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Y&R March 2022 Discussion Thread


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Finally sat through the episode with Diane's return.


While I agree that it was lifeless throughout the episode (those I love seeing Traci), I cannot agree that there was no build to it. I thought Allie is too new to be centering the episode on her (and darn them for killing Keemo now that they got some traction out of him), but Diane's walk-in entrance even had music...though I would have gone with an old music cue. 


And as someone said earlier...while I thought AH did good during Victoria's vs her family over Ashland, I could help but think about how Heather Tom would play it. On the good side, it was great to see her with energy period. 


Nikki is still love. Counting down the minutes until she finds out about Diane...

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Is Noah Newman the most wasted legacy character in Y&R history? Again so underdeveloped and forgettable I forgot he is even on this show.

Again JG rushes any good story ideas too quickly. Instead a prolonged buildup for Jack and Allie to get to know each other better while Allie gets to know Diane better before Jack and Diane finally come face to face, here we are just a week into the story and Jack is already seeing Diane. Sheesh. 

Ashley needs to return permanently.

Lord. Sure there was Spermgate, she was friends with Isabella, and the pool house fire mystery was a really great story/mystery that both Walters and especially Stafford gave performances of their lifetime, however Diane despite being the arsonist never ever went full on crazy like we’ve seen with Sheila, Phyllis, Isabella, and Sharon. 

See above. 

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You got that right. The endless pointless pairings (Eden, Hunter, Adrianna, Courtney, Marisa), the constant flighty career changes (writer, singer, barista, businessman, bartender, restauranteur, and now I don’t even know what Noah does besides mope around?) , all the dropped threads (what did Noah do to Eden in Paris? Noah vs. Billy, Noah vs. Santori clan etc.) and strange recasts just have left Noah completely without an identity.

Noah being hung up on Tessa because that was his last story anyone can remember is dumb. 

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Funny how such a little thing can have such an impact on how a moment on-screen feels. A reminder that modern-day failings are not just down to the writers.

Also: I will never prove it but the fact Diane *already* came out to Jack is for me another clue that she was a last minute addition to a story they were already planning to tell and didn't get whoever it was they wanted for. They shoehorned her into something else.
Why did she need to buy Keemo's house? There is no evil plan there. If she was just going to come out, she could have knocked on his door. She knows where he lives.

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Yes, faked up drama for the sake of it.

Paul got 2 mentions and I wondered if Doug would agree to return if there was a change of management?

At the moment, he could have been a comfort to Lauren and involved in Chance's story.

It was great to see Ashley back. But where is Nina?

Something about her dialogue made me feel it was more suited to Traci and I wondered if Beth were not available and Eileen agreed to come in.

Ashley was confronting Phyllis and being very protective of Jack in a way Traci might have done. Eileen made it work for her character, but still...

Or is my imagination overactive today?

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Where is Diane? lol.


That said...getting into last week and it's been kinda nice to play catch up with everyone. And to take a look at nuChance. Meh btw. lol.


Yeah, the white and beard works wonders for Michael to me. 


I had to laugh at the fact that all this stuff is going on with Newman vs Ashland and as usual no one told Abby at all. smh. Some things never change.



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Adam talks to Sally crazy. So patronizing. Sally says something blindingly obvious. “Well done, Sally! You’re so perceptive!” It’s like he’s speaking to a precocious child. I’m curious what age Y&R’s writers think Sally is. Courtney Hope is 32 and Mark Grossman is 35.

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OMG! THAT what you all were talking about.


No, no, no. 


Now her first appearance, I didn't have a problem with. However Jack seeing Diane for the first time and THAT'S the music you went back. Lifeless, dull, and no dramatic tension at all. Uhhhh...NO.


I find it funny that all the years people wanted Noah to show some hint of badness after being so good and he is now sleeping around and the writers are not running with it. That said...it could be interesting to see Noah going through depression. There is potential there just from these few scenes. However I don't have faith in them doing that well either.


I live for the looks Ashley give Phyllis. 

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