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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Um...did Laura lie and tell Luke that Tracy did NOT tell her what was going on ? Because that's what it sounded like to me. Laura tried to brush it off as some sort of soulmate connection, that she just "knew".

Wow. Okay.

About Tracy. I have a feeling that she is just going to be relegated to being Luke's BFF and that she's not going to get anything remotely resembling a love interest ever again. With Luke or anyone. But I also get that feeling with Geary, that he's done doing the romantic thing (although HE is probably happy about it) and that he's perfectly content to just be pals with his ex loves and wives.

That's all well and good, but MyTracy needs a happy ending. If TG doesn't want to do that, get her another man, STAT.

Except for Scott. It's not that I don't think he and Jane can't bring it like they did last time.

I just think Tracy needs it from someone with no agendas, who means it. Oh, she had it...and they killed him.

I miss Joe Jr. Sexy man. *sniff*

I still think she'd have interesting chemistry with Julian. We'll see.

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I don't know if you all know or care but, Kirsten Storms and Brandan Barash are married and she's pregnant! I'm so happy for them! Another thing is I was catching up on some of my shows and Wally Kurt was guest starting on hot in cleavland. I love seeing my shows crossover. It gives me those feels ;D

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Tracy mentioned to Connie today that the fake marriage w/Luke was for almost 3 years. Wrong. LuNacy married in May 2005, and Tracy found out in June 2010 (I believe it was June) that it was fake, so that would total 5 years and 1 month... Wonder where the writer pulled out the number 3 from???

Nice Connie/Tracy scenes today. Will miss them.

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I loved Tracy/Connie yesterday. We get good stuff and then they kill off Tracy's friends. I normally hate "girlfriends" on soaps. But I liked the two pairs from yesterday-Maxie/Lulu and Connie/Trace.

*stomps foot*

It isn't fair.

I came to a conclusion yesterday, though. Tracy needs to stand her ground and get over Luke. They can still be friends. But that woman needs two things: #1, she needs a hottie like Joe Jr. Luke..though I appreciate and respect TG's skills....and how he can, or used to, pull off the sexy, has never been a hottie.

#2, she needs a man all about her.

And this needs to happen yesterday. I do enjoy the BFF pairing of Tracy/Luke, though. In many ways, it is far better than them as a romantic coupling.

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Honestly, with the more time that passes, I keep getting the feeling we won't be seeing "romantic Luke in a pairing" ever again. Couple that with what Tracy and Connie talked about yesterday, and I just think Lacy may stay that way-as BFF's. And to be honest, while the missed opportunities are sad, they are exactly that: missed. They are gone, and nothing is bringing them back. If they could write and mold Luke into the man I believe Tracy deserves, I'd rethink it. I just don't believe history is pointing us in that direction. However, to my ever lasting JOY, I don't think there's ever going to be some grand illustrious LnL reunion, either. Maybe one where he calls her an old sweater and pecks her on the cheek. But nothing "couple-y". But, you know, they could in the end go there for Lacy. As Tracy said yesterday though, she seems pretty resigned to it not happening. It's obvious TRACY is his best friend, and I'm okay with that. I have said previously several times, and I'll say again: I think Tracy's best scenes are with non romantic partners. I think it's because she's not trying to impress them. Much like yesterday with Connie-she's just being herself. There's a facade Tracy puts on with most men (though not Luke, ever), that I just don't like. And yeah, Tracy does deserve a man into her fully. I will wait though, to see if Tracy and Derek/Julian have any chemistry.

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If Tracy and Luke ( and JE and TG) didn't light the world on fire every time they were together, I might be inclined to agree.

But since they do - I don't.

If ever there was a couple that defined the term "soulmate", it's Luke and Tracy. Together, they actually make a whole person. Alone, they are half as good.

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You might be inclined to agree, with what? Which part of it? I said several different things so I'm not sure which part you are talking about.

I wasn't talking in terms of their chemistry, anyway. Simply making the statement that based solely on how TG is playing his scenes, that's how I am seeing it. Of course he IS playing a man that's dying, but he's been in a hospital bed before and still flirted like crazy.

