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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Jane better be submitted by her cast for the pre-nominations, I felt so bad for the LnL fans though, but I guess its payback cause we had to deal with the Laura scenes. :P But I think for the first time since Jane has come back today was the first time that she actually had several lines, in a scene that had several cast members. :)

I hope jane's on tommorow! B)

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OH MY GOD!!!!!!

I am in LOVE with today's episode!!!!! Jane Elliot always rocks my world. Today, she spinned it around.. and around.. and around!!! She was so amazing, and so poignant and SOOOOOO "real!!!!" :D:D

When Luke said that he would want to be married to Tracy if she didn't have a dime, and she did that sharp intake of breath -- I cried!! And then later, when they were at the bar, her body was all curled into him.. as if it was giving away her complete and total and utter attraction. :D:D

I have been saying and seeing this for months: Luke is Tracy's Laura. I am positive!! :lol:

And guys she is going to MEAN something to him -- something real and hot and long lasting and yummy yummy yummy. Shoot! She already does!! He's only about 85% wrapped around it. The 15% will come soon. You watch!!!

And oh-- you heard it here first... at the end of their scenes today -- Tracy went screen left, NOT screen right!! She didn't leave The Haunted Star. She went back towards Luke's office. TOMORROW, my friends, Tracy will try to seduce Luke. You've heard it here first. I think it's gonna happen. (And I think he's gonna give in.. Hot monkey sex in the Haunted Star office!! I'm promising it! You heard it here first!)

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I thought the face touching was very nice.

After watching though I think a lot of people took things out of the scene that just weren't there for me, like I didn't see Luke or Tracy for that matter declaring any kind of grand love.

It was well acted scenes by two good actors and I thought JE/TG stole the show yesterday.

But I don't think anything that was said or done was disrespectful to Laura or LnL.

And even if it WAS....LnL own ONE DAY in November.

Not the whole month. :lol:

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Morning, folks.

Bad news first: Tony IS taking another vacation at the end of the month. Looks like those "Luke heads out of town" spoilers are true.

Now, for some other news...

We got confirmation that Luke/Tracy are still married during the Luke/Laura Wedding. In the latest SOD: Jane Elliot laughs, "Laura may be the bride, but Tracy is the wife." It's amazing. JE gets to be quoted!!! LOL. Here's the article (JE/Tracy related parts):

From Caroline Spencer of SoapZone

Also (from SOD): Why is Tracy taking Luke's wedding plans so calmly?

JE: "I'm not convinced that her selflessness isn't a manipulation to make herself worthy to Luke because were she to come at him with knives and guns, it wouldn't get the result she wants."

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Quick post, because my break is almost over. I'm working on a little essay about Luke & Laura (and Tracy) that I intend to post to LiveJournal. Reading the transcripts of last night's bacchanalia--erm, Break Room Chat, I realized I have a lot of thoughts on this issue. Unlike many of you, I was alive during the throes of L&L Mania in the late 70s/early 80s. I was 15 when Luke married Laura, and remember having VERY definite opinions on it.

I'm going to revisit those opinions, see how they've changed, how seeing Luke with Tracy has changed my opinion of him, and how 25 years have got me seeing Laura in a much more sympathetic light.

I'm older now, and a lot less judgemental.

And I still love LuNacy. I think it has a strong potential to continue and to flourish. I like Laura, and I'm sorry for the L&L fans. But I hope this resolves some SERIOUS issues I've always had with the pairing.

Probably, not, in GuzaLand, but we can hope.

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Neither, Luke nor Tracy declared any grand love for each other. But they do love each other. They do not have the magic Luke and Laura had, the illusion. What they have is the reality that they are a perfect match. Something that neither Luke nor Tracy has ever had with anyone else.

and to me that's grand :):):)

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Revisionist History and Tracy Quartermaine

Tracy: You have no idea what I noticed.

Luke: I wish I would have known back then.

These two lines (I'm quoting from memory, here) have pretty much sent shockwaves through GH fandom. LnL fans are freaking out, because in one proverbial stroke of the pen, GuzCo have struck a blow to the whole Luke & Laura Mystique by daring to suggest that Tracy might have drawn Luke's eye away from Laura. LuNacy fans are doing the Limbo Rock at the mere suggestion. And those who like both are scratching their heads and screaming, "HUH?"

I've been thinking a lot about those two lines, because, well, that's what I do. I'm going back in my mind's eye to Luke and Tracy, circa 1978.

Luke was a bad-a@@ punk, managing a mob-run disco for Mitch Williams. Tracy was a spoiled (and broke) divorced heiress, forced into marriage with Mitch Williams because Daddy controlled the purse strings and wouldn't give her a dime unless she remarried.

Luke met Laura because his sister wanted her out of the way (Bobbie was in love with a man who loved Laura, if my memory serves me.) Luke fell for Laura because she was so sweet and innocent and perky and blonde. Tracy was married, but her husband cheated on her openly. She turned her attention to destroying Monica and getting her son Ned set up as the rightful heir to ELQ.

