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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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YES, We concluded everyone basically was stupid on GH Today!!! And a lot of LOL!!! 

Yes, the only thing you missed is that yesterday Brook Lynn & Chase went to Tracy & filled her in, completely. She offered them her full support & said she knew of counselors who could help them with an intervention! So, the subject has even been raised & is in their heads to do so. I'm really at a loss why we did this adlibbed ambush today! HUH?!! 

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Really the only thing I can think of is that Chase/Brook really wanted to get Violet out of the volatile situation without much push back and just bumbled the whole delivery.  Then stage an intervention because obviously Violet shouldn't be around for that.  Although I do think A LOT more effort should be put into finding Hayden and at least trying to keep her up to date on the situation because I think it would be very difficult for anyone but CPS to get custody of Violet without Hayden's consent.

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Rebecca Herbst killed it Monday.  Loved Elizabeth dumping Finn and Jason coming to make sure she was alright and getting her out of there, then their scenes at the Metro Court pool were great as well. I’ve said it before but the show has been foolish not to be playing Liason and JaSam more during this Burton return and I hope this is the beginning of a course correction.

Binged the last couple of weeks this past weekend and the episodes where the Pikeman story finally got in gear again put some heat back into the show for me but they keep dropping the ball when the focus shifts and the other stories on canvas just aren’t as interesting. The Anna and Jason scenes of her trying to get him to turn on Sonny then figuring out Valentine is the big bad specifically were fantastic. I loved Carly and Sonny’s scenes too, the one in the Metro Court lobby (honestly didn’t know that part of the set still existed) and the one at her house where he begs her to believe he didn’t put a hit on Jason were really good. Ava recording Natalia being problematic was also hilarious and I enjoy that they have been writing Natalia a little more directly cutting with Kristina now.

When this regime has focused the writing on the characters who were mainstays during the 97-12 era they shine. Everything else with the exception of Lois/Ava/Nina/Drew has been bland or a stinker for me which is really bad for a show with such a large rotating cast. The fact that a lot of these characters are four+ years deep into being on canvas and have very few distinct qualities that make them interesting to watch says a lot about the way Frank has run things.

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Well, that is where I got my list, also. I just checked it & his name is right there. I can't explain how I looked for it before & did not see it. I think I will just go soak my head. I'm sorry, folks, my post of the winning team was correct but my ability to see what is right in front of my face is somehow lacking. I am disgusted for lack of a harsher, less polite word. 

As always, thanks, Jane. 

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Today's show reminded me of why I am glad that Patrick Mulcahey is leaving.  He took another gratuitous shot at Hayden, implying that she just took off on her family.  He did that last week too.  

I didn't like the way they separated Hayden and Violet to begin with, but at least previous HWs always made it clear that something was very wrong, and that Hayden did not want to be away from her daughter.  

I hope that whatever brings down the people running Pikeman will somehow tie into Hayden's departure and finally allow her to return to Port Charles.  

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This conversation with Lois and Brook Lynn would have so much more weight for me if she mentioned AJ and Ned. That Ned lying about Jason’s accident because of AJ. being drunk was something that led to the end of their marriage. That Ned not trusting her and being more worried about the image of the family instead of the consequences chipped away at the foundation of their relationship. Encouraging them to do the right thing and not lose each other in the process would have been a nice use of history.

Instead we got generic Cerullo family members.

I have missed Liz and her boys sharing scenes so I am glad they are showing her side of the Finn situation.

Finn is a few weeks away from thanking absolutely nobody but himself for Doctor of the Year. I know ME thinks he is serving intense, but it is giving La Lucci’s high camp a run for its money.

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I'll be honest and say I can't recall a lot about Hayden's exit, but I recall she was very heartbroken to leave Violet and it was necessary for some reason.  Threats?  Criminal behavior? Something to do with the Cassadines?  Idk, but it wasn't her just leaving because she wanted to.  I would because Violet is a demon spawn, but I digress.

I can't say I really am invested enough to say the show is taking "shots" at Hayden, but I do think someone should be actively looking for her like Liz or Chase.  I don't think Finn has any formal custody agreement from the court or anything and she is the biological mother.  The fact no one including Finn, Liz, Jeff, Curtis, etc really cares anything about Hayden's whereabouts is a bit funny though.

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LOL at the fan fiction that Chris & Dan went around the GH studio asking people for stories after the strike. They don’t work from the studio. The incorrect gossip that one spreads is amazing.

I’m glad Mulcahey was cut loose so quickly. GH is a mess with his ahem ‘stories’ that aren’t really stories. June is a snore for GH

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I hope that none of you ever have the experience of someone following you & telling lies. 

Meanwhile, on the ABC press site, something unusual, from last week, poolside, a page of BTS but be warned the photog obviously has a huge crush on Evan!!! No question that Sexy Dexy is easy on the eyes. 

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