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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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^^^ I did. It was so slow and kept freezing, but it wasn't impossible to get stuff from it. Was there something I was supposed to get off of it for you? smile.png

I made these last night... I thought it was a good Edward/Tracy scene.



Tracy: Why don’t you sit down and rest, Daddy? Let others do the worrying.

Edward: Spare me the phony concern.

Tracy: Jeez, Daddy, we’re trapped in a burning building. We may not make it out alive. What possible reason would I have to be phony? I love you. Why do you let everybody in but me?

Edward: Because you frighten me, Tracy. You always have. When I look at you, I see the worst of myself.

Tracy: Well, I’ve succeeded. All I ever wanted was to be just like you.

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Omg I forgot about those clips!! I knew you couldn't find the old computer but I forgot why you had been looking. Dumby. They were the old Ashton Tracy clips but ill have to think about it for the specific ones. At least the drunk dancing one after something to do with the Tracy sinking, the furniture moving and Ashton making Tracy breakfast. I don't know what else off hand. I have been painting wine glasses and ornaments all weekend so I can't even get my brain to focus on anything else yet. They r for sale if anyone wants some. I'll post pics when I am on my computer and not the phone

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^^^ knh, I'll see what I can do.

I've been reading people's thoughts on what Edward left Tracy today, and some of what I've read is quite deep, and I'm not sure if I see Edward as that deep in that aspect...

What do you all think his message was (if there even was a message) by leaving her the jar of Pickle Lila?

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I read the comments too, and I'm not sure Edward was that into symbolism. I haven't seen the show, but when I saw it stated that she only received the pickles, the first thing I though of was Edward was giving her another piece of her mother - a piece Tracy hadn't been around for. Edward knew more than any other Q (except now perhaps her sons) that Tracy loved deeply and through sending her away, he denied Tracy access to her mother. This was obviously something Edward treasured as something personal, so he gave Tracy something personal. As others mentioned, this sets of stories for a long time, and who knows what Heather has done to the Will or what Luke will do to help Tracy when he returns. But I think in time, Tracy will understand.

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i don't know if these pics will show up but i hope so... otherwise i'll have to find another way to get them on here

now for my complaints if no one minds reading them.... still on the job search troubles.

- so after about 3 years of applying to theaters in nyc (all of them, opera, broadway, off broadway.... every damned theater) i finally had one person from Evita call me back but of course I got the 'clearly you're talented but..." speech. though his was a nice "but" speech. he said I need to get in touch with the union who does the hiring. I tried to CALL every theater i could b/c i thought maybe hat was just how that show worked, though i called the union anyway. Evidently they have doctors hours b/c they are closed when i get out of work and i have yet to be able to get in touch with them on a lunch break. theaters don't give their numbers so I tried a back way and get telecharge and see if i can get the number from them. all they could give me was the number for the shubert org. I called THEM and the woman kept saying "well you can't call the theater they won't hire you (i know that that's why I'm calling you) you have to be a member of the union to get a job (again, i know that, how do i join the union?) you have to join the union!!! (.... wtf?) you have to get in touch with someone in the field to get the info (k- let me get patti lupone and i'll figure that out.... cricket... dumb a$$- if i could do that i wouldn't be calling you!).... hang up the phone. so now I have FINALLY gotten in touch with someone at the union and what i was told is to go to the website and it'll tell me what to do to join- they GAVE me the site b/c there are about 500,000 different sections to go to and fields to search. What it told me is that I need how ever much experience and the start up membership fee is $3500!!!!!!!

