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Days: February 2023 Discussion Thread

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Who greenlighted today's ridiculous episode of Days? It was so bad. Badly staged, badly directed, badly written. This is why Days was banished to Peacock (where it is NOT #1). The last scenes where Chanel has this tiny tiny purse and can't find her keys is so stupid. She can't find her big ass key ring in that tiny purse while Allie and Alex make stupid faces at each other. Stupid stupid stupid. A new soap opera ridicule moment. Days has gotten worse since the move to Peacock.

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I was laughing at Chanel trying to find her keys in that tiny ass purse.  Like her keys are all that purse would fit.   

I may be on an island alone here, but I actually like Allie/Alex together.  Not as a couple and they both still suck, but I enjoy their scenes together.  I don't know what's wrong with me.

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Correct lol.  It was stupid as was the fake acting by Allie/Alex.  Just make up a dumb story about why you are together.  It's not like they were naked lol.  Allie left her wallet at the bar and Alex dropped it off.  Good cover.   I know that's not very soapy, but it really wasn't that soapy of a situation.  Have Chanel juggle her keys while they were in bed or waking up.  Not an hour later.

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At least the keys were a production/prop error, I'm still stuck on the writing about Alex sleeping naked in Allie's office.  (1) How does everyone in Salem know that Alex sleeps naked? (2) Even whilst drunk would he sleep naked in someone else's apartment with a kid in the next room? (3) Those do not look like the type of underwear we've already seen Alex wearing in prior scenes

It seems like the prop department, whether it is keys or boxer shorts, is distractedly bad this month.

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Wendy works for the DiMera IT department.  I guess they don't pay much.  I wonder, now that Li has been fired from DiMera, if Wendy still works there? Nobody has mentioned it.  Her father is still on the DiMera board, so maybe they let her stay.

Edited by janea4old
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Just like the DiMera, Kiriakis and John and Marlena's apartment, Allie's apartment has been made into a TARDIS that just keeps expanding depending on the plot. Before we know it, we'll have Paulina, Abe, Sarah and Xander living in there too.

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From what we were told Wendy is good at her job or at IT/hacking and shouldn't be fired.  If everyone was fired for having relatives that suck at Dimera no one would be left employed there 

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.  I generally assume Sarah/Wendy are too lazy to go house hunting these days because they have to be able to afford at least a small place.

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Tried watching yesterday's episode but nothing really grabbed my attention. Allie acting insufferable. In that weird looking tiny restaurant. That looks like cobbled pieces of old sets. As smooth jazz music played very loudly in the background. In Wendy and Johnny's scenes the strange twangy instrument country music was too loud. It gave me an earache.

Edited by victoria foxton
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Eh, I don't think the Kiriakis mansion seem that big - the living room is miniscule for a supposedly "huge" mansion. The one thing I'll give them is that the redesign of the DiMera mansion was well-done (for their budget...) in that they did make it seem bigger. Marlena and John's apartment of course should be taking up the entire floor in their apartment building at this point - they might as well just mirror the set and pretend that Eric or Brady has moved into the apartment across the hallway...

Honestly, in the next election Abe should run on promising to fix The Great Salem Housing Crisis. 

Edited by te.
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LOL! Still though ... even companies provide model luxury furnished apartments for their workers who are only there temporarily as their stay is not a permanent one. And if their stay is more on the permanent side, the company will still provide accommodations until they find the right place. Moving is stressful, and if a company needs your expertise, then you're a hot commodity. Is Wendy a hot commodity? 

How would I choose? Hmmm ... a luxurious high-rise aparment where I can have tricks over or sleep on Allie's couch from Big Lots?  Oh boythis is a tough one to decipher.

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