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MARCH 1975


All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Mona was horrified to learn that Phoebe had made Mona's job as Charles' secretary and her friendship with him the crux of an ultimatum - either he fired Mona or they could no longer live together. Mona therefore resigned her job feeling this would ease the pressure on Charles. But Charles furiously told Phoebe either she made a full apology to Mona or when he returned from a medical convention in Baltimore he would rove to his club. Charles convinced Mona to stay on during his absence but Phoebe confronted Mona about this demanding she be gone before his return. when Mona replied she was only staying until a replacement was found Phoebe again neurotically accused Mona of flaunting her attempt to break up the Tyler marriage and threatened to go the the Hospital Board of Directors to expose this “middle-aged femme fatale of the desk set.” Learning this Charles told Phoebe she'd made his life a living hell and over her protests and later pleas he moved out. Charles asked Mona to stay on as he'd need her more than ever. Phoebe, unable to accept the scope of what she'd done told her daughter Ann she'd be patient and Charles would core to his senses and return.


Since his wife Erica had been institutionalized for treatment for a breakdown following a miscarriage Phil had not been allowed to see her. He had been informed she still refused to believe she lost the child and had continued to confine herself to bed where overeating and without exercise, the resultant weight gain fed her pregnancy fantasy. Finally allowed to visit, Phil was devastated at her unkept appearance and complete misery as she begged him if he loved her and his baby he would take her hore. Unable to understand why he couldn't, she cried hysterically and had to be led to her room. The final blow for Philip came when he lost his Job at the EPA due to lack of funding. He bitterly told Tara he was a loser, he never got any of the breaks, everything he touched turned to ashes.


Tara and Phil both encouraged the closeness that had grown between Phil and his namesake, little Philip, Tara and Chuck's little son, but both were careful not to let it slip the truth that Philip not Chuck was the child's father. Philip and Tara married themselves without clergy just before his being sent to Vietnam where he was reported killed in action. Tara married Chuck Tyler to give her child a legal name and father and most friends and relatives believed Chuck was the child's father. Phil recently learned the truth but for his son's security and emotional well-being he had agreed to conceal this from Tara and Chuck.


Mary and Jeff were ecstatic at the possibility that Mary was pregnant. But Mary's joy was shattered when her mother suffered another heart attack and died just after Mary arrived at her side.


Tests and x-rays on young Jamie Coles indicated that his injuries were not the result of an accident as his socialite mother, Stacy Coles, insisted, but rather were repeated child abuse. Ann, who grew up in Stacy's social circle, pressed Dr. Joe Martin to talk to Stacy and her business executive husband Wyatt to persuade them to get help from COPE, the organization that helped parents who couldn’t deal with their own emotional problems and take them out on their children. Stacy, furious at the implications, refused to listen to Joe and demanded that her child be released. However, feeling this was what would happen, Ann had taken Jamie from the hospital and had convinced her ex-husband Nick Davis to conceal her and the child. Realizing it had to have been Ann who took Jamie, Joe and his brother, attorney Paul Martin recently divorced from Ann, tried to stall the Coles while they with her brother, Linc Tyler, tried to locate her. Stacy fearing a police investigation would expose her part in Jamie's injuries stalled Wyatt's attempts to call the police. Ann called Stacy promising to return the child if Stacy would go to COPE, but Stacy hung up on her. Wyatt and Stacy fought constantly over what she felt was his neglect of her, leaving her constantly alone with their child, and his insistance that her financial demanded upon him required his overwork and that her incessant spending precluded household help. Realizing Ann was running a serious risk of going to prison for kidnapping, Nick told Paul where she was and Paul forcefully convinced her to relinquish the child to him. As the boy was being physically checked, Joe and Paul tried again to explain COPE and Ann's reason for taking Janie to the Coles. Stacy refused to let Joe continue and demanded Jamie immediately. The Coles were jubulant over the return of their son, but Stacy was furious when Wyatt had to immediately leave for the office. When Jamie began to cry Stacy reacted neurotically and began to recall her own mother, Mrs. Littleton, who verbally abused her as a child - Mrs. Littleton did not want a child and emotionally battered Stacy constantly - and she began to physically take her frustrations out on Jamie. However, Kitty Shea inadvertently arrived with Stacy's new dresses preventing further injury. Fortunately in a polite gesture, Stacy agreed to pass around COPE posters for Kitty and when later Jamie again driove Stacy to the brink of sanity she grabbed the poster and dialed the COPE number. Giving her name, Stacy requested entrance in a parent therapy group. Wyatt was incredulous that she'd done this saying she was not one of "those people" she just had to control her temper. When she insisted she was going and asked him to go with her for moral support, he equivocated.


