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General Hospital: August 2022 Discussion Thread

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Agreed on the slow burn but damn ... It's becoming lackluster. And they seem to be losing interest in Chase, which is a [!@#$%^&*] shame. BL should also be bitchier.


Side-note: why is the show ignoring the obvious complication of Hayden in the doomed Finn/Liz "romance" (which it hardly is ... he acts more like her brother than lover; which is hilarious to be because I always thought Easton could have played a recast Tom Hardy)

Edited by KMan101
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This is how virtually all 'good' adults are written on the remaining network soaps now - if they're 'good' people they can't fùck around, have affairs, or approach each other like adults. It has to be cutesy teenage shít. Or when they become rootable or get audience investment they are defanged, like GH pretending Nik and Ava did not hook up when he was running from the police for getting a woman shot in the head and she didn't leave Connie to bleed out.

Edited by Vee
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It would have been nice when they first started teasing Chase and Brook Lynn, but after two years, it's just annoying.


My guess is they were holding out hope for Rebecca Budig to return but when that didn't happen, everything related to Hayden got pulled from the storyline

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Makes sense on Hayden/Rebecca Budig.


I can't believe Chase/Brook Lynn have been going on two years. I felt he had some better chemistry with Briana Lane but I still love the idea of Chase/Brook Lynn. I'm amused by the singing aspect but not sure where else they go ... 

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They need to spend a few dollars, bring Hayden back and ship Finn and Violet away with her.

The Finn character was a contagious disease specialist.  Shouldn't the CDC need him? Stat?

Ava letting Connie bleed out has, and always will be, like a Christmas gift that no one had to unwrap. As many story points that just dropped, I have zero problem with that one.

Ryan Chamberlain could solve Wallow' worries. One knife, two casualties..

Ohhhhh Leo.  

Wait...  a Leo, a party and a love potion?  and Cameron Mathison.    Oh summer reruns

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! Where's David Hayward?.

The waste of time keeping a signature couple like BLQ and Chase needs to end.  The two have so much chemistry.

Yes, GH, Marcus Coloma really came off intimidating 

with Sonny. Downright scary. 


Yuri without Monica?    She must be exhausted after a workout.  

Imagine the cast if they could use that  "I look bored" KeMo money...  You get to appear with hot DZ.  Feign some damn enthusiasm.

Curtis' proposal and Portia's reaction     I liked the Hat Dad/Jordan scenes. Now can't we find her a love interest on the canvas?

Elizabeth continues to spend more time offscreen than on. 



Edited by slick jones
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I don't have a problem with Ava having killed Connie. I do have a problem with the show trying to remake her into a sappy heroine off and on over the years since. That's not who she is. She is a killer, she is not Carly Snyder.

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Playing devils advocate for a minute, if a performer isn’t given story on a regular basis why would anyone expect them to be honored for a landmark anniversary? With Y&R at least they use Eileen Davidson even if she is off contract, and if they had honored her and not Beth Maitland who started at the same time the audience would have noticed. 

I wish when Genie had her 45th anniversary they called it the 45th anniversary of her start on GH If people act like she was on the whole time when she wasn’t I get annoyed. If you leave for an extended time and it is not health related and you go on another daytime show, it doesn’t count…sorry. If you have a contract out to do other things and get permission like Susan Lucci did so Erica would just be off screen for a time and did not technically leave it is another story. If a show ignores you and you appear in less then 10% of episodes or even 2 episodes per month why would you be celebrated for longevity when it clearly isn’t something the show cares about. is lip service of one episode and some photos and press enough? If someone is older and semiretired sure, but if they can work then it is frustrating.

This seems to be just a weird soap thing as in other long running shows this doesn’t happen. People don’t go around saying things like Genie’s husband has been Riker in the Star Trek universe for 35 years just that it is the anniversary of when he started…even though he returned to the role years after TNG ended. Why soap viewers and the shows themselves do this and have for years is a major pet peeve considering most of my posts are three sentences long not three paragraphs sorry about that.




Edited by ~bl~
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I had no idea Lesley was dating a random Italian dude they brought her in with in the winter and they're still together offscreen. When Nikolas started going on about "Marcello" I had no clue what he was on about and had to google. Good for ol' Lesley I guess.

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Thanks for posting those clips.  That was a sweet return.  GH really has done a great job with Laura's story (and, by extension, Lesley, Kevin, etc.).  For a show that was always so historically unbalanced toward certain male leading characters (especially compared to AMC or OLTL), it's nice to see her placed at the center where she belongs and rectify some of the historical injustices done to both the actress and character.

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Every once in a while when Laura talks about Lesley she mentions Marcello.  It would be nice to get the actor's name someday. I haven't found it, though I try periodically.

I know Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Ava took out Connie. I agree she should have never been de-fanged. She also deserves a much stronger leading man. MC does all right, but he is way out of his depth facing off with Maura West.

And I hope (once again) they can find a way for Charles Shaughnessy to stick around. His "Cassadine  Patriarch" scenes are great with his sense of wit and timing.  They need a bigger bad so we can keep old Vic around. 


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The recast worked initially IMO, but the more they lean into conventional schmoopy romance with them the more embarrassing it gets and he seems like a trophy stud. Coloma's limits are also increasingly apparent, not that the writing is helping. It sounds like Tyler Christopher is doing much better these days and I'm glad, but from what he's candidly said about his illnesses and addiction I don't know that returning to GH would be good for his wellbeing any time soon. Nonetheless, he's probably the only Nikolas who can stand up against West unless MC improves or the writing does.

I have said it before and I will say it again: I would have Victor force Laura into a marriage of convenience for a year or so over some Cassadine skullduggery. It would never turn romantic or sexual in any way but those two would a blast together to just clash nonstop, and you could play the drama with poor Kevin (who would ultimately go back to Lucy, while Laura would get a dashing new man at the end of it all).

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I agree, re: Tyler Christopher. I'd love to see him come back as Nikolas, but I also don't know if it's the best thing for him. Marcus Coloma came in rather good in the beginning, but once the pandemic hit and they returned to set, he lost all of that. It makes me wonder if Nick Stabile is available and possibly able to return to the role? Or if Adam Huss could possibly step back in?

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I thought Nick Stabile was terrible and embarrassing tbh. Just a random white dude playing the role seeming like a soccer dad. He was cute on Sunset Beach 25 years ago, but no. I'd give Coloma a chance with better writing.

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