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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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When I read the posts that Luke said ILY to Tracy today I couldn't wait to watch the show! As I watched for those three words I suspected I would hoot and holler as soon as he said it. I didn't. For some reason I assumed his delivery would be different. More than that, I assume Tracy's reaction would be different. So I was underwhelmed by her reaction was well.

Given this is Tracy we are talking about, who has probably never had a man tell her he loved her and mean it, What should her reaction have been? I think she believes Luke loves her but she is being cautious. Maybe she is leary and is not sure whether he is scamming her to get her to go along with the wedding at the Q's. I think the reaction we got was a "Tracy" one. Afterall Luke is involved with helping Laura to have the best experience while here. Maybe Tracy will have a different reaction after all this blows over. Maybe that "tender moment" that Luke and Tracy share before Luke "hits the road" will bring about a different reaction. Then again, who knows since she may be insecure depending upon this next mission he is leaving for. Nevertheless he said it and I am HAPPY! :D

BTW - Tracy/JE looked totally GORGEOUS!! LOVE the new outfit!! :wub:

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Title: This Fragile Shell

Fandom: General Hospital

Characters: Tracy Quartermaine, Laura Spencer

Ficathon: No

Word Count: 2,775 words

Rating: Gen

Summary: Future!Fic: Tracy visits a former rival.

Author's Notes: This fic was written as a birthday gift for Regency. Like Regency, I like Tracy. I also like Laura. I will not make enemies of them. Happy Birthday, Rege! (Mine's June 4th, hint, hint!)

URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/54609.html

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I agree with this, but while I think that she probably believes him but is taking it with a grain of salt and scepticism, I also think that she is protecting herself. She isn't going to show how it effects her b/c the love of her life is going to marry his on Thursday... in her own backyard!

I think it is a bit of both.

I also think she looked great, just to throw that in there.

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To Regency, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!!! I hope you have a great day. I am a few hours early, but I guess that depends on where you are in the world! I don't know if I'll get on tomorrow, probably will, but in case not I wanted to send my Happy Birthdays now.

To Mr. Q- just want to say good luck tomorrow on your skit!! I'm sure it will be great

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Thanks so much, Deb. It was marvelous. Read mah little review over at the ficathon for my initial reactions. I aspire to write like this. I especially loved the ending. You clearly have a much more fixed position on their loves than I do. I have a fluid one. Depending on how severely pissed I am, one tends to be more in favor with me than the other. I left this feeling as though I'd had a full meal. Panama is certainly lovely this time of year.

One thing that was really ironic for me was there's a single element in this fic that I have in one of my new fics, except to a greater extreme. It was sort of an in-joke with myself.

Anyway, thanks again! And now I'm going to lay down because it feels like there's a baby llama on my chest and that can't be good.

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Trying this again, since I didn't have much luck 2 hours ago...


In the meantime, I am off to read MinervaFan's fic, and Regency, you do have a birthday present coming, but you'll have to wait 'til midnight. ;)

Ooh, Regency just posted. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Get some rest, and feel better soon. :)

Edit: This didn't happen today, did it? It's from Clarissa's recaps; she gets them from SoapNet's site, I believe, and well, it looks like more things are being cut. *pouts* Tracy admits she doesn't know if she can stand back and watch Luke pledge his heart to someone else, even Laura.

Edit (again):



(I used the list of your reasons for watching. ;)) Hope your special day is a wonderful one!

And thanks knh. I wish it was just a skit, but it's a bit bigger than that, LOL. And nex, you should know that the Santana song is being used for the romance music in my "theatrical performance" for Hispanic Lit that knh is talking about. (OK-So it's not "theatrical performance" big, but it's big enough.)

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Check out the Jane-Elliot.com multimedia section: Tracey has uploaded a scene with Ned and Tracy having dinner together. It's before her marriage to Paul, and it's tragic and hilarious altogether. (Poor Tracy. Why can't she be joyful and hilarious, just once in a while?) She looks gorgeous, and her laugh at the end of the scene is just -- LeSigh!

