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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Spoiler below if you haven't watched the show today....



Awwww, how adorable was that little kiss today???!!! She could have thrown in an "ILY" after the "be careful". Luke looked so cute after she kissed him, and then pushed him away like a kid. It was sooo cute! I know we want major passion folks but, well, cute was good for a start. I thought it was hilarious too when after Tracy said "If any of the hostages die, you won't be able to forgive yourself" Luke says: "Yes I will, let's go (to Lucky)". Lukes too funny sometimes!! I have to run off to work now so... Hope to catch you all later. I will be home about 9pm eastern if anyone is around for the breakroom.

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LAINEY'S BACK!! (I was out of town Thursday/Friday)....

And I gotta tell you, my "curse" has been revived... because while I was away, there was some VERY good Luke and Tracy. VERY GOOD!!!!!

Lucky for you folks I'll be in Florida beginning Tuesday (fun this time, NOT work!!! Finally!!). Tueday-Friday should have much LuNacy Goodness. It's practically guaranteed!!

Lainey's (very optimistic) take on all the LuNacy these last two days:

1) Yeah, Tracy was only on for five minutes Thursday.. and yeah Luke yelled at her. But so what, they always yell at each other. Because of Tracy's insistence that he go see Skye, Luke got the info he needed to play hero. He was grateful for it. He essentially told Lucky this when he said, 'I should thank you for having me arrested. Because of it I learned what this crisis is really about.' In other words, 'my wonderful wife pointed my in the RIGHT DIRECTION!!!' (Go LuNacy!! :lol: :lol: :lol: They're beginning to act like a 'couple' already!)

2) I LOVED the way Luke treated Skye!!! A- It shows a loyalty to the Qs he has NEVER showed before. B- If he was able to treat Skye so dismissively he is TRUELY over her (I knew it, but it's nice to SEE it). C- She deserved it!! When you act like a *&(*$&#, you deserve to be treated like one!

3) Friday's LuNacy kiss was just adorable. AND (this is big!): SHE pulled him close for the kiss, then SHE pushed him away. Not only is she "in" this LuNacy relationship, but she's taking control. GO GIRL!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

4) I almost stood up and clapped when Tracy told Scotty that Luke would never divorce her -- that he was in the marriage forever. You GO GIRL!!! Wrap your head around that one!!! (And say it to yourself ten or fiften times a minute! Will do your soul a lot of good!). He's not gonna leave ya, girl. He wants to be married to you, and he loves you. HE LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to tell you, the ONLY thing that has me a little worried about the last two days is what Scott said to Tracy about it 'behoving her' to join up with him. DON'T DO IT, TRACY!!! DON'T DO IT. STEP AWAY FROM THE EASY WAY OUT.... PLEASE OH PLEASE DON'T GO THERE (She might... which would mean months of LuNacy separation, which would make the prediction for May LuNacy sex accurate. I had been hoping for it MUCH sooner.. because, hey folks, IT'S TIME!


And I'm with you Minerva, I fast-forward through much of the show. Although, I do like Spinelli/Jason (Spinelli is a mini-Luke.. he's very funny, and very anti-hero. Me Likee!) and Luke/Lucky (Heck.. folks.. you've probably figured this out by now, but I like Luke ALMOST as much as I like Tracy. They're not equal in my heart (she's ahead, but not by THAT much!).

ta ta from la la land,


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Hi fellow Tracy lovers!

I loved the little kiss today between Luke and our girl. The look on his face when she pushed him away was priceless. I liked how she GOT to him. He's affected by her and her charms.

Tracy intrigues and interests him more than any other woman I've seen him paired with.

One of the things I really love about this pairing (despite all the assy things Luke has pulled) is that it's OBVIOUS that he just plain ENJOYS her. He think's she's a hoot. She gets his attention. (That's huge, because he gets bored easily.) She's earned his respect. (That's also big because Luke IS a tad bit arrogant. He doesn't respect just ANYONE. Titles of authority, for example, mean nothing to him. ;)

I guess I just enjoy seeing someone actually appreciate her for who she is.

I also wanted to share these results from the Soapzone voting booth poll:

The most entertaining pair/couple out of these is: -- 259 votes

91 (35.1%) Luke and Tracy

58 (22.4%) Alexis and Sonny

49 (18.9%) Lulu and Spinelli

19 (7.3%) Monica and Alan *sniff*

17 (6.6%) Jax and Carly

16 (6.2%) Lorenzo and Ric

5 (1.9%) Pete and Patrick

4 (1.5%) Georgie and Maxie

I love it when other people enjoy them too. Go LuNacy!!!