Margo, recently married to Paul, showed her annoyance at Paul’s preoccupation with Ann’s involvement in Jamie’s kidnapping. Considerably older than Ann, her jealousy and insecurities needed little actual encouragement. Claudette, Margo’s daughter, in Pine Valley to obtain a divorce from her socialite husband, rarely missed an opportunity to point up the difference in Margo and Paul’s age and went out of her way to show Paul how sympathetic and understanding she was in areas where her mother was not and suggested she, Claudette, would be happier with an older man. Paul, uspet that Ann might resent the harshness of his argument to gain Jamie’s return, went to apologize to her. As they talked about past misunderstandings, hidden feelings seem to surface between them and when he suddenly kissed her, she passionately responded.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Determined to break up her boss Robert’s marriage to Lenore, Carol had been researching Lenore's murder trial and the subsequent accidental death of Lenore's first husband Walter Curtin. However, she soon realized she was unable to get mare informatIon than the newspaper accounts and, deciding you could catch more flies with honey, apologized to Lenore for this intrusion into her Iife which Lenore loudly objected to and implied she would drop it – Lenore stood trial for the murder of Wayne Addison and discovered after the acquittal that her husband Walter, who was her attorney, killed Wayne. When Walter accidentally died in a car crash, Lenore vowed no one should know that her son Wally’s father was a murderer -. After assuring Robert that despite past differences she and Carol could get along, Lenore began working in Robert’s office doing routine details to free Neal Johnson and Carol for more specialized duties. Carol made a great show of friendship towards Lenore and when Lenore, whose past work record indicated an ability to assume heavy responsibility, began to make careless error after careless error, Carol quickly jumped to her defense claiming Lenore had too great a burden working full-time and being a wife and mother. However, unknown to anyone, these careless mistakes were the result of Carol’s carefully laid sabotage plan. Carol had been secretly changing figures on cost lists that Lenore had made and removing and concealing important work orders and reports making it appear Lenore couldn’t cope with the simplest routine detail. These unexplainable errors were shattering Lenore’s confidence in herself and, coupled with the pressures of bitter memories of Walter which Carol had stirred up, Lenore was beginning to fear she was losing control. When her mother Helen suggested their friend psychiatrist Dr. Richard Gavin see her, Lenore adamantly refused to discuss the situation with him. Learning Lenore was hospitalized after Walter’s death, Carol tried to pry information from Dr. Russ Matthews who was Lenore’s doctor by referring to Lenore’s breakdown. Russ insisted it was only a shock reaction and not Carol’s business. The reaction was not to Walter’s death as much as to having learned Walter was the murderer.


Marianne and her mother Pat were still at constant odds over Marianne’s adolescent sensitivity to her mother’s resquets that she know her daughter’s whereabouts. Marianne felt Pat didn’t trust her or treat her fairly, in fact, when her father, John, decided Marianne couldn’t accompany her grandparents on their planned trip to St. Croix, Marianne insisted this was Pat’s doing. Marianne’s emotional upheavals were further complicated by ther overreaction to John and Pat’s personal arguments. Ironically, these were usually over John’s compioning Rachel.


Willis, Steve’s younger brother, and Angela Perrini were dating frequently and had become quite close. Willis had told Angie that he no longer resented Steve for never contacting his family after he, Steve, had become wealthy as he, Willis, had the same ambitions Steven did and wanted all the same things Steven had achieved. Angie reminded him he didn’t have to be rich for her, but he replied he had to be rich for himself. Alice was upset at the extremely large total of the charge accounts Willis had made on the Frame accounts. She explained she understood he would just charge clothes, not watches and other personal items. Willis immediately said she misunderstood and thought he was to charge everything but would pay it all back and would even pay room and board as he was working for Steve’s company. Steve, pleased to realize Willis no longer resented him, told Alice the charges didn’t matter. However, when Steve’s construction company had an offer to build virtually an entire city in Australia, Steve realized he would have to be there for a considerable amount of time. He began legal proceedings to make Willis a junior partner saying Frame Enterprises should be a family company. Alice, reluctant to see entire control of Frame Enterprises in Willis’ hands, suggested to Steve that Willis was inexperienced in the business and safeguards for Jamie should be unsured. However, Steve was convinced Willis could handle it and had partnership papers drawn up. Vic would make policy decisions while Willis learned the business. Willis earned John’s, Vic’s and Angie’s respect when he prepared a well thought out, comprehensive plan for training himself for his new responsibilities by following a Frame Enterprises project from conception to completion. Steve told Robert he would offer him the architect’s job on the Australia project if he accepted it. In telling Neal and Carol about the possibility, Robert remarked he wouldn’t tell Lenore until the possibility became fact. So Carol immediately called Lenore and told her how exciting it was that Robert was going to work in Australia. Badly upset, Lenore confronted Robert on this as he arrived home making it clear she couldn’t uproot Wally, she wouldn’t consider going to Australia.


Rachel and Mac were back in Bay City awaiting completion of renovation on their new home and were about to leave on their honeymoon. Mac was furious to learn his daughter Iris had managed to steal a copy of his new will from John’s law firm. Realizing the relationship between Mac and Iris was badly strained over Mac’s intention to make Rachel his chief beneficiary, Rachel convinced Mac not to sign the will yet. Learning the honeymoon date had been advanced, Iris frantically told Phillip he had to do something to break up her father’s marriage. Phillip, having dissipated the Wainwright fortune, worked at compromising young women who were marrying into socially prominent families. Phillip virtually challenged Mac to a polo practice by parrying Mac’s pleas that he had no time and implying Mac was too old. When Mac therefore accepted, Phillip pressed Rachel to accept the riding lesson he had been offering her and she agreed to meet him at three. She took the lesson but was furious when Phillip then made a crude pass at her insisting young women couldn’t be happy with older men. She pushed him away, striking him with her riding crop and walked out. An hour later, Mac was brought into Bay City General Hospital with head injuried and Phillip told the staff and police that Mac apparently fell from his horse but, he, Phillip, had his back to Mac at the moment and couldn’t be sure what happened. Mac’s injuries were very critical and Alice, a speciality nurse, was called in on the case. Rachel blamed herself as she gave Mac the polo equipment. Of course, Iris used this opportunity to blame Rachel, and Liz, who had hoped to marry Mac herself before he became involved with Rachel, felt that Rachel had indeed destroyed Mac as she predicted. Iris continually badgered Rachel about marrying Mac only for his fortune. Rachel, sickened at this, pointed out that it was Iris, not she, who seemed to be preoccupied with Mac’s money. Indeed, Louise Goddard, Iris’ secretary / housekeeper, realized, seeing Rachel with an unconscious Mac, that she did love him and Iris was furious when Louise told Iris she was making a great mistake by trying to break up this marriage. Louise, realizing Iris was getting into this far deeper than she realized, returned the stolen will to the Randolph office after receiving assurances that the matter would be dropped there.