It's definite they would have known each other, at least casually, through Luke's employment by Mitch. Tracy was the boss's wife, even if she was the same age as Luke.

Okay, premise set.

Now, back to yesterday's episode. Consider Luke's expression when he said his line about not thinking Tracy paid attention. He looked away, his voice lowered, and there was an almost sullen characteristic to his tone. He sounded for all the world like a boy from the wrong side of the tracks talking to the rich private school girl--why would a girl like you ever notice a punk like me? Not an ANGEL like you notice a DEVIL like me. Just a class thing--she's wealthy, he's poor. She was educated in the finest school, he learned his lessons on the street. He would never have considered her as an option at all, because, unlike Laura, she's not an angel. She wasn't out to rescue anyone but herself.

It NEVER occurred to Luke, ever, that Tracy had feelings for him, or that she ever could. Until that moment, it never occurred to him that it was even possible. And he was stunned by her words.

I don't think that he was saying he wishes he could have gone back and changed what happened with Laura. I think he wishes he'd known back then that he'd had options, that he was worthy of more than just being rescued. We talk alot about Tracy's low self-esteem, but we rarely examine Luke's. In light of this, think back to how Luke talks about himself. Think about how he says he has no soul, how he's nothing without Laura, how he's a lousy parent, how he's a punk. Tracy sees his worth, just as Laura did, but Luke doesn't see it at all.

Back to revisionist history--how could Tracy possibly have felt anything for Luke back then? Oh, ya'll, Tracy feels things ALL THE TIME that she doesn't act upon. Back then, she was under Daddy's thumb, and needed a husband to get back on her feet. Luke would have not even been a remote possibility--Daddy would never have accepted him, and she would have been (possibly) deliriously happy but broke. As much as we love her, Tracy does have a shallow streak when it comes to money. She wouldn't have risked millions even for a guy with a cute smile and the potential for extreme sexual gratification. She might have risked an affair, but never an outright relatinoship.

Luke, on the other hand, was taken with the potential for redemption by Laura. Even though he might have been tempted by a fling with the boss's rich [!@#$%^&*] wife, he wouldn't have risked his relationship with Laura for it. Especially when he knew in his heart that Tracy would never think of him as anything more than the guy she was slumming with.

So, yeah, it could have happened. They could have been attracted to each other 25 years ago, easily. But nothing ever would have come of it. Now, 25 years later, Luke has had his redemption and found he didn't really like being a redeemed guy. He's been respectable, and it bored him. He's happily regressed into his punk state, and found to his amazement that rich [!@#$%^&*] Tracy, who is so no longer impressed by Daddy's authority, is perfectly fine with him as a punk.

Twenty-five years ago, LuNacy would have been a two week mistake that both of them regretted.

Now LuNacy is a viable possibility, because both characters have grown enough to accept themselves as they are and to reject the fear of what other people think. They're not thirty anymore. They're sixty. And they are too old and weather-beaten to panic about what society would think of them as a couple. They want happiness now. They can get money. They can get status. But happiness has eluded them long enough.

So, L&L fans, I understand that Luke will always love Laura. Tracy understands that, too. But love is not always enough. Luke isn't the same guy who needed Laura's rescuing, and Laura is a grown woman, not an ingenue who needs to be saved. In order for a relationship to work in the real world, you have to fit, you have to match. And LuNacy, imho, is a perfect fit.

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Yeah I'm kinda confused too as to why people are all like "Tracy and Luke never interacted."

They did. Not necessarily SL wise, but they did.

When TG auditioned for Mitch and didn't get the part and DM/GM invented Luke for him, if I remember right, I read that the initial plan was still TG/JE...that Luke would have an affair with the bosses's wife and then try to carry out the hit on Mitch and be killed.

But then TG/GF had scenes and the rest was history.

So the story goes, and I wish I remembered where I read the thing about Tracy/Luke's would be affair back then.

But alas I don't. I suppose I could find it eventually....I think it may have been JE or TG in an article a few years back.....

Anyway...I don't find it absurd that Luke and Tracy would notice each other.

Luke likes money, and he ALWAYS has, (partly because he feels it gives him worth) and Tracy likes the bad boys (and always has).

And I don't think what happened yesterday was disrespectful to LnL or their fans.

I don't think Guza has BEGUN to desecrate Laura or LnL......not when you compare it to the humiliation I know Tracy has sufferered.

When Laura has to get on her knees to beg Luke to make love to her, or when she has to crawl across the floor begging him not to leave her (as Tracy did both with Paul), then I'll say Laura has been humiliated.

What I saw yesterday was not bad for LnL at all...because what I saw was Luke still putting Laura first, by CHOICE, out of love.

Not out of obligation or pity.

I do think Lacy had a nice day too....but it wasn't all that, not for me. I think Luke can't pretend now that he doesn't know Tracy cares about him....but that's about all it accomplished.

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I'm with Michele. Guza isn't spitting on L&L- but only because Genie is back briefly. There's no point in a full scale reunion, and it makes sense for the character of Luke to pull back and push away; give Laura what she needs for as long as she can enjoy it. Any possibly of clips? I work during GH hour now.

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