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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So cool that JE wants to learn about the Nurse's Ball and fill in the blanks that her character should have. I wonder how they will have Tracy integrated, because performing musically is not on of Tracy's skills.

LOL, that TG would be the one to suggest the striptease. I have no problem picturing him doing that - it seems to match with him MO of pushing the boundaries. Love that about him.

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From SOD recap so this must happen tomorrow

AJ gets released. Tracy helps to get Robert released from, and they learn aj has verified that Faison was alive and last seen in Switzerland

I don't think tracy is on week of the 10th

But week of 17th what will happen: Lucy finds herself in position of power with the Qs

Interview with lynn herring saying Tony and Jane are good friends of hers and they told her the network and fv wanted nurses ball back. She was so excited about it. She has scenes with newbie peeps, but then she has scenes with monica and Aj and great scenes with Alice, and then she has scenes with Tracy/monica/aj that are snarky and fun and dialogue could be torn out of a script from hey dey of the characters in the 90s....

Edited by hookedongh
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^^^^Sounds like some fun scenes coming up!! :)

I have to admit I find myself enjoying GH more than I have in a long while. I use the FFW button less EVEN when Sonny is on and that's saying something! The only complaint I have, and I don't even know if it's really a complaint, is there are so many characters on the show right now that I forget what's going on with them because it's been a long time since they were last on. LOL

So Maurice decided to stay on at GH I really thought he was going to leave, with the new regime it seems like the show would have made a smooth transition out of the mob crap since Steve left. Oh well!

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Who doesn't?!(Miss her hair) Always loved her shoes and make-up.

I'm so physically and mentally drained right now. I need a massage therapist! I'm surprised my brain NEVER gets tired under all the stress,pressure and demands it's put under,I'm sorry brain! I've been standing for the past 4-5 hours doing a project,only now I'm sitting. Sorry about ranting on my stress induced brain.

Anyway,I've posted like 3 stories on FF.net. If anyone's intrested here are the links and a short description of each,they are all Tracy based.

Life Without you:Series-A different take on the Metro court crisis


Immortal Souls-Fantasy type story/Scifi. Something different


Scandal:Unleashed Passions- Another different take on romance. Again it's different


Edited by partyperson25
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Just felt like posting an excerpt of my Immortal souls story because of how much I love the way I used the dialogue.

"Don't get yourself killed." Tracy called out as Emily walked out the door.

"Tracy." Monica warned.

"Monica,your fangs are showing."

"Good one wife." Luke laughed.

"I thought you were on a low-blood diet."

"So did I. You really should watch your soul intake,Tracy."

"Oh please Monica when was the last time you actually went out and killed for yourself. Alan,A.J,even I,sometimes bring you home your much needed blood. I'm surprised that you can actually fight for yourself." Monica rolled her eyes.

"You're just lucky that Skye isn't living here anymore. She would've brought some other werewolf here to tear you to shreds."

"Me? She would've torn you apart as well as I,and speaking of Skye,why didn't you get rid of her long before? Oh and another thing,Skye would've never beat me in a fight. I'm an immortal,don't you remember? Being mixed under these circumstances is rare,much less forbidden."

"We don't need a reminder."

"Well you just got one." The two crossed their legs and just rolled eyes at each other.

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Same here. U have no idea how much I'd love these two to get together, however temporarily, and have to it get at Luke, not that they get together TO get at him. They have always had some chemistry so I think it'd be a lot of fun

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Friday's Tracy/Robert scenes made me remember these scenes of them from June 2006:




Robert: Luke knows there’s a lot of heat between us. That night in the Markham Islands, when he caught us in the sack together, he finally realizes that he cannot live without you…

Tracy: Well, you do have a certain — aboriginal magnetism to you.

Robert: Rawwr.


Robert: You underestimate yourself, my little love machine.

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