Iris, who had been using Liz in her plots to break up Mac’s marriage, brought Liz to see Mac at the hospital. However, the emotional strain Liz had been under reached its head when Mac asked her to be kind to Rachel and, upon seeing Rachel in the corridor, Liz physically attacked Rachel and had to be restrained by orderlies. She was hospitalized and by the following morning realized that she had indeed lost control. In her first move towards self-preservation, Liz told Alice she didn’t want to see Iris as Iris put her in stress situations she couldn’t handle; she had to accept the fact that Mac was married to Rachel. Soon released, Liz accompanied Jim and Mary Matthews to Steve and Alice’s home in St. Croix for a vacation. While it appeared Mac might have permanent spinal damage and might never walk again, Dr. Dave Gilchrist was able to tell Rachel, after extensive tests, that Mac would in several weeks be able to move around pretty well, the disc was not shattered, just ruptured and it would heal. Allowed to work in his hospital room, Mac had Barbara bring him the new will which he signed, with Vic and a reluctant Alice as witnesses. Iris pressed to have Mac returned to her house for recuperation but he and Rachel insisted he would go to Rachel’s apartment until their home was finished. Iris then tried to have Alice agree to continue nursing him but Alice refused despite Iris’ neurotic charges that Rachel had the money signed over to her, with Mac at her mercy, Mac could be done for. Dave was appalled at this as it was obvious to him as it was to so many people that Rachel deeply and completely loved Mac as much as he loved her. Linda Metcalf recently engaged to Zac Richards became Mac’s private nurse and between Linda and Rachel, Mac felt completely well cared for. Dave provided sleeping pills, however for Mac so he wouldn’t be getting by on nervous tension. When Rachel was asked to sign the will as executrix, she suggested that Iris be asked to be executrix instead to try to change her opinion about Mac and the will. With Rachel in constant attendance of Mac, Phillip was spending all his spare time with cocktail hostess, Clarice Hobson which annoyed Iris considerably. Clarice had overheard much of Iris and Phillip’s conversations but Phillip refused to elaborate on why they constantly discussed Rachel. Phillip pointed out to Iris the executrix couldn’t challenge the will – if she agreed, it would make Rachel believe Iris had finally accepted the situation – furthering their plot to destroy Mac’s marriage. So Iris visited Mac and Rachel and sweetly apologized and accepted the honor.


In St. Croix, Jim and Mary Matthews’ idyllic second honeymoon was shattered when Jim discovered Mary unconscious on the patio.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Bob was puzzled about Natalie’s attitude toward illness, observing she appeared to take illness as a personal insult. Suspecting cirrhosis of the liver, Bob convinced Natalie to have more tests which showed she had Wilson’s Disease, a hereditary disease in which the body failed to rid itself of the copper, that would have killed her had she developed it as a child. He assured her that with daily medication, she’d be able to live a long time, but because it was hereditary, she had to inform any man she intended to marry. Tom, Bob’s son, was Natalie’s constant companion, and as his feelings deepend, Tom asked his mother, Lisa, to make contact with Natalie for his sake. Lisa complied, although she had misgivings because she was fond of Tom’s estranged wife Carol. Natalie wasn’t responsive to Lisa’s overtures, suspecting Tom was behing them. Tom also asked his father and stepmother, Jennifer, to invite Natalie and him to dinner. Jen didn’t understand Bob’s reticense when she suggested they make the evening soon, and was further confused when Natalie wasn’t receptive.


Carol was finding the strain of working in mother-in-law Lisa’s shop too much and gave her notice, despite Lisa’s objections. Jay Stallings heard of it and asked Carol to come to work for him. Carol was reluctant, feeling a loyalty to the Hugheses. Jay warned she’d never be free to live her own life until she cut the ties with her past. Natalie lost her job and when Tom heard of it, he asked Lisa to hire Natalie to replace Carol. Lisa would rather not but under Tom’s pressure agreed to think about it. Jay overheard them and reported to Carol who finally decided to cut all ties with the Hugheses except Jen. Jen told Bob everyone’s life seemed so full except hers. When Natalie asked Lisa for Carol’s job, Lisa gave in. Carol told Jen she felt her problem was she was too square and would change her life. Jen warned her against it. Carol invited Jay to dinner and tried to be romantic, but when Jay tried to make love to her, she couldn’t because she didn’t love him. Jay went to a bar where had just left Susan after an argument about her drinking. Jay and Susan spent the night together, but Susan didn’t remember it the following morning. Susan promised David she’d try to straighten out.


John noticed that his wife Kim and his doctor Dan were avoiding each other and asked if they were concealing something about his condition. They reassured him. Kim tried to get out of going to Betsy’s school open house when she learned Dan was going, but couldn’t face Betsy’s disappointment. After the program, while Betsy left them at the ice cream parlos, Dan finally told Kim he loved her. Kim told him she didn’t want to hear it and rebuffed further attemps by Dan to reiterate his feelings. John was sent home from the hospital. At home, he told Dan that he had come to terms with himself and his past and would try to be a more human doctor. He also said Da and Kim were the most admired and important people in his life. Dan got Kim alone and got her to admit she had deep feelings for him, too, but she insisted she had to honor her promise to stay with John until he had recovered, so, to make it easier on them, she asked Dan that they not see each other until then.


