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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I love that picture of Tracy and Dillon from the Silent Movie. Great screen cap, MsQ, btw.

Anybody heard from Regency lately? I haven't seen hide nor hair of her in a while....

Any hope for Tracy on today? I'm not holding my breath. Giving the way RL has been for the last 48 hours, I'm afraid to watch.

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reported as a trolling post to the administators at 12:07 pm, 10/13/06.

Have a nice day.

Yay!!!! You make me smile little happy smiles, and forget all about the homophobic jack-a@@ I live with!!!!! *hugs Keith*

Oh, and guess what? Fey's having her "procedure" on October 26th. I will have that day off. Know what else day that is? Genie Francis' return to GH. LOL. I sure can pick 'em, can't I?

Ian MacIntosh. If any of you have read "Cellar," you might recognize that name. I *want* to write him into a present-day fanfic. Tracy needs her own "David." Seriously. OLTL's Dorian has inspired me.

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Here! I've been uber busy lately. If I'm not studying or dancing, I'm probably asleep. I've been checking in here for the last few days but I haven't had the opportunity to say anything. Haven't even checked my email. What I have been doing is brainstorming TracyQ some more. I've got an idea in the works. Oh, and I'm retroactively taking up the 24-hour fic challenge. Separate entities, though.

*sighs* I'm 3 days behind on watching my GH tape.

*snuggles Tracy*

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Was Tracy on today? ETA: Looks like nope.

And, guys, it does our case no good if we're trolling on other threads. Can't we all just please get the frack along?

On a lighter note, I have a Tracy-Georgie bunny I might play with while the Angst Gods have their way with my AU story.....

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No Tracy today.

Yep. They even give Luke scenes with Sonny. Scenes with his family today.

But with his wife?


I miss smirks, Lainey (who hasn't been around here in TWO WEEKS), kenna, angel, 4XCrazy, coolkid, ClinkBoom, and well....anyone and everyone that used to post that hasn't been around here in a good long while.

Yeah I know there's hardly any Jane. *sigh*

And it gets harder to find anything to talk about GH wise because I just don't care about anything else.......

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Hey Lovefesters! (Hee!)

No Computer and No Tracy make Homer something something. (which makes absolutely no sense unless you've seen that episode of the Simpsons)

I've been trying to get on the lovefest but conveniently forgot my password until today, when it hit me like lightning.

WTF?!? Luke's an ass. Is there ANYONE in town he HASN'T seen who isn't named Tracy. For pete's sake, he even saw Diego today. He even saw Lucky. Luke NEVER sees his own son. And now he's off to save Skye. Absolutely flucking ridiculous. The only way to get a man's attention on GH is to get in trouble with another man. Case in point:

a) Luke and his harem: Holly, Skye, Laura....

B) Carly. Sonny didn't care. Then she started dating Jax.

c) The evil hexangle known as Maxie/Lucky/Liz/Jason/Sam/Ric/Alexis and Manny

d) Dillon/Georgie/Diego

And if a girl doesn't need saving...*cough*Tracy, Robin, Anna, Monica, etc*cough*...well, it's off to the backburner with you then.

@$%@$%& male headwriter bullshit...*mutters*

Why are people pitting Skye against Tracy? That's just silly talk. Skye's not the enemy.

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Hello lovelies! Sorry i haven't posted much, its kinda hard without a keyboard lol and this onscreen keyboard takes forever!!

:angry: Luke pisses me off to all extremes (lately anyways). *sighs* I just want Tracy to kick his ass.

anyways i was really bored so i took this quiz over at quizilla.com, one about which gh female i was and surprise surprise guess who i got (and i swear i didn't cheat lol)...........


"Damn, girl, you are Tracy Quartermaine! A very impressive yet intimidating feat. Tracy takes no prisoners and is constantly leaving people in her dust. You are the center of your universe, but you are so cool, it really doesn't matter. You know how to make things happen, and you are never boring. Just watch out if guys with affinities for dressing up like pimps and Swedish doctors try to take you to Las Vegas and start calling you Spanky Buns... you just might regret it! (Or not!)"

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Hola Todos!

I'm bacccccckkkkkkk!

It hasn't been two weeks!!! I left for a mini-vaco on the 6th. I was probably here last on the 5th (maybe the 4th). That's not two weeks!! I came back home Wednesday night (11th), but had a helluva flight (NEVER EVER EVER FLY AIR TRAN!!).. and then I've been REALLY busy at work. So.. that's why I was away.. and here I am!!!

Oh guess what.... I STILL BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

It does suck that Luke has been back for three days and hasn't once been shown with his wife, and that DOES have me down... but AT LEAST Robert mentioned Tracy, and it seemed to register with Luke.

Also, the whole thing with Tracy and Dillon on Wednesday has me thinking they're painting Tracy to be a softer, gentler, loving, care-giving Tracy. There is only ONE reason they would do that.. it's to set her up in a love-thing with Luke. Trust me on this, peeps... trust me.. because I am the only one here who STILL BELIEVES!!!

(Although I will say that if Tracy and Luke don't have at least a little of a spark/romance thing before Laura comes back, then I'm out of this GH business until Laura is gone.)

Oh-- is there a "I hate Luke with Laura" thread on Soapnet? If not, I may have to start one. It might help get me through this horrible period we're about to enter.


So Angel, you inspired me to take the "which soap star are you" quiz (what can I say, I was bored at work!). I did cheat! I was trying to get Tracy.. guess who I got?!?!

Luke Spencer. HA!!!! It's a sign. I know it is.. I was trying to be Tracy, and I got Luke!!!

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*EEEEEE !!!!*

*picks Lainey up and spins her around.....

and smirks too since she's lurking...LOL

I have missed ALL Ya'LL posting girls !

*cough* coolkid where ARE YOU?


Lainey I forgot about you being away....where did you go and what did you do? Remind me cause I forgot..PM me if you want to.

About the "I hate Luke with Laura" thread on SOAPNET...don't you mean Soap Opera Network that we're on? LOL

cause if so...no there's not a thread like that but you can START one.

And all last week my SZ sign on Name was "I Believe" or "StillBelievingLainey" and YOU missed it ! HA !

So there.

I'm a middle of the roader.

I want to believe. Cause I love Lacy so....or rather I love their potential.

But TIIC don't inspire much hope in me LaineyGirl.

Can I say one thing though? I don't mind *softer*Tracy...but part of the reason Luke digs her is her SPUNK.

I don't want to sacrifice SpunkifiedTracy for SofterTracy just to have Lacy.

I'd rather have SpunkifiedTracy remain in tact ALONE (or with someone else).

And about any Lacy sparks/stuff before Laura comes back...GF is going to be back 10/26/06 I believe...so those TIIC better get on the ball.

LOSERS. :angry:

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