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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That was fun watching that old clip! Tracy sounds so young and her voice is way higher than it is now. I was looking at youtube to see if the clip from when tracy and monica fought in the fountain was there, but it wasn't. I did watch some old alan monica clips and the lila dying scenes with the "I want my mommy" Whew...so sad!!!

quote name='nex4evr' date='Jan 9 2007, 02:05 PM' post='337028']

First off I wanted to start out by saying "Welcome to The TQ Lovefest" pinkpopsicle glad to see you here! :)

If I could pick who I would want to bring in as a new costar for Jane, all I could say is that I would want that person to be a woman. Tracy has no friends and I think she needs a girlfriend to talk to. How about Julia Barr from AMC? After 30 years on that show they gave her the pink slip, and Julia and Jane are close in age, are they not??

Ms.Q and TracyLuv, I'm glad you liked the vid and TL I probably will be putting it on You Tube. Speaking of You Tube look what I found, its a clip of Alan and Tracy from 1993, they are discussing/arguing about Ned and Monica having an afair:


**waves to Keith and MinervaFan**

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Hello de Lovelies!! (idk why but I keep calling people that) Ugh, is it spring break yet!? No of course not. Oh well, only 2 weeks til my (not-so) sweet sixteen.

Today's epi-

Tracy was of course on!! And is mostly some of the same as yesterday with her talking to Lulu, Dillon, and Spumo...err Spinelli. Lulu actually starts asking Tracy about how close Monica and Rick were and Tracy tells her that she wasn't around the last time Rick Webber was. Tracy tells Lulu that Monica always held a torch for Rick (and something else but I forget what it was).

So does anyone think that maybe Tracy knows who killed Rick Webber? Or is she kind of don't know don't care?

Edited by angel2devil
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HEADS UP, Tracy[!@#$%^&*]es! SKYE CHANDLER QUARTERMAINE is officially BACK in [!@#$%^&*]ery so La Tracy better WATCH OUT.

In all seriousness, i hope the revitalised Skye goes head to head with the wonderful Tracy. Jane Elliot deserves THE BEST acting partner money can buy and for my money, its Robin C.

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I'll be honest, soft - squishy Skye was getting on my last nerve. I like it better when she is snarkey and the writers are bringing her back to her former glory. THANK GODNESS!!! Now if they just bring back the rivalry between Tracy and Skye I will be a happy girl. :D

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Fanfiction Update: Chapter 84 and Chapter 85 of Oh, Baby.

I'll edit more in a little later.


Catching up...

pinkpopsicle, welcome!

nex, thanks so much for posting that clip.

Tracy: Who's affair?

Alan: My wife's and your son's.

Tracy: Oh gosh. You're demented.

:lol: I love Tracy.

Tracy: From what I gather, Monica is salivating over Ned, but he's too smart (:lol:)...I'm not going to let you or your wife use my boy!

Alan: He's not a boy! And if you want to see him live to his next birthday, you tell him to keep his hands off my wife! You got it?!? (leaves)

Tracy: (screaming at the door after Alan leaves) Why don't you tell your wife to keep her hands off my son?!?


Marland, I could go for Skye/Tracy scenes. I wonder if we'll get some with the upcoming hostage situation, if it's true that the mob causes it, and Alan dies. If Lorenzo's enemies start it, Tracy will no doubt go after Skye.

angel, glad to see you around. :D As for Tracy, I don't think she knows who killed him, but I'm sure she's suspicious about Monica.

And that brings me to today's episode...Tracy?!? ON?!? 2 days in a row? *checks to see if the sky is falling* No, we're good. But wow. What a nice surprise. 5 segments. The first one is a quick one. She sneaks up on Monica. But she appears twice in the next one, and twice in the last one. Oh, and there was the PERFECT opportunity for Tracy to slap Monica today, and she didn't. Basically, Monica accused her of only wanting Lulu around, so she (Tracy) could have a ticket to Luke. If Monica had upped the b-tch just a teeny bit and said something like, "You don't care about Lulu or her feelings. You just want her here because she's your ticket to Luke!" (or something), then we just might have gotten a slap. In any case, 'twas nice to see Monica/Tracy together. And OMG, guess what?!? She let her robe OPEN today. There was a brown garment. And I HEART her necklace. Anyway...At the start of the episode, it seemed like Tracy was on the kids' side, but she's totally on Monica's (and the family's) side now: "Monica said I should send you (Lulu) off to college. I'm beginning to think she's right." (something along those lines) But YAY for Tracy today! YAY! YAY! YAY! :D

Edited again because the garment was brown; not light brown/beige. Not that it matters, but still. LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey MinervaFan- i hope all went well with the zine!! Sorry my contribution was the one to cause so much trouble (you can't tell but I'm batting my eye lashes and pouting b/c I'm sooooo sorry).

