she's playing the stressed to the max, freaked out wife. I wouldn't look good either under those circumstances.')

ta ta


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Thanks for the good wishes and postive energy, everyone.

After 8 1/2 years of going to the same place and seeing the same friends every day, being home on Monday is gonna take a lot of getting used to.

Going to lay low thru the holidays and live off my severance package & unemployment.

Then I'll try to figure out what's next in 2008.

On the plus side, I'll have more time to watch the show and come here to discuss it. Maybe I'll follow Ms Q's lead and try to watch an entire show when Tracy or Scott are on. I liked the Thanksgiving show - but then again, I just remembered that I cheated and FF-ed Carly.

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Grrrr...My dad just came into the room, and I had to quickly close the screen, and I lost my post!!! That's it...One more year, and I am moving out!!!

It can be a difficult task, MagicHappens. Thanksgiving was the last time I did that. :lol: I, myself, actually have the option of watching the show in its entirety now that I wrapped up student teaching, but other than Friday, I've chosen not to do so. And by no means am I comparing 11 weeks of student teaching without pay to the almost 9 years of what you had...I truly hope everything works out.

Colette, that second part of your post scares me. I hope you're all right.

nex, you are FABULOSA for the clips! Thanks! I am realizing now that I don't have a lot of space left of my hard drive (not your fault). Just when I edited the clips, it told me how many GB's I had, and now, I don't find out until I save a video as a movie file. It seemed to go down by 15 GB's all of a sudden! I was like, "Wow. That's can't be good." :lol:

Some spoilers (a couple NEW ones):


From Canadian TV Guide:




remos, was it you who mentioned that people better not say that TG was phoning it in yesterday? 'Cause people are complaining... ;)

EDIT #2:

From Tristan Rogers blog:

There's a rumour making the rounds about TG retiring. He mentioned this to me in 06'. Said, "he could do it". If he has asked for more time off it's largely because he doesn't feel challenged by what they are giving him, whether that will lead him to retire I doubt. GH may not feel that it's history plays a part in it's future but Tony's presence means alot to many people. I doubt they want to tempt fate. Especially right now.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Wow I missed a lot since yesterday.

Anyone around for a chat? It is 1pm central time now. I am doing some stuff on the computer so I will open the breakroom while I am "computing".

Comments on yesterday's show: I thought Tracy looked beautiful. I like her with less makeup on. The bottom of her shoes were sort of scuffed up when she was sitting in that chair. Ha ha. Hair looked great. I think they are trying to get away from deep emotion to interjecting humor with Luke's "zen" talk and the other women.

I know it is not a popular opinion, but I think Tracy acting jealous towards Skye is cute. I wanted to slap bobbie though---could she at least be a tiny bit nice to Tracy? It also was sort of annoying that Alan only picked out the one tiny thing Tracy has been selfish about (not wanting Skye to visit Luke) instead of all the "good things" she has done over the past month or so and how nice she was to Monica. I did love the scene with her and Monica at the end, and Lainey, you are right, LC and JE rocked that one.

They did go to great lengths to distinguish that alan is not a ghost. Between luke's comment yesterday on him being her anti-conscience on one shoulder, and then Alan today saying "I am not a ghost."

Also, Stuart Damon is probably like WTF???? Four lines? I get four lines???? It was good to see him though.

I like what Tristan said in his blog...I think with all the turmoil at GH, they will do whatever it takes to keep TG on board. The last thing they need is another huge blow with the shakey ratings, etc.

Finally...Thanks NEX for the clips. You are awesome! We love ya, you clipping queen and you win the page 500 prize....It is a backstage tour of the GH set given by Jane and Wally! They will be contacting you soon to make arrangements. :):)

Wow..seems like I just won the prize for page 400!!!

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