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Look into the past - 1975

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I typed @will81's summaries because it might be easier to read. I added info for WTHI (from another source) and YR, which were not covered in the newsletter.

MARCH 1973


All My Children

Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss

Angered by Jeff Martin's refusal to cooperate by pretending their marriage was happy for a Tempo Magazine article about her, Erica Martin told Mary Kennicott Jeff was using her and would never marry her. Jeff reassured Mary about their future together. Mona Kane, Erica's mother, was deeply upset about Erica's affair with Jason Maxwell and warned Erica that Jason wouldn't marry her or anyone. Erica refused to believe this but was shaken by the knowledge that Jason saw other women. He maintained their relationship has no ties. Erica's roomate, Margo Flax, accepted a job in Ann Martin's boutique.

Paul Martin was convinced that his marriage to Ann was over but upon her return they decided to delay their breakup as it would be very hard to announce it to their families.

When Tara Tyler secretly met Eddie Chamberlain to hear more about the late Philip Brent, her husband Chuck found out and confronted her with the deception. She explained that she couldn't forget the past as she had promised and he realized she would never be completely over Philip. He understandingly suggested they be more honest with each other and not try so hard. - Tara and Philip married each other in an unofficiated ceremony and after his death in Vietnam she found herself pregnant. Chuch married her letting everyone believe her child Philip was his. - Tara and Ruth Brent Martin, Philip's mother, both secretly believed Philip was alive and was an unnamed POW.

Nick Davis, having married Kitty Shea only to give their expected child a father, tried to keep her physically at a distance. Kitty was still having pains and tried to keep her condition from Nick. A severe attack required hospitalization and she panicked, sure everyone was conspiring to force her into an abortion. Dr. Joe Martin learned from Dr. Mercer that Kitty refused to believe his warning of a probable miscarriage. Kitty finally miscarried and an emergency D&E was performed. She was hysterically inconsolable.

Ann assured Paul that Kitty's miscarriage changed nothing, she wasn't considering going back with Nick. She explained that she knew happiness couldn’t grow from deceit.

Jeff and Mary wished they were able to provide a home for little Tad, the abandoned child they cared for at the hospital. Jeff regretted still being married to Erica.

Another World

Written by : Harding Lemay

Produced by : Paul Rauch

Lenore Curtin encouraged Robert Delaney to move from his hotel room to an apartment. She felt he couldn’t start a new life until he dispelled the shadows of his past.

Janice Frame resented Lenore strongly for her defense of Alice and the whole Matthews family, her dislike of Rachel whom Janice liked very much, and for her growing romantic relationship with Robert. Janice accepted the job of showing the new development houses only when she learned Robert, the project architect, would spend much tine there.

John and Pat Randolph returned from St. Croix happily reconciled and in love once more.

Ada Downs was afraid her grandson Janie would be hurt if he learned his mother, Rachel Clark, was having an affair with Steve Frame. Jamie didn’t know Steve was his father.

The Fireside Inn was sold and having recovered his investment, Rachel's father, Gerald Davis was leaving Bay City. Rachel was crushed that he was walking out of her life once more. She was stunned when he explained he was responsible for Alice's leaving Steve months ago, that he arranged for Alice to find Steve alone with Rachel. Rachel was afraid that if Steve found this out, he'd think she, not Gerald, arranged it.

Steve wanted Rachel and Jamie to move from Ada's house to an apartment and he wanted to provide for them. Rachel was reluctant to take money from him, she told him it was humiliating and suggested getting a job. Steve persuaded her to do it his way.

In New York, Iris Carrington was increasingly concerned over the threat that Alice posed to her marriage. Alice was nurse/governess to Iris's ill son Dennis who was in the custody of her estranged husband, noted journalist Elliot Carrington. When she learned Elliot was taking Dennis and Alice to St. Croix for a vacation, Iris, using the information her informer, Mrs. Goddard, Elliot's housekeeper, gathered for her, visited Steve in Bay City. She told him her husband, Elliot, was interested in Alice but Steve assured her he was not interested, he was all over Alice. Meeting Rachel in Steve's house and surmizing the situation, Iris privately told Rachel that Elliot and Alice were in St. Croix. Rachel then persuaded Steve to immediately take her on vacation to St. Croix. - Steve and Alice spent their honeymoon at his house in St. Croix. - Once there, Rachel craftily learned Elliot and Alice would have dinner at the Surf Club and suggested dinner there to Steve. Alice, meanwhile, was fighting memories of being in St. Croix with Steve. She had checked with her sister, Pat, to make sure Steve was in Bay City and so she was stunned to come face to face with him at the Surf Club. She was then crushed to find Rachel with him. Steve, of course, was stunned to see her, too.

Zack Richards recovered from his gunshot wounds and Police Lt. Gil McGowen offered him a job working on a police project with street gangs. His girlfriend, Linda Metcalf, and her family were convinced he wouldn’t stray outside the law again.

As The World Turns

Written by : Irna Phillips & David Lesan

Produced by : Fred Bartholomew

Puzzled by their daughter Penny's letters saying her problems concern a young girl named Amy, Nancy and Chris Hughes decided to go to Switzerland to learn wha was going on.

When Wally Matthews made it clear to Lisa Shea that all he could offer her was friendship, she accepted Donald Hughes' proposal of marriage. Her son Charles was very pleased at the idea of Donald being his father. Dr. David Stewart assured Wally that a one year brushup internship was all he would need to resume the practice of medicine.

Jennifer and Bob Hughes' marriage was better than ever especially since Jen's son Rick and Bob had reached an understanding. Bob was considering offering Rick a junior partnership. However, Bob and Rick differed on patient-doctor relations and bedside manner and Rick's optimism as contrasted to Bob's conservatism led Mrs. Parsons, a patient, to feel she was better than she really was and she got out of bed and collapsed.

Kim Reynolds, discouraged by observing how good her sister Jen's marriage to Bob appeared to be, continued to subtly flirt with him. Dr. John Dixon pressed Kim to take his feelings for her seriously but she put him off. Kim took a job at the Child Care Center and admitted to Jen she always wanted children but it never happened. Kim talked Bob into giving her her B12 shots at her apartment after work. Lisa - Bob's first wife - found this very interesting. Kim had carefully cultivated a friendship with Lisa.

Dan Stewart, in despair over the death of his bride, Elizabeth, drank heavily and retained in seclusion. He blamed Dr. Burke - ironically the father of his first wife, Susan - for delaying surgery too long and thus causing Liz's death. He accidentally overdosed with sleeping pills and alcohol but was saved by his father, David. The episode was publically called a case of food poisoning. Finally, it was Liz's own diary, brought to Dan by her brother, Ronnie, which showed him that he hadn't lost her, she would always be a part of him both in memories and in their daughter, Betsy. - Betsy believed Dan's late brother Paul, Liz's first husband, was her father but she was really Dan's daughter. - Knowing his custody of his daughter Emily was only temporary and that he would be in contempt of court, Dan took his two daughters secretly to London to be with Liz's family. Dan was then facing the future squarely. He hoped his arm would recover enough for surgery but would stay in medicine anyway.

Susan, her marriage to Bruce Baxter annulled, had retaken the name Susan Stewart and had decided she wanted Dan and Emily back. She planned to use the end of his temporary custody to persuade him. When she visited Dan's house to put her plan into effect, she found the place deserted and all the furniture covered. Frightened and confused, she plaintively asked, “Where are they? Who told them I was coming?”

Days of our Lives

Written by : William J. Bell

Produced by : Betty Corday

Laura Horton was relieved when she learned her husband Mickey's cardiogram showed he was not yet well enough for physical relations. Her memory of Mickey's affair with Linda Patterson and her own love for Mickey's brother Bill made her feel she couldn’t respond to Mickey but she feared hurting him. Mickey was beginning to realize he couldn’t demand Laura submit to him, he had to win her love again. Linda unexpectedly wrote Mickey that she was divorcing her husband as she still loved Mickey. She asked him to answer if his reconciliation with Laura hadn't been satisfactory. Laura inadvertently found the letter, read it, then told Mickey. He assured her he felt nothing for Linda and vowed to make her forget Linda ever existed.

Eric Peters asked Mickey to use the advance royalty from his book to hire detectives to find Susan Martin, his brother Greg's fiancee. Ann Peters, Eric and Greg’s mother, hoped Susan never returned.

Addie Williams, convinced her husband, Doug, wouldn’t want the child she was carrying and sure she had lost him to her daughter, Julie Banning, swallowed a handful of sleeping pills. Realizing what she had done, she called her father, Dr. Tom Horton, who rushed her to the hospital. She was treated and requested Doug not be told. Tom did tell Doug who assured Tom he told Addie he didn't want children only because he thought she could no longer have any. When Addie told Doug she was pregnant he assured her he was overwhelmed and happy. He hosted a gala at his club, Doug's Place, to celebrate his impending fatherhood. Before learning about Addie's pregnancy, Doug had become very close to David, Julie's son, and was helping him through this painful period following the death of his father, Scott. Julie told Doug she would marry again as soon as she could find a man who would love her and David. She reminded Doug of the deep and passionate love they shared before the misunderstanding that led to his marrying Addie. She told him she and David were his for the asking and asked that he think on it.

Julie was stunned to learn of Addie's pregnancy and was crushed when Doug told her Addie needed him and he would never abandon his child the way he was abandoned by his own parents. In agony over losing Doug for good and after a hysterical scene with David when, finding her sorting Scott's clothes for charity, he accused her of not loving his father, she agreed to spend time at Bob and Phyllis Anderson's Lake Geneva home while David stayed with his grandparents. Julie invited Don Craig, her attorney, and Greg Peters to visit her there. Both men had shown more than a little interest in seeing Julie. Julie told Phyllis she could get over Scott's death but would never be over the loss of her father. Julie's unhappy childhood had much to do with her present insecurity and she vowed to find a man who would give her and David safety and security. She was overwhelmed when Bob Anderson giave her his private hideaway retreat as a place to get away by herself when she needed to. Bob told Bill he had been depressed for month, not just since Scott's death. He felt he was missing something but couldn’t think of anything he didn't already have. Mary Anderson told Bill she was no longer seeing Bert Atwater. Bill was beginning to realize Mary was not a youngster after all.

