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B&B April 2023 Discussion Thread

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No she should not. If she had a problem with Liam then she should have brought it up back then when it was actually relevant. They've been married and happy for a long time now. But she knew that Liam didn't like the idea of her working with Thomas again after everything he has done, but she did it anyway. And now she has the nerve to act all offended.

I'm not saying that Liam's behaviour in the past hasn't been questionable to say the least, but in this instance I'm totally Team Liam. Hope is completely clueless and gullible.

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Team Liam LMFAO, so you're Team Liam who has NO issues with his brother being engaged to the woman who sold his child for 50k and lied about it for months? Has cheated on Hope repeatedly, gas lit her and so on?


I hate Hope but nothing on earth can make me root for Lame

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In this instance, yes I am Team Liam. Or maybe not Team Liam, more like Team Anti-Hope. I can't stand it when people act so incredibly stupid as she is doing right now.

But then again, this whole show is currently made up of people doing nothing but acting stupid. It's hard to imagine that once there was a time when I actually enjoyed this show. Now it's just trash. And not even the funny kind of trash.

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This sudden absurd rewrite has made 2023 the ultimate worst year of the show ever. It's a complete mess. No character is the same and everyone is acting like they don't know who they are. 

Brooke and Taylor's after 60 friendship has become cartoonish and unrealistic for women that age. 

That dialogue about Braylor. I mean... are they 13? This is not how 60 year old women act.

Bill slept with Sheila so that he can do this laughable conspiracy with the help of Ridge. This is like written by someone on these boards. It's so bad. Did he have sex with her every time or did Ridge come and help when he couldn't do it... Sheila maybe didn't notice in the dark.

Is Bradley Bell on acid or does he have starting phase of dementia.

Don't start me on the Hope, Liam "drama" and the boring Sinn shirtless scenes. I mean... what's new.

The show is begging to be cancelled.

It's offensive to viewers and so out of touch with reality... who do they think their viewers are... idiots or 9 year Olds?

Maybe Bill is now faking that he was faking that he was faking that he was faking. 

And maybe soon it will be revealed that Bill is Lauren with a mask on.


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I am thankful to God or a Universal Power for all of you, lol! I was beginning to think I was going to have to check-in a mental institution. So, I am sane! At this point, I don't care about Katie, Bill, Ridge, Brooke, Carter and I sure as hell don't care about what's going on with Liam, Hope, or Thomas at this kind of pace. Seriously. I don't care. But, as I said before in a B&B spoiler:


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I will say that I’m still kinda digging how Taylor and Brooke are sitting there together like the two matriarchs that they are - I honestly hope that the writers do continue to maintain this friendship in some way shape or form.

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