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Hey, Keaton. I loved your comments on LuNacy--yeah, I agree that it's obvious Luke enjoys Tracy's company. When things are going well between them, they just have so much fun. That's what a lot of us have been missing with LuNacy. Between the stupid Laura Gimmick and the stupid Sweeps gimmick, we don't get to see them in their default mode, which is flirty, funny, snarky and fun. Yeah, everybody on the LuNacy bus (even those slackers smoking cigarettes in the back seat) want passion and drama and love between them. But overall, there has to be the fun, the comeraderie, and the flirtation that made LuNacy such a brilliant pairing in the beginning.

LaineyBaby, you're back! I knew you had to be on the road, because we got Luke and Tracy interaction, and it was of the good variety. *hugs Lainey and gives her a bus ticket for Monday morning, just in case*

I loved the kiss. Even Fey, who is totally off Tracy/Luke these days, made me rewind the scene twice so she could watch it again. (Later, around 1 am, she was singing "Tracy kissed Luuuuke. Tracy kissed Luuuuuke!" in the car on the way to Jerry's after our fiasco of a late dinner died a gruesome death.) Luke and Tracy are SUCH thirteen year olds sometimes.

Dillon. You are the most insensitive, heartless, jacka$$ the world has ever seen. DEFENDING LUKE AND LAURA'S LOVE in front of your mother? Gawd, you ARE a Hornsby, aren't you?

Scott. She loves him. Another ex-lover you've lost to Luke. Deal with it. Move on. Step away from the LuNacy bus before the driver (Lainey, who is hopped up on No-Doze) mows you down like the trouble-making wretch you are.

Tracy. Trust. For once in your sad, sad life, trust in something. Don't go into the light, Tracy Ann....don't go into the light. Yes, Scott's offer may be mesmerizing, but bad things happen when you scheme like that. Trust your husband, even though he hasn't earned it, even though he doesn't deserve it. Trust in your worthiness of love, and the fact that The Boy has never had a partner like you before. (Yeah, you challenge the Gemini. Work it. Keep him interested, and he'll never stray too far....)

Oh, and I thought of something last night. Luke's Theme Song.

Hey yall watch this!

Daddy's belt, Mama's drapes

Standin tall on the backyard shed

Lookin cool in my Superman cape

I told the neighbourhood girls

Said hey ya'll, watch this

My fate was a broken arm

And my reward a one day kiss

When daddy asked me why I did it

I made him laugh out loud when I told him

Cause the chicks dig it

Scars heal... glory fades

And all were left with are the memories made, oh yeah

Pain hurts, but only for a minute

Yeah life is short so go on and live it

Cause the chicks dig it

Black top road, learner permit

Thought I was Earnhardt

Drivin fast, but I didnt see the ditch

Took out a mailbox, then a fence, then a barn

The police came and called my father

But I met the farmer's daughter

And when the judge asked me why I did it

He threw the book at me when I told him

Cause the chicks dig it

Scars heal... glory fades

And all were left with are the memories made, oh yeah

Pain hurts, but only for a minute

Life is short so go on and live it

Cause the chicks dig it

Just throw caution to the wind my friend

And then sit back and watch your life begin, cause

Scars heal... glory fades

And all were left with are the memories made

Yeah pain hurts, but only for a minute

Yeah, life's short so go on and live it

Cause the chicks dig it

Scars heal... glory fades

And all were left with are the memories made

Pain hurts, but only for a minute

Yeah life is short so go on and live it

It don't matter if you lose or if you win it

Hey the chicks dig it

I got this scar when I was three years old showing off for the girl next door

On my tricycle

And the one over my eye, well I got that back in 82 jumpin off the train

Tressele bridge

But I got the girl, hah, oh

The chicks dig it!

ETA: A little old, but have you guys read this article? Some cute stuff about Jane trying to play a joke on Scott Clifton. Also, apparently, according to this source, Jane did her own stunts during the Luke/Laura vow renewal...

Break Room? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by MinervaFan
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I loved Friday's show so much I actually logged on to my husband's home office computer just to post here! :)

Tracy & Luke & Dillon & Scott - this episode's a keeper. I loved the scenes between all of them Friday.

The Lunacy kiss was great, esp the way Tracy took charge of it and Luke's reaction. She seems to keep Luke guessing all the time - like he said, she challenges him.

The look on Tracy's face when she saw Scott was priceless, and I loved the way they spoke to & looked at each other. It had a perfect "old friend/ former lover & co-conspirator" nuance to it, but was subtle enough to appear to go over Dillon's head.

Scott & Dillon had a few run-ins in the past, and they restablished their dislike for each other, as well as having Dillon defend Luke to Scott. And you can see the idea forming in Dillon's head of suspecting Scott of Rick Webber's murder. If they are ever going to do my dream scenario of making Scott turn out to be Dillon's father, the stage is set for a classic Darth Vader reveal. I'd like to see the never ending rivalry between Luke & Scott move from winning Laura's affection to winning Dillon's affection. Luke just rejected Dillon as not capable of helping in the rescue, and Dillon seems unaware of Laura's rape.