The Doctors

Written by : Robert & Eileen Mason Pollock

Produced by : Allen Potter

Learning that Lauri James ended her singing career because she lost her voice, not due to boredom as she claimed, Dr. Hank Iverson followed her back to New York and convinced her to resume her nursing career. Dr. Matt Powers, chief of staff at Hope Mem-orial Hospital would give her a chance. Hank started to have feeling in his paralyzed hand. Based on Tennessee Eddie Hawkins' rehabilitation, the hospital board extended the funds for the hospital mobile unit but Dr. Hendrix’ contention that the unit cost Hank his surgical career caused further unrest. Matt realized Carl Hendrix was looking for ways to attack him personally but couldn’t get Hendrix to admit why.

Dr. Steve Aldrich, irritated by working conditions under the new head of obstetrics Dr. Larrabee, spent most of his spare time helping his mother, Mona, outfit the medical suite in her new house. When his wife, Carolee, was upset at his continued absence from their home and children and sensed the implications in Mona's monopoly of Steve, he resented her implied criticism of Mona's intentions and called Carolee's concern interference in his career. Steve, fed up with Larrabee, admitted to Carolee he was considering going into private practice after all. She was upset that he saw her objections to this only as a conflict with Mona, not as a change in the comittment to hospital medicine they both shared. Matt also tried to dissuade Steve.

Dr. Ann Larrimer and Dr. Nick Bellini stopped seeing each other when they couldn’t cone to an agreement on their relationship. Ann felt Nick was determined to use sex as a shock treatment to bring her out of her mourning for her late husband while Nick felt Ann was using any excuse to exist in the past. To prove him wrong, Ann decided to resume her pediatrics practice in one of Mona's medical suites.

Dr. Althea Davis, deeply upset over the possibility of her daughter Penny going blind due to a riding accident, considered her husband Dr. John Morrison's proposal that instead of divorcing as planned, they should reconcile for Penny's sake to provide her with a normal home life. Seeing her ex-husband Nick apparently so happy with Ann upset her greatly and she agreed to John's suggestion. However, Penny's father, Dave Davis, called from California to tell Althea Penny had run away after a fight over skipping school. Terrified, Althea flew to San Francisco, where Penny was traced, and tried to find her herself in the coffee house circuit. Althea sensed one coffee house manager, Jester, recognized Penny's picture and when John arrived, he threatened Jester with a police investigation. Jester admitted he had been letting Penny stay in the back room but she was then gone. Jester neglected to mention that he tried to force himself on Penny which was why she ran away from the coffee house.

The Edge of Life

Written by : Henry Slesar

Produced by : Erwin Nicholson

Ashley Reynolds convinced Phoebe that his wife Kay knew about her, so Phoebe went away with him for the weekend. However, Ashley's tone on the phone when Kay unexpectedly called indicateed Kay didn’t know, and Phoebe walked out on him. Ashley later convinced her that Kay called intentionally just to upset her, and she agreed to another weekend. Kay accidentally learned about her husband's affair but concealed her knowledge. Kevin made a last attempt to renew his relationship with Phoebe then realized that she was too involved with Ashley. Certain that Ashley was a liar, Martha Marceau, Phoebe’s foster mother, hired Joel Gantry to investigate him, and Joel bugged Ashley's phone.

Simon Jessup planted a post hypnotic suggestion in Liz's mind that she would see Orin standing in the road at the dangerous cliff-side turn near Claybank. She later saw the image, but Jim was driving, so no accident occurred. Jessup reinforced the image, and the next time she saw it while driving with Adam, Liz veered her car toward the cliff. Adam grabbed the wheel and managed to save their lives by steering the car off the road. Liz was unhurt in the crash, but Adam had a concussion, causing his wedding to Nicole to be postponed. Jim tried to convince Liz the hallucinations were due to nerves and medication. Liz was then reluctant to drive, upsetting the plans of Elly Jo and Jessup. Jessup went to Liz's home to cure her insomnia, and hypnotized her to have an impulse to drive in to the city for lunch and then home alone.

Upset that her lover Lenny Small was planning to move in with a rich widow, Elly Jo promised him two thousand dollars to change his mind. Not having that much money, Elly Jo stole Liz's necklace but was caught in the act. Liz promised not to tell any one if she moved out by the following week. Elly Jo begged Jessup to accelerate their plot. Orin, recovering from his heart attack, was attracted to Angela Morgan, Adam's secretary. He assured her that his interest in Elly Jo was purely fatherly and friendly. He confided in her that Liz was seeing Simon Jessup for hypnotherapy without Jim's knowledge. Bothered by this, Angela told Adam. Ironically Adam had been suspicious of Jessup and his involvement with Orin and Elly Jo and had been on his way to see Jessup when he impulsively decided to drive out with Liz to Claybank.

Jake Berman told his psychiatrist Jim Fields that Nicole really loved him and that Adam hated him for it. Furthermore, Jake claimed that Adam had threatened to kill him. Jim checked this out and found that it was actually Jake who has threatened Adam. Upon receiving Adam and Nicole's wedding invitation, Jake visited ex-con Johnny Dallas, then managing a restaurant. Jake begged Johnny to kill him, as Jake didn’t have the will-power to commit suicide. Johnny was reticent, but Jake threatened to have him arrested for the robbery he committed in January. However, after learning that Adam had been injured and the wedding to Nicole postponed, Jake quickly decided that he wanted to live. He entered Adam's hospital room, intent on murdering him, but in his demented state, saw his dead wife who warned him that he'd be caught and have to go to prison. When Adam suddenly awoke, Jake claimed to be visiting.

General Hospital

Written by : Frank & Doris Hursley

Produced by : James Young

Dr. Steve Hardy hired a woman internist, Dr. Lesley Williams, to replace Dr. Tom Baldwin on staff. Audrey Baldwin saw this as giving up hope that her husband, Tom, would ever return with her son Tommy. Reporter Lou Larkin interviewed Audrey about Tommy and offered to help her make a direct appeal on a TV Talk Show. Meanwhile, Tommy's baby nurse, using the name Mrs. Sally Smith, had taken Tommy from Mexico to Chicago following Tom's death and was passing the child off as her own grandson.

Unable to accept the probability of her aunt Jessie Brewer marrying Teddy Holmes, Carol ran away to her old home town, Auburn, N.Y. Distraught Jessie gratefully financed Teddy's attempt to find her. Carol only agreed to return home when Teddy promised her his marrying Jessie wouldn’t make any difference to the two of them.

Diana Taylor's fears that Dr. Phil Brewer would discover she was pregnant caused her great anxiety. She was sure the child she was carrying was his child as a result of his forcing himself upon her. She was terrified that if her husband, Dr. Peter Taylor, learned what happened, their happy marriage would be in danger. Her obstetrician refused to lie about the due date to Peter although he sympathized with her situation.

When Mary Briggs realized that her estranged husband, Wade Collins was determined to tell Meg Baldwin ugly lies about her having an affair with Meg's husband, Lee, during Meg’s hospitalization, she agreed to go back to him to save Lee's marriage. Wade agreed to her terms - no physical relationship - inasmuch as her appearing to be his wife was necessary for his inheriting his father's estate. Lee was stunned and upset to learn Mary had gone back to Wade. Meg decided Mary's return to Wade had something to do with Wade's wanting to see her. She assumed his topic was Lee and Mary. Dr. Williams treated Meg for headache and Meg discussed her mastectomy and her nervous breakdown with her. Dr. Williams saw that Meg was nervous about Lee's attractiveness to other women.

The police decided to play Burt Marshall and Howie Dawson against each other in their investigation of Brooke Clinton's murder. Howie admitted he took Brooke to an early dinner that evening but took her home early as she had a late date. Burt was terrified to learn that Howie admitted this and feared Howie knew he was Brooke's date. Howie was reluctant to tell the police about Burt as he was trying to keep Jane from finding out he saw Brooke. Burt asked Howie to cooperate on mutual alibis, but Howie refused. When Burt learned that his wife Mamie told the police she tried to reach his at his office on the night of the murder and he wasn't there, he panicked, robbed the office safe and made a plane reservation in a false name for Canada.

The Guiding Light

Written by : Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by : Lucy Ferri Rittenberg

Charlotte Bauer, determined to break up Dr. Sara Mclntyre's marriage to Joe Werner for spite, convinced Kit Vested that Sara was the wrong wife for Joe and that Joe was ripe for a fall. Knowing Kit was in love with Joe, she convinced Kit she could and should take Joe away from Sara. Kit saw Sara's long work hours conflict with Joe's and she managed to be wherever Joe was and Sara wasn't.

Dr. Steve Jackson, home recovering from his heart attack, was still dead set against his daughter Leslie marrying Michael Bauer. Leslie and Michael, not seeing each other as she promised Steve, still planned on marrying when Steve's recovery was complete.

Michael gently urged Peggy Fletcher to go on with her life without Johnny. She refused to believe he was never returning despite the finality of his goodbye letter.

Barbara Norris and Adam Thorpe planned their wedding. Ken seemed pleased that his mother was happy but his sister, Holly, felt she could never accept Roger's father as her mother's husband. Holly tried hard to encourage a relationship with Dr. Ed Bauer but finally realizes he was only concerned with Janet, Ken's wife, and saw her, Holly, as only an equidistance. Holly, still unable to believe Janet, wondered if Janet's baby could be Roger's, not Ken's. Barbara's other son, Andrew, overseas, had not answered her letter about her forthcoming marriage.

When Janet told Ed Bauer she was pregnant, he told her this didn’t change his feelings for her. Both her mother and his mother, Bert Bauer, asked Ed to back off and give Janet and Ken a chance for reconciliation. He refused to do this.

Janet finally told her husband, Ken, that she was pregnant, but she added that she couldn’t reconcile with him. She insisted she had thought it all out and whatever they once had was gone and couldn’t be regained. Ken was very happy about being a father and begged Janet to give him another chance. Both her mother and Barbara begged Janet to reconsider for the baby's sake but she maintained her relationship with Ken was dead. Janet attended Barbara's wedding and, standing beside Ken, was reminded of the vows they exchanged. After the Thorpes left for Jamaica, Janet and Ken discussed the baby. She was very aware of his delight and sense of involvement in their expected child.

