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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I feel like it's programmed Luke too and not Eckert or a mask. I feel like that's the more interesting way to go...which probably means I'm wrong and it will be Bill Eckert or yet another Scooby mask reveal that RC loves to do.

I loved TraLu today too. I like Emme, but I still find myself wishing it was JMB for all these nice Tracy and Lulu scenes we've had in recent months.

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Don't know if anyone saw this on twitter but Michael Logan is releasing an interview with Jane next week for TV guide. He teased emmys, elvis and getting her roots done.

I'm really--how many times do we have to hear about Deidre Hall doing her roots? Can't he think of some original questions?

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So I have actually really been enjoying the past few days of GH. The party has been fun with all these different characters interacting. I'm liking and intrigued by the "Luke" story. My only wish is that Tracy wises up soon and doesn't come off as a COMPLETE fool. I'd like her to notice before Ned comes to town. If Ned is the one who notices before she does...OY!

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so i rarely get to stop by anymore but with the mess that's been going on i feel the need to chime in. I very much don't want this to be a luke is under some kind of control story. I much rather think it's going to be bill. Here's why: (sorry if some of this has been said b/c I have only skimmed)

1) "luke" is turning his back on everyone who has meant anything to him- sonny has been his best friend for decades, alexis is a dear friend and he couldn't care less what happens with her family, doesn't seem to actually care much about his nephew lucas, and clearly tracy is not high on his list

2) they are completely rewritting history. they are already saying he has been controlling things for a long time running so it can't be since luke's capture. this means he has been playing tracy for years and he has always been trying to take down sonny. As far as tracy goes, cmpletely aside from the romance part of their story, the one thing she has always had is that she is the best business woman of the bunch, since she joined the show. She has always tracked down, through PIs or not, everything luke has done with her money. We are now supposed to believe that all the years he would have been ripping her off and trying to get control of ELQ and she wouldn't have found out where the money was going or that it was funding the mob again?

I guess I kind of condenced my reasons into those 2 but it basically covers it. Plus Bill coming back will give TG a chance to play something totally different without messing with a story like L&T that really works and they both love doing. and they get an easy out for him for the vacay and a story of how to get him back. While that has been done for his disappearences I think the focus woudln't really be on that, rather Bill's reappearence in town. they can always easily bring ned back with a real story to be involved in with the ELQ angle. they have been doing a lot of bringing the old characters and the classics out for well over a year now. i know the last bits of this aren't new to the posts but they all still support my view

that's my 2 cents....

Edited by knh
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I'm with you, Halee. I hope Tracy doesn't look like an idiot after this story is over, especially after what happened today.

A Barrett Industry mention... that does lend credence to the whole Bill Eckart thing. I just hope TPTB are a little more inventive than that. And surely a woman of Tracy's experience can tell the difference between Luke and an impostor in bed. Or is it just men who think women can't tell? I'm afeared that she might be a victim of the misogyny in the writing again in that regard.

She's been the first to highlight his being off somehow. I hope she's the one that gets to follow that point through to it's natural conclusions.

Wouldn't it be ironic if this was the thing that brought Sonny and Tracy together?

I'm going to have to reread that ELQ/Barrett story. It's been far too long since that story happened for me to remember. What's a good version to read?

(SN is double posting again)
Edited by remos
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Yes I was re-watching my 92 & 93 clips this weekend and there definitely was no love lost between Bill Eckert &Ned/Tracy/Edward to say the least. However I've clipped all my stuff down to "just Tracy & the Q's" so I don't really know the connection btw Eckert & Sonny. I could pull out the old dvds I guess, but since they are more than likely rewriting history for this story...why bother.

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Tracy: Men like you tend to vastly overestimate themselves.

Sonny: You think?

Tracy: I think that you confuse brutality for power and cunning for intelligence, and you do all right for awhile, and then one day, along comes somebody younger and hungrier and more brutal and more cunning, and then you die the way you lived.

Sonny: So you think that somebody’s coming after me?

Tracy: You know, Sonny, I think you have lasted longer than most and in fact with some flashes of brilliance, but in the end, you’re nothing more than a charismatic thug with dimples.

Sonny: Well, I never knew you noticed.

Tracy: Some people find you charming – I don’t.

General Hospital, 3/24/2014

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Huh.... okay, I'm going to call it: Tracy and Sonny significantly interact during this story. If that's not a set-up, I don't know what is. While they've shared insults in the past (and there was that one time where they wrote Tracy afraid of Sonny - stupid writers), they are both being duped by someone who is not only younger, but he will turn out to be more stupid and 'hungry' in the wrong way.

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^^^ Yeah, the scene was too random for it not to lead to anything else.

I wish Tracy got a reaction today when Lulu/Dante found out the baby was theirs. She was just quietly in the background, practically blurred out. The clearest shot we got, I think, was when she angrily, with Olivia, closed the door on Nikolas and a hysterical Britt.

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