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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow, wow, wow..... Thanks Nex. I read her first article and knew she was going to talk about LuNacy, but couldn't find her second one. Thank you so much.

Wow... am I repeating myself? I really hope TPTB read this article and meditate upon it.

Edited by remos
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Did you guys know that there is a two-page article on Lunacy in SID? Unfortunately my scanner is broken, but I took pics of it with my digital camera. (lol) So I will post those in a minute for anyone who can't wait for whoever scans them. :D I will type the article later on tonight...

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Digital camera pics of shiny magazinezs don't turn out too good....

The Dec 4, 07 SID article

When they hooked up: To lure evil Helena out of hiding. Luke embezzled $15 million form her and stashed it in Tracy's bank account. Wanting to keep the cash for himself, Luke tricked Tracy into heading to Las Vegas where she woke up from a bender with a ring on her finger! Luke agreed to a divorce but only if she gave him the money in the settlement. Stubborn Tracy refused, and the newlyweds remained hitched in a standoff!

Why we were surprised: Tracy had never fallen for a ruffian like Luke, so she was stunned to discover that the eternal bad boy was not only a serious turn-on but a challenging sparring partner to boot! In turn, Luke enjoyed his wealthy wife's decadent lifestyle and promised his Spankybuns that what he felt for her was just as real- although different- from what he'd felt for first wife, Laura. (Take that, Lunacy bashers!)

Will they make it?: Tracy gives Luke the one thing that Laura never could: space! A truly independent woman, she puts up with his wanderlust and even looks out for his teenage daughter in his absence. But if Luke doesn't start logging more tim in their bed, even Tracy's likely to get bored.

Vegas Wedding (full page shot) caption: "The 'happy' couple's outfits clashed almost as much as they themselves did."

Luke with Tracy, holding a 20 dollar bill: "'This'll make a nice down payment,' Luke chuckled, 'on dinner."

Luke kissing Laura: "Biting was less acute an issue for Luke when he was with Laura."

It also showed a full page shot of that pic where Tracy is in the shiny blue blouse...

Edited by Colette
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I'll have to go back and check but I think that that was either the last mag or it was from SOD not SID. I have the new one tat someone was asking about with the picket line pic. She's looking adorable, by the way!! I'll scan that and the other article tomorrow. Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen... there are two articles. The picket line one doesn't actually mention her but she does look the best in the picture. The other one is that standout scene section of it. They are the first scene listed and it is the one before his first heart attack and after she falls down the stairs, when h brought her to the bed and and is telling her how much he loves her. I'd love to type it all in for you but I odn't have time right now, plus i'll scan it in the morning!! So good though

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Wow!! All these goodies.... fics, articles, promo links. What? Did y'all hear me crying in pain for a fix in the BR last nite? These goodie may help tie me over 'til my next LuNacy fix. :)

Deb, LOVED your little fic. Cute AND sexy "you taste good" ;)

Remos, LOVED your story too :) and thanks for posting the youtube promo link! : :D

Nex, thanks so much for posting the blog! I'll tell ya the LuNacy love is spreading. And it's great to see. B)

Colette, thanks for posting the SID article. What is this... "If Luke doens't start logging more time in their bed, even tracy's likely to get bored"? In my mind they've been doing it like bunnies since he's been back. Though his recent heart condition is certainly going to put a crimp in that. :o

Stace, feel better girly-girl. I guess that means a vid is out of the question? LOL teasing. :P

Inyron, it was good to chat with you in the BR last nite. Stop by more often. Oh and um... your fic? When's it comin'? you got the prompt and we all liked it so....

IluvA&M, have a good trip :)

EDIT: Page 491!

Edited by TracyLuv
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*rattles head*

*clears throat*


Are they talking about the LAME-O ILY before the Nov. 2006 Wedding Fiasco?

I mean, I believe he feels it, I just don't remember him saying it THAT way. And, believe you me, THAT is something I would remember!!

Hey KNH thanks in advance. I am dying to see both those articles.

Deb, love the foodie fiction. yummy yummy

Remos, so glad you joined the ranks. Welcome!

Feel better, Staci!

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Here is some non-tracy related scoop...Sarah Brown (the original carly) is coming back to GH in another role that is not a brazen, in your face type person like Carly at all....no word on who or what...but I sure hope it is a long lost Q!!! Or it would be nice if she was Brooklyn but that is sort of an in your face character...

Sorry I didn't come back last night TL...I was painting and then ended up going to bed.

I am painting today too and trying to finish this up as I realized that Hanukkah is next week! Yikes!!!

The youtube promos for next week show tracy...she is wearing that jacket it looks like that has that olive green metallic type pattern I think. I guess she is on Thursday for sure...and hopefully Friday. Although we have no info on scene breakdowns or days.





No major scoop I can find other than that.


Ms. Q--Hope you are feeling better today. I saw on soapdish that Kali's webmaster confirmed she will be on GH two days in December...so maybe those episode counts are correct? ALthough they said 1 for her.

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Lainey, yea no kidding, I was wondering about that, too. They seemed to twist a lot in that article.

Knh, it was definately Dec.4 ABC Soaps In Depth (unless I just wrote the abbreviation wrong, which is more than possible.) I could not find the strike picture in it.

Nex, thanks for the copy of the blog! It was fun to read.

Hooked, thanks for the links. Looks like another fashionable TQ day. I am a happy girl.

TL, haha, with that heart Tracy's not gonna get some hot lovin' for a while.

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I believe the poster on SD said it was the Dec. 17th edition of SID, or something like that. Not the one that had the 2 page spread about Lunacy (we have that on the shelves right now), but the one that just came out. We haven't gotten any of the new mags. up here yet - can't wait to see the SOD.

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My throat still hurts. :( Though I expected it to...

knh, looking forward to the scanned articles.

hooked, thanks for the 411. I don't like that outfit, LOL, but thanks for the links.

IluvAandM, hope you are having fun!

Colette, question about the pics in the article...The one with $20 bill, was the magazine saying that was the dialogue from the scene? Or were they just making up a caption? I only ask 'cause that scene never aired. The pic was a media pic that never made it to the screen... *hate when that happens*

Found this last night; I had never seen it before:


Also, I FLOVE her hair here:


Finally, I think I've seen this one, but she looks so different!!! Is it the hair? The lighting?


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ms.Q, since I never saw, from the pic, that scene on air, I have no idea if it is real or not. For the other two couples in the section, I think that their caption quotes were real. They were from other shows, though, so I wouldn't know. Thanks for the pics! She looks so small in the first one! I think she looks different in the second one because she is acually wearing a normal, fitted shirt. No jacket, or flowy thing. And she never wears anything with a neckline like that, without a jacket or cardigan-type-thing. In the third pic, haha, can you say Cruella de Ville with that hair?!
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I frackin' LOVE Hildegard von Bingon!

BTW, I'm not sure if it's been mentioned here, but Monday is Ms. Quartermaine's birthday. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would never have lasted so long in TQ fandom without the fantastic Ms. Quartermaine. She is fantastic, and I wanted to do something special to celebrate her birthday.

So, I have started a Tracy Quartermaine drabblethon on the Ficathon in her honor. A drabble is a short 100-word story--it doesn't need a beginning, middle, end, or (in my case) a point. A drabblethon is a tag-team event--I write a drabble and provide prompts for the next writers. Somebody picks one of the prompts (or writes a drabble of their own), and comments with a drabble and new propmts. We keep it going as long as possible, and get all these little bite-size ficlets to enjoy in the process.

So, please, even if you don't think you're a writer, come by and give it a try. You can add as many drabbles as you like, and we should have fun in the process.

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