Love is a Many Splendored Thing

Written by : Ann Marcus

Produced by : Linda Wendell

When Dr. Jim Abbott realized from Iris Garrison's medical records that her daughter Maggie was not her husband Spence's child, he tried to inlist Iris's sister Laura Elliot in a plot to break up Iris's marriage. He held Maggie out as bait to childless Laura. In desperation, Laura insisted her husband Mark publicly acknowledge Maggie as his child and try to take custody of her. Laura almost told Spence the truth but realized in time the hurt this could cause. She told Iris that Jim knew the truth. Iris visited Jim's office and told him that his idea that he could destroy her and her marriage because he loved her and wanted her was garbage. She told him she would always love Spence and felt only pity for him, Jim.

Meanwhile, Tom Donnelly was able to arrange a private adoption for Mark and Laura and they welcomed their new son, Philip Scott Elliott into their home. Laura was overjoyed.

Holly McAllister, realizing Jim was love with Iris, quit her job and arranged to return to New York. Jim visited her and told her he then fully accepted that Iris didn’t care at all for him and pleaded with Holly to stay and give him a chance to find his way back to her again. Because she loved him, she agreed to try.

Angel Chernak slowly sensed there was more to her illness than she had been told and tricked Dr. Keith into admitting that she was dying. Her husband, Dr. Pete Chernak, told her he was going to take her and their daughter Nikki on a trip around the world, but she refused preferring to spend whatever time she had left in her own little world, her new apartment with her family and friends nearby. She beautifully reminded him that they had had so much love, so much happiness even though for only a short tine and that he would always have her love with him. She admitted she was afraid, as did he, but they could face the future, the inevitable, secure in the great love they shared.

Understanding what Angel meant when she warned her not to squander the precious love she and Joe shared, Betsy Chernak decided to give up the idea of a surgical residency to go away with Joe. Joe told her they couldn’t run away, they had to grow up then. He insisted she had to achieve her fullest potential as a doctor and he had to try to attain his fullest potential as a person. He then asked her to marry him. Dr. Warner assured her that marriage wouldn't interfere with her chance to win the residency.

Betsy and Joe were married at the home of her mother, Lily Chernak Donnelly. Betsy wore the dress her mother wore when she married Dr. Will Donnelly. The minister read Kahlil Gibran on marriage - on being two people with independent identities who would be strengthened by their love for each other. Betsy spoke verses by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Joe quoted Walt Whitman's “The Song of the Open Road” after which they promised the traditional wedding vows. The Donnelly, Elliott, Garrison, Chernak and Warner families were present along with many friends.

 At the end of the wedding, Judson Laire (Dr. Will Donnelly) thanked the viewing audience for allowing the company to come into their homes for the last five and one half years and expressed his regret that the story was ending. The show last aired on Friday, March 23rd.

Love of Life

Written by : Loring Mandel

Produced by : Bertram Berman

When normal treatment for Rebecca's staph infection had no affect, Dr. Dan Phillips ordered massive drug therapy. This unorthodox treatment worked and Rebecca was soon well enough for Kate to take home. Kate was still unaware that Dan, her estranged husband, had been on Rebecca's case at all. After exhaustive tests, Dr. Lederer, Rebecca's pediatrician, had learned that Rebecca had been deaf since birth. Kate tried not to believe this. Finally, after putting him off so many times, Kate told Rick Latimer she would marry him. She still believed he was Rebecca's father as did Dan. Rick had concealed the blood test evidence which would prove the child was actually Dan's.

Dan's mother, Vinnie Phillips, encouraged Dan's nurse, Candy, to go after Dan to insure his eventual divorce from Kate. Candy didn’t realize Vinnie was only using her as a diversion. Candy was very hurt when Dan came out and told her he still loved Kate. Dan, upset at the news of Kate's plans to marry Rick, told her he still loved her and loved Rebecca, and wanted to come back to her. Kate was astounded.

Walter Morgan, Bobby Mackey's accomplice in the swindle scheme, announced his intention to invest in the late Bill Prentiss's rock opera. Charles Lamont, Bill's father, insisted plans for this began immediately. Dr. Joe Correlli told Tess, Bill’s widow, this whole thing was destructive to them to her son Johnny. She thought not.

Knowing Tess and Joe promised Charles they'd wait for a year after Bill's death to marry, Bobby pushed for a memorial service for Bill to bring back the old memories. At the service, Morgan and Bobby pushed for the production and the tone of the service became one of almost worship for Bill. Finally Joe tried to explain that Bill wouldn't like this, he would expect life to go on, that he was a man, not a god. Charles, furious, stormed out of the room and Tess then ran out in tears.

When Joe told Tess she had to set a date for their wedding, she told him she was not ready, she needed more time. He answered that it was all over, then, and said goodbye. He later accused Charles of resurrecting Bill because Charles still felt Joe didn't try hard enough as a doctor to save Bill. Joe asked if Tess was supposed to crawl back into the grave with Bill when the production was over.

Morgan was upset to learn Jamie Rollins was going to work in the county attorney's office as he had passed the bar. Van Sterling was then becoming suspicious of Morgan.

One Life To Live

Written by : Agnes Nixon & Gordon Russell

Produced by : Doris Quinlan

Carla Gray was uncertain and afraid of committing herself to a future with policeman Ed Hall due to her memories and fears from her childhood. However, observing the compassion and patience Ed showed with defiant young Josh, an underpriviledged kid he was trying to save from delinquency and crime, she realized he was as compassionate and patient with her, and told him she loved him and thought she could begin to be all the things he wanted her to be for him. When Josh's arm was injured, Ed surmised the injury was strongarming by a local street gang and took Josh home to Carla for dinner.

Julie Toland still couldn’t respond to Mark the way she felt a normal woman should and used any available excuse to avoid intimacy with him. Mark, feeling Julie's over-concern with her mother Eileen Siegel's problems was hurting both their marriage and Eileen's adjustment to widowhood, discussed their problems with Larry, confidentially. Larry sympathetically suggested Julie should see Dr. Polk. When Mark discussed Julie's over-concern with Eileen, she agreed, but Julie resented his intrusion on her relationship with her mother. Mark was further upset that Julie refused to tell him what her frightening nightmare was about. - Julie dreamed that Mark left her after finding her with Jack Lawson in their apartment. - Eileen cautioned Julie not to let seeing Jack or hearing his name mentioned prey on her mind as it could hurt her marriage.

Meredith Wolek suggested to her husband, Larry, that they adopt a little girl.

Viki, physically recovered from her accident, was sent home to Llanfair, her father's estate. Impatient to recover her memory of the last eighteen months and confused about why she wasn't brought to her husband, Steve Burke's apartment, she looked through the old newspaper files at the Banner and thus recalled Marcy Wade's death and Steve's trial. Still unaware that her first husband, Joe Riley, was alive, she moved from Llanfair to Steve's apartment. Joe, learning that Viki remembered the music from the carousel music box he gave her the night before the accident, gave the box to Dr. Polk who showed it to Viki. She suddenly remembered that Joe was alive and that she was to decide between Joe and Steve. She also painfully remembered spending the night before the accident with Joe in Mt. Jefferson. She asked to see both Steve and Joe.

Cathy Craig, trying to block out the strong feelings she had for Steve Burke began to date Jack Lawson. Steve, her boss on the newspaper, refused her request for an out-of-town reporting assignment telling her she was needed in the office.

Return To Peyton Place

Written by : James Lipton / Robert Cenedella

Produced by : Don Wallace / George Parris

Betty Harrington was terrified her baby might really be premature as even at term her husband Rodney had to think the baby came early if he was to believe it was his child. Steven Cord, the baby's father, encouraged Betty to allow Rod freedom to help Allison in order to provide time for him to be with Betty. Betty realized she had to pretend this child was Rod's as Martin Peyton would not allow a child of Steven's (Martin's illegitimate grandson) to be the Peyton heir. Rod was very upset to learn the baby was almost ready to be born as the due date was well over two months away. Betty was then frantic.

Convinced that Allison Carson Tate was innocent of Benny Tate's murder despite her conviction for the crime, Rod attempted to find new evidence to clear her. He went to West Virginia to question Benny's mother and his fatally ill brother. Rod uncovered the truth, that it was actually Benny who was alive and the body in the cabin was his twin, Jason. Barely clinging to life, Benny arrived in Peyton Place at the time of Allison's sentencing. He explained that he sent Jason to his bride, Allison, with a note saying their marriage was a mistake. He did this to save her from the agony of watching him slowly die. When Allison mistook Jason for Benny, Jason took on his brother's identity. Discovering this by accident, Benny tracked Jason down and when Jason disarmed Allison, knocking her unconscious at the cabin, Benny and Jason struggled over the gun and Jason was shot. Benny then drove Allison to the hospital but she was in shock and blocked this out. Benny further explained that he didn't come forward as his mother told him Jason died in a fire and he assumed that was all there was to it. A new trial was ordered. That afternoon, sensing the strong bond between Allison and Rod, not knowing that Rod was already married, Benny made Rod promise to care for Allison forever. This done, Benny died.

Hannah Cord persuaded Rod's father, Leslie, to vote dowm expansion plans for Peyton Industries in Rod's absence. She was trying to discredit Rod as president of the company in hopes that Martin Peyton would eventually allow Steven to take control. Rod returned from West Virginia in time to reverse the decision and avert the crisis.

Ed Rikker told Leslie he was turning down Rod's offer of the position of security chief at the company, but when he saw how prejudiced Leslie was - Rikker was black -, he reconsidered and accepted the job. Hannah was amazed that Martin approved this appointment.

Martin Peyton, his objectives achieved, returned to the Bahamas unseen.

Betty told Selena Cross that if she wanted Dr. Mike Rossi, she would have to take the initiative. So she told him she loved him and asked him to spend the night with her. He later told her this made him feel committed. When he later asked her to marry him, she asked if that was what he wanted to do or what he felt honor bound to do.

Steven Cord offered Allison's attorney, Bob Whitmore, a full law partnership.

Norman Harrington, upset that his wife Rita was assuming her mother Ada Jacks' duties in running the tavern during her absence, resented the upheaval in their lives and the way Rita ordered him around - tend the bar, clean the tables, etc. When he suggested closing until Ada's return, she reminded him Ada's money saved his fishing business.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by : Ralph Ellis & Eugenie Hunt

Produced by : Bernie Sofronski

Patti and Len Whiting announced they were moving to Seattle to build a new life on their own, Andrea Whiting, Len's mother, seemed to take the news very well but after her farewell party for them, she took an overdose of sleeping pills. Attorney John Wyatt accidentally found her in time. She told John that losing Len and her grandson Chris meant her life was over. When he convinced her she was being foolish and selfish, she assured Len and Patti the overdose was accidental so they could leave as planned.

