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Y&R May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Yeah just like RH over on GH, I am wondering who has it out for SC other than JG cuz all the stories she could be getting now that she's normal again and all of her connections are firmly intact and yet...she is getting blink and you miss her scenes now?  Make it make sense. 



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My theory about SC is she’s perhaps on “punishment” possibly for twice refusing to do a Shick reunion after JG teased it both in 2022  and 2023. Now she’s doing once a month appearances with minimum acting and making goofy faces. A darn shame.

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I could very easily see that as well especially with Morrow’s ego. However, with Nick and Sally being long over,  now Nick has zero story at all other than to be a supporting Newman and that’s it. The only advantage is he appears more than other black hole characters like Chelsea and Sharon do. 

The show teased Nick and Lily a month or so ago but didn’t follow-up at all. Also the recent JM and Stafford scenes also feel forced and awkward. I know Phyllis has been written into a permanent corner for a year now, but I get the sense JM and MS may not enjoy working together anymore either. I wonder what happened there. 

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Can Josh Morrow really decide what his storyline is and what involvements he wants for Nick?

Still puzzled as to why GCAC can have background people but CL is always empty.

Anyway today's director was smart and kept to tight shots in CL and Society so the lack of extras wasn't noticeable.

Sharon Case isn't looking her best. Let's leave it at that.

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And to think I almost skipped the standalone. It just reminds me of GL Wednesdays and I never really loved those. And they are hit and miss at Y&R. Usually, they have almost no consequences on the show.


But WOW!!! Seeing Jack fall off the wagon...IS a gamechanger. And fall low. And it doesn't seem seem like it was a fantasy of Nikki's either. So BOOM!!! Diane gets a story...and new energy a la new feud with Nikki going forward.







But he has been from what I've seen in interviews, boards, all around. Didn't he and SC fall out over some comments he made years ago while Nick/Phyllis was back together. And then there was that time he gave an interview...maybe on THE TALK?...where he was asked about Nick's relationships and made a comment and then MS fell a way for a while. As a reason, he rarely speaks about Phyllis or Sharon in order to not get either woman in their feelings.


And then there's the times JM always try to play up all his leading ladies not them over the years because the sad truth is that SC is his best acting partner, but JM is NOT hers. 

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I have watched some Cricket/Danny in my 1986 episodes and I can actually see real chemistry and it’s not forced. It’s so natural.

But what is the goal for them here in 2024? Like what’s the endgame for this story? Just to make Phyllis mad? Give Lauralee a few more paychecks ? I mean that dude ain’t sticking around longterm anyway so why should we care about a cricket and Danny reunion? Or a Phyllid-Danny thing?

I liked early cricket and Danny. But they seem so akward and exhausted together these days. What’s even more weird is that Danny-Phyllis actually looked more comfortable around each other than ever. 

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Jordan is so camp. lol. But lord if I don't enjoy seeing CZ do her thing even though I hate the character. I am wondering if she is going to use that liquor bottle to escape a la a fire. But how to get it to burn. Hmmm.


I see Daniel and Heather have vanished. *side-eye*


Good to see that others are picking up on the hostility between Summer and Claire. And now the nanny is gone? I guess that should be coming to a head.


I FF through most anything Chelesa/Billy and Adam/Sally. And I'm sad that Sally is back to sidekick to Adam in most scenes. 


So the real thing catching my interest this past week so far is the Ashley story. And due to the story going on with Jack and Diane (which was so pretty great scenes, too), I expect that to have yet ANOTHER wrinkle in the Jack/Diane relationship...which I would say IT'S ABOUT TIME. Diane has been nothing, but background (outside of that C story with Kyle) for a year now. Let's test that marriage.


But going back to Ashley...I don't think I had time to say before now, but I LOVE the episode where it was 'Jean' vs 'Niki' (I'm sure the OLTL fans get that). It was just such a joy (not the story) of watching Eileen Davidson ACT. And then to see that 'Jean' is back in control. Le sigh. Ashley takes one step forward...and then more steps backwards. And now there was Ashley already sending her friend off. I really hope that is not the last we see of CC though. 

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