Ms. Q- loved the latest... though I do want to beat Luke within an inch of his life right now, I know that something is coing to come out if it, so I'll give it a while to wait and see, but I can't promise anything!! He's gonna need to make up for that.

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I dunno...

I just dunno....

Does Tracy know who killed Rick, and is she protecting that person (Alan?)?

When I watched 'live' today, I thought to myself 'Holy crud, she knows and she's protecting Alan.'

But now I just watched the tivo version, and I'm not so sure.

If she isn't protecting Alan (or Monica), I'm not sure why she would have suggested Lulu go to college out of state. It seemed like an odd about-face. Up until that moment, I really thought the kids were going to bring her into their confidence, and she was going to help them out. The part where Tracy 'agreed' with Monica REALLY suprised me and unnerved me a bit... that's because if Tracy KNEW Laura didn't kill Rick and failed to tell Luke about it, well, we can FORGET LUNACY!!! FORGET IT! IF SHE KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL LUKE, THERE IS NO CHANCE OF LUNACY. Therefore, I am choosing to believe she didn't know...


Oh.. I LOVED Tracy's face when she popped up behind Monica in the hall. HILARIOUS!

There was just a little touch of cat-fight potential today. GOD, I hope they come down on opposites sides of this fight. I hope that for three reasons: 1. I love to see Monica and Tracy battle. 2. If Tracy sides with A&M (and against Laura), LuNacy will die. 3. If Tracy needs to pick 'sides,' between Alan and Luke, I would LOVE for her to pick LUKE (it would thrill the hell out of Luke, and score her BIG Brownie points).

Some more positive stuff here...

Has anyone noticed a real change in the tone, pace, and writing of the show?

There are more vets on (Bobbie, Tracy, Monica and Alan today). There are more minor characters on (Alice, Sneed, Epiphany. Heck, Sneed and Epiphany actually shared a scene today!). The scenes are shorter (so the pace is quicker), and they are getting more characters in per day. They are also using more extras (coffee shop people, day care people, etc). The writing seems snappier (Spumoni's dialogue is a great example!). The story lines seem a little edgier (Alexis & pot). Also, there seem to be more 'new' characters popping up: Spumoni, Sonny's HOT new attorney, Mateo, Jax's mom, this couple that has something to do with liz but I don't know what, cause I always speed by it....etc, etc.) Anyway, what I'm saying is, I've really begun to notice a change over the last few episodes.. AND I REALLY LIKE IT!!! :lol:

Anyone know why? Have some behind the scene changes happened already? Or have we just gotten 'lucky' lately?

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I don't think Tracy "knows" anything. And I don't think Lulu and Dillon even hinted they suspect Monica or Alan.

I do think Tracy put Monica's jitteriness and their suspicions together, and came up with "Alan or Monica must have done it."

And don't worry, when push comes to shove, Tracy will protect Alan over Luke, and that's 100 % the way it should be, and any other outcome would piss me off. It may have been TRACY who took the datebook, and it may be Tracy who confronts Alan and Monica.

I don't know...just guessing.

I do NOT want Tracy siding with Luke over Alan though. No matter what. That to me is unacceptable.

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First off, Welcome Pinkpopsicle, I see you found your way to the LoveFest from JEonline:) Like your avatar and "ILY spanky"!

About the show... I was a little disappointed that Tracy and Lulu have gone a little about face from yesterday - almost like today undid yesterday. Lulu called Tracy stepmonster today :(. I don't understand why Tracy "threatened" Lulu with college out of state again today just because Monica doesn't want her there. Tracy said herself yesterday that Monica is not the type of mother to be checking up on her own kids, never mind Lulu. So I wish Tracy would have pressed Monica further on this. You think Luke will be happy with Tracy when he comes back and finds that she and everyone else are pushing Lulu out? I don't think this is a good thing. I would of course want Tracy to side with Luke, if only for LuNacy, BUT I don't think Tracy will. Here it is we are talking about Tracy's allegiance when Dillon is actually helping to prove that his uncle was the murderer. For some reason I got the impression that Tracy still didn't get everything that was going on. She is usually more insightful and is usuallly good at putting two and two together. Actually if anyone was acting strange today, it was Tracy IMO. Well not acting strange but her actions and her participation in monica's agenda to send Lulu away were strange.

And BTW ILTQ, Monica is the one who stole the date book out of Lulu's nap sack. And I think Dillon and Lulu did hint that they suspect Alan or Monica, It almost seemed as though Tracy wasn't getting it though. Which is weird.

I truly believe that if Monica or Alan did kill Rick, Tracy does not know.

Anyway, our girl did look fabulous!!! :) Might we get Tracy 4 times this week? Hope so!

Edited by TracyLuv
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