Joanna Vincent noticed books were mysteriously disappearing then reappearing in the hospital library. She later discovered the secret borrower was the cleaning lady.

Kathy Phillips' clash with her father-in-law, Doug Martin, came to a head when Kathy, representing friends Jay and Teri, planned to sue the Henderson Savings and Loan for discrimination against wives' salaries in mortgage applications. Doug, the bank's attorney, was sure Kathy is wrong, that her ambition was causing her to sue prematurely as the bank president had assured hin the bank officer made a mistake and Jay and Teri would get their mortgage. With her boss John Wyatt's permission, Kathy took the issue to the newspapers. The bank wanted Doug to sue her but admitted privately they did discount women's salaries. Doug then refused to represent the bank in this case and suggested they changed their policy. He and Kathy then came to an understanding. Doug reassured his son Scott, Kathy's husband, that he would progress the “right” way in his, Doug's office but Scott couldn’t help but envy Kathy's more active law career in Wyatt's office including her recent trip to Washington on a case. Doug approved his wife Eunice's new part time job as a freelance reporter for a local magazine but told her Scott and Kathy's marriage was in trouble as a woman's career had to come second to her marriage. Eunice was disquieted by the way John Wyatt could sense she was afraid to disagree with Doug on anything. She disliked Wyatt as he perceptively saw more than she found comfortable. She was unaware that he was responsible for the reporting job being offered to her.

Janet and Wade Collins returned home from their honeymoon to find her father, Stu Bergman, still living in his old house. She finally accepted the fact he wouldn’t move.

Liza, Janet's daughter, was deeply infatuated with intern Matt Weldon and when he invited her to dinner for her sixteenth birthday she was in heaven.

Wade loaned Liza his car to pick up her mother. Her ex-boyfriend troublemaker Randy spotted her and forced her to let him drive the car. He ran a red light and hit a pedestrian, then smashed the car into a pole. He convinced Liza they would be in real trouble if the police learned he was driving as his licence had been taken away. He ran away. Liza's injuries weren’t serious but the girl they hit was badly hurt. She had no identification and only when Jo visited Liza and recognized her as the library cleaning lady did they know who she was. Liza, scared by Randy's warning, told the police she was driving. Wyatt, Tony Vincente and Wade found the girl did not hear. They ordered tests to determine whether she actually couldn’t hear, traumatically believed she couldn’t hear, or was faking. Matt was upset by this as his mother was totally deaf.

The Secret Storm

Written by : Gabrielle Upton

Produced by : Joseph D. Manetta

Father Mark Reddin, at his mother's home in Texas, found he still couldn’t establish a relationship with his brother Stace due to Stace's resentment and antagonism. Mark finally decided he would marry Laurie Stevens and asked her to come to Texas. He applied to Rome for release from his vows as a priest. His mother Jessie was crushed by Mark's decision and was very cold to Laurie. However, Laurie’s gentleness and her desire to help Mark reach emotionally insecure Stace softened Jessie somewhat. As Rome's permission would take six months, Laurie would bring her son Clay to Texas to wait. Meanwhile, Stace decided Laurie was too much woman for Mark but not for himself and he was determined to have her. Jessie was very afraid that Laurie’s presence would cause real trouble between her sons. Laurie didn't mention Stace's first pass at her but he trapped her in the barn and while she struggled to get away from him, Mark walked in.

Mrs. Post, a paritioner of Mark’s, was horrified to learn he was leaving the priesthood as she had told his things in the confessional she was deeply afraid of having known.

Dr. Brian Neeves was becoming very protective of Any Kincaid and fought with himself to stop thinking of the child she was carrying as his child. He had convinced Amy that there was no way for her husband, Kevin, to ever learn that this child was not conceived before the accident which paralysed him, but by artificial insemination (AI). Amy didn’t know that Dr. Neeves himself was the AI donor. However, accidentally, in the hospital lab, Robert Landers learned that Amy was an AI pregnancy case.

Belle Kincaid convinced her husband Dan - in prison - and Joanna Morrison that she was investing in Joanna's boyfriend Robert Landers' racing car only for Joanna's sake. Actually, Belle was trying to take Robert away from Joanna for spite and from boredom and she had become intrigued by the glamour of racing. Dan allowed her heavy expenditures and investments as he couldn’t bring himself to deny her anything. He even concealed from her the fact that Kincaid Enterprises was in financial trouble. Since she was financing everything, Robert started making love to Belle. When he admitted this to Joanna, with whom he was living, she considered walking out, then decided to fight on Belle's terms. She told Dan about Robert and Belle. In agony and anguish he gave his power of attorney to Kevin telling him to put Belle on an allowance to cover all the essentials but allowing no extras. He didn’t want her to know he knew about Robert but realized that Robert wouldn’t stick around if there was no money. When Belle visited Dan, he told her the new money policy was for business reasons. When Kevin told her how much - how little – he was alloting to her each month, Belle was furious. She was stunned when Robert happened to casually mention that Amy was an AI pregnancy case.


Written by : Henry Slesar

Produced by : Lyle B. Hill

When Virgil Paris refuses to kill Andrea Moore for her stepsister, Zoe Canell, Zoe decided to do the job herself. She invited Andrea and David Grant to her hunting lodge and, after sending David to buy food, helf a rifle on Andrea. She told Andrea she was responsible for the arsenic poisoning attempt on Andrea and would finish the job so her husband, Julian, could no longer love Andrea and would love her again. As she was about to kill Andrea, Zoe's brother, Carter Matson, suddenly arrived, having learned of Zoe's intentions from Virgil. While trying to get the gun from her, Carter was shot. David returned to find Carter dead and Zoe in shock. Zoe was found to be criminally insane and would be confined to a mental institution. Aunt Rowena, exonerated of the poisoning attempt chose to remain at the sanitarium — she liked it there.

Ironically, during Zoe's absence, Julian finally decided to divorce her and upon making the decision found he could once more play the piano. However, he decided to give up his concert career and attempt the journalism career he always wanted.

Andrea and David become engaged. Andrea refused her mother, Emily Matson's request that she go abroad with the family for a year. Emily felt David was unsuitable as a husband for her heiress daughter and intended to find a way to break them up. Dana, Andrea's brother, determined to stop his mother, told her good breeding hadn't stopped Emily's husband, Philip Matson, from having an affair with his secretary, Millie. Emily, stunned, told Philip she would like to accompany him - and Millie - on his upcoming business trip but he gently discouraged her. She still didn’t actually believe it until finding Philip left his briefcase behind, she looked for his itinerary and found instead a hotel reservation for Mr. and Mrs. Philip Matson - one room.

Leo Kurtz, sure lawyer Ben Grant was behind any suspicions Sam Lucas – president of Delaney Brands - had, ordered Crystal Ames - Sam's secretary, planted on the job by Leo - to tape all conversations between Sam and Ben. From one of these tapes, Leo and Virgil learned that Ben attended a secret meeting called by Herb Geller, DR Sales manager, where he learned suppliers were being terrified into cutting prices, employees were being threatened and customers forced to accept inferior quality canned goods. These men all felt that gangsters then own Delaney Brands. Sam refused to believe this but promised Ben, his best friend, to tell no one. When Herb Geller was terribly injured in a peculiar hit and run accident, Ben and Sam fought as Ben felt it wasn't an accident and Sam felt accused. His doubts and anger led Sam to drink too much and he and his wife, Lahoma, fought over this. Crystal made herself available for sympathy and affection which was what Leo hired her to do. The syndicate wanted Sam kept unaware of the real ownership and new organization of the company.

Ginger Kurtz Cooper told her father, Leo, she was still upset by Virgil's pushiness with her. Leo wanted to promote her husband, Tony, to plant foreman. Tony felt this could cause more friction in the plant - nepotism - and would rather not but Leo insisted. Virgil, piqued by Ginger's coldness towards him suggested to Leo that Tony be sent out of town for a two day seminar course.

Where The Heart Is

Written by : Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by : Chuck Weiss

Kate Prescott was relieved to learn she was in fine physical condition despire recent blackouts and erratic behavior. When her release from the hospital was delayed, Kate lost control again and Betty – her sarcastic and bitter persona – emerged. Dr. Feldman held a session with her and tried to make her speak of her childhood and if she ever felt neglected but Kate refused and said her law studies couldn’t allow her to see him regularly.

Chris Cameron told John Rainey about her confrontation with his wife, Adrienne, at the sanitarium. Since Adrienne got Katina back to Christine, she felt she owed her something and Chris agreed to Adrienne’s requet that she establish an emotion distance between herself and John.

Julian Hathaway noticed his daughter-in-law Liz – Adrienne’s daughter – flirting with Bert, a fellow student. When Loretta Jardin took over the class as Julian felt unwell, Liz tried to cut Loretta down inferring her background was insufficient for a college teaching, but Loretta embarrased Liz who was unprepared for the class. Furious, Liz instigated rumors of Loretta’s interest in Julian. Julian admitted to his wife, Mary, that he was suffering from stomach pains. Dr. Prescott confirmed the symptoms were classic ulcer symptoms. Liz encouraged Mary to believe the ulcer was the cause of Julian keeping something from her. Julian learned from his secretary that rumors on campus were progressing to the point where he, Mary and Loretta, were being called « menage a trois ». When Julian confronted Liz and told her he would tell Mary the whole truth, Liz answered that the baby she was carrying was not Michael’s, but his. To put an end to Liz’ threat, Julian revealed to Mary he had an affair with Liz the previous summer and she was carrying his child. When Liz laughed at Mary, she slapped her across the face. Mary left Julian and went to Kate’s in order to have time to think.

Ed Lucas was worried about his daughter, Vicky’s apparent retreat to her millhouse. She had decided to lead a simple life.

