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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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truenorth, congratulations on your twins!!! 

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I can't believe that next week is Jane's final episode. I've been on this board since February 2004 (though all members had to re-register in 2005), and even though it's been "dead" for at least the last year, that hasn't stopped me from lurking. 13 years is a long time, and I've never been more involved in a fandom that this one...posting in the forum, creating music videos, writing fan fiction, remember chatting in the "break room?" Again, none of this has happened in any great capacity recently, but I still have the memories. 




As far as her exit story goes, I don't like that it's about a new character, and I also don't like that her tribute focused only on the negative. I get that was the whole point, to guilt into doing the right thing, but TPTB made it seem like she was always rotten, and that simply isn't true. That said, how awesome was it that she actually got an episode dedicated to her? I wish it could have lasted a whole week!!! I hope we get a montage in her last episode. 




Random, but AJ's plaque should have still been on the ground when she woke up, and I'm willing to suspend belief, like "Okay, the plaque really should have killed her or cracked her skull and didn't." But she should have been disoriented upon waking up, or at the very least, there could have been blood on her fingers when she felt her head, or she could have mentioned needing ice or something!!! Stone just doesn't fall on one's head and not cause injury. 




Well, that's all for now. I'm sure I'll be back next week. 

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Yeah I thought that epi kinda stank!  Even if it was all negative why didn't they use good negative stuff like her fist fight with Monica, her scheming about Georgie.  Her best negative clip was withholding daddy's meds. :/. Yeah and if she didn't get hit with the plaque what knocked her out?  It was on the wall when she woke up.  AND Most Important of all... what do you mean a newcomer is the reason she leaves?  I thought Luke was ushering her off?  Waaaahhhh!!!!!

Oh and Stace.... what was epi and date when her and Robert were in the cellar and she kit him in the head with the frying pan?  I'm tryna clip a screen shot of the look on her face when she whacked him one. Lol!

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I would have stretched it to two days. I would have had Monica the judge. Sean Kanan should have been the prosecutor. Dillon the bailiff instead of Detective Woodcock.   One day, flashbacks with David Lewis, the other with John Ingle. It's too bad Hugo Napier wasn't available, because Oliver Muirhead just wasn't Lord Larry for me.


Don't get me wrong, at least she got an episode devoted to her...I ?would have kept the Q's, Sonny wasn't necessary, neither was no-talent RP. Diane was okay, but imagine how much better it could have been with AJ

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Hmm, Tracy, if you spend so much time talking to your dead kin, they will want you to join them!

MsQ, re your post above, she did seem to make a surprising, quick recovery! LOL I didn't know about there not being any blood or apparent injury, so thanks for your comments. You'd think someone, aside from fans, would notice such details.

It was slanted toward the negative, a bit too much for my liking, though I'm glad they devoted the time to her, and from the little I've read elsewhere, seems most people thought it was well done and quite a treat. So I don't want to complain too much...

But I'd have liked them to balance the ep with a few lighthearted, fun scenes (Ned and tracy plotting together, over the years--seems like I saw something like that from the early 90s on Youtube) or heartfelt scenes with Tracy and sons, or Lulu, as well as Lila and Edward...because contrary to recent writing, Edward DID say he loved her, a time or two--in his last scene, I think.

Also, why not reveal that Edward was faking the infamous heart attack? Why show only that Tracy was wrong, in that situation? No, it wouldn't justify her actions, but it would give a more balanced view.

And we didn't need to cut away to scenes with the bunch talking with and about Samira, IMO. That was my biggest source of annoyance. Why the hell won't this woman just go away? I don't care about this stranger, and even if Q's don't get it, I see why Tracy wouldn't care about this woman's problem. The whole thing saddens me--that some of JE's remaining air time is spent on this boring storyline.

I'd love to see Alan's ghost, one last time.

I'll be overjoyed to see Luke, if he appears. I want that happy ending so, so much!

TracyLuv, I think the ep you mean is Apr 24, 2006.

So four more days of following GH, for me (only good thing is no more Sonny! Ever! Woohoo!) . I just can't muster any interest for anything I see happening. Thank goodness for the superior British soaps, to fill that space.

OT - Thank you, MsQ and HookedonGH. My little ones are doing really well, and
I'm finally getting a bit more sleep, so I can enjoy them more; they have such different personalities. Each of us takes 2-3 feedings in a row, so the other can rest,--I was too exhausted to think up this obvious solution sooner! LOL Working on getting them to sleep through the night, next. I think my boy will have no problem; he's the more easy-going and peaceful, of the two. They sleep in the same crib, so this may be a challenge!

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TL, I believe the date that truenorth provided is correct. Also, AJ's plaque definitely hit Tracy, but I guess the scenes were filmed out of order, and someone forgot to put the plaque back on the ground at the end. 


slick jones, 2 episodes would have been good. They could have also used the extra time for her to defend herself (show some positive clips?). And I agree about Sonny and Nathan. Sean K. as the prosecutor never came to mind, but it would have been better to have only Q's in those scenes. 