He didn't even make the effort to flirt with Holly, not really. There was an energy there with the opposite sex that isn't there now. Not just Tracy, to be fair. I've noticed it since the start of the year. Something is missing.

But of course TG and JE still have awesome chemistry. It's not that. It's a feeling I am getting from watching the show, that this is where Luke is headed- to the old bachelorhood he talked about onscreen not that long ago.

I honestly think if you could shoot Luke full of truth serum, he'd say the reason he didn't fight for Laura, but can't give Tracy everything she needs, as Tracy admitted yesterday..I think Luke would say, that his perfect woman would be bits and pieces of both women together.

And since you can't cut them up....I think Luke has decided to be with neither, because he can't be with both. It's nothing being said. It's not even anything being done. It's just...a feeling.

And, I could be totally wrong and Luke could turn around and totally sweep Tracy off her feet and make me believe it. If that happens, great. My concern is Tracy's happiness. If it is to be with Luke, then that's that. As long as she is TRULY happy, so am I. But I want the show to sell it to me. Not just throw them together like a ham and cheese sandwich.

Tracy deserves a gourmet meal, not a school lunch.

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This post just makes me [!@#$%^&*] cry..... It makes me sad to think that,namely the bold part. I can just imagine a breakdown between Luke and Tracy,just crying. I'd slide down the walls with them. The (one of) reasons I just HARDCORE all day everyday ship LuNacy is because their obviously my fav couple and I need one happy ending. It's never happened to ANY of my couples before and they have the chance to take it (writters,WAKE THE [!@#$%^&*] UP) and why not? It's my little piece of hope I hold on to and I won't let go. I,in general,have never had a happy ending and I doubt it will start...ever. Never to me,my family,my couplings,nothing. So please don't take my piece of hope away. All of my shows and couples give me a happiness that I can't find anywhere else,it's my sustainance (however you spell it?! I'm ranting!) But I'm serious,they make me happy. They are my happiness. One of the biggest reasons,I ship them. Like Tracy said (not meant for being with Luke),"I won't give up on that dream.." and "it's never too late...."

And I agree (mostly) Remos

And ILTQ I'm sorry for ranting on you sad.png I just told you one of the many reasons I ship them. I still love you (all of you guys wub.png ) And I also respect your reasons and shipping,I never (usually) bash,hate,throw shade maybe but,never openly hate/bash. So please underdstand and forgive. I'm just not a happy person,I truly am Tracy. If you want the full story just say so. < No sarcasm intended,I really meant it

Edited by partyperson25
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No worries. I want a happy ending for Tracy, because I'm a TracyFF. I think out of all the characters on canvas, she deserves it more than most. Mainly because just about everyone else has had one really GRAND love story. If they want to sell me Lacy as the grand love story, with Luke being everything she needs and wants him to be, fine.

But they have a long way to go. I get loving Lacy. In my Grinch's heart, I still do, too. And yet, again, as a TracyFF, how can I root for them when Tracy just admitted (in PC time) less than a day ago, that Luke could NOT give her what she needs? He has said that. SHE has said that.

So I can't in good faith root for them until and unless that changes. It wouldn't make any sense for me. And again honestly...watching the show, watching Luke, seeing how TG is playing the scenes, saying the lines...he seems so DISINTERESTED in a romance with anyone.

Yes it could be that he's playing sick. So I'll give him the tiny benefit of the doubt for now.

I am always a "wait and see" kinda girl. My attitude and perceptions can change in a minute.

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That's a quad people have been asking for for years. They've all slept with each other, so there are serious levels of history there. Laura is obviously more hung up on Luke than Luke is on her, so I can see the fulcrum already. It's almost too good a story to pass up. Of course GF will be the weakest link in this group, as always, but the rest will cover for her. It's inevitable, so bring it on. The last time we had Tracy/Luke/Scott doing their thing was at the B&W ball, it was the best part of the entire month, and those performances gave the uber complement of the "New Lunts" to TG and JE. As long as they keep Laura to a minimum, it should be fine.

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