WTF- this is such a "you can't get there from here" situation.... what the hell do i do now? I can't get experience ANYWHERE without being in the union and I can't join the union without having it. I want to just call theaters and see if they will take on any volunteer stage hands so I can get my feet wet and learn the biz and get my name on some work.... but I think they frown upon storming the backstage....

my career choice sucks in a big way!!

and of course the pics didn't show up. does anyone know how i can just cut and paste them on here? it isn't allowing it it just shows those numbers up top...

i'll try again soon

Edited by knh
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anyone know any good fileshare sites I can use? I need to start loading my resume and portfolio on that to send apps b/c the pics are making the files too big to send in emails

if there were ever a group who used them I'd figure it was you guys:)

hooked- i know you suggested one to me a while back but i can't remember it and also i don't know if it was a fileshare or if it was like an external harddrive on a website

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knh Sendspace always works for me

And I can see why you're so fed up. Always follow your dreams! I have a couple suggestions..Try a talent website,start small in your career and make your way up,find connections,use social media sites (Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Tumblr,Flickr,Myspace,etc) to advertise or promote yourself,ask for help,occasionally pick up business cards...I can get you specifics if needed. I'm glad to help because I used to use a talent website and gave me all kinds of auditions,experiences and gigs.

Edited by partyperson25
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i am trying to get into set design/ art department for theater so i think it may work a little differently for the talent website but otherwise they're good suggestions. I have done all of the above. i joined twitter for that exact reason and it's been suggested to me to try to contact people directly via their website or something to see about doing cover art or anything they might need. the trouble is no one runs their own site and for something like twitter they have to friend me before i can send a message. i do have it all set up though. I have done local sales and things like that for my actual "art" but i live in CT so nothing around here helps me be known in NYC and nothing i do around here ahas anything to do with what i am trying to get into. I think i'll just need to bite the bullet and pay the freakin' money but i don't have that much extra to just throw at a union and not even have the jobs yet!!

anything specific you can give me would be great though!!!

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unfortunately i am pretty sure that sendspace has a shelf-life that sin't very long so if these people don't get them right away it's been wasted.... also- sadly, my connections are wasted too. I know art dirctors on both coasts and my cousin is one in NYC. supposed to have been a shoe-in for a job with anderson cooper and THAT fell through so i'm finding her less and less helpful as the time goes on. then again, i guess it's not her job to find me a job

my cousin had suggested dropbox but that is saving everything in another folder on my computer!!! why do i want it in a second spot?! i'm looking to move it OFF my computer and be able to share it, not to just hide it in a million folders...

ARRRGHHH...... angry.png more than fed up today

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knh I'm truly sorry. Do you think you could move sometime to NYC,LA,Hollywood,Miami,Orlando? You know the big places? Because I live in Fl and out here opportunities are basically handed to people whether its for modeling,art,acting,photoshoots,anythig in the media arts field. I have at least six cousins who are/were/was in the modeling field,were/was/is in an modeling agency and also have dancing careeres/gigs. They are all under 20 and 2 younger than me,one lives in NYC and the rest down here. So would you consider over time to move to somewhere like this? I mean even just for a few days/weeks? I bet you'd get tremendus opportunities,but I really don't know the specifics on this? I'll find more for you though,specifically

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knh, I wish I could help you, but I'm not familiar with that business.

As for storage sites, I don't think there's anything that will hold your files long-term unless of course you pay a fee. I did a Google search for online portfolio sites...Maybe this one would be good? http://carbonmade.com/ or http://www.portfoliobox.net/ or http://www.pixpa.com/ It looks like the middle one is the best option from a quick glance...

remos, thanks for your input on today's scenes.

I hate when I get too involved with a show...It makes my head hurt...It's easier to just watch and enjoy and not watch and analyze - haha.

I really do hope this leads to something promising. Edward and Tracy had such a sweet final scene at the hospital when she stole the medicine for him (a complete turn around from 1980 when she withheld it). Cutting her out of the will and making her feel like she still couldn't get Daddy's love, respect, and approval even in his death completely takes away from the last scene they shared. Such a shame.

I'm glad Ned will be there for her tomorrow (actually, he's really been the only one there for her so far, unless you count Monica's hug).

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I think the pickle lila for tracy was edward's way to pushing her to finally figure out that she didn't need anyone's else's approval (his) to be validate herself and lila created something on her own two feet that was a success and he has faith tracy can do the same.

When the Qs were down and out and living at Kelly's and lost their fortune it was Lila who became a success and helped them to rebuild.

Just my take anyway...also maybe edward wanted her to find happiness with someone who loves her for her and not the Q money? Another thought...

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