John began putting the puzle together when Michael told him that he and Liz had decided to marry before John married Adrienne but Liz asked him to keep it quiet until after the wedding as her mother preferred it that way. John told Chris to avoid Adrienne as she was not her friend. Julian told Liz he would reveal the truth to Michael. Liz asked her father for his help but John dismissed her lies and told her he knew she was a deceitful liar. John told Adrienne he realized her duplicity in tricking him into marriage. Adrienne claimed she was motivated by love and John packed bags and walked out. He went to Chris, explained how he was tricked by Adrienne and Chris moved into his arms, assuring him of her love. Kate was happy for Chris and John and she agreed to begin regular sessions because she realized her psychological problems came from the repressive moral code imposed by her late father, Judge Hathaway. Steve decided he was taking her off to the Caribbean for relaxation before she began this work. Chris and John’s efforts brought Allison and Hugh back to the family and they all decided to share custody of Katina.

Julian told Michael the truth about his affair with Liz. Michael realized all the lies Liz lied to him and he walked out on her. Michael went to Vicky’s for consolation. Julian went to see Mary who realized Julian really regretted his mistake with Liz. They reconciled. Adrienne and Liz tearfully consoled each other over the loss of the men in their life. Mother and daughter decided to remain in Northcross until the baby was born at least. Julian came to see Michael at Back To Nature and took full blame for their estrangement. Michael assured he didn’t want to lose his father and both men embraced.

The show last aired on Friday, March 23rd.

The Young and The Restless

Written by : William J. Bell

Produced by : William J. Bell & John Conboy

The show first aired on Monday, March 26th.

In a truck, a passenger man was fleeing his past life. When he passed through Genoa City, Wisconsin, he decided to stop. He was hungry and stopped at a restaurant called “Pierre’s”, run by Frenchman Pierre Roulland. When he wanted to pay, the mystery man explained Pierre he didn’t have any money as all his papers and wallet had been robbed on his way to Genoa City.

Pierre’s main waitress, Sally McGuire, was having an affair with medical student, Snapper Foster who was also dating rich girl, Chris Brooks. Snapper had a meeting with Stuart Brooks, owner of the town newspaper and Chris’ father, at Pierre’s. Stuart wanted to know Snapper’s intentions towards his daughter who was madly in love with her and insisted on how Snapper couldn’t be involved in a too serious relationship with his time-consuming medical studies.

As he noticed the mystery man couldn’t pay for his meal, Stuart said Pierre he was paying. He was very intrigued by the man who only gave him his name – Brad Elliot – but no background. Stuart offered him a job to run copies and the newspaper. Given with no alternative, Brad accepted. Meanwhile, in Chicago, the town Brad had fled, his girlfriend Barbara was asked to identify his belongings. His car crashed and the body was not recognizable – the man who stole his wallet and his car -. Brad Elliot was officially pronounced dead.

Stuart and his wife Jennifer Brooks, worried about Chris’ involvement with Snapper. They had three other daughters : Leslie, who played perfectly the piano, youngster Peggy and Lorie, who had been living in Paris for four years and should come back home after graduating this summer.

Snapper’s family, the Fosters, were living quite modestly since Snapper’s father abandoned the family years ago. Liz Foster, the mother, was exhausting herself working in a factory to pay for Snapper’s medical studies and other son, Greg’s law school. The youngest child, Jill, was working as a beautician but was not happy of her condition and hoped she would own her salon someday.

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APRIL 1973

All My Children

Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss

Despite the overwhelming evidence that Philip Brent was dead, Ruth Martin, his mother, Tara Tyler, who loved him, and Eddie Chamberlaine, his army buddy, all secretly couldn’t shake the feeling that Phil was somehow still alive.

Warned by his father that Erica could make a nasty scandal involving Mary Kennecott if he fought her too hard, Dr. Jeff Martin agreed to compromise with Erica in order to get her consent to the divorce. He signed a release allowing Tempo Magazine to use old photos of him in a feature article about Erica in exchange for her signature on the divorce agreement. He planned to marry Mary as soon as he was free. The article finished, Erica returned to New York and told Jason Maxwell she would soon be free and they could begin to make wonderful plans for the future. She refused to realize she was just another girl to him and he had no intention of ever marrying her.

Anne and Paul Martin maintained the appearance of a happy marriage but Margo Flax, as an unexpected houseguest, realized Paul slept on the sofa. He made excuses about the flu but she seemed unconvinced. Anne had vowed never to go back to Nick although she realized she still loved him.

In severe traumatic emotional upset following her miscarriage, Kitty Davis was convinced her husband Nick and indeed everyone was conspiring against her. She was sure Nick was lying about losing the job in Dayton, that he just wanted to stay in town with Anne. She was also convinced that Dr. Clater told her she would never be able to have a child only as part of the plot against her and so didn’t believe him. Sure that Anne and Nick were seeing each other again, Kitty stole morphine from the hospital drug cabinet and covered her tracks by giving the police the description of a mysterious woman she pretended to have seen lurking about. Mary had inadvertently told Kitty how dangerous the drug was, putting the idea in Kitty's tortured mind. Kitty asked Nick once more if they could leave Pine Valley and when he refused, she felt Nick and Anne were planning happiness at her expense and, morphine on hand, decided to get Anne over to her apartment as soon as possible.

Little Tad was still upset about his little sister's whereabouts and he feared leaving the hospital as he had no family to go home to.

Another World

Written by : Harding Lemay

Produced by : Paul Rauch

Lenore Curtin couldn’t help but be aware of Janice Frame's feelings about Robert Delaney as Janice brought him homemade goodies, invited him without Lenore to dinner and dropped in uninvited at his apartment on various pretexts. Robert saw Lenore's discomfort over this and tried to reassure her but whenever he discussed making a future with her, she froze. She confided to Pat Randolph that as much as she loved Robert, she wouldn't marry him or anyone as she could never trust or depend on a man after what her late husband Walter did. Robert asked Janet not to drop by at night for appearances' sake at least.

Zack Richards' then job with the police department youth project was working out tremendously well. He encouraged the boys to volunteer for Dr. Russ Matthews' heart research project to get medical care for themselves as well as to do something worthwhile.

At the Surf Club in St. Croix, Alice Frame was stunned to see her estranged husband Steven there with her long tine rival Rachel Clark and she refused even to speak to his. She soon asked her employer and friend journalist Elliot Carrington to take her home. Rachel implied to Steve that Alice and Elliot were living together. In agony Alice turned to Elliot for kindness and solace. Iris, Elliot's estranged wife, seeing Alice with Elliot, was more convinced that Alice was a threat to the reconciliation she wanted so such.

Without Steve's knowledge, Rachel visited Alice to sound her out on giving Steve a divorce at least for Jamie's sake. - Jamie was Rachel and Steve's son born before his marriage to Alice and while Rachel was married to Alice's brother Russ. - Alice accused Rachel of seeing Steve secretly while she, Alice, was still living with him as his wife and wouldn’t believe Rachel's assurances that this wasn't true. Alice flatly stated she would never turn Steven over to someone as destructive as Rachel even if she didn’t love him any longer. Leaving Alice, Rachel pushed Steve to leave for home immediately.

Elliot spoke to Alice of the growing closeness between them and told her if his son Dennis's heart condition could be cured, he would divorce Iris even though her father owned exclusive rights to his newspaper column and refused to release him from it. He asked Alice, a nurse, to compile a list of heart specialists including her brother Russ.

Iris, meanwhile, had arranged to have Russ examine Dennis in New York when she had learned both Elliot and Alice would be unavailable. Russ was unaware that Dennis was the child Alice was caring for but had noted the coincidence of the same last name. Iris hoped she could insist Dennis be treated in Bay City as she was sure Alice would resign rather than return to the place her husband and Rachel were.

On Steve's insistence, Rachel and Jamie moved out of her mother, Ada Downs', house into new, expensive apartment that Steve was paying for. He arranges for John Randolph to handle her divorce from Ted Clark. While Ted was unwilling to make anything easy for Rachel, Gil McGowen persuaded Ted to consent for Jamie's sake. This done, her divorce would be final in a few weeks. Janice, at Rachel's subtle hint, pressured Steve to divorce Alice. He finally asked John to see Alice in New York about her consent. Alice reluctantly agreed to see John the following week but asked that her sister Pat, John's wife, come too. Ironically this was the appointment that would give Iris the chance to have Russ see Dennis. Steve told Rachel of his plans but admitted that if Alice wouldn’t consent to the divorce, he didn't think he could bring himself to divorce her for desertion.

As The World Turns

Written by : Irna Phillips & David Lesan

Produced by : Fred Bartholomew

Ellen Stewart returned from London to report that Dan and his family were doing fine. Ellen was very upset at her sixteen year old Carolann's older boyfriend and refused to allow her the dating freedom she was loudly insisting on. Carolann had started lying about where she was going and had to make excuses to cover up motorcycle fall injuries.

Donald Hughes was eager to marry Lisa Shea as soon as possible but was hurt and angry at her continued closeness to Wally Matthews. Lisa was shaken by Dr. David Stewart's warning that her son, Charles, had to be carefully watched because of his rheumatic condition. Wally Matthews, returning after twenty years to the practice of medicine, learned he could avoid internship by passing the state medical boards.

Carol Hughes was destroyed at Dr. Flynn's opinion that she couldn’t have children but regained hope when Wally suggested she seek fertility treatment. Her husband Tom reminded her he married her because he loved her and nothing could change that.

Nancy and Chris Hughes returned home from Europe with Penny's adopted teenaged daughter, Amy, whose mother was American and her father from Thailand. Any wouldn’t talk about her mother's family but secretly wondered if she had the courage to go to San Francisco to try to find out about them. She had begun dating young Peter Burton regularly.

Jennifer Hughes, furious at her husband, Dr. Bob Hughes, for putting her son Dr. Rick Ryan. on probation for giving an opinion to a patient causing near fatal results, moved out of their apartment refusing to consider returning until he reversed the action. Bob explained she had no right to compromise his integrity as a doctor by making their marriage a bargaining issue. Jen's sister Kim, who was deeply attracted to Bob, tried very hard to make Jen reconsider and not destroy her marriage but Jen was adamant and wouldn’t even discuss it. Unhappy and hurt, Bob saw Kim for dinner occasionally to discuss his problems and was warmed and comforted by her understanding. Kim prevailed on Rick to stop destroying his mother's marriage with no results. Rick was too busy trying to find a way to override Bob's actions with the hospital board behind his back.

