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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey guys, just checking in again... trying hard not to pester about my story. I'm probably going to say nevermind b/c I'm sure everyone is a little busy for this, so don't worry about it.

On Topic: what's with the voice-over?! Elizabeth in the beginging of the show with the whole "When you're in the dark you never know who's coming after your or why" what was that? And no Tracy doesn't help to make up for this stupidity. If they are lucky and infinately more talented than we give them credit for they'll make up for it with what they have planned for her later this week and after.

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Addie, the link is not working. :( But I have read something about that, and it's always good to hear JE praise. Looking forward to the YT clips. :D

knh, I would help with the story, but student teaching got like a million times harder today. I'm no longer allowed to use pre-printed materials and have to find (and or create) my own. I've made some in the past but not for every single lesson! This is definitely going to be a challenge, especially since almost all of the online exercises I've found are ones she found first and emailed to the students. I wonder if I can still use them? 'Cause it's not like all the kids do the online practice. I could copy/paste them into Word, right? Gah. I don't know... (sorry - venting)

Keith, I know you are the King of super short posts, and I should be thankful you stopped by, but WHAT KIND OF POST IS THAT, BUDDY?!? :P "Hi" to you too. We do miss you, you know. :)

Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

(I'll be up past 10 tonight - Haha. No student teaching tomorrow - Student teaching seminar instead. The best part?! I get to be up at 7:15 instead of 5:15).

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Hello...Live from NY...it's hooked!!!

Having such a great time. Feel like I have been away for like a week and it has onlybeen a two days. Met with BSG and TL tonight. So much fun!

I was so busy walking around all day tha I didn't even think about GH--which is a good thing as I guess TQ was not on. Guess I was wrong Ms. Q!!

Lainey--went to that loehman's today on Broadway and 74 th or whatever. Walked all over the village and Soho. Got up early and walked in Central Park this morning. If I ever come back as a dog...I want to be a dog in NY. there were probably 100 dogs running loose and playing in central park!

Tomorrow I am hanging out with TL in the morning and then meetng my aunt and brother for lunch and then shopping and seeing Hairspray with TL and BSG. What a treat.

Keeping my fingers crossed to Tråcy Tuesday!!!!

We are in the breakroom for a few minutes...it is 11:15 eastern time!

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Hello...Live from NY...it's hooked!!!

Having such a great time. Feel like I have been away for like a week and it has onlybeen a two days. Met with BSG and TL tonight. So much fun!

I was so busy walking around all day tha I didn't even think about GH--which is a good thing as I guess TQ was not on. Guess I was wrong Ms. Q!!

Lainey--went to that loehman's today on Broadway and 74 th or whatever. Walked all over the village and Soho. Got up early and walked in Central Park this morning. If I ever come back as a dog...I want to be a dog in NY. there were probably 100 dogs running loose and playing in central park!

Tomorrow I am hanging out with TL in the morning and then meetng my aunt and brother for lunch and then shopping and seeing Hairspray with TL and BSG. What a treat.

Keeping my fingers crossed to Tråcy Tuesday!!!!

We are in the breakroom for a few minutes...it is 11:15 eastern time!


Hooked and TracyLuv at TL's apt. in NYC, minus BSG. check your a email for a pic of the three of us later.

Edited by hookedongh
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Go here:


It's the Where's Tracy? thread at SOC, and nobody is responding.. so go respond, please.... because WE CARE. (And no, I didn't start it. I was going to, but then I saw someone else beat me to it).

I'm so disappointed. I was hoping Tracy was under the tarp on Jason's boat. I take it she wasn't. So what was under there exactly? If it was a bomb, how'd he get off??

Did you buy anything at Loehman's, Carrie? Have fun in 'da city!'

nite nite


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Believe me, not a big deal. I had asked and I didn't think about this at the time. I fugire everyone will be too busy for it. It's not, no matter how short it is for a book, a short story so it's not a sit down and do it oin one reading kind of thing, especially when I would need feedback and specific comments and suggestions. So don't worry about it!!

Hooked- definately didn't realize you guys were actually serious about meeting each other in NY. I thought it was one of those things like someone says "party in the BR who's bringing the brownies?" kind of thing. Anyway, you look like you guys had a good time! I'd have to see a pic of all of you again, but right now I'm going to go with your boys look a lot like you

edit: hey Hooked, just saw that you're on, you have time for the BR for a few?

Edited by knh
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Just back from meeting Carrie for coffee at Dean and DeLuca by Rockefeller Center. She's done so much in the past couple of days she's gonna need a vacation from her vacation. She's been at my house twice and I made her sit through watching my infamous video of me singing (horribly) with Barry Manilow on stage. Haha. It's great having her here and mama is a doll :). She's just like she is online, only better :). Unlike me who is neurotic in RL (Deb, you probably already guessed that - heh). Oh and BTW, Carrie looks younger and thinner and prettier in person. Haha. Don't kill me for posting that Carrie (kin ahora - LOL). Oh and as for the picture above, my daughter OVER touched my photo, she made me look like I am 10 in that pic, so I don't really look like that. The one sent via email of the 3 of us last nite, is the real me. :)

It was great meeting up with BSG last night. She's young, and fun and outgoing :)! The three of us had a great time and when we met we all had little gifts for each other. BSG brought her famous pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (YUM) and "No Pudge Fudge Brownie Mix" for me and hooked. Carrie brought "The City/Tracy" edits for me and BSG (the scene of Tracy knitting in the kitchen while listening (and wincing) at the sounds of Gino and the prostitute taking care of business were hilarious). And I brought tix for the 3 of us to see hairspray tonite.

Hoping our girl is on today. My fingers are crossed. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - I NEED a Tracy LuNacy fix in a big way!!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Oh, wow. BSG, TL, and Hooked--in one place at one time. I'm worried for The City.

I have been surrounded by Corporate Stoopid, especially today. Need to go vote tonight to try to get the Morons in Frankfurt to scurry back to their dark, dank holes and let New and Improved Morons take over the ruination of the State Government.

Still no Tracy, huh? Sigh.

Thank gawd for Sarah Jane Adventures, or I'd be sputtering dead from Lack of Hawt 60 Year Old Brunettes.

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TL, hooked and BSG I am soo jealous that you all got the chance to meet in NYC, I knew I should have waited an extra week before making my trip to NY. haha!

Of course the lack of enthusiasm on the board today can only mean one thing, that Tracy was not on. :( Which means we will have to wait yet another day for Tracy to maybe show up on our screen. *fingers crossed*

I got to thinking what would you like to hear Luke tell Tracy when he is supposedly pouring his heart to her??

Edited by nex4evr
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