The night of the open house, Susan arranged to see her daughter Emmy, but when she arrived to find Ellen babyshitting, Susan, who was accompanied by Mark, stayed only 10 minutes. They went to a bar where Mark left her briefly to make a call. A man accosted Susan, but Jay, who was there with Carol, “rescued” her, telling Mark he’d never neglect his woman like that. Mark and Jay confronted each other the following day increasing the bad feelings between them. Susan called in, saying she wouldn’t be in, upsetting David Stewart as she knew it would. David was concerned by Susan’s increasing neglect of her work. Dan received a call from the police who had found Susan too drunk to drive and requested he pick her up and take her home. He did but they stopped for a snack and ran into Jay and Carol. Susan ordered a drink, to Dan’s dismay, then she refused to stay long enough to drink it. At her apartment, Susan wouldn’t listen to Dan’s solicitous advice about her drinking, saying he lost his right to interfere in her life. Mark arrived and threw a jealous fit. Susan threw them both out. The following morning, Susan berated Bob for discharging a skin-graft patient early, insisting the procedure was scheduled for 10 a.m. Bob finally persuaded her to check the chart and Susan was humiliated to find he was right that they procedure was scheduled for 8 a.m. adding to her hangover problems. She also didn’t recall seeing Jay and Carol.


Grant accepted his estranged wife Joyce’s case. She had confessed to deliberately killing a man. Lisa was supportive of Grant, saying it would all work out perfectly, but her expression betrayed her. She asked Bob to remind her if he saw her waivering. Grant found that Joyce knew the man she killed in the accident the previous fall. His name was Gregory Paget. After the breakup of the marriage to Grant in San Francisco, Joyce had briefly dated Paget, but when he pressed, she’d broken it off. He had forced himself on her one night, making Joyce feel very guilty. This was when she came to Oakdale, where on top of the guilt, she’d live the fantasy that she could repaire the right in her marriage. Paget had discouvered her whereabouts and discovering Joyce’s hopes, he’d tried to blackmail her. The phone call she’d received the night of the accident was from Paget. She went to his motel room where he’d demanded money and made a pass. Joyce had fled in panic and racing out of the parking lot, she’d hit and killed Paget when he tried to flag her down. She remembered hitting her brakes but couldn’t recall whether it was before hitting Paget. Grant pointed out that Joyce had wanted to kill to protect her fantasy about reconciling with Grant. Grand and prosecutor Dick Martin, and ex-friend of Lisa’s, appeared to be an even match. Dick interviewed Nancy Hughes and Lisa about Joyce’s hopes when she arrived in Oakdale. They gave opposite answers. Grant was sure he could get Joyce off. Chris Hughes, his law partner, was doubtful. Grant and Dick met to set a court date. They felt each other out regarding witnesses and evidence. Grant appeared to have the upper hand until Dick received a communique from San Francisco. Lisa tried valiantly to retain her support of Grant, but admitted confusion to Bob. An early trial date was set.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: Betty Corday


Under enormous strain during the operation to determine if his Maggie’s spinal tumor was cancerous, Marty Hansen – who was Mickey Horton and had amnesia – was stunned when Bill, his brother, told him Maggie’s cyst was benign, as he suddenly remembered Bill telling him some years ago in the same waiting room that his then wife Laura and her unborn baby had survived surgery. Marty, terribly upset as he began to remember bits and pieces of his life as Mickey, told himself it was not memory but rather a visualization of episodes about which he’d been told. Since additional orthopedic surgery was done when the cyst was removed. Maggie was told that she stood an excellent chance of walking again but would require months of therapy in Salem hospital. When Marty pressed Tom to allow Maggie to return to Brookville for therapy, Tom asked if Marty really wanted Maggie to walk again or did he subconsciously wanted her to remain dependent upon him. Accepting the necessity of therapy in Salem, Maggie encouraged Marty to drop by the law office and found something to occupy himself.


Feeling completely betrayed at having found her fiancee Neil Curtis with another woman the night before their chancelled wedding, Amanda Howard had made it clear that this was the new Amanda, a pleasure seeker who would use men as they used women. Neil, upset that he couldn’t reach her, told Greg Peters to watch out for Amanda, infuriating Greg at the implication that Amanda could act like a tramp. Susan, Greg’s wife, met Greg’s brother, Eric for lunch to explain Greg’s overinvolvement with Amanda was hurting their marriage and as she wanted it to work, she asked Eric to date Amanda. Eric agreed because he loved Susan but Susan was unaware of this. Amanda indeed made an attempt to pick up men at Doug’s Place but Don Craig, alerted by Julie, pointed out to Amanda that she couldn’t do it and she allowed him to take her home when they found Greg waiting anxiously. Greg angrily told Don he was not wanted there and then furiously upbraided Amanda for her behavior. When she acidly replied that she didn’t need his protection, she was not his lover or his wife, he angrily grabbed and kissed her, then pulled away in horror. She bitterly asked if he was another Neil Curtis, ready to take a patient to bed. When Neil ironically arrived and admitted he had asked Greg to keep an eye on her, Amanda furiously threw them out saying they were a perfect pair – the cheating husband and bridgegroom who cheated the night before his wedding.


Susan made clear to Greg that her bitterness over his having no time for her or baby Ann. She said she was through with his insulting her intelligence, it was apparent he wanted Amanda dependent upon him, it was part of his obsession. Furiously she added she had had it with waiting – two could play this game. Greg accused Susan of being a mother first and last and only negligibly a wife. Angrily Susan mentioned Eric causing Greg to explode in fury – baby Ann was Eric’s natural child, a result of that one night in the park. – But when the word divorced was mentioned, it sobered them both as they realized how much was at stake.


Bill told his wife Laura that he had painfully learned that he would never be a father to young Michael so he’d settle for a comfortable Uncle Bill relationship. Bill was actually Michael’s father but Michael and Marty/Mickey believed Mickey was his father. However, Michael expressed to both Bill and Laura his pride in Bill as a surgeon and assured Bill it was fine about the baby he and Laura were expecting.


