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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Welcome to the TQ Thread, MagicHappens! :D

Haunted Star/hostess scenes are March 20-something.

About the strange Luke/Tracy/Lulu spoiler...






As a reminder, here's the spoiler: Tracy bails him out later, but learns why he really wants to save Lulu.

nex, someone at SoapDish speculated that Luke finds out about the plans to blow up the MetroCourt with the hostages still inside, and that's what Tracy learns. Does that make a little more sense? And since Alan is also inside that hotel, can this mean more "Tracy is worried" scenes? Can it lead to Tracy and Monica, please?

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Staci I wished it were something like that, and maybe it is, but others have spec'd that Luke is looking for a clue as to who killed RW and for whatever reason thinks he will find it there.

Or that LUke is after what's in the vault as well.

the vault spec makes more sense.

Magic KS is only supposed to be here temporarily, but I hope TIIC give KS a contract so he can stay.

IF Lacy breaks up, I wouldn't mind Scott and Tracy again at all.

hooked I wish TG had THAT much influence. We'll see. I'd love a "love scene" for Lacy.

And wow. Didjya ever notice, how symbolic sweeps are? The people TIIC consider to be "IN", are always "In" the situation, as inside the hotel.

While those TIIC don't seem to care as much about, are on the outside looking in, as in outside the hotel.

Maybe not always, because pretty much the whole cast was inside the hotel during the fire three (!) years ago.

But ever since then? Yeah.

Kinda sucks.

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Hi, MF! that's right guys, it was all me. I have no problem admitting that when I am in need of a fix I do some pretty desperate things!! I went a little nuts yesterday and was begging, well maybe not begging, but really wanting some stories. She reminded em of all the stories that are out there and not being posted so why do we hound her? she asks... Well, I'll tell ya. 1) we LOVE the stories, 2) they are the most recent so they are on our minds when we want an update, 3) the others have been gone for far to long that we don't even remember (which is why your recent ones are getting you into trouble) 4) the others ignored us long enough that we stopped asking, and 5) we REALLY love the stories. That was worth saying twice.

So I'll say sorry to her for being such a pain in the a$$, though yesterday actually was just out of curiosity.

but to the rest of you, I'm glad I was asking b/c it reminded me of all the other stories we need to hear about.

Ms. Q- I hadn't thought of her ring being off to keep the sharade going, but that's a good call. Maybe that is what's going on. I kind of like that idea that she loves him enough to be hurt by his not wearing his ring and so she is trying to prepare herself, but I would kind of like her to love him enough that she still wants to help him and go along with his story. Either way, she looks great.

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OMG Thank you everyone! Staci, thank you sooo much for the banner!! Its awesome, its beautiful, I love it! I spent my birthday with my little brother and one of my best friends, Catherine.

I'm really looking forward to Scotty returning (I probably shouldn't be) and I seriously want him to at LEAST flirt with Tracy. Is that too much to ask??

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hookedongh, here are the Haunted Star/hostess scenes, as well as Luke/Tracy the morning after the wedding. Credit to Shazzer and Shaurice and Misty.

angel, glad you liked the banner. And sounds like you had a good birthday. :)

MinervaFan, I know I owe you Parts 5, 6, and 7 of the the 1979 episode. It's coming, it's coming. Hopefully, soon. (I still have to save them as movie files).

TracyLuv, I know you asked a million years ago in the breakroom for clips of Tracy during the Lila memorial episodes. My advice is to just go to HellaGood. They have all of them except the Tracy/Courtney scenes. Everything is labeled.

Now, three questions...

Why does MIKE CORBIN get ABC Media Net photos (yes, that's plural) and NOT TRACY FREAKIN' QUARTERMAINE?

Why do Luke, Scotty, and Laura get mentions in February Sweeps previews, per Soaps In Depth, but NOT Tracy?

Pre-noms come out Friday. Can JE PLEASE get one?

Sort of OT: Not that SID polls mean a thing, but YAY for Stuart Damon for making the Top 5 Actors. And YAY for Monica/Alan for making the Top 10 Couples. Yes, people are no doubt robo-voting, but we got to them credit. It takes a lot to keep up with all the SBu/Jason, KMo/Kelly, JaSam, and Liason fans. :P

And, finally, I'm in the breakroom: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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There's an anonymous "spoiler" from SD that says

Luke and Tracy team up to find what Scott is hiding. Could be, could not be, grain of salt and all that. I think it's plausible because it's already been confirmed by Wizard that Scott tells Tracy he still loves Laura. Scott isn't likely to tell Luke anything unless he's gloating. So Luke very well may ask Tracy to try and find out what SCott is in town for.

It's obvious it's more than about Laura. Because he hasn't been calling about Laura this whole time, nor has he been visiting her until now.

It's been rumored he killed Rick Webber, or that HE is involved in the hostage crisis(he DOES check into the MC the same day or the day before the hostage stuff happens) or that he is after whatever the thieves are after that is in the MC's vault. Or for some other reason.

Anyway, I could see a version of this happening. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

spoiler over

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ILTQ, that would be fantastic. I would love to see Luke and Tracy on the same side for a change. While I think their adversarial relationship is entertaining, TIIC are really missing the boat by not making them allies/partners in crime. Could you imagine Luke and Tracy actually scheming together? The world would never know what hit it!

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This all sound awesome!!! Quick question... is Scotty back back or is just back for sweeps?! Cuz this will effect how he is involved with the whoel thing.

another thing, I would love to see Luke adn TRacy on the same side, and as much as I don't want her to double cross or team up with anyone else against him, but after reading that I was wondering if, since Scotty tells Tracy he is still in love with Laura, he will want her to help him make Luke jealous so he could break up LnL. It would have the same story as most of us have been wanting to see, but she wouldn't be the one to come up with tricking luke, so she doesn't have to be quite the b-tch.

Hey! *waves to MF and Magichappens*

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Scotty's just back for sweeps. But, that's how they brought back Robert Scorpio, too, so maybe they will keep him around if the response is good. I'm dorkily writing postcards to him so they count them at GH.

Do some of you guys post at GHFF or GHH2 under different names?

I feel like I know some of you. (not that Scott & Tracy fans are that easy to find).

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Question to the Board:

In order to not totally destroy my relationship with my wife, I've decided to scale down a bit of my involvement online with Tracy fandom. :) Not that I'm going to be invisible, it's just that I'm not going to be spending as much time online at home as I have been.

What I'd love to do, if you guys are willing, is schedule a weekly chat night where we can all participate. This way, you guys can still chat whenever you want to, and I'd at least get a chance to chat with ya'll once a week. I was thinking that I could post a day/time at the beginning of the week, and a reminder day of, to let people know when to join in.

I know it's an inconvenience, but I really love chatting with you guys, and I'd hate to miss out because I'm not spending as much time online when I'm home.

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That sounds good, although I shouldn't have a say as I haven't figured out the whole breakroom thing yet--ha ha.

OK, I was thinking this morning, why didn't they get rid of Jackie Zeman instead of STuart Damon. I mean I wouldn't want that to happen to her, but she has no relevant story at all, isn't part of any family that they ever show her with (she has nothing to do with Carly and her sons and really nothing to do with Luke or Lulu anymore or Lucky. Alan has a wife, sister, father, son, fake daughters, etc and is chief of staff at the hospital. Is Bobbie even head nurse anymore or has Epiphany taken over. She has more screen time than the any of the vets lately. Wonder if SD makes more than JZ?

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