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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Most people here have a much better knowledge of how it works behind the scenes, but does NLG's guarantee's have something to do with Alexis covering so much ground in one day?  Is it more budget friendly to put all of her scenes in one day as opposed to three?  Obviously I assume the answer is yes, so maybe that's why some characters travel all over town in one day instead of spreading it out.

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HW: Elizabeth Korte & Patrick Mulcahey

BDW: Chris Van Etten

SW: Charlotte Gibson

DIR: Tina Keller

I wish someone would tell Willow THAT it was Spencer, Trina and Laura that saved the day in Greenland & NOT Drew.

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I would say todays GH set up a lot of stuff but with PM gone will it actually lead anywhere?

Prediction: Drew & Nina continue having sex. Drew & Willow start having sex. All this comes out prior to the election in November.

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It would be so funny if in the end Patrick came out and said he quit and actually wasn't fired. People act like the witch from the Wizard of Oz came and fired him and told him to never go back to the land of General hospital. I bet if it ends up that he left... these same people will be the first to say - Well... he quit, because they were going to fire him anyways.


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Patrick, I forbid you to ever, EVER set foot on these lands ever again, you talented dialogue writer! 


But why?


Because everyone expected you to fix this show in 3 days! And it's your fault it's not fixed! Do you hear me? It's your fault! Even though the show has been in a downfall for years!


So where should I go now?


Go back to Bold and The Beautiful. Write for that sex scandal dude! We don't want you here - we only respect PROVEN head writers! BYE. Come back when you can assure us we can climb to N1 spot in the ratings!


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@Maxim I heard PM was given atonomy at GH but that quickly changed. FV wanted dome what he wanted. EK is a YES woman. PM is not a YES man. So wheter he walked or got fired its probably better for his mental health, however, not good for GH

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-- I agree with Contessa about Maura West. I don't think she's going anywhere.

-- So everyone is out running in the park in the same hour? Cool.

-- Maxie isn't ready to have sex with Spinelli yet? GMAB.

-- I think Patrick Mulcahey quit. I don't believe he was promised "automony" of any kind. He was hired as CO-Head Writer, for one thing. For another, he's been around long enough to know the power structure at GH.

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Ugghhh why couldn’t Sonny have a manic episode in today’s show? 

And, are they really gonna go there with Drew and Willow? 

I wouldn’t mind it, especially if it just turns out to be a revenge plot to get back at Nina. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I will miss these longer scenes. Dante and Kristina was a great scene today. DZ should be one of the leads on the show, not relegated because Frank doesn’t get him. I don’t get why we see so much of Dex, and that eye isn’t helping.

Cliffhanger watch- Sonny approaching Dex should have been the end of the episode. Even if I don’t care about that story, it should have been a set up for the next day.

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It's not the format that feels old; I love the longer, character based scenes; that's what these shows should be about.  It's the content, the stories. For example, having a female character go from being a public spokesmodel for a cosmetic firm to pitching hay in a barn and becoming a private cook is not exactly the zeitgeist of 2024. 

Mulcahey trying to shoehorn characters into his old plots feels lazy. Trying to turn Drew into Guiding Light's Ross is ridiculous. Having Willow have an affair with him is equally ridiculous; the actress doesn't have the skill to pull that dark, total change of character off convincingly.

The best thing to do with these characters is to write them off, but since apparently the producers wouldn't let him do that, we're left with these half-hearted attempts to write for them. Mulcahey is just dusting off his old scripts. Is that because the producers wouldn't let him do more, or is that because he's burned out? I guess we'll never know. 

Edited by Jdee43
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I moved to Chicago 6 years ago after living in Texas for my 1st 27 years.


I learned recently that Olive Garden is trashy. Growing up we had to dress up in 'our sunday best' when we went (while Uncle Mike played Dixie Land using his armpit and Aunt Stevie tossing the breadsticks to all of us like they were darts).

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