Julie told attorney Jim Phillips to start her divorce proceedings from Bob Anderson immediately but was shocked to see Bob arrive at Doug’s Place for dinner with his ex-wife Phyllis. She insisted to Doug she was not jealous, she just didn’t like to be made a fool of in public. She told Bob she had filed for divorce and he might date whomever he pleased. Phyllis and her daughter, Mary, were jubilant over this and Phyllis told Bob she’d be there for him. Julie told Neil, her doctor, to arrange for an abortion but Neil encouraged her to think further. Realizing this abortion had to be done before she and Doug could have a life together, Julie insisted that it had be scheduled quickly. However, learning of Laura’s expected child badly upset her. Both Don Craig and Laura tried to discourage Julie from this but her mind was made up, she wouldn’t discuss it. Pressed again by his stockbroker for the $20.000 he desesperately needed, Neil tried to make an approach to Phyllis as she had once offered to loan the money to him but he was upset to learn she was seeing Bob. Realizing he had to separate Bob from Phyllis if he was to get close to Phyllis and her money, Neill went to Doug – having figured out that Doug was Julie’s reason for the divorce – and pretended to “accidentally” mention Julie was pregnant and was planning an abortion which would emotionnaly harm her. Neil realized he was messing up Julie’s life but told himself he had no choice. Doug, badly hurt, told Jeri he couldn’t allow Julie to have this abortion as she already suffered over the years she lost with her don, David, having originally given him up for adoption and she couldn’t sacrifice a second child. Feeling he knew what was ultimately best for Julie, Doug decided to break with her without letting on he knew about her pregnancy and to press her to return to a life with a man she didn’t love. He told her chemistry between them wasn’t enough to build a life on, he didn’t want to be tied down, didn’t want the responsibilities of a relationship with her or any woman and told her to run along to her husband who loved her. He concluded by saying he was through breaking up marriages. Julie, devastated, told Jeri there was no reason to go on without Doug. Jeri tried to show Doug he could be wrong, but Doug insisted that Bob had a right to a possible son and Julie deep down needed this baby. When Doug told Neil he had to stop Julie from having the abortion for her own emotional sake, Neil said the only way they could do this was if Bob was pressed to reconcile with Julie and he couldn’t, because medical ethics, tell Bob, but Doug could. Doug therefore pressed Bob to admit that he wanted Julie back desperately and encouraged him to make another attempt. Julie, at the lake house, desperately tried to make sense out of what Doug said and refused to discuss the abortion with Tom Horton, her grandfather, who visited her there. Bob later arrived and asked Julie if there was another man. She painfully and truthfully said no one. Bob told her that he loved her and wanted her back and staying all night in the living room was there to comfort her when she had bad dreams over Doug. Julie was torn when Bob suggested bringing her son David home from military school. David could be the son he had always wanted.


Afraid her daughter Trish would learn the hold her husband Jack had over her was knowledge she once turned in desperation to prostitution to support her infant child, Jeri agreed to leave town with Trish before Jack returned from his most recent alcohol bender. However, Jack returned the night before their planned departure and Jeri, resolved to deal with threats and violence from him, was shocked when he threatened suicide if she left him and told her that he loved her, something he had never done in their nearly 20 years of marriage. Trish was furious that Jeri had once more given in to Jack who when drunk had, on occasion, badly beaten Jeri and she felt she had to confront Jack once and for all to learn what his hold was on her mother.


The Doctors


Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Joseph Stuart


Half way around the world in Singapore, Mike’s fantasies about his wife Toni, who had become Mrs. Alan Stewart, became less poignant to deal with and the focus of his love life gradually turned towards lovely English nurse Dawn Eddington. Watching Dawn care for a frightened, abandoned 3-year old Chinese boy while the authorities located the child’s mother, Mike was impressed with Dawn’s tenderness and maternal affection, something he believed Toni never possessed. Dr. Lee Chaing, Dawn’s adopted brother who was pleased about Mike’s growing love for Dawn, looked forward to the arrival of his friend Captain Zeb Kirk. Mike’s former seacaptain was the one who informed Matt Powers and Toni of Mike’s death after the explosion at sea and knew of Toni’s baby son, Michael Paul Powers by Mike who unknowingly left Toni pregnant when he ran away to sea to conquer his drug habit. Mike prepares to leave town on another medical trip to the needy residents of the countryside. When Alan and Toni returned home from their idyllis honeymoon in Hawaii, they found that 13-year-old Greta Powers was aloof and hostile. Toni questioned Matt who sadly told her of staff psychiatrist Dr. Chuck Weldon’s diagnosis about Greta’s obsession over Mike being alive due to her encounter with a limping stranger at the hospital who sounded just like her brother. Greta didn’t recognie Mike because of the total reconstruction of his face. Greta was convinced that Mike’s spirit had entered the body of this man whom she believed to be a survivor of the ship disaster. Toni and Alan planned to have another baby quickly after Steve gave Toni his reluctant O.K. Toni preferred to ignore the one in three chance of reoccurrence of toxemia from which she nearly died in her first pregnancy and assured everyone she would be able to handle having two babies so close in age.


Hank and Lauri feared that professional record promoter Harry Auger would somehow lured talented medical student singer Andy Anderson away from his chosen carrer of neurosurgery.


Tom resented Chuck’s continual interference into his and Althea’s private lives. Althea who was no longer officially on Iris’ case refused to stop caring about her obviously ill friend. Althea, visiting Iris, secretly stole a sample of some herbs when she learned that Rex, faith healer, had been insisting that Iris drink them in a tea along with a special diet. She had Tom analyse the herbs. Althea, realizing they were all low in sodium, wondered how the classical treatment for incipient heart failure figured into Everlee’s plans. Tom and Althea, dining at the posh Chanticler Room, accidentally met Iris, who insisted that they joined her in a celebration toast to her forthcoming marriage to Rex. Althea, stunned by the news, helplessly watched Iris overindulge with champagne and caviar, but leapt into action when Iris suffered a heart seizure and had to be hospitalized. Matt suspected and tested for T.B. which was a far cry from the exotic African disease Rex had convinced Iris she contracted as her punishment for not finishing her dead husband’s charitable work among the poor natives.


