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It may have seemed like I was joking when I said to leave that woman alone to do her show but I meant it. I don’t know why this often happens to Black women but it does. Everybody runs to us to fix their grievances. Black women are not your mammies. I stopped watching the soaps because I didn’t enjoy them anymore, people could always simply stop watching. How is it her problem that these other shows are bad? Already, I’m hearing that people are not willing to give her the leeway that they’ve given other showrunners who debut a soap. Give the woman some space already. Damn.

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This is a bit overdramatic - people are just being shady and engaging in "stan" wars. 

With that said - The Gates will need room to breathe. Expecting it to be great from the get-go is naive since all soaps started out kind of scrappy. Let The Gates find its own way and work the kinks out before writing it off (which will happen for some on week one). 

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I recently posted two different statements from Michele Val Jean, but I'm not sure if the twitter/ig embedding is displaying the same for everyone ... so just in case, I will repost here in plain text what she said:

On June 12, 2024, Michele Val Jean said
(via both twitter and instagram): 
"You guys! The team for #TheGates is coming together and it’s

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. I couldn’t be happier. Exciting announcements coming soon. Stay tuned!"

and then on June 13, 2024, Michel Val Jean tweeted:
"Soap fans, I appreciate your passion and hope to inspire it. But I'm asking you not to bash other shows on my timeline. I understand you get unhappy with things but this isn't the place to air out your grievances. #daytimecommunity #friendsandcolleagues "


Edited by janea4old
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Don't get me wrong - I get it, but it's just that most of those people just want to start a conflict for the sake of it. It's not worth getting engaged in and I doubt they think a lot about it.


But yes, I think it's important to let THE GATES grow beyond week one, or month six. All soaps had to work out their kinks so I hope THE GATES get that chance. With that said - the one hope I do have is that they'll at least have invested in the main sets. That makes such a difference for daytime soaps.

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The Gates will not have six months to work out it's kinks or anything else. It's not fair, but I think it's just where we are. It's futile to talk about what was done with ALL soaps. That was a different time, a time that no longer exists. The Gates will have to produce sooner, rather than later.

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What you think it'll have is not relevant. It will have plenty more than six months to run and succeed, like any other new network soap that isn't built on cocaine and venture capital like the poor Prospect Park shows.

Edited by Vee
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What exactly is your (deeply masculine) argument? That it won't be given at the very least a year or 18 months to work out the kinks like every other network soap in existence? That it will be off the air in six months? I'll take the bet against that right now. It's not realistic.

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It's absolutely not realistic. There are five possible outcomes that come off the top of my head (excuse me, just woke up after a long-ass work shift):

  • Debuts hard and stays consistent.
  • Debuts hard and plummets.
  • Debuts hard, plummets and then sustains.
  • Debuts soft, remains soft.
  • Debut soft, rises and sustains.

I think it's also going to depend on how much CBS promotes it, both during advertisements (hopefully primetime and daytime combined) and online word. I do think CBS may... payola some things, which I've always believed they have for their two current shows. But I do think the NAACP being involved is going to help it in the long term.

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Yes, viewers nowadays are less patient when it comes to giving new series a chance to develop. This is not like the 1980s anymore. I understand what you mean. In order for this project to be successful, it needs to capture the audience's attention from the very beginning, or at least within the first month. I don't interpret your statement about 6 months literally, as in waiting for a potential show to be taken off the air in that timeframe. I believe you're suggesting that waiting for 6 months is too long before making a judgment on whether it works or not. But time is of the essence in the year 2024. You make a valid point.

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