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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like FV keeps hoping he’ll luck upon another Kristen or Eddie Alderson, which is insane, because I don’t think they were all that, lol.

Me neither!

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I don't even know if he had that much use for Eddie, considering that he was willing to trash Matthew so badly, but I do think he keeps trying to find another Kristen or another version of Emma and Spencer. Violet reminds me a lot of Emma.

I hadn't actually watched anything with that Spencer in a decade or so, so I went back to watch a few clips (I think from his big scar story) to see if he was as annoying as I remembered...he very much was. 

Our Gang used to parody stage school kids, and most of those kids remind me of the casting process at GH.

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It always irritated me that they don't really show the struggle. That you have to take all drugs, even pot and booze, as part of the disease. I'm a drug addict. Mostly, meth but I was on coke, GHB, Ketamine, and molly. But also booze and pot. I learned that If I even drink a sip or smoke just a bit of pot I'm done for. And then there was that phase where I started abusing benadryl by boofing 4/5 tablets.

When you need show a character going through the struggle, really, there is so much conflict and drama to milk.


That said, I do feel that it's inappropriate for some. Erica Kane, as for example, was bound to be an alcoholic because of her pill issue. But if she really did work the program, and completed the steps, she'd be a completely different person considering that you have to accept that you aren't the center of the universe.

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Very insane lol 

He probably thinks he did find one with Eden McCoy

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And, I think he tried with SF/Charlotte too, but now that that seems to be DOA, he’s moving onto Violet 

He should be, especially if they’re gonna keep the show so Sonny-centric. He can hold his own a lot better than Chad Duell can 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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I really don't care about Jackie at all. A character who appeared briefly in the early 80s  brought back as member of a family I was never interested in.
BTW I was shocked to read that Gregory was around for four years. GH is wasting so much story and space in all these random people.

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Chase’s actor is giving the most “go girl give us nothing” performance I’ve seen in ages, oof.

Rebecca Herbst on the other hand came in and completely elevated those scenes with Michael Easton/Finn. The immediate realization he had been drinking was good work and his anger when she tried to take his little brat pulled me in.

The Dante and Sonny/Sonny and Ava scenes were pretty good as well. 

Everything else 

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I've seen some folk who think she was too harsh, even calling her a bi*ch in the way she was to him, but, I agree with you. 

Wait, what scenes with Ava. I thought that was in the previews for today? Am I confused? 

Well, I can't agree with that. Kristina showed more growth & maturity in the last 2 days than the previous 2 years. When she is with Ali (Blaze) she is not only a better person, she is also smarter! But yesterday was all about Sonny's adult children. Dante finally told Sonny off! Michael tried to do a favor for one sister & was perceptive that the other sister is still deeply in love with Dex. Joss did an about face, a total 180, out of concern for Kristina who she supposedly hates!

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Just checked the Hulu episode & all is well. We saw it. Very short scene, right?

However, and maybe I'm just losing my mind, but I don't recall Mary following Violet into the house, just to check that she got inside okay & exchanging brief words with Finn. WHY in God's name would they deliver different episodes to abc.com or YouTubeTV & Hulu?

Apparently I AM losing my mind. We saw this, too. Please ignore this whole message. OY. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I have to say... since it has gone from ABC Signature Studios (2013–2019) to Disney Television Studios (2019–present), everything has been so watered down, and I think that has something to do with how drama-lite things have been in terms of story. I have maintained since the Shelly Altman & Jean Passanante days that Disney Television (then-believed to be Disney-ABC Television) has had their hands in the cookie jar, nixing anything potentially juicy to happen in terms of story. Even Altman confirmed this is an exit interview that TPTB nixed so many stories she wanted to tell, and I feel like since then they've really been kiboshing things, which is also why I feel as if Patrick Mulcahey may not have worked beyond five-months; he wasn't willing to do Disney Television's bidding.

Another point is the writers [from my POV] don't do outside research or anything, and that's also due to time. And I get it, the pace of working American daytime is almost too fast in comparison to the '70s, '80s and even the '90s, when you had a bit of time to develop stories, and you also did not have social media "fans" spewing bullshït every two-seconds as something is immediately "watched." If you look at English soap operas, ie: Hollyoaks, they talk to professionals in the fields for which they're writing story from. During an far-right extremism storyline in 2019, actors, researchers and storyliners worked with advisors and charities when creating and developing the storyline to assist.

As for your own personal experiences, I appreciate you sharing that with us. It is incredibly brave, and I am hoping you are in a better place today. 

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Technically, Gregory was around since 2018 when James Read debuted in the role. He did not return until November 2020 when Gregory Harrison assumed the role, but he only appeared intermittently from November 2020 to June 2022, when he was upgraded to series regular. So it was less than two-years we really dealt with Gregory as a character on a more consistent basis. Again, an amazing actor in a less than amazing role, which the potential of said character did not really begin to flourish until it was too late to do anything about it.

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I am sure FV is trying to find another KA.  I am pretty positive they have used the same kid as Violet since Violet came on the show.

I see people comparing Violet to Emma and I never found Emma as annoying.  The Nicholas Betchel Spencer stories with Emma and Cam were painful, but BRS as Emma was never as grating as Violet.   It probably helps that I actually like Robin and Patrick and most of Emma's family.

Congratulations on your sobriety!  I wish you continued success.

I agree certain characters just aren't made to have addiction issues and truly work the 12 steps on soaps.   

I do think GH has done a good job with Alexis's struggles.  From her life completely falling apart to building herself back up with a continued focus on meetings and sobriety.  

Edited by carolineg
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She lives in Florida. What a commute!!! 

Often people compare Violet to both young Robin & young Emma to me. I get it that they know I loved Robin & adored Emma & cannot abide 'Vile-ettte' but as you could easily predict I just think they have lost their minds. I never thought about it but, sure, it's true, maybe Violet has been tainted with Chase family cooties. 


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I don't think there is any comparison with a young KMC to Jophielle Love (I actually looked up her name!).  I can see the comparison with BRS as Emma to JL/Violet.  They both could be annoyingly precocious, but BRS had a lot more emotional scenes that she did well enough while Violet is a walking talent show 99% of the time.

BRS's take on Emma has chilled a lot now that she is a teen.  I am actually surprised they haven't brought BRS back now that she's 18.  I know a lot of people on here think Emma should be recast, but I'd give BRS a try first.

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She really did have repercussions that lasted. I know part of that according to NLG was Frank punishing her for something (Alexis in jail). When they did the drug story with Alan, he really hit rock bottom. But I don’t remember him having the kind of repercussions that Alexis did on his way back up.

I wonder if Frank just really wanted to have kids in his personal life, and this is how he expresses it. We know he is one of those EP’s that is a workaholic from the casts at both OLTL and GH. At least at OLTL it wasn’t as bad because there were not as many of them being annoying at once.

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