Desert Vista, the tranquil, warn haven for recuperating Ann Larimer, turned out to be a stormy explosive environment because Dr. Nick Bellini, Ann’s fiancé, felt she didn’t have enough trust in their love for the final commitment of marriage. Ann, concerned about her permanent lung damage, steadfastly refused to tie Nick down to an invalid. Althea learning of the situation from Steve who recently returned from Desert Vista, tried to convince Ann by phone that she lost Nick long ago when she refused to trust him and that Ann might lose Nick for good if she didn’t stop making conditions on their love.


Karen completely recovered from her amnesia, and permanently working in the hospital clinic, was proceeding with her plans to regain the love of her young son Erich by becoming a constant visitor to the Aldrich home. Adding to further anxieties Carolee and Steve learned the dreadful facts from their lawyer that Carolee’s adoption status as Erich’s legal mother could be overturned in the courts if Karen, once thought dead, demanded Erich back.


Alterted by his brother Jason in Texas that Jason’s step-daugther, Stacy Wells, a student at Baldwin College, apparently was having problems affecting her grades as well as her emotions, Steve visited the girl but she refused to open up to him. Learning of Steve’s failure, Carolee volunteered to try speculating that if the problem was a man, she might talk to another woman. Actually, Stacy, whose personal esteem was badly shaken by believing herself an embarrassment to her socialite mother and her real father – a dashing ladies’ man, she felt a grown daughter was socially unacceptable to them – had fallen in love with Peter Terrell, resident artist at Baldwin, only to learn he was married. When Stacy made it clear she wouldn’t have an intimate relationship with a married man, Peter declared he was asking his wife a divorce immediately but then reported he couldn’t as she was out of town. Stacy was not sure she believed him and contemplated the bottle of sleeping pills she told Steve were allergy tablets.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


In a defiant showdown between Danny and Morlock, Danny, desperately trying to force a confession of guilt from Morlock about the death of Danny’s wife, Babs, struggled and shot Morlock with his own gun. The police, realizing the shooting was accidental, did not press charges against Danny, and Morlock was rushed to the hospital with a serious but not fatal wound. Morlock, groggy with painkilling drugs, believed he was dying and made a deathbed confession to his numerous coldblooded murders, starting with the arrangements for seaman Floyd Porter’s planting of the bomb on the yacht Sprite which caused the drowning death of Adam Drake’s lovely young bride, Nicole. He explained that Babs overheard Morlock’s and Porter’s conversation about the Sprite and had to be permanently silenced, as did Porter later when he was in prison. Furthermore, Morlock confessed in front of Chief Bill Marceau and others that he killed Taffy Sims, just the way Adam had postulated the murder occurred! Martha was the innocent victim of a diabolical syndicate scheme of blackmail. Unfortunately, this deathbed confession, although witnessed, was not given with awareness of consent and therefore was inadmissible court evidence and could not be used to save Martha from prison. Adam, armed with the details of Taffy’s murder, confronted lawyer Paul Fairchild whose bravado facade crumbled and he gave the police the valid confession they needed. Even though Morlock and Fairchild would be imprisoned, Morlock had remained silent about the real head of the syndicate, Walter LePage, a respectable businessman, leading Mike Karr, head of the Crime Commission, and others to believe the clever Morlock might be the leader. When there was talk that the Crime Commission should remain a permanent committee, Nancy, Mike’s wife, became fearful for his safety again.


Johnny and his young wife Laurie settled into running their popular New Moon Café as John’s double agent undercover work had ended. When Laurie, still emotionally shaken from the ultimely death of her former husband Vic Lamont, showed signs of being ill, she went to the doctor and was ecstatic to learn she was pregnant.


After Martha’s acquittal, ADA Brandy Henderson, who had gained favorable notoriety in the Marceau trial despite the outcome, found her budding romance with Adam abruptly ended. On a post trial visit to New York, Brandy’s brother, Dr. Quentin Henderson, who was busy setting up his new practice in psychiatry, noticed his sister’s depressed mood and planned to keep in close contact. Adam did not want to forgive Brandy for her forceful attack on Martha despite his protests that he realized she was only doing her job. Brandy, as well as Nancy, both suspected that the real reason for Adam’s attitude was his obsession that somehow Nicole might still be alive. The Karrs were disturbed to learn that Adam had been secretly running an ad in local Caribbean papers offering $5000 reward for information about Nicole. Adam had hopes she survived the explosion and perhaps had amnesia. Adam, who had resumed his law practice partnership with Mike, delivered the revised will naming Kevin Jamison as heir to the Whitney millions and was shocked to learn from Geraldine that Nicole had a first cousin, Serena Travis Faraday, the black sheep of the family, presently living in Capital City with her publisher husband. Adam told Mike he had resolved the Nicole situation and was no longer looking for her but Mike asked if his interest in Serena wasn’t yet another search for Nicole.


When Kevin’s new foreign crime reporting assignment had to begin immediately after Martha’s trial, Phoebe was forced by Geraldine to make a decision and let Kevin leave without marrying her first. Geraldine forcefully pointed out not only how prestigious the trip would be for Kevin’s career, but that she would disinherit him if they married, and Phoebe wisely realized that Kevin would never forgive her for that. Phoebe not only found herself without her fiancé, but without a job as well since psychiatrist Dr. Jim Fields had left for Canada.


Widowed Tiffany Whitney accepted without reservation charming Noel Douglas’ proposal and prepared for happy married life ignoring Geraldine’s warning about not knowing enough about the attractive financial consultant. Unknown to everyone, Noel had been making regular intimate visits to Tracy Dalla’s apartment reminding her of the old days in Chicago. Tracy insisted she didn’t want to carry on their relationship once Noel married but he had different plans. Danny, as Babs’ ghost had been laid to rest, went to Tracy’s apartment – while Noel remained hidden in the bedroom – and bumblingly confessed his love for Tracy. Following Tiffany and Noel’s simple home wedding ceremony, Geraldine’s toast to the couple’s future happiness was ominously interrupted when her champagne glass suddenly fell from her hand and was shattered.


