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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I thought the Lulu and Tracy scene was well done. I didn't have any issues with it except that it was too short! I hope there are more to come.

Edit: I did a search for Tracy Quartermaine images in Google, and I thought it was funny that the first "related search" was for "tracy quartermaine long hair." This isn't based on my search history because I know I haven't searched for 2013 or 1980. I will say though that when I was going through the images, I was hoping for a pic with long hair - haha.


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I just re-watched the recent Tracy/Lulu hug scene. I think that the slight look on unease on Tracy's face when lulu went to hug her was not Tracy but Jane. Every once in a while every actor even the best such as Jane let their actual personality seep though on screen. I noticed that Jane didn't know what to do with her hands while hugging New lulu. If it had been JMB as Lulu she would have pulled her in for a big bear hug, but with ER she looked to be slightly uncomfortable. That's just my perspective on that scene.

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I don't think Jane would break character like that, there's more to it. But it was awkward from what I saw.

Monica and Tracy were good yesterday. After seeing Tracy's reaction, I'm pretty sure she wasn't speaking from a place of experience, but rather conviction. She was pretty impressive and very much the Head of the Family. I'm glad they are making it that way. Monica might own the house, but Tracy runs the joint.

The Franco connection might be interesting. Tracy and Franco have had nothing to do with each other, so it will be interesting to see how things develop.

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I'm still not real optimistic about the whole "OMG Luke needs a liver" story (if indeed that is what it is); however if they make Tracy the one who gives him part of her liver, and something happens to her as a result...I could be okay with that. Thing is, even though Tracy doesn't drink half as much as she did back in the day, I can't imagine her liver is in good enough shape. LOL I have a bad feeling this is going to be all about Tracy looking evil by not informing any of Luke's family(even though he asked her not to), and of course Bora will stick her big nose in it and totally ruin my enjoyment of any such SL. I didn't watch yesterday, heard the Tracy/Monica scenes were good, though.

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I don't think so,or at most I hope not. After they said goodbye,naw but I doubt any of the evil will be put on Tracy. I mean she hasn't been evil since at least VERY early 05. Plus the WHOLE audiance has seen all that Tracy has truly wanted,so I hardly doubt she'll be painted as the criminal anymore,if anything she's a victim. I really think this whole set-up will lead to LuNacy getting back together.

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I think they are setting up a fabulous story of trust, love, fear and worry in the 60+ set. If I was writing this one, I would need someone at some point (yes Monica, I'm looking at you) to sit Tracy down and point out that she has let Luke down as much as he has let her down, by having such high standards for him to reach in order to receive her love. They've both brought their best and worst to this relationship, and yet they keep coming back for more because at the end of the day, they are better suited for each other than anyone else has every been. If this is the going down of the sun in Luke's life, then Tracy should be the one to help settle thing for that good night. And in there, dear folks, will be the story of both their lifetimes.

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I thought Tracy was supposed to be on today (Tuesday)? Maybe they are switching things around...

I enjoyed Monica and Tracy's scenes yesterday. I thought it was nice how Monica was concerned about what Luke "did" to Tracy to make her end up in the wheelchair, but of course, the far more powerful scenes were the ones when Tracy wouldn't let Monica blame herself for what happened to Michael.

I'm going to assume that 17 episodes in one month is a record, hooked. :)

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I thought Tracy was supposed to be on yesterday, too. About Laura-I thought I saw a spoiler that said she finds out about Luke and gets sucked back in or some such twaddle. Never mind that if Luke wanted her, he's had countless chances to have her over the years and he didn't go for it. She practically threw herself at him before marrying Scott and he still didn't seem to care. I hope, if she does try to make inroads with Luke, that Scott finds out and FINALLY writes her off. It would be the least she'd deserve after marrying him as a consolation prize.

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I've read so many contradictory spoilers that the only thing I can see is we haven't got a clue what's coming. I'm going by what's on screen. Another has said Tracy keeps Laura from him, but we all know in the past Tracy has bowed out every time Laura has been in the picture and Luke has STILL chosen Tracy. How much is fodder for the masses, how much is speculation, and how much is complete crap, is always unknown until the moment it airs. I see the "coma" spoiler has returned, too.

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Honestly I am more than happy to be spoiler free but I can't quite manage to not read some of them. I like being surprised far more than being spoiled, so I am trying to take it bit by bit now as well. The coma thing bores me, really. The ONLY upside to that is if Tracy starts attracting the attention of another man while Luke is comatose and Luke wakes up to having to truly fight for her. Besides..a spiteful part of me thinks he'd deserve it fully and without fail if she did start encouraging someone else. She's a dynamic, vibrant woman. It makes ZERO sense that she doesn't have a suitor almost all the time. Though I have to say-I LOVE that Tracy can still be herself without a man. I don't think there are many females on soaps (on TV, period) you can say the same about.

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No Tracy today either I guess? *bored* I DO like Britt. I just wish she was enough for me to watch for. And while I don't *hate* Kiki-not fond of KA's acting-I still wish the real Lauren would have turned out to be Ellie. I noticed a bit of a resemblance between the actress that plays her, and JE. Not just the red hair...the facial features are similiar, too.

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I don't mind Ava, I like her vibe. Thing is-the GH cast is getting waaaaay overblown. Do we really need Connie, Olivia, Carly, and Ava? Four women around the same age is okay I guess(though four is a bit much) but when the four of them have almost interchangeable personalities, it really brings home that only two of them are needed. At least with the younger set, Ellie, Britt, Maxie and Lulu all have fairly distinct quirks. I don't think you'd ever mistake a Britt line for a Lulu one. When is Tracy's new man coming on? I'm going to keep repeating that until he appears. Lacy or no Lacy, he NEEDS to appear. Luke will NEVER step it up unless he has a real reason to. I'm still not sure I want him to. I like newness, and Lacy hasn't been "new" in a long, looong time.

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