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51st Annual Daytime Emmys to Air June 7 on CBS, Paramount+

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Like many people I keep up with all shows.

And, no, Emmy reels do not tend to ever become public. That hasn't happened in years. We have to go by interviews like Michael Fairman does & the posts at the Gold Derby forum.

No one is saying that she isn't always giving her all to her performances but that is not the same thing as having story to submit on reels. However, since you are a fan, it is interesting to me that you are not mentioning a story or stories that she did have! That's what is strange, to me, anyway. 

It is true that I only watched about 6 weeks of B&B this particular year. You are a dear friend & I'm not trying to put you on the spot. 

No, I'm sure he didn't. From Wikipedia (sorry) On July 18, 2021, Manning won Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Performance By a Supporting Actor in a Daytime Fiction Program, as Caleb McKinnon at the 48th Daytime Emmy Awards

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I don't understand how now this is turned into questioning me about KKL's storylines on the show in 2023. But okay. Let's backtrack.

Your original argument was unsubstantiated. You are the one who stated - "she didn't have it this year & both Ari/DAYS & MTS/Y&R did & so she is in one of their spots" like you KNEW what you you were talking about, and then defended this with - because "I didn't hear about KKL having any EMMY material" - which made it all fall apart. 

I was only commenting on this, the other part (about her stories or story) is something you never asked me. Don't change the focus to make it seem like you know what you are talking about (you've only watched 6 weeks of Bold that particular year - so you - don't, I'm sorry)... and make me look like I am avoiding specifics (her storylines). You can't put me on spot, don't worry. I am no afraid of anyone or responding to anything.

So - how is it strange to you... me not mentioning stories... when you have never asked me about it and I have never had an opportunity to tell you? This is strange to me. As strange as stating that KKL is in some other actress's s spot. 

Let me just tell you, since you wanted to know  - In my... regular person of the world opinion... (I don't think I know which spots are for who and I am not a part of the daytime academy people) -  Bold hasn't had AN EMMY WORTHY storyline IN YEARS. So in this show of staplers, mints and toes, one can get nominated if they have an amazing performance OPENING the garbage can. That's how low the standard in this show is. 

KKL has been part of pretty much all storylines from the beginning of Bold till today. Yes 2023 hasn't been her most stand out year, but a lot of actors don't win in a year like that. You know that, right? I don't know which scenes or episodes they sent out, so it will be speculation... but she has had some very strong acting moments in 2023. With Eric, with Hope, even with Ridge. I am not going into detail. You don't need to have a storyline in which you are run by a car and survive or you abort your enemy's triplets... to win an Emmy. Great acting is great acting. And this category is ABOUT ACTING.

ALSO - I've seen a lot of Bold's EMMY reels on the official channel of the show, I don't know if they are still up there, but they used to be. That's why I was with the impression we'll get to see this one too. Maybe I am not 100 percent right, but if you search you can find some of them online on official platforms. 

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Thoughts on nominations announced today:

-- For Supporting Actress, Jennifer Gareis as Donna on BOLD?  Really? GMAB.

-- For Supporting Actor, Robert Gossett as Marshall on GH? We rewarded him last year for this, and nothing this year warrants another nomination.

    Bryton James as Devon on Y&R? I know voters love his work, but he had a nothing year.

-- For Guest Performer, Ashley Jones as Dr. Bridget Forrester on BOLD? For WHAT??? She returned for a couple shows and walked through her scenes. Ludicrous.

    Alley Mills as Heather on GH. She was a GUEST? Something's wrong with a system that allows an actor to submit in a guest category after playing all year. Is Mills that hungry for another Emmy?

    Dick Van Dyke as Mystery Man/Timothy on DAYS. All he had to do was show up to win this category. The Daytime Emmys fall all over themselves to award primetime actors and movie stars.


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