General Hospital


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Steve discovered the unconscious body of Jessie on the floor of her home and rushed her to General Hospital where she underwent a critical operation to repair the serious lung lesion resulting from her neglect during the weeks of Phil’s murder trial. Jessie under expert care began a rapid and favorable recovery. Diana, on the other hand, having confessed in open court and produced the real murder weapon to save Jessie, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for 2nd degree murder. Diana’s lovely younger sister, Beth Maynard, a recently graduated RN, arrived to care for baby Martha and assumed Diana’s nursing position at the 7th floor desk. Ross Jeanelle, fired for his bungling of Jessie’s case, was apologetic and just before leaving for another job in a nearby town, told Beth that the secret of the whole murder laid in Jim Hobart’s mind – Jim’s heavy drinking that night had led to a complete blackout of the entire evening. – Beth staunchly believed in her sister’s innocence and vowed to uncover something that would clear Diana. Peter Taylor, bewildered by Diana’s confession, felt she might be trying to protect him form the murder charge even though he had sworn to her he did not kill Phil.


Augusta McCloud, secretly expecting Peter’s child, was undergoing such internal pressures that she feared she was cracking up. She finally confessed to her only close friend, Jane Dawson, that she was pregnant but that she would never divulge the name of the father. When Jane, fearing that Augusta might be close to a nervous breakdown because of her loneliness and unhappiness coupled with her financial concern for her future, went to Peter, a psychiatrist, and asked him to help Augusta professionnaly, Peter agreed, and later visiting Augusta found she was indeed close of an emotional crisis.


Audrey, terrified with the irresponsible stranger Jim had become since he started drinking heavily, forbade Jim to care for her young son Tommy. Jim became enraged and abusive when he finally learned that it was Audrey, not Brewer as he believed, who told Steve about his continued secret drinking which led to Jim’s reapplication for his old job being refused and to Brewer being hired as the head of the Cardiac Unit. Blaming Audrey for the complete mess, even for indirectly placing Brewer in his new job and at the hospital that fateful night, Jim packed and stormed out, leaving Audrey. Lucille, Audrey’s sister, distraught over Audrey’s fate, told Steve who was once married to Audrey and was considering future with Kira Faulkner, about Jim’s abandonment of his family. After several days without word about Jim’s well-being, Audrey tracked him down to Johnny’s Bar and pleaded with him to come back and try to remember what happened that night to help save Diana. Jim was still being haunted by nightmares of seeing Brewer not only alive but dead and the confusion was tormenting his conscience. After Beth echoed Audrey’s pleas, Jim decided he had to find the truth no matter what and prepared to retrace his steps the night of the murder. Attorney Lee Baldwin oversaw setting the scene making sure that many of the people who were on the 7th floor that evening would be present. Even Jessie, still hospitalized and recuperating, insisted upon dressing and taking her position at the desk. However, Augusta nervously asked Lee if she could beg off saying she had not feeling well. But Lee insisted her presence was crucial as she was the only person Jim recalled seeing. At the appointed time, Jim arrived and disposing  of his pocket flash in an ashtray, steeled himself for the ordeal.


Lesley, desiring a change in environment in an effort to assert her individualism from Joel’s influence, moved into a comfortable English-style cottage. Cameron Faulkner, wealthy entrepreneur had become increasingly more involved with Lesley much to Joel’s distate. Lesley, upset by Joel’s refusal to culminate his proclaimed love for her in marriage, a logical outgrowth of their love, refused to see or speak to him. Joel secretly feared a life-long commitment because he was haunted by his family’s history of early deaths resulting from possibly inherited heart problems. Joel, realizing what the loss of Lesley really meant, went to her and, proclaiming his love for her was not just empty words, told Lesley she was the most important thing in his life. Cam, finding out that Lesley and Joel had become intimate again, warned her that Joel had been lest than honest with her and was only misleading her. However, while spending a quiet evening at Lesley’s, Joel told her he never wanted to be away from her at night again. When Lesley asked if that was a proposition or a proposal Joel replied he didn’t know, let him think about it.


The Guiding Light


Written by: Robert Cenedella

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


Recently blinded Ken Norris’ hopes were dashed when his estranged wife Janet told him she had decided he should stay at his mother Barbara’s home where his therapy was proceeding well rather than moving home with her and their daughter Emily where the inevitable tensions could adversely affect him. Desperate to find a way to change Janet’s mind, Ken continued to conceal the fact that his vision was returning and, upon hearing the radio report of a woman whose ex-husband remarried her after her suicide attempt, told his sister Holly he needed more sleeping pills as boredom had given him insomnia. He persuaded Holly’s husband, Ed, to refill the prescription and Holly brought the tablets. Ken then staged his scenario by telling his partner Mike Bauer, his mother Barbara and her husband Adam that Janet’s refusal to allow him to come home proved he had no future, that Janet was the villain depriving him of the one thing he wanted – the life he needed to be a whole person. Ken maneuvered Barbara and Adam into accepting a dinner invitation. An hour before their projected returned, he took a few pills and dropped the rest under a table making it appear he would have taken them all but, unable to see, couldn’t find them. Adam and Barbara discovered him unconscious and had him rushed to a hospital. Everyone believed it was a genuine suicide attempt and only his blindness saved him. Tests showed he didn’t take a fatal dose and he was conscious and fine by morning. AS he demanded to be released, Adam and Barbara made the recommend psychiatric care at home a condition of their arranging this. Holly felt Janet was responsible and Janet herself felt guilty.