I missed the other episodes with Ashton (I have them on my DVR still), so I'm not sure what today was all about. But Samira is gone, thankfully. Unfortunately, I don't think Tracy is on again until Thursday, her final episode. 

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Edited to add: TL, I just mean her exit was so focused on a new character. GH has been talking retirement for awhile, I think. Surely GH had to know she was going, and I was just disappointed the Samira thing was the best they could come up with. Tony is back May 4th, but my spec is that it's just the very last scene. Tracy is leaving town, so I'm assuming she ends up in another country where Luke happens to be. Now in real life, what are the chances? LOL. But on a soap, why not???

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks True North for the date.  


Ms. Q, the whole thing just seemed thrown together without any thought :/


its been so so long since I've been in here.  I didn't realize til now that they got rid of the banners

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It's been a million years since I've posted here, but tomorrow is THE DAY and I cannot bring myself to watch....yet.  I have over 3 weeks of catching up and I have to be honest I think this is it for me.  After 24 years of watching GH this might be the thing that gets me to stop watching completely, it seems like the past few years I would wait weeks before diving in and having a binge fest, but the truth is I can watch 15-20 episodes in less than 3 hours.  The TQ Lovefest has been fun after more than a decade here, this is the longest fan site I have ever been apart of!!!

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Truenorth  congrats on your babies, that's wonderful. Big wave hello to everyone here. Yep, today is Jane's last day. I'm relieved, happy for her, sad too. I've been especially emotional the past few weeks the closer we get to Mother's Day, facing my first without my mama. It's been pretty rough, and I say that as someone who is not ashamed to cry. Jane leaving is also like a death in a way, because this time, I have very little hope if any, that she will be back.  All the times before, there was was at least that. Now, I doubt the show will last long enough for her to ever do so. And in her interviews, she seems pretty definite on not acting anymore-at least not on GH. So yeah, yesterday I did weep a bit. It's interesting what hooked said, that Jane was there when she needed her and is going out now that she doesn't. Sometimes though, we don't get a choice about when we have to let go-and that's my situation here. Jane was on so infrequently since really for the whole entire time of this run, that it was hard to get as attached as I did back in the late eighties/early nineties. So it will be easier to let her go now.

I will miss Tracy and her family, Tracy and her friends. I think the people in the room yesterday were the people that needed to be there-no more, no less. Would have loved to see Brook Lynn come back briefly, though. Oh, well. I feel the "story" they have given her has been a lame joke, but as always, Jane is making diamonds out of coal. No surprise there. I think we are supposed to assume now that the plaque never really knocked her out-she just had, as she put it yesterday, a "hallucination"(isn't that what she said?). Samira was pointless. I didn't like most of the clips-most of them were not great choices-I was confused as to why they picked the ones they did.

Anyway-today's the day. Would be nice if we all still check in from time to time-would love to read what you all are up to. Been nice chatting with you all over the years. I am very inspired by Jane's reinvention of herself now as well-I too have been contemplating the same thing, but I have been traveling for my job almost every day, so making plans for the future is on the side(not back) burner for now. I loved her quote about her education, because going back to school is something I am contemplating. I hope everyone is well. We will have to gather and dish on what we thought about the last episode. 

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So sounds like it was a great last show except there was only the one luke tracy scene and no dialogue -- would have liked a luke? Spanky? line at least but nice they leave it up to them being destined to live on their own terms together but opened ended up to fans imagination!  



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Wow! I can't believe she's gone. I deleted GH from my dvr today. I've been lurking here for a long time and I have really enjoyed this group. Will the group still be here where we can stop by and say hi every now and then? I do wish Jane all the best, she deserves it!

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HookedonhGH, you put that so nicely.

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it's true for me as well--although not for as many years--I found GH and Luke and Tracy when I really needed someone to love and a harmless distraction, and a new fandom to immerse in was just the thing. But I'm stronger now, and not happy about saying goodbye to JE on my screen, but I can. I did cry a little, today, before I watched the ep.

I do wish TG had spoken at lease one line, however. To hear him call her Spanky one last time would have completed it, for me, and I'd forgive all the missteps in this exit storyline, for that one small thing. *sigh*

I'd have chosen different clips, perhaps, more focused on Luke, since that's what the end was leading to. (Possibly some from 2010 when they were being held in Helena's dungeon...I'm sure I can think of a list, but no time now.)

I still intend to finish posting my fan fiction.

I'll check in, occasionally (I have meant to read through this entire thread, someday--it's great accompaniment to watching clips and reading fanfic--although it might just depress me to see how busy it used to be) but after three years, I can't watch GH anymore.


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