Hella Good has yesterday's clips posted. Please remember to comment when taking.

I will post more on the show when I have a chance, but today is our "early" day and I must be off.

Yeah--she looked GORGEOUS.

Mid-Morning Edit:

Well, I watched the show yesterday. And judging from the comments I've read and the chat transcript, I think I'm the only person in the universe right now who WASN'T upset by yesterday's show. I thought it was excellent--even the Jason/Sam scenes didn't annoy me that much (although I hate Spinelli. Could we delve even deeper into the realm of stereotypes, guys?)

Anyway, about Luke and Tracy.

  • I believe he was telling the truth when he said ILY. Period. No doubt in my mind. He's not playing her. In fact, Tracy is the only person in this whole deal who he's being even remotely honest with.
  • I also believe, in my heart of hearts, that he's lying when he says he brought Laura back for the children. He's lying to himself, and he's lying through his teeth. Tracy is right to be hurt and upset and doubt him. Even though he loves Tracy (yeah, he does), he is lying to himself if he thinks he's over Laura. He's not. It's going to blow up in his face.
  • I believe, to the core of my being, that this has been building up for a long time. Since the Monkey Fever storyline, Luke and Tracy have been flirting around these feelings--aided and abetted fully by Tony and Jane. The writers have played them hot and cold, but the actors always play them honestly. There is emotion there that no script can hide, because the actors are putting it there. :) Have I mentioned loving Tony and Jane?
  • To the argument, how can Luke say he loved her when he runs off, puts her in bed with Robert, chases after Holly, blah blah blah? Okay, here's the deal, boys and girls. Auntie MinervaFan's Lesson For Dealing with Geminis.
    • Do not ever, under any circumstances, assume that the Gemini is in touch with his/her own feelings. The stronger the emotions, the greater the chance that your resident Gemini is COMPLETELY oblivious to them.
    • Do not ever, under any circumstances, assume that being oblivious to your emotions makes you immune to them. To the contrary, the more oblivious one is to his/her emotions, the more they will be ruled by them and the more out of control they will feel.
    • Geminis do not like to be trapped. A Gemini will run awy from committment, especially if it's a committment they feel guilty about accepting.
Now. Luke loves Laura. Duh. Of course he does. The earth is a ball, magnetic north is still up, and the Beatles are never gonna get back together. Get used to it, the L/L love is a fact of life. However, Laura is a rutabaga and will never come back to him.

Luke marries Tracy. Luke likes Tracy. Luke finds himself attracted to Tracy, realizes he's been attracted to her for a long time, realizes she's more than he ever expected her to be, that she's got more heart and tenderness and compassion than her press releases will ever admit to. Luke realizes this is no one night stand, that Tracy is not a woman who will accept half-way once they have come together.

Life throws them a curve--life keeps pushing them together. In the hospital, at the memorial service, after Lulu's A-word. Every time he feels close to her, he panics, he feels guilty, he doesn't want to fall in love with her, he doesn't want to admit that Laura is not coming back. He runs. He chases Holly, whom he knows is using him, whom he knows will never want a permanent thing with him. He used to love Holly, but he knows in his heart that Holly will never be more than a fling now.

Then Laura returns. Luke feels guilty. He loves them both. He hates hurting Tracy, but cannot bear to hurt Laura. He wants to make things right, so he lies and he lies and he keeps getting in over his head. He is a man who is about to lose the love of his life, as well as a woman he has come to love. It's been said so many times over the summer that you can't ignore it: Luke thinks Tracy will always be there for him.

Luke found out when Laura came back that Tracy will NOT always be there for him. He could lose her. And that forced him to see his emotions (damned stupid emotions--we Geminis hate them) for what they are. He is JUSt realizing (not admitting, but REALIZING) that he loves Tracy, has loved her for a long time. He is wracked with guilt, exhausted from the lies, and so in over his head he fears he may never see daylight again.

He is so in deep doo-doo, and it's just going to get worse.