Knowing Bob was in Florida to see a patient, Kim went to Palm Beach and ran into Bob at the Palm Colony Hotel. She explained she visited there annually as she used to with her late husband, Jason Reynolds. They had dinner in her suite and she was charming, witty and gracious and easily wound up locked in Bob's arms.

When Bob returned home, he was amazed to find Jen waiting for him in their apartment. She happily told him she was pregnant and was going to stop nursing and stay home and be a wife and mother. Bob uneasily wondered if the only reason she returned was the baby.

Days of our Lives

Written by : William J. Bell

Produced by : Betty Corday

Michael Horton was spending a great deal of time with his “uncle Bill” doing chemistry experiments and watching Bill perform surgery. Neither Michael nor his father, Mickey, knew that Michael was really Bill's son.

Knowing Mickey's EKG was normal, Laura Horton was tremendously relieved at managing to avoid resuming a physical relationship with him before leaving for her medical conference. Using this time away to think, she realized how deeply she still loved Bill. Upon her return, they decided to once more try to arrange a life together but once more Michael found them together in an embrace. Accusing her of lying to him and betraying him and his father, Michael ran away from them. At home, believing his father to be a perfect and loving husband, Michael was shocked to overhear Mickey telling his sister Addie how Laura still couldn’t forget his affair with Linda Patterson and how she reasonably turned to Bill, who had always loved her, for comfort and strength. Michael was totally confused and miserable.

At her grandfather's urging since Addie's pregnancy might be difficult, Julie Banning made peace with her mother, Addie Williams, assuring her she had given up Doug - Addie's husband - once and for all. Julie was dating Don Craig but was unnerved and unready for the sudden depth to which his feelings for her had developed. Greg Peters visited her often at the Anderson's lakeside home where she was visiting but as a friend only. They were helping each other through this difficult period - her recent widowhood and his anxiety over Susan Martin's disappearance. Julie was shocked and deeply hurt when Doug visited to tell her not to take Greg away from Susan as she took Scott - Julie's late husband -. Julie angrily told him that a man couldn’t be taken unless he wanted to be, as he, himself, was proof, and told him to stay out of her life and her affairs.

When Greg accidentally learned about the chapter in Eric's book concerning the girl in the park, he assumed it was Eric who raped Susan and violently attacked Eric nearly killing him. Ironically, Susan returned at this time and visited Eric in the hospital to apologize. He asked her to let Greg think it was rape but she couldn’t do this and told Greg she was the agressor and had blacked out the whole episode - traumatic amnesia -. Greg, stunned and horrified, couldn’t stand to even be near her. Eric pleaded with him to forget the episode, marry Susan and raise her child as though it were his own, not his brother's. Greg's mother, Ann, wanted him to forget Susan whom she felt was only trouble for her family and she'd like him to fall in love with Julie. Julie asked Greg to think it out very carefully before passing judgement on Susan and reminded him of the strength it took for Susan to tell him the truth. Susan, however, was sure Julie was trying to take Greg from her despite Julie's assurances that they were only friends.

Julie found comfort in confiding her thoughts to Bob Anderson. She explained to him that the loss of her father was still more painful that the more recent loss of her husband, Scott. Bob told her of the recent feeling of emptiness, a void in his life and that perhaps they could help each other.

The Doctors

Written by : Robert & Eileen Mason Pollock

Produced by : Allen Potter

While Althea and John Morrison were frantically searching for her runaway daughter, Penny, in San Francisco, Penny showed up at the Powers' house. Althea returned overjoyed but still couldn’t seem to reach overemotional Penny who had an injury to her optic nerve and feared she was going blind. Althea was disturbed by John's permissiveness to keep Penny happy as she felt Penny must have order and discipline in her life despite her injury. Penny was deeply hurt to find Mike Powers was married as she still had a crush on him. She was also very angry at Althea and John's desire that she not spend time with Dr. Nick Bellini - Althea's previous husband - and was furious when John refered to Nick as a liar. John hoped Penny would then see Nick as he wished her to but actually Penny then felt she had seen John for what he really was.

Despite his wife Carolee's pleas and efforts, Dr. Steve Aldrich, fed up with OB Head Dr. Larrabee's new systems, resigned from his staff position at the hospital to enter private practice. Carolee realized that his mother Mona actually bought and set up the medical suite to lure Steve away from the hospital, not to push Dr. Ann Larrimer back into medicine as she claimed, and that she had succeeded without Steve realizing it. Mona subtly insisted that Carolee accept the « family » pearls to commemorate the agreement, forcing her to take them or appear to be rejecting the family itself. Steve assumed that any differences between Mona and Carolee on this entire topic were Carolee's fault for being unreasonable and any strain in their marriage he was attributing to the Larrabee situation. Recognizing it as a fait accompli, Carolee had no choice but to be resigned to Steve's decision.

Nick Bellini remained cold to widowed Dr. Ann Larimer interpreting her reluctance to enter a relationship she saw fraught with sexual overtones as a reflection on his slum background compared to her society upbringing.

Dr. Matt Powers, chief of staff at Hope Memorial, gave former singing star Lauri James the chance to resume her nursing career since she had lost her voice. On her first day back, however, she made a careless mistake and Dr. Mike Powers chewed her out. Dr. Hank Iverson, who loved her deeply, bitterly fought with Mike, his best friend, over this. Mike's wife, Toni, asked Mike to give Lauri support instead of hostility. Hank was beginning to regain feeling in his entire arm following Nick's corrective surgery.

When Mike was unable to reach Dr. Carl Hendrix, head of neurosurgery, for an emergency, he called Nick in on the case. Learning of this, Hendrix had Matt called in to the hospital on Sunday to insist Nick be removed and he replaced on the case. Matt complied as this was Carl's prerogative but Nick pointed out that Hendrix consistently went out or his way to upset or discredit Matt whenever he could. Nick insisted Matt try to find out why so Matt checked with Hendrix's previous post in Minneapolis and found Hendrix was totally agreeable and friendly there. Matt was reluctant to press the inquiry further as Hendrix's earlier references were from Australia.

Nobody at Hope knew that Dr. Carl Hendrix's real name was Dr. Charles Harrison and he and his wife Vivian had to move to Australia and set up new identities with forged credentials to enable him to practice medicine again. Vivian, vindictive and bitter, drank constantly and lived for the day Carl would destroy Matt Powers for what Matt did to his causing him to lose his career and his identity. She mercilessly pushed Carl to do this reminding him Matt couldn’t guess as he never saw Carl before he came to Hope.

The Edge of Life

Written by : Henry Slesar

Produced by : Erwin Nicholson

Kay Reynolds invited Phoebe to lunch and told her that she was willing to divorce Ashley but doubted he wanted one, as he had had other affairs. Phoebe was convinced that Ashley told Kay that he wanted to marry her, but she didn't know that it was Joel Gantry who gave Kay the facts. When Kay confronted Ashley he frantically insisted he wanted only her. Kay, however, retained Jake Berman to handle her divorce, warning him that Ashley would fight tooth and nail. Kay's father, Walter LePage was chairman of the board at the company Ashley worked for. Joel had approached Kevin Jamison about helping him check out the possibility of Edith Berman's suicide really being a murder. Edith's daughter was Joel's girlfriend and felt it was quite possible. Kevin checked the newspaper files and interviewed the attending physician at Edith's first suicide attempt but learned nothing concrete. He was aware, though, that there were most likely two suicide notes, the first probably destroyed by Jake – Joel was actually correct, Jake did kill Edith. –

Laurie Lamont, growing bored as her husband Vic devoted all his time to his law career, considered finding a job, possibly doing menus at Johnny Dallas' New Moon Café.

Certain that there was a connection between Simon Jessup, Elly Jo Jamison, and Liz Fields’ hallucinations, Adam Drake insisted that Liz shouldn't be allowed to drive home until she had been examined by a physician. Adam visited Jessup and found him with Elly Jo. Jessup explained his method of insomnia therapy: using slide shows of pastoral scenery. Adam secretly stole one of the projector slides that Jessup had hidden. This turned out to be a picture of the road sign to Claybank, where Liz hallucinated her father, Orin's image. Sure of Jessup's guilt, Adam presented his evidence to Jim and Liz. Jim hypnotized his wife and removed Jessup's post-hypnotic suggestion. Unsure of Elly Jo's involvement, they decided to keep Jim's therapy a secret. While this was not sufficient proof, Lt. Chandler alertly recognized Jessup as a wanted con man from Detroit and arrested him.

Orin Hillyer and Angela Morgan, Adam's secretary, realized they had fallen in love. Meanwhile, Nicole Travis was afraid that Adam's injuries in his recent accident were causing headaches and some blurring of his memory.

At Adam's insistence, Orin changed his will, removing Elly Jo as a succeeding heir, but he doubled her bequest to $20,000. This removed Liz as a potential victim, but Adam realized it could make Orin the target. Needing money to hold on to Lenny Small, Elly Jo poisoned Orin's cognac before moving out of Claybank. Liz followed Adam's plan to test Elly Jo's involvement with Jessup's plot by tricking her into driving to Monticello. Liz lied that she had forgotten something and turned the car back toward the house. Approaching the cliff-side turn, Liz pretended to be under Jessup's hypnotic trance once again and accelerated the car toward the cliff. Hysterical, Elly Jo screamed, "You'll kill us!", then she leapt out of the speeding car.

General Hospital

Written by : Frank & Doris Hursley

Produced by : James Young

When Burt Marshall fled the country, the police realized it was he, not Howie Dawson, who killed Brooke Clinton but the whole story broke in the newspaper and Jane learned Howie spent that evening with Brooke. Crushed by Howie's lies, Jane explained she couldn’t trust his love and insisted he move out of their bedroom. Realizing he had to win her trust all over again, Howie courted Jane but his impatience didn't help the cause.

Audrey Baldwin made a TV talk show appeal to her husband Tom and Mrs. Andrews, the nurse, to return with little Tommy, warning that if Tom wasn't with her, Mrs. Andrews was guilty of kidnapping. Mrs. Andrews and Tommy saw the show and Tommy cried for his mother. Tom actually died in Mexico and, in Chicago, Mrs. Andrews, under the name Mrs. Smith, was shaken but resolved to keep Tommy. Audrey had been dating Dr. James Hobart of Mercy Hospital whose quiet concern and charm had a calming influence on her. Mrs. Andrews found Tommy unconscious and rushed him to Dr. Carter who diagnosed congenital pulmonary stenosis. He told Mrs. Smith he would locate the leading expert in the field, Dr. James Hobart, wherever he was, and arranged to rush her and Tommy to him.

