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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Baby,they're just begining. Don't get your hopes high enough to where you fal flat on your face. Although I do agree,she killed it!

Sorry I haven't been posting every so often. I've been super busy,parties,family,classes,vids,typing,etc. (btw to my peeps who read my fanfic..IM SOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN MONTHS!! I'VE HAD A HUGE WRITTERS BLOCK AND THEN I PUT IT OFF FOR SOOOO LONG,TOO LONG! I will update this week for each story...I hope) Aaanndd I have a wedding to go to this weekend,so my scheadule is basically blocked from now till the first week of june.

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Oh honey, no. I am NOT worried about no lacy. Please. I know who will be together in the end. Everybody does! But Tracy is FABU and I hope she gets the kinda soulmate shes wanted for her whole life. Even if she ends up back with Luke for a spell I will STILL be rooting for her to get the real thing once he's back where he belongs.

Edited by LnLLover
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Hate to break it to you, but LuNacy.2 is just starting. That scene was exactly what was needed to reset Tracy and Luke. Now they can actually write a proper romance for Luke and Tracy, just as TPTB seem to have promised TG/JE. And given the dates we've had for working together, and being there for each other... yeah.... no ending here.

Back in January or February I think? I read somewhere today that they are a month ahead.

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"Honey", the pair that are over is the one that's been announced over so many times this past decade, I've lost count. People don't want to hear it - that's your problem. Drink the koolade all you want, just remember this board isn't going to agree with you. Antagonizing any of us won't change that one iota.

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Hehe we're a devious pair ;)

Sorry I haven't been posting! I miss you guys! I've been busy,like I said,planning this,doing that. Ugh it's a hassle! But i love being kept busy,so naturally I don't mind. As long as it doesn't mess with my sleep pattern,which it has lately and it annoys the crap outta me!! Even friends notice,"You look tired,Why are you so stressed.." Etc,etc..It's soo not me and I'm just never not doing something. Also,I'm never,ever tired. :)

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EPIC smackdown of Luke. I loved every second of it and rewatched like three times. I'd love to think it'll lead to a real romance, but because of TG's times off...ain't holding my breath. I will withhold judgement to see where the writers are going with this. I still pretty much am of the court that Tracy needs things Luke just can't give. But I ain't afraid of Bora, nor do I think she'd ever be a threat. Luke could have claimed her AGAIN and chose to let her go. Doesn't sound like undying true wuv to me, but whichever. I still wish Joe Jr would pop up alive. Or a new character played by RS. DUDES, I am not a Trekkie, though I do love my Benedict, and WOW my sweet Aunt Fanny he was so good in the new movie. I mean, stole the freaking thing right out from under everyone else. If I could someday just get a BC project with JE playing a part.....*squeals*, I think that'd be awesome.

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It's all in the dialogue: what got to Luke wasn't the wedding - he couldn't give a rat's ass. What got to him was Scotty's comments. Add to that Tracy telling him what she really wants, which I have to point out is after years of NOT telling Luke she wanted the whole package, and leaving him to believe what they had was okay with her.

Luke has a lot of thinking to do, and remembering, and if we're lucky, some flashbacks. I don't think his vacation is going to be the big issue it was with Guza. Already RC seems to have worked his way through, and we all know the only reason Luke wasn't with Tracy when Edward died was because TG couldn't travel. Sure the cannon has him imprisoned, but even that was addressed with an apology first thing when they got back together.

I think we're going into new territory with LuNacy, and I'm finally interested in what is going to happen on the show. The only factors we can bank on is that JE will knock it out of the park and TG will give her every scene they have, because he adores her and respects her talent. Those are given. After that it's totally up in the air.

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Whatever I am not gonna get into a debate with you ladies about tired lacy. Whatever will happen will happen. Im here to give the great JE some praise not get caught up in some stupid fanbase war with you. Is this the lacy thread and somebody forgot to put the right title on? LOL, please!

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Here are summer previews from one of the soap mags I found online that were of interest to me lol:

General Hospital Summer 2013 Preview

Scotty/Laura: They return from their honeymoon at a critical time for Lulu. This forces Laura to interact with Luke. It all affects Laura in a massive way.

Luke/Tracey: They begin to really explore their relationship. Luke’s health is a game changer for them.

Ava/Duke/Anna: Ava has a major impact on the canvas. She loves her daughter but also is not afraid to use her now found relationship to get close to the Quartermains. She plays a role in the ELQ battle Duke questions her connection to the old Jerome family.

Lucy: She becomes involved with Sam and Silas because of Rafe. She begins to put down roots in Port Charles keeping herself busy with fun schemes.

Shawn/Alexis: Look for a very big story to come their way that will focus on the nature of their relationship.

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