But in the end, I believe that he and Tracy will find their way back to each other. I do. And Lainey, if you're reading this, please go on vacation more often. We've had KILLER TQ episodes since you've been gone. We miss you, but do it for the team.

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Aww, MinervaFan, I love that your analysis, and I feel a lot better about yesterday's show now. Thank you. :)








Next Week (per SOW): Tracy breaks down in Edward's arms.We knew about the breakdown, but it looks like we can add Waffle Press of SoapDish to the list of reliable scoopsters. He/she was the first to spoil that Edward provides Tracy a shoulder to cry on in her time of need. (He/she spilled other things as well that are now being confirmed either by Wizard or SOW). So, what do we think?

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This plot twist is so contrived and makes no sense to me. I don't think it serves Tracy and Luke's stories at all that he suddenly says "Oh by the way I'm in love with you"... i also have a hard time with this knowing that they seem to have just shafted his feelings for Skye, a woman who we know he actually DOES love. I am very dissapointed, but at least its a storyline. better than nothing.

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1) Mr Q- I hope all went well. I didn't realize it was such a bit assignment, so I hope everything went as planned for you!

2) Happy Birthday Regency! I hope you're feeling better.

3) As for the last post... I don't think that it is that unbelievable for him to sya he loves Tracy. I think it is unbelievable that he did it the way it was done. I think that they have loved each other for a long time but neither realized or would admit to it. I also don't think he was in love with Skye. Not to take anything away from her b/c I do like Skye, but, while I think there was an attraction, I don't think he can love anyone who is that close to Laura's personality again.

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Ms. Q, thanks so much for the banner. I love it!!! It's wonderful and full of teh pretty that I adore. It made my day when I saw it earlier. I'm definitely using this.

mmm, I feel okay right. I started feeling worse once I got offline and turned in early at 10:30. I still having some chest discomfort but ma's taking me to the doctor on Friday so this should get resolved pretty soon.

Mm, I'm almost finished with some pure LuNacy fic, but since ya'll got some yesterday I don't really feel compelled to share. I've also started another fic, which guest stars Marlena Evans, and loving Luke and AlterEgo!Tracy. She's very...troubled now. Oh, and her hair's gray. I can't decide what shade of gray though and for how long. It's all symbolic.

And, when are you people coming back to the Break Room? I keep coming up with snappy profiles for no one at all.

I'm heading out. Later folks.

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Nice try, chica. Don't think that fic being posted relieves you of your posting duties. Nu-UHHHH.

Waaaayyy OT: Fey and I bought "One Life, Many Voices," the Hurricane Katrina relief project Robin Strasser put together (starring OLTL actors). I've been fighting the cliche of it, but I'm lost now. I'm am completely smitten with Kathy Briers, who plays Marcie on OLTL. I fought it, cuz I didn't just want to like the token cute fat chick. But the beyotch has some pipes on her, and her two songs on the project have totally bowled me over. The girl who plays Roxie also has a kick-butt voice, and Erika Slezak and Robin Strasser do some wonderfully entertaining spoken-word numbers.

I wish GH would do something like this--I'd love to have Jane and Tony do a dramatic/comic reading together---something that really showed off their vocal talents. (Don't know if either of them sings.)

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Regency, I'm glad you liked the banner. Sorry that you're sick on your birthday. :(

My First Official Ensemble Video: It's a Christmas one to a musical version of Silent Night. And heads up: Since it is ensemble, there's not much TQ at all. In fact, I only used one clip with her. :o







From SON: Next week, Luke lashes out at Tracy. *TQ fans all over pause and take a moment to hate on Luke* But then, Luke apologizes. *TQ fans control themselves* Tracy leans on Edward and breaks down in his arms. All right, so we knew the second part of that.

From Waffle Press: Tracy can't have her cake or eat it either. *Ms. Q announces to everyone that she had no idea what this idiom meant until she looked it up* Anyone want to speculate? This so has something to do with Luke, but maybe someone else can elaborate.

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