Dr. Steve Hardy, suffering from complete exhaustion, took a month's leave to rest in Mexico. Audrey blamed this on herself, for leaning on him too much.

Dr. Lesley Williams was treating Meg Baldwin for high blood pressure and found Meg's pressure was emotionally triggered. Seeing it rose sharply when Meg's husband Lee and her son Scotty came home early and found her with Meg, she realized Meg's problem was a deep seated neurosis. She suggested a male doctor but Lee felt Meg had to learn to live with her neurotic jealousies. Indeed Meg was convinced Dr. Williams was after Lee and was sure the prescribed medication was to make her unable to see this clearly.

Dr. Williams kept remembering and hearing a voice telling her that crib deaths were completely unpredictable and it wasn't her fault.

Diana Taylor was on the verge of hysteria over the fear that her husband Peter would discover the baby was due in September instead of November and that Dr. Phil Brewer would learn she was pregnant and associate this with his forcing himself on her months ago.

Teddy Holmes brought Jessie Brewer's runaway niece Carol home and Jessie, filled with gratitude and trusting in his declaration of love, agreed to marry him on May 4th. Sure Jessie was wealthy, Teddy askd her for $50,000 to invest in a new business and was shocked to learn that she only had $25,000, that she gave the estate of her wealthy late husand, Dr. John Prentice, to his sister. He was further stunned to learn that Carol and Kent would each inherit half a million dollars from their father's estate at age eighteen, in a few months, that Jessie was only their guardian. Getting Jessie to cosign a $25,000 note he got the cash and told Carol he couldn't marry Jessie loving her, Carol, as he did, and asked her to run away and marry him. Having a crush on him, she eagerly agreed. Kent was horrified to find Carol and Teddy in the midst of leaving on Friday before the wedding without a word to Jessie. Watching them go Kent was sure this would kill Jessie.

The Guiding Light

Written by : Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by : Lucy Ferri Rittenberg

Janet Norris, realizing the depth of Ken's feelings for their expected child, reconsidered her feelings for him and finally decided to give their marriage another chance. Ed Bauer was crushed by this news and became deeply depressed. Realizing Ed's vulnerability at the moment, Ken's sister Holly made herself available as a diversion and they began dating regularly. Both Janet and Ed's mother, Bert Bauer, felt Holly was too young and immature for Ed, but her mother Barbara Thorpe seemed in favor as it made Holly happy. Ed told Holly he was not ready for a serious relationship but she was determined to win him. She even apologized to Janet for the ugly stories she told about her in order to carry Ed's favor and approval.

Steve Jackson, recovered from his heart attack, returned to work and Dr. Sara Werner told his daughter Leslie she could then tell him she was still planning to marry Michael Bauer despite Steve's objections. Realizing Leslie's intention, Steve avoided being alone with her and used his recent attack as a weapon to silence her. When she finally forced the issue, he insisted the subject was closed and dramatically clutched his chest.

Dr. Joe Werner, painfully aware of Kit Vestid's crush on him, finally discussed it with her. Insisting it was not as serious as he thought it was, she convinced him there was no problem and meanwhile convinced herself that he was asking her to have patience, to wait for him. Charlotte Bauer, realizing Kit couldn’t take Joe away from Sara, was suddenly aware of the electricity between Joe and herself and realized she might be the one who could. Charlotte felt Sara had treated her badly and wanted to pay her back for it. Realizing Sara's career and frequent out of town conferences left little time for Joe, Charlotte managed to make Joe very aware of her as a woman without his realizing she was doing this intentionally. Knowing Sara was away, Charlotte conveniently misplaced her car keys during a rainstorm and had to let Joe drive her home. At her slight move toward him Joe responded spontaneously and wound up in bed with her. Joe's guilt was enormous, he couldn’t face Sara and, even worse, couldn’t respond to her. Charlotte told Joe this whole thing had thrown her and he had Sara but she had no one, if she couldn't talk to him about it, she would have to talk to her friend Kit. So, on Sara's clinic night, Joe visited Charlotte and told her it was a moment of insanity, that they had nothing between them but she told him that was not why he came and they wound up in bed again. She assured him she wanted no comittment, only to be there for him. He said it wouldn't happen again.

Love of Life

Written by : Loring Mandel

Produced by : Bertram Berman / Jean Arley

Dr. Dan Phillips was trying valiantly to get his estranged wife Kate reconsider and take him back. She refused to be moved by words or gestures and refused to believe his proof that his mother Vinnie was working with Rick Latimer to keep them permanently apart. Dan's nurse, Candy, tried to distract him from Kate but he indicated it wouldn’t work. Dan's father, Dr. Lloyd Phillips finally told Vinnie either she returned home to Boston with him or he would Start divorce proceedings against her. Rick threatened Dan with scandal over Candy and a negligence suit over Rebecca's hearing problem but Dan wasn’t impresed. However, when Kate pleaded she could only find peace and happiness if he would give her the divorce, he gave up and signed the consent. - While Dan and Kate both believed Rebecca was Rick's child as a result of rape just before their marriage, Rick and Vinnie both knew from blood tests that the child was actually Dan’s. They concealed this. –

Dr. Joe Correlli took the late Bill Prentiss's rock opera to a friend in New York who worked for famed producer John Merrill. When he told Tess Prentiss, Bill's widow and Joe's estranged fiancee, that Merrill actually wanted to produce the opera, she felt honor bound to let Bobby Mackey decide as he finished the work. Bobby naturally chose to stick with Walter Norgan's production plans ostensibly to be sure it was done the way Bill would have wanted it, but actually because he and Morgan were con artists who had been setting up the production as a swindle from the start. Joe was very upset by Tess's decision and decided to thoroughly check Bobby out. He learned that the Albany hospital where Bobby's father supposedly died the previous fall had no record of him at all. Bobby's cousin and staunch supporter, Sally Rollins, refused to believe this so Joe convinced her to go up to Albany with him to prove it one way or the other.

Sara Caldwell was about to invest in the production but her daughter Van Sterling's doubts prompted her to ask Morgan definite questions about the production and she was disquieted by his lack of direct answers. Morgan decided to forgoe Sara's investment. Charles Lamont, Bill's father, however, handed Morgan $5,000 borrowed against his book store and invested over his wife Diana's objections.

Bruce Sterling, Jamie Rollins and Joe then began to check out Walter Morgan, the big financier, and learned his background didn’t check at all. However, Bobby and Morgan had already started the final step of their con game. They were accompanying Tess to New York where she planned to give Morgan Bill's insurance money and her son, Johnny's retire trust fund from the Randolph estate to invest. Only Sally, Stacy Corby - Van's ward - and Johnny knew this and they had promised to tell no one. The plan was to disappear right after cashing Tess's check.

One Life To Live

Written by : Agnes Nixon & Gordon Russell

Produced by : Doris Quinlan

Merry and Larry Wolek, disappointed at the probability of being unable to adopt a little girl, saw a television program about Vietnamese/American orphans in Saigon and definitely decided to try to adopt the child, Sara, shown on the program or, if not her, then another child from this orphanage.

Vinnie Wolek, removed from his undercover hijacking assignment due to a leak in security, returned to street patrol duty. Victor Lord hired Vinnie to keep an eye on his estate, Llanfair, while he was on vacation.

Carla Gray agreed to marry Police Lt. Ed Hall. Dr. James Craig would give the bride away and they would be married in the Craigs’ garden. Ed was very upset at being unable to get through to young, belligerant Josh West. Every friendly overture Ed made was set by resistence and distrust with the reminder that Ed was “the man”, the fuzz. Ed was even more disturbed and angry when he found evidence that Josh was sniffing glue.

The new doctor on staff was Dorian Cramer. Efficient and competent, she was looking for a house in town as she had a sister whom she looked after.

Her amnesia cured, Viki Burke told Joe Riley she wanted his friendship but was staying with her husband Steve. Joe was thunderstruck and insisted she was doing this for the wrong reasons but he couldn’t change her mind. Viki told Steve she loved him and wanted to spend her life with him. Steve was thrilled but was afraid Vicki didn't choose him for love. He felt this was why she was not eager to rush off on a second honeymoon.

Joe, bitter and empty, wrote goodbye letters to everyone and packed to leave town. Wanda Webb accidentally learned of this and as Joe got in his car to leave, he found her there, packed and ready to go with him. Incredulous, he pressed her for her reasons and finally she admitted it was because she loved him. She explained that loving someone was wanting them to be happy so she prayed Viki would choose him so he'd be happy. But then he was lonely and miserable and she wanted to make him happy because she loved him and the fact that he didn't love her didn’t matter at all. Despite Joe's assertion that he would always love Viki and that he was selfish and didn’t deserve her concern and love, Wanda insisted that if he went, she went, and that was that.

Eileen Siegel, Joe's sister, was hysterical at this news and violently accused Viki of driving Joe to do this. Her daughter Julie insisted on staying with her recently widowed mother and told her husband Dr. Mark Toland she couldn’t start her new youth project job until her mother was over this shock. Mark angrily accused her of not really meaning to take the job at all. When Julie finally admitted this to her mother, Eileen insisted she start her job at once which pleased Mark enormously.

Vinnie was upset about Joe and Wanda's sudden departure and his sister, Anna Craig, felt he was more upset about Wanda's absence than Joe's.

In New York, Wanda and Joe took apartments in the same building and he looked for a reporting job insisting she take it easy for a while. Upset that he hadn’t let his sister, Eileen, know he was all right, Wanda started a letter to her.

Return To Peyton Place

Written by : Robert Cenedella

Produced by : George Parris

On Norman's insistence, Rita Harrington hired vivacious, ambitious Monica Bell, a college student with unbelievable energy and determination, to help her run Ada's Tavern. Monica's enthusiasm spurred Rita's expansion plans for the tavern and Norman was delighted that Rita once again had the time and energy to be a wife and a mother.

When Dr. Mike Rossi pressed Selena for an answer to his marriage proposal, she told him she couldn't accept because despite his denials she was sure he was still in love with Connie.