Having broken with Roger over his uninitentionally placing her and her son Billy in danger from loan sharks, Peggy tried to remind Bill ythat they had good times together before Roger but she realized Billy indeed began to love Roger as the father he did not have and the pain the child suffered was tremendous. Peggy’s divorce from Johnny Fletcher became final and Mike, her lawyer, warned her not to let the Roger experience close her up to the world. When Roger tried to talk to her to find some way back, she again rebuffed him but painfully realized her feelings for him had not died. Roger, determined to pay back loans from Adam and from Holly to repay the loan sharks, was driving a cab days and waitering at the Metro at night.


Pleased by Holly’s pregnance, - Holly had told Ed the child was his even though she knew the baby was Roger’s – Ed Bauer told Holly they had a real marriage going and he appreciated what they had together. However, as soon as he left for Berkeley to attend a medical seminar, Holly immediately sought out Roger insisting he needed not to pay back the loan, “it was for us.” He reminded her she had a husband but she insisted she loved Roger. As he tried to retreat and evade, Holly steamrolled his objection forcing him to give her his key so he could spend the day decorating and cleaning his apartment and making plans for what he painfully realized she saw as new beginnings for them.


Sara had managed to break through the wall the young T.J. had erected around himself to insure that he could be hurt no more. Having been emotionally battered by his mother and eventually abandoned by her, T.J. was found by the police in an abandoned building and brought to Cedars for treatment for malnutrition and ulcerated legs. On the road to recovery, he feared a foster home and threatened to immediately run away. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence, experienced foster parents who had had success with difficult boys, agreed to take T.J. but, upon meeting him, told his social worker they didn’t believe they could handle it after all – he meant it – he would run away.


Pam, after Tim’s emergency surgery delivery of her child following toxemic endema, was crushed to learn the baby had Hyalene Membrane disease and her survival was doubtful. However the baby, whom she named Samantha, managed to miraculously survived lung collapse and began to gain weight and responded to treatment. Meanwhile, Ed Bauer informed Tim that he would be examined by an investigating committee to determine the results and repercussions of Tim’s actions in this matter. Tim was afraid to face Pam but when he finally did, he was relieved to see she was not angry at hom but rather she was deeply concerned about his future. Pam convinced Steve to allow her to testify in Tim’s behalf. The hearing was convened. Steve outlined the two basic charges: Tim did not notify Ed of the change in Pam’s condition as he was ordered to, thus deliberately disobeying orders, and he lied to the Charge Nurse saying he had Pam’s verbal permission to operate in order to prevent her from calling Steve, the Cief of Staff. Tim was terribly upset to find Pam was testifying and he insisted her condition did not warrant her being out of her room. Pam tried to take full responsibility saying Tim was right, she was risking her life and the baby’s and the fact that they were both alive was only due to Dr. Ryan’s actions. However, Steve and Joe explained the case did not rest on her consent but on the two specific charges. When asked for his own remarks, Tim outlined his own philosophy of medicine. He admitted he was subjective, subjective about death; that he saw medicine and his career as man against death and he beat death in Pam’s case; he would do it again if he had to. He realized this may cost him his residency which meant everything to him but his is what he believed. As the board deliberated the case, Tim was sure he was going to be dismissed from Cedars and was stunned when Steve later announced he had been reinstated as Chief Resident but was on 6 months probation – broke one regulation and he was out. – Tim was upset to learn his objection to Pam’s testimony, putting his patient’s welfare ahead of his own, was the deciding factor – he felt the case should have been decided on its own merits. He noted this proved you had to live by the rules, you couldn’t fight City Hall. Steve replied if you had learned that, you had learned a lot.


How To Survive A Marriage


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Peter Engel


Johnny McGhee arrived for work as bartender as Noah’s Ark to find J.B. being held at knife point by a supposed robber. The man was actually one of the men who had been passing counterfeit bills there. Johnny begged the man to take what he wanted and to get out, but the man lunged at Johnny with the knife. Johnny parried the thrust and stroke him. As he fell, the man his his head on the bar. Johnny told J.B. to call an ambulance. Instead, J.B., sending Johnny for a nearby doctor, ascertained the man was dead, picked up the knife, planted a picture of Johny and the man passing counterfeit money and left. When Johnny got back with the doctor, the doctor pronounced the man dead and called the police. While Lt. Bowling and the police investigated, J.B. came back, denying he was there before. Since no weapon were found and Johnny was an ex-prize fighter, Johnny was arrested and charged with Murder I. Maria called Johnny, finally got through and learning what was going on, rushed over. Bowling told her to get a lawyer. Frantic, Maria went to Fran who steered her to Peter Willis. Peter took the case although he was a corporate lawyer. Maria finally got to see Johnny by giving permission for their bank statements to be examined. In his investigation, Bowling was assured by Sandra Henderson and Maria that Johnny never lied, and that J.B. was suspect for telling Johnny to accept large bills late at night. Bowling asked J.B. for his bank statements. J.B. refused until he realized doing so would make him look suspicious. Later, Sandra told Maria about Jerry Nelson. Maria was ready to trace him herself, becoming gradually convinced that Peter was incompetent. Johnny told pregnant Maria to back off, passing the information to Bowling who appeared reluctant to follow it up. Joan told Larry Kirby her own fears of Peter’s abilities in a criminal case. J.B. visited Jerry Nelson informing him that the messenger was dead and Johnny would take the rap thanks to his setting the thing up in the beginning and planting the picture. Jerry also had a copy of the picture and tried to blackmail J.B., but he was surprised with J.B. replied he had an envelope for the D.A. in his safe in case Jerry tried any more strong arm stuff. J.B. said he could just write this money off. When Bowling learned Maria was looking for Nelson, he convinced her to back off, or she’d drive him underground. He also let her know he was