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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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This was easy to ascertain from the joint interview she had with Lane. And she’s right, what we’ve seen so far have been very dull dialogue wise. 

How old are Chase and Brook Lynn supposed to be? Because they’re written as Young Marrieds but the actors are like 40 and with SORAS Brook Lynn should be too. This might be her first marriage but she’s not 25.

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I felt Gregory´s death left me with mixed feelings. The dialogue from Chase, Brookly, and Finn has projected Gregory was in such poor health that he wasn likely to survive the ceremony so him dying directly afterwards made sense. Still, I was hoping for something more dramatic like a euthanasia story with Tracy pulling the plug at Gregory´s request while keeping Finn and Chase in the dark with the inevitable fallout being Finn falling off the wagon into Alexis' bed and financially conscious Chase deciding to take Tracy to civil court because it was deemed that Gregory´s life insurance policy was void by Tracy´s actions leading to the quick dissolution of Brooklynn and Chase´s marriage.

What played out was rather beautiful. The tender intimacy shown by having Finn help undress his father before bed was something I never expected. I think it also showed how far Gregory´s decline had progressed.  Given Gregory´s desire to live and die with dignity, him passing peacefully in his sleep right after made sense. Finn hitting the bottle shortly after was also has been a nice beat. Liz´s decision to confide in Portia will lead to further conflict. It is all quite effective. Tracy´s arc in this story was incredibly powerful. I am not surprised that Tracy compared Cody to Gregory; I have felt they were trying to do something with Cody and Tracy, but I´m not clear what. I like that Tracy turned to Stella. That is a friedship I would like to see continue. 

The beating story works for me. I think Kristina can know her father is involved with violence and have a code of honor and still be shocked to see him senselessly beating a person who, by Kristina´s own understanding, has done nothing wrong. I think the beating, like the shooting, has been a nice umbrella story and I won´t complain about the attempts to suppress the case until it is dropped becasue jumping into prosecution kills. Though I am also waiting for the scene where Marshall reacts to white Heather having all her crimes washed away while he spent years being told his rage due to racial injustice was mental illness. So I am probably gonna have to eat crow. I am also hoping that Kristina´s request to have Dex not press charges will play into the inevitable Kristina / Josslyn conflict that could lead to medical danger. 

Dante´s reaction to Sonny was great. I think that whole arc has been beautifully built and Dante turnign on Sonny was strong. When Bernard leans into Sonnyś irrational paranoia I find the character more compelling than I typically do.  

The Ned / Lois scenes were beautiful. Lois leading Ned to the conclusion that Tracy loved Gregory was nice. Also, the scene was a deeper version of the scene between Gregory and Tracy from the wedding where Tracy stoically accepted that if she had met Gregory earlier in life that this day wouldn´t have happened.

Fergus Bryne was not the character I expected him to be. I figured they would at least attempt a flirtation given the Mason/ Julia history, but I found the short arc meaningful. Still would have rather had Fergus defending Tracy in my proposed civil suit with Alexis representing Chase, but I will allow myself to dream that alt GH on my own time. 

The Willow / Drew stuff from the previous week was intriguing. I definitely have gotten Willow / Drew sexy vibes for weeks for the proposed Ross/Holly/Blake redo. Before, I thought it was a round 2 story, but now I wonder if we don just have competing agendas: Mulcahey wanting Drew/Willow/Nina and Korte wanting Drew/Willow/Jordan. I like the positioning of Drew as this version of the characters seems very viable. I also want the Tomorrow Institute to be a fraud and that to impact the election campaign. 

Am I the only one that thought the domestic partner nickname may have been a sexual inneudo? I don´t hate T.J. and Molly. I do wish there was some more bones to their relationship to make them last longterm, but at this rate, I imagine they´ll fade back into the woodwork.

I´ve also felt that we were heading towards a Ava Jerome mysetery (murder? shooting into a coma?) several weeks back and this latest twist in Alexis' story feels like another beat.

I will be very sorry to see Mulcahey go. The show has been far from perfect, but the hints of potential in this canvas that manages to somehow be overpopulated and yet incomplete at the same time has been a pleasant diversion. Also, it was one I never expected to experience ever again. 

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I honestly doubt Korte has any interest in Nina or Drew doing much of anything. I do think they were just chemtesting Jordan with Drew bc the show seems unwilling to fire her wooden actor or so many others. As I said earlier, I'd much sooner see someone like Keesha Ward in the role of Drew's co-planner on the urban development, and possibly the 'respectable' public love interest vs. his kinky secret passion for Nina. I will really miss the whole current Drew/Nina/Willow, etc. setup assuming Korte torches it with Mulcahey gone.

I agree the Gregory/Finn scenes were very tender and well done, as well as his stuff with Tracy, etc. at the wedding.

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Well, me, I just go back to this "modesty code" which originally just applied to AS's clothing, so not much cleavage, how much leg is shown, etc. I tried to do some reading about "modesty codes" & found out that different people, different groups, different religions all interpret it "differently" so I wonder if the issue of simulated sex scenes isn't just an extension of that. I can easily imagine that shedding clothing would be a "modesty" issue. My objection remains the same. If you can't do essential scenes, then, why have a romantic pairing? To me, you shouldn't. It doesn't mean, to me anyway, that I am calling for them to be fired. I just think it's stupid to write romance if you're not going to play SEX. However, I am okay with some few characters being ineligible for romance. 

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Agree, agree, agree. Well said & great insights. 

Yes, about this, I am basically heartsick. I know I'm going to feel cheated. I never expected to have so much hope for a more classic sense of daytime to reappear on our canvases. Having been teased now with what might have been, I am pissed. 

We do not know if he was fired or if he quit. This is assuming facts not in evidence. But, hey, you can be just as happy that he is gone, whichever way it went. No one is raining on your particular parade. 

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He can HW a soap if he is allowed to write and not paired with a Co-HW who is just FV's yes woman. You can tell when PM more influenced episodes they had more family & community feel. I will miss that. I worry what EK will do as sole HW

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Either B or C.  I would like for Hayden to return to the show.  But either way, Violet and Hayden need to be reunited.  It was disgusting how they separated them in order to give Michael Easton the opportunity to play a single dad.  Violet should have never been ripped away from her mother. 

I was appalled the other day when Finn said that Hayden "walked out on them."  Like it was her choice.  No need to clarify her total disappearance from the Earth and everyone she knew, or the threat she had been facing, or her mother's subsequent murder as a result of that threat.  

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