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Unpopular opinions: cancelled soaps edition


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I forget: did we ever find out if she was Bruce Sterling's biological daughter?

I thought Mary Carny was attractive, a competent actress, and showed potential. Too bad TPTB axed her so quickly in favor of the painfully bad Kathleen Tolan.

Speaking of Ryan's Hope, my unpopular opinion is that Johnny Ryan was a pompous, unlikeable and boorish windbag, and Maeve could be a cold fish. 

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I have loved Terry Lester's Jack so much.. It was a shame that in 1986 when Nikki/Jack were a thing it got ruined with Victor/Ashley's affair and her cancer (was it cancer? I don't remember but she was ill and Victor stayed with her) and the 'WHO SHOT JILL'-Story where Jack was accused of attempted murder.


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  • I am not sure to which extent this is an unpopular opinion since I wasn't online much then. I gather people clung to their understandable emotional attachment to Erin Torpey but I actually liked Bree Williamson and while we can argue with the retcons necessary for that story and some of the writing along the way, I think she was doing mostly good work with the DID. 
  • I had then and still have zero interest in OLTL's Marcie and Michael and I cannot understand why the show played them for so long.
  • ATWT one would be: I did prefer Scott Holroyd in the role (as many others, I think) but I actually ... didn't mind RH as Paul? I mean, yes, he was playing Roger Howarth as Todd Manning as Paul Ryan but it made sense enough considering the Ryan history.
    I am a bit more sour on RH now after the GH messes, but at the time I confess I was enjoying watching him do his thing as Paul, even admitting that it changed the character towards the kind of material he is more comfortable doing.

I actually liked PB's Jack with Nikki. Their first marriage was and still is my favorite PB pairing.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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