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Y&R: January 2024 Discussion Thread


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These two different versions of what happened in Paris between Ashley and Tucker are very tedious and tiring. This is their ambiguous writing style that I don't like. GH used to do it a lot too.

I presume it will turn out that Tucker's version is correct since Ashley is said to be soon experiencing mental problems of some sort. She wouldn't go anywhere near Tucker if she were THAT afraid of him. Besides, the restaurant worker in the background didn't bat an eye or even look over toward their table when the two were arguing.

I like it when, in Ashley's version, Tucker slugs down the rest of the wine and some spills out the side of his mouth down his chin. LOL And I love his shouting, "GO TO HELL!" in her face as he storms out. In his version, he knocks back the wine (no spill) and basically whispers to her to "go to hell" on his way out.

Is it almost time for EDavidson to take some months off again (I hope)?

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Yikes. Eileen hasn’t even been back that much and you want her gone? We will have to completely agree to disagree from this point forward.

I’m continuing to enjoy the Tucker/Ashley of it all along with some Audra mixed in. It was interesting to see her just completely throw Kyle under the bus and admit how much this crazy relationship with Tucker actually means to her. Just a crazy triangle all around and I love it.

Adam pointing out the constant job swapping in the C suite wasn’t lost on me as literally that’s all the show has devolved into.

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Honestly, I do not care if Josh Morrow and Sharon Case dread a renewal of their relationship. Have their storylines been that good WITHOUT each other? Nick's multiple pairings have all been meh or failures. I'd say the same about Sharon's. Let's not pretend her marriage to Rey was a barn burner.

I still say the dream episode was a way to extricate Sharon from Chance without "hurting" any character. Chance and Summer don't cheat on Sharon and get called bad guys. Sharon isn't seen as the aggrieved older woman who can't keep a guy. One episode and it's all over.

I'll repeat:  I love Sharon Case to death, but she was NOT invested in the Chance pairing. She never gave it her all -- and that came across on the screen.



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She's not. Eileen Davidson is present in every scene she's in, even if she's there only as a talk-to. She elevates every other actor in her scenes.

And no, she never phones it in. Instead, if she doesn't like Ashley's direction or needs a break, she leaves the show. She doesn't float through scenes, thinking of pizza.


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If Chance/Sharon didn't make sense for me watching it, I can only imagine how Sharon Case must've felt playing it.

I've always believed that an audience will go wherever you want them to, as long as you take the proper steps to get them there.  I just don't believe Josh Griffith took enough steps to get us (or at least me) to a place where I could buy Chance and Sharon as a couple even temporarily.

I agree.  If Ashley's current storyline ain't working, it ain't because of Eileen.

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I can't disagree with your point about Josh Griffith. The steps weren't taken, the beats weren't played. Still -- and it pains me to say it because I love Sharon Case so much -- I don't think Sharon gave anything to that storyline.

Consider what you said about Eileen in her current story. No one can accuse her of not giving her all in every scene, regardless of the problems with the writing, the storyline direction, or TSJ.


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You know I'm new here but I'm not new to ED. She is a goddess, a marvel. Every time I see her in a scene with this Tucker McColl person, I just want to scream. He seems like such an utterly worthless human being & so very far beneath her & so unworthy of her time & attention. I want to rescue her! Ya know, like FreeLiz! Only Ashley, Run! 

Meanwhile I thought Brian Gaskill did an excellent job. Above average. 

MTS is winning me over. 

Peter Bergman's eyes are puffy. Why is that? He shouldn't have puffy eyes. 


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Completely agree about Brian Gaskill. I've only seen his day one appearance, but I thought he was excellent. It felt like he really knew Nikki and that he was really comfortable onscreen.

I imagined the script he was given -- and how he turned that dialogue into something special of his own. Really good stuff.

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I mean, how many times has she retired? It was ridiculous the last time she retired because everyone knew she would be back. Just like everyone knows she'll be gone again whenever the mood strikes her. I love ED/Ashley, heck my Mom's name was Eileen, but we all know she will disappear again for months at a time, which seems to be her choice completely. 

They need to step this up between her and Tucker or remove her completely. The way it is now is not making her look good at all. Plus rumors are she will be having a mental breakdown again. So there ya go. Tucker and Audra have grown on me.

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