I thought it was ironic that Dillon would question how Scott could still love a woman he was married to so young. Was that a clue that Dillon no longer really loves Georgie, his own teen wife?

As for Scott tempting Tracy to conspire with him again, I don't know if Tracy will bite this time. Best scenario for me would be if she pretends to go along with him (making for more Scott & Tracy scenes) but is actually trying to find out his game so she can warn Luke. And keep us guessing all the way as to her true intentions.

Well, I'm off to my vacation tomorrow - will have to catch up on the episodes I miss when I get back. I'm sure this was the best day for our favorites before the whole hostage saga finally ends, so most of my viewing will be in FF mode.

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I Loved loved loved Friday's epi!!! I thought their kiss was adorable, though I disagree that she should have said ILY after the be careful. I think she basically did that, but she hasn't actually said it yet and I think it will take more for her to say it. She been mad at him, I don't think it should only take him taking some stupid chance, which he does all the time, for her to say it. I am also pissed about Dillon. If he didn't know that his mother was in love with Luke it would be one thing, but not only does he know, she's basoically told him and has shown him her vulnerability when it comes to trying to win luke's love. So that he defended Luke and Laura in fron of his mother is grounds to have his good son membership revoked in my book. He needs to be taken out back and given a good talking to by someone, preferably Tracy. I thought that was way too low, for anyway.

Otherwise I loved everything about the scenes she was in, especially that there were so many and they weren't all that short.

Sorry about the chat yesterday. Without this website running I didn't have the link, but I'll have to save it now, just for times like that. I was thinking of you all, though. Hope you had a good chat!! Can't wait till next week

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I forgot how much I loved Scott/Tracy scenes.

I liked seeing them together but wished it were more. I hope that's not the end of the two of them.....

The Lacy kiss was cute.

Welcome to Keaton and have a safe trip Magic and Lainey.

Our girl looked scared when she told Monica they were about to release a hostage in the previews.

This week and the next two or three should be good stuff for Jane to play.

I'm wondering if Luke is going to express any guilt over Alan dying, thinking that if he had gotten in there sooner Alan might have lived...especially after Tracy's comment about the hostages.

Either way Jane and Tony should rock their scenes together and I know Jane and Stuart and Jane and John and Jane and leslie together and Jane/Scott, well Jane and everyone, will bring their "A" games.....

Edited to wave to pinkpopsicle and Lainey.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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I am even more in love with Tracy now, it that's possible :D That teeny tiny one second LuNacy kiss scene just said so much about how Luke and Tracy feel about each other. She gets to him and I LOVE IT!

Dare I say it? haha - MinervaFan, I just may ask you to save this cigarette-smoking-back-seat-slacker a seat on the FRONT of the bus right behind bus driver LaineyBabes!

I made my friend, Lauren, watch the LuNacy kiss last night - She laughed and said "Yeah, that's something YOU would do" meaning the way Tracy pulled Luke in and then pushed him away. LOL

I see the down-loading-up-loading-video-making-fool Ms. Q, has been up to her old tricks!! haha and I LOVE IT! Great vid Ms. Q, thanks.

PLEASE Tracy - Don't listen to Scott! Don't do it! You've always had that ESP thing goin' on girl - don't fall for it!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Dear GAWD, MsQ. you've gotten so GOOD at making mvids. How do you get the effects to apply to only part of the clips? I like the colorization effect, but the purple is a little too dark. Perhaps when you use the purple, you could also try applying the Lighten affect, to see if it makes the actual image a little clearer. Of course, you have the most incredible clip collection in the history of the universe. (Jealous me.) Best thing? You know where all the clips are and remember to use them. (I never remember to use my clips--I didn't even know I had a clip of Tracy dancing with Dillon until the other day.)

Oh, and bad news--my miraculous fix of my writing computer lasted until I got home from work Friday afternoon. Then, all my Montgomery Scott tricks had no effect at all. In true Star Trek fashion, as a last ditch effort, I tried to disembowel Fey's incredibly old computer from her mom's basement to scavenge the graphics card, but it didn't work. I couldn't reroute the Heisenberg converter to reduce the tachyon emmsions, and the flux capacitor just laughed when I tried to reinitialize its data stream. Now my writing computer is truly space debris (can you tell who watched five hours of Star Trek: Voyager last night?), and I'm going to have to figure out a way, eventually, to buy a new one.

Sigh. And even though I had time on the computer, I wrote nothing this weekend. Because I'm a lazy cow.

Back to Tracy? Could someone please post the clips from last week for me? Tracy & Daddy, Tracy and Luke in the PCPD, and Tracy outside the Metrocourt? I'd be eternally grateful.

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