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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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He's important to me, because he's the first man in Tracy's life to truly like her for her. *goes into corner and cries some more*

Why are they trying to make him as scuzzy as possible now? To prop Trey and Kristina?

I guess, since previews showed Jason listening to what Joe did to Kristina, that Jason will go after him. But did your insider say for sure that Joe kills Jason-or just that Jason dies around that time? Cause I still want to say Heather causes his death. Because mainly, I was told it was going to be a "presumed" death, and if you get shot on the docks, well....there's either a dead body or their isn't. Not much "presumation" there. But if he and Heather are playing cat and mouse in the middle of nowhere, I can buy him falling off a cliff or what have you, so that everyone thinks he's dead but he isn't.

Pleasepleaseplease don't let Joe kill Jason. I am nuts I guess-I am still rooting for Joe to come out redeemable enough to keep him with Tracy.

Doesn't it just SUCK, that men have treated Tracy so badly, that I am rooting for this pairing?

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I don't mean to be disrespectful, but he rode in on the scuzzy horse. He was portrayed as a murderer and a rapist from day 1. You just wanted redemption for him because he treated our girl nicely, and there was definitely chemstry there.

But, hey, JE can make chemistry with a tree. No worries. There will be more men for her... And maybe they won't be scuzzy

(and if they're anybody but Luke I'm leaving.. but that's my problem, not yours ;) )

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Yes, Larry and that sexy British accent. Rowrrrr. I wish they'd bring him back as the man at Joe's door.

Assuming it's a man, but what if it isn't? What if it's Helena? I think that's a name no one has mentioned that it could be, yet.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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quick recap

joe shows up at the Qs, begs tracy to help him

Joe lies to her face and says sonny had him shot

begs her to help, she wants to take him to hospital or let monica get bullet out, he says no police, no monica, she has to help him

tracy complains he is bleeding all over her antique couch

She gets the bullet out for him (without even taking off his shirt cause you know she is a medical doctor and all)

he calls her angel and wants to stay with her, begs her to help him and to hide him cause sonny has power etc

She gives in

Dante at lakehouse, kristina says trey saved him. Trey says he shot his father trying to stop him. Dante takes gun.

Trey said his dad has no friends. Jason grows a brain and remembers that sonny told him about joe/tracy

police show up at end at Qs banging on door

Sam begs jason to let it go and let john go after joe

On next GH

Joe begging her to hide him from police

Totally sets up the story -- jason goes after joe for his last order from sonny, jason and joe both die

sam blames sonny, monica blames tracy

Then I could see edward finding out about jasam baby before jason dies, then jason dies and edward is heart broken, changes his will leaves it to jasam baby, cuts tracy out and then battle for ELQ ensues...enter AJ (edward probably dies from the blow of st jasus death)

That is my theory anyway

Edited by hookedongh
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Edward can't be that damn heartless towards his only daughter on his deathbed?! If that does happen then he had no soul,is cold and he is rotting..in hell. (soory to use harsh language just that no father should be like that to a daughter and does a will always have to be a big deal?

Lol and I hope so

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I really enjoyed the Tracy and Joe scenes today. It was fun seeing Tracy's reaction to having to play doctor. When she tossed the wooden spoon at him while saying, "I saw this on a movie once. Bite down on this," I laughed.

What else? Liked seeing the drama part of today's scenes with Tracy, as she debates whether or not she should help Joe. She wants to but knows deep down she shouldn't, but does so anyway. And her anger/annoyance with him was good too (What did you do to get yourself shot?!) So much love for Tracy's scenes today. wub.png

I don't doubt Joe cares about Tracy, but he has to know there is no future for them. He's gone completely off the deep end trying to kill Kristina, and while I may not like Kristina, there's no coming back from that. There's no coming back from raping Kate or murdering that one woman either, but that never played out onscreen, so one could argue that it never happened. Anyway....We saw what happened with Kristina... Joe is so a dead man.

I don't get how Monica blames Tracy for Jason's death? Or is that just part of your theory, hooked? It's not like Tracy brought Joe into Port Charles, and it's not like Jason is going to die saving Tracy... He's going to die in a battle with Jason. Sonny is the one ordering Jason to take Joe out, so if you want to blame a living person, blame Sonny, like Sam is going to.

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Ms I think cause tomorrow Tracy covers for joe with Dante til she hears what he did and realized he lied. Then she turns him in but he flees

According to SOD Soave they blame him getting away

It's not her fault cause I'd believe sonnys sent his goons after him

Such a waste if chemistry but guess its sets up other story

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Ms Q I'm so with you on the Jacy scenes today. Just so natural together, with her griping about him bleeding all over the couch. It's obvious he adores her, and I'm going to ship them until the end, whenever that might be. And if and when they do end, I'm going to cry. Because you can't bottle that stuff for a million bucks. And, I don't think she's ever going to get anyone to so blatantly obviously think she hung the freaking moon. It's not going to happen again, so they'll have to pry this couple from my cold, dead fingers.

That-and I just REALLY, really like Joe. Lying creep that he is. I don't know that he "can't come back" from what he did to Kristina. Send him away off screen for six months in jail. Have him come back and start over. It's doable. Of course, there are other ways besides sending him away, but that's the least complicated I think.

I just want him to stay. :(

About Tracy/Duke- hmmm. So is the revelation about Duke, where Tracy "loses complete control of her emotions?" Or is that over Joe, or both of them?

There's a reason they are tying them together. It is too random not to be a plot point.. What is it?

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awww poor tracy gets her heart broken yet again

Joe begs her to hide him

Dante shows up and tracy lies that she doesn't know joe

She finally says he is her antique dealer and why does he want him

Joe is listening in

Dante says joe kidnapped kristina and tried to kill her and his son shot him

Tracy doesn't believe him at first and then dante explains

Tracy fakes that she is yelling at dante to get out but is really pointing to the Q living room or den and dante busts in but Joe is gone and patio door open

She tells dante that joe told her sonny shot him

Dante tells her she did the right thing

He leaves, tracy is crying and whips out joe's medal and breaks it off the chain and says that is the last time he lies to her...

IN the hotsheet for next week

Duke has another connection in PC....this could be Joe I guess or Tracy

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