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Days of Our Lives: September 2023 Discussion Thread

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A couple of generations ago, the same thing was true (to a lesser extent) for Doug's ever evolving backstory.  But, I doubt DVD could be Doug's dad because they are the same age (both born in 1925).

I'm trying to think if changing John's backstory would affect Paul's backstory?  I can't think of a reason, except that I recall John's biracial identity being explained around the time of his reveal as Paul's father.

Edited by j swift
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Paul's mother Tori is Asian.  It has nothing to do with John or his backstory.  John isn't biracial.  I mean, Paul was a retcon as well since we never saw John's affair with Tori in 1994 ish or whenever, but changing John's parentage wouldn't effect Paul at all.  Unless, say, John was actually the real Roman.  That would make a lot of things in town quite incestuous though so I don't see that happening.

Doug did have a hell of a crazy backstory.  I just think John's appeals to all writers because John never regained his memories so he can be (and was) anything. 

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Oh, yeah... I just re-read it and figured out the John's current biological father aka Yo Ling aka Tim Robichaux, fought in the Korean War, and trained in martial arts, but he wasn't actually of Asian descent. He was just an extreme cultural appropriator.

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I was also following up on Justin's twins, who are suspiciously absent from the funeral (I mean, Chelsea's going, and she only tenuously tied to Victor as Bo's long-lost daughter). BUT, today I recalled that there's a Joey Kiriakis AND a Joey Johnson, born 18 years apart.  Obviously, Joey Johnson was named after his grandmother, and Joey Kiriakis may be a reference to his birth mother JJ Bagwell, which is also confusing because JJ Devereax is Jack and Jennifer's son.

I realize it is a common name, but I am always amused when soap writers repeat names from past characters, as in Xander and Alex Kiriakis.  It would make for a hell of a story to have JJ, Joey, Joey, Xander, and Alex all fall in love with Kim's fictional never-before-see-daughter Brandy Brady

Edited by j swift
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Today was the episode that was uploaded by mistake last week and I’m glad we can finally discuss it.

The one thing I was hoping for from the moment we heard that Dick Van Dyke was coming on Days was that he would get a scene with Bill Hayes, and I’m so glad that we got that today

I loved their scenes. It was one of the most heartwarming things I’ve seen on Days in a while. The two 97/98 year olds definitely stole the show. Them and Julie singing and dancing together put such a big smile on my face. Goes to show you how good Days can be when everybody puts a little heart into it. 

As for the reveal about Dick Van Dyke’s character and what it may mean, I’m actually not against it but at the same time, do they really need to do this again?

I liked seeing Theresa back as well. She and Brady were good together. And if this get Brady out of this endless loop with Kristen, I’m all for it. I just wish that spoiler that we heard about who’s playing Theresa wasn’t true. 

Still have mixed feelings about EJ’s sudden random revenge though. This should have been the storyline from the very beginning or they should have held off until he finds out that he’s not the father of Nicole’s baby, that way this darker turn for EJ would make a lot more sense.

As for Ava, I think we all figured that that reveal was gonna happen sooner or later as well, even though I wish it hadn’t happened. Her scenes were the weakest part of todays episode, but yeah, I thought Harris was looking pretty good 

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@j swift Joey Kiriakis was named after Jo as well. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Now, see, I thought TB was again excellent today & I love the way they let her drop a bomb in the last 2 minutes of the show. I thought it was very dramatic. Also very Ava that she lied to Marlena. Harris, no matter what I just tolerate him. 

Loved all of John Doe but most especially song & dance time with the Hayes! Loved Doug saying he did not need the wheelchair. Always love the line, "Black Patch is on the case." 

I hope they explore John Doe knowing John's father instead of ... making him John's father. 

Great episode. 

Oh, yeah, yesterday I had to re-up my Peacock Premie sub which I guess is going on with most DAYS fans right now so I bet we are on Peacock's mind! Just 8 days away from 1 year anniversary! I wonder if the day will be celebrated. 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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The Theresa wanting Brady stuff seems to have come out of nowhere.  I don't necessarily have a problem with Brady/Theresa it just seemed like she was happy living her life with her son not hung up on Brady for 7 or so years.  This is something that could have had a progression instead of Theresa immediately laying all her cards out on the table to Brady.  And I just looked up the rumored recast and.....

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Well, looks like we have another John retcon.  It doesn't bother me either but I don't really want to go down that road again.  Hopefully this backstory will make more sense.

The DVD, Julie, Doug stuff was nice. 

I don't know what to say about the Ava stuff except I was perfectly content with Susan being DEAD dead.   Harris is pretty useless.  I keep waiting for GH to snap him back up honestly.

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Once again the odd DAYS ethics rears its little head.  So, Ava and Harris have tried to kill people, numerous times, but as long as the writers assure the audience that their victims are still alive, it is OK to root for them as a romantic couple.  Attempted homicide while under the influence of others, good, attempted homicide while avenging the death of a loved one, bad.

Nicole's absence was glaring during the EJ story, because he's gone from fawning over her pregnancy, to sleeping on the sofa, and never even checking on her for the entire day.

My bet is that DVD is not John's father, but he will provide information to make John's father more sympathetic.  BTW, it would have been an incredible coincidence if Tommy Horton and Tim Robichaux fought in the same battalion during the Korean War.  Unless, the next twist is that John is actually Sandy Horton, that would be impressive!

Edited by j swift
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Welcome back, Greg!

I’m glad to see him back even though I enjoyed Jason Gerhardt’s time as Eric. Maybe they’ll find a way to work Jason into the show again lol 

I liked Eric defending his cousin, Theresa. It’s always nice seeing family and friends interact even though they’re in different storylines. I could say the same thing about Chloe and Nicole today. I hope the show is able to tie all these storylines together in one big mess. 

And speaking of Chloe and Nicole, the bad hairstyles came back again lol Nicole almost looked like she was wearing a wig. 

I’m a little interested in Sloan’s suggestion to Eric at the end of today. That could a pretty good dynamic to their storyline.

And, I still think the Harris/Ava stuff seems rushed and random. Hopefully, it’ll play into Nicole and EJ’s storyline at some point. 

Didn’t know it was gonna be this soon. And I can’t wait!!!

Hopefully, they’ll interact with the one character that they need to interact with 

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I hope we can agree that this was the worst hit-person ever!  Her improvisation skills suck if one small question from Harris causes her to pull out her gun, in a sanatorium, that is usually filled with cameras.

Once again, the question is raised: What time of day is it?  It is dark in the square, everyone seems to be off work (even though very few of them actually have jobs), are they all visiting each other in the middle of the night?

And, most importantly, have Eric and Sloane been sitting in the same exam room at the hospital for a week since she had her miscarriage?


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