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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I know the whole age thing is off, considering the recast Kate/Con is quite a bit younger than the character, but when Kate The First arrived in PC years ago, I thought she would make a perfect Long Lost for Tracy. Now I'm thinking Connie would make an even better one.

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Just saw LuNacy from yesterday. Man, those two are the most natural thing going. I love it when they are scheming like that, and Tracy taking the food from Luke's fork was so cute - speaks to how deeply connected they are. LuNacy working together is always a beautiful thing.

And I knew Luke and Tracy wouldn't be left without an Edward reference. The writers have it on the money, nothing would keep Luke from Tracy except Luke being locked away (or TG needing medical attention in another continent). Now that the two are in it together, I'm starting to get interested in this story.

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You know, aside from the fact that I've never liked any character GF has played, ever (soap, miniseries, movie-of-the-week), I can't stand that TG's Luke can't be free of that albatross. The poor guy's career has suffered terribly. Sure he's made money as Luke, but he's an actor who wasn't able to go very far because of the notoriety. On principle headlines like that make me want to puke - and that's before I start to tap into my dislike of the hype around that pairing. With any luck the "reunion" is a hello at Kelly's, and nothing else. TG always looks like he's got a stick up his ass when he has to work with GF as it is. Compare that to how natural it is with JE, and my dislike just explodes.

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He's actually natural with the rest of the Adventure Gang, natural with his kids, even natural with the Adventure Gang's kids. But wow is it different when he's stuck in a scene with laura/GF. JE really needs to be put into that Adventure Gang, and if they must have GF there, have her with the hospital crew or some other domestic stuff. Luke's character has to change way too much, and he ends up being gutted.

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I don't think it's even a case of "keep the faith", I think it's all going to come down to whether or not these writers actually know how to tell a real story, OR if they are going to go for the cheap points. If it's cheap, we're going to be force fed the drivel and I hope TG retires for his own sake. If we are going to get real story, the writers won't go for the easy. Unfortunately, reading around the dial on this show and others, most fans (at least those online) don't care much for actual story and development, they just want the comfy, familiarity of yesteryear, or if not that, they want the quick pairing without logic, so long as they are paired. Personally, that kills the show for me. I don't think nostalgia is the best place to live.

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The thing is though,ALOT and when I say ALOT I mean a-freakin'-lot!! Of GH fans want some sort of L&L reunion/interaction. Whether it be a small talk,just together as/with family (not as a couple) or as a couple. So the writters are gonna give that to them,more than likely not as a couple. I will start to tolerate RC/FV when and if they do not pair L&L back together. And Genie didn't even want that,so why force it upon them if they aren't gonna give it their all? Of course writters are writters and actors are actors but that doesn't mean they can't leave when they want to. And Genie came back for something bigger than L&L. Though she may have been fired from Y&R wouldn't mean she had to come back to GH. So do you see my point? Genie didn't sign up for another L&L reunion. After all of this PC/Vamp arc/SL is over we will for sure find out the result of this L&L ramble.

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We don't know why GF signed up aside from $$, like most of the cast. Time is hard for actors, especially of a certain age, and a job is a job is a job. I doubt there's anything even partially reflecting nobility. They are signed to do a job, and they certainly aren't going to dictate to writers what they will perform. That doesn't happen. It's all up to the writers, and if they are going to pander, the actors will go there too.

You're right though, most speaking viewers want that reunion.... but then again most speaking viewers will read/watch anything without reflection, so I'm not surprised. Escapism is the name of the game. Those who value story for the integrity of story are usually out of luck.

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