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DAYS: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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I can't believe I watched the whole episode without a ff.

Jessica my dear you dropped the ball. 

The baby's reaction at the end after seeing Ari was so cute.

EJ reaction to not knowing at the end looked so fake.

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I'm bored with Chanel and Johnny. Their ship sailed long time ago.

Edited by Soapsuds
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The baby was enormous, but totally adorable lol.


I still don't think JS is that bad.  She did decent today.  I wasn't cringing with any of her choices.  I was a bit worried about GV.  His face was so red when he was screaming at Sloan.

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That's totally fair.  A lot people seem to agree with you about JS too.  Anyway, I do get your point about the scenes not flowing very well, but I still thought they were good.  It was all done quite quickly and I think the scenes could have been better fleshed out over two episodes.

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The only time I thought Ron Carlivati was capable of writing good material was his first day as HW at OLTL.  That's the ONLY time I've ever enjoyed anything that man has written.

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I thought JS did better as the episode went on, and I kinda like her even though I know she's not the strongest. I don't think she necessarily plays layers, which is both about her being green and the way daytime is shot and written. But this setup did no one any favors. How lame to just... have her admit it to him in their damn studio apartment. I really thought GV was over-the-top at times, too. 

This thing should've come out at the christening or some big party or SOMETHING.

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*ANOTHER* DID story!? You have got to be kidding me. What a lazy unimaginative hack. And to get paid good money for such mediocrity.

The only upside is that BB is a good actor.

The actress playing Felicity is adorable, and I like the actor playing her brother. I hope they give them both some nice material to play.

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I ran into a LOTD last night, I had jotted it down, about a month ago, and I just had to laugh. "No more secrets - ever." -Sloan to Eric

Yeah, right. 

I am not personally perturbed by another DID story. 

So far I do not care for Felicity but that could be me being slow to warm up to new folk.

It may be perverse but I rather like the fact that Chanel is avoiding Paulina. Anything at all to make these characters even slightly more interesting. Honestly, I don't know many who have bored me as much as I am bored with these people in Salem right now. 

I hate this Kaiser Permanente ad!!! 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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All things being equal, I prefer a DID story over a long-lost twin, or another latex mask.  And I assume it will be a factor in the Abigail storyline.  Maybe Marlena will find the cure and win a Nobel Prize for Medicine?

My dream scene is a debate between Marlena and Rolf over medical ethics

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Edited by j swift
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Ari Zucker and Greg Vaughan continued to kill it today, especially when Nicole gave Eric the chance to say goodbye to Jude. Holly did pretty well too, for that matter. I wonder where they’re all going to go from here, especially since we know how it’s gonna end for Nicole. This is the A storyline on the show right now and it could go in so many different directions. 

I’m not really sure why Maggie can’t clue Sarah and Xander in on her plans for a Konstantin but their scenes were nice. And I really hope that Xander’s attitude about Alex and Theresa and them moving in the mansion is foreshadowing for what’s to come. Xander vs. Alex would be great to see.

As for the rest of today, Rafe coming off like a tyrannical boss was unnecessary. And considering the scene of John and Steve vowing to stick together to take down Clyde and Konstantin, so was the rewrite about Konstantin’s daughter. 

I prefer DID over those too, especially since they wrote that *wink wink* scene of Gabi meeting Everett and saying she had never seen him before in her life. 

But I would preferred it to be a whole big con on Everett’s part, mostly because that would have explained all the continuity errors lol 

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