The marital problem between Connie and Elliot Carson had become very evident to their children Allison and little Matthew. Aware that her father wouldn't touch or even talk to her mother prompted Allison to beg him to seek professional help but he adamently refused. As her first feature article for Elliot's newspaper, Allison deliberately did a piece on a local carriage counciling clinic and while Elliot agreed with the praise the article drew, he still refused to let it apply to him. Meanwhile, Connie, miserable, was becoming desperate as she didn't even know why Elliot was treating her this way.

After finally finding a suitable position for his father, Leslie, at the Peyton Company, Rod was amazed when Leslie resigned to accept a more challenging position in Florida.

Betty Harrington told Steven Cord she then had everything she wants, Rod, the Peyton company president, the Peyton House, social position and money, and she would not give it up even though the child she was carrying was his, Steven's. She pushed Rod to set up an irrevocable trust for the baby, however, to protect its future no matter what. Betty was horrified to learn her baby would probably be premature as even at term she would have to pretend it was early. Mike Rossi refused to give her delaying hormones when her water broke months before her advertised due date and she went into labor only a few days later. She attempted to find Rod to take her to the hospital and was furious to find he was off somewhere with Allison. Steven wound up taking her to the hospital as he had intended to do in the first place. - Rod was helping Allison find the person who was the subject of her new article. Allison and Rod shared a special kind of friendship. –

Steven realized he could only get Betty if he could offer everything Rod could, so he was determined to discredit Rod as president of the Company by himself solving the crucial diversification problem. Unknown to Rod, Steven had located a huge international company dealing in oil and, in negotiations so secret he didn’t even know the company's name, he had started arrangements for congressional enabling acts and rezoning for harbors and access roads. If he could put it all together, the board of Peyton Company would lose confidence in Rod in favor of Steven. Ironically, Betty, furious at Steven's criticism of Rod's performance as president, felt Steven might be trying to do exactly this.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by : Ralph Ellis & Eugenie Hunt

Produced by : Bernie Sofronski

While recuperating from an appendectomy in the hospital, Terri Benjamin's brother, James Foster, astounded the hospital staff with his immediate, correct treatment and diagnosis, saving the life of his roommate, Mr. McLaughlin, in heart failure after an electric shock. Dr. Tony Vincente learned James had had very extensive, personalized training as a medic in Vietnam and was determined to have James in the new physician's assistant program.

Stu Bergman was determined to stay in his own home even though he and his son Tom couldn’t manage the work involved and Tom was then embarrassed to bring anyone home. Ellie, lonely since Lauri left town, wished she could find a way to help Stu and TOM.

Eunice Martin, upset at first to learn that John Wyatt owned Henderson Magazine, was finally convinced she got her freelance job on merit alone. As they were thrown together more often, she began to lose her hostility towards him and told her husband, Doug, she thought she might have misjudged John at first.

Karl Devlin, the magazine's publisher, was deeply afraid that his editor, Frank Ross, might be cutting him out of the magazine with John's approval. He desperately grabbed every bit of authority he could and pressed John's secretary, Marion, for bits of information.

Andrea Whiting, afraid of failing in the magazine job John gave her - music, art and food critic - leaned heavily on him for encouragement and support. In her lonliness she mistook his friendship and compassion for a deepening relationship and made advances which forced him to back away from her. Suddenly realizing why he was avoiding her, she told him she hoped he understood, she wanted only his friendship, nothing more. This saved her embarrassment and salvaged the friendship for both of then.

Doug Martin finally gave his attorney son Scott Phillips his first case. While it wasn’t as glamorous as the work Scott's wife, Kathy, was doing as a lawyer in John Wyatt's firm, it relieved the pressure of her advancement over her husband. However, both Scott and Kathy realized their work was giving them little time together.

Doug felt Scott should put his foot down and make his wife be a wife first, but Scott maintained he was a lawyer first, then a husband, and his wife should have the same right and he had promised her that.

Louise Halliday, a girlfriend John recently dumped, had decided that Kathy was the reason and was accusing John of having an affair with Kathy. Her constant harping on this, in light of several business trips on which Kathy had accompanied John, had Andrea and Marion wondering and Eunice furious. When Scott received an anonymous letter with these same accusations, he disregarded it, but Doug's reaction was volatile.

Melissa Hayley, the girl injured by Randy and Liza, was found to have been deaf before the accident. Once Matt Weldon and Jo Vincente convinced her they were friends, she recovered rapidly and agreed to live at the Vincentes’ until she was fully well. She wrote to Liza that she would tell no one that Randy, not Liza, was driving the car that hit her and Liza was deeply grateful. However, Matt, whose mother was deaf, was spending most of his free time with Melissa to the chagrin of Liza who had a crush on him. Melissa adamantly refused to give anyone any information about her family or where she was from.

The Secret Storm

Written by : Gabrielle Upton

Produced by : Joseph D. Manetta

While trying to separate her sons Mark and Stace whoweare fighting over Stace's advances to Laurie, Jessie Reddin fell on a pitchfork and soon died of her injuries. Mark administered the last rites. Stace was in agony over his guilt and sorrow and Mark, feeling more alone than he ever had, decided to marry Laurie immediately. After the wedding as they left for Woodbridge, Mark assured Stace that Jessie loved him best of all. At home, Msgr. Quinn told Mark he might, when his leitization was granted, either marry Laurie in the church or decide his marriage was a mistake. He reminded Mark he was forbidden to frequent the parrish until then. Mark found a position as a parole officer. Mrs. Post came to accept Mark as a lay person and he assured her he would tell no one that her husband, Malcolm, was not dead, that she just didn't give him a divorce. Mark was stunned to learn that Stace had broken his parole and had been traced as far away as Dallas.

As Kevin Kincaid had cut off her freewheeling checking account on his father, Dan's instructions, Belle Kincaid was afraid she would lose Robert Landers and the glamo-ous racing dreams he had inspired if she couldn’t finance his car. Learning Kevin didn’t know his wife Amy was carrying an artificially inseminated baby - he thought it was conceived before he was paralyzed - Belle blackmailed Amy into giving her first $1,200 then $5,000. to finance the race car. Belle referred to this as friends doing each other favors. Robert, uneasy at Joanna Morrison's sudden enigmatic and mysterious attitude, realized he had fallen in love with her against his intention not to and promised her his relationship with Belle would be business only from now then. - He and Joanna lived together. He told Joanna that his father walked out on his mother before he was born, not marrying her and thus ruining her life. He had vowed to show his father that he was better than his father ever was. Robert had told no one that his father was Dan Kincaid. –

Dan, sure his marriage to Belle would be perfect again as soon as he was released from jail, was thrilled when Kevin got him his parole. Since Belle hadn't bothered to visit him for days she didn't know this and invited Robert for an intimate dinner on the night of Dan's release. Robert had learned of Dan's parole and planned an interesting scene for Dan to arrive home to.


Written by : Henry Slesar

Produced by : Lyle B. Hill

Emily Moore, needing to know the truth about her husband, Philip Matson, flew to New York and found he was indeed sharing his room with his secretary under the names Mr. and Mrs. Matson. Shattered, she returned home prepared for the end of her marriage. Sure this proved again her theory that wealthy women had to marry only wealthy men, she offered her heiress daughter's fiance, David Grant, $100,000. “to establish his law career” if he would agree to postpone the wedding and encourage Andrea to tour Europe with her. He politely refused her offer. When Philip returned, he explained to Emily that her cold, businesslike and passionless approach to their marriage led him to seek tenderness and romance elsewhere. Emily explained that her fear of expressing emotion evolved from her first husband's constant infidelity and when Philip told her he married her because he loved her, she asked if they could try again, if she could try to be Mrs. Matson this time, not Mrs. Moore. Their reconciliation prompted her to accept and approve David as her daughter's future husband.

Andrea bought the hopeless Somerset newspaper as an investment and her brother-in-law Julian Cannell would run it for her taking the plunge into his new career, journalism.

Attorney Ben Grant, realizing Herb Geller and his friends could be right about gangsters owning Delaney Brands, went to New York to try to confirm or disprove this theory. Learning where Ben was, Leo Kurtz pressed Ellen, Ben's wife, to find out why he wouldn’t. Ellen maintained it was a prospective client trip. Ben learned the ownership was a holding company with complex corporate shells designed to conceal the identities of the owners. The complexity of secrecy led him to assume the suspicions were true. He offered his home for the next meeting of the concerned group then led by Mr. Young since Herb's hit and run “accident” which made Ellen fear for Ben's safety. The police investigation of Herb's case turned up only Virgil Parris's impeccable alibi.

Virgil planned a three day plant management seminar in Chicago for Tony Cooper and himself but mysteriously canceled out at the last minute not allowing enough tine for Tony's wife, Ginger, - Leo's daughter - to arrange to go with Tony. Virgil was becoming even sore pushy and loathsome towards Ginger who made no effort to hide her revulsion of him.

Under orders from the syndicate through Leo, Sam Lucas's secretary, Crystal Anes proceeded in the plan to become involved with Sam in order to diminish the influence of his wife Lahoma. When the pressures of working late - Sam was president of Delaney Brands - and close association with Crystal put strain on his marriage, Crystal made herself available for sympathy and affection. Finally, after another fight with Lahoma and an evening of drinking, Sam found himself in bad with Crystal. His guilt further strained him and he eagerly picked up Lahoma's suggestion for a European vacation. Afraid this would reinforce Lahoma's influence on Sam, Leo anonymously called Lahoma saying Sam spent a night with Crystal. Sam's dogged denial and reassurances weathered Lahoma's invective and hysteria and he pacified her if not convincing her. However, Leo had Crystal call Sam to say she was leaving town tonight and Sam, on a business emergency pretext, went to her apartment. They compromised, she wouldn't leave town if he wouldn't take a vacation. But as he opened the door to leave, there stood Lahoma !

The Young and The Restless

Written by : William J. Bell

Produced by : William J. Bell & John Conboy

Not covered in the newsletter

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Search for Tomorrow

Looked like they were trying to integrate Andrea into the story but she was dropped later in 73? 

John was new to the canvas and maybe they tested John and Andrea before moving him to Eunice. 

Then they had Stephanie arriving soon, so Andrea was superfluous, especially with Len and Patti gone.

Then Len and Patti returned.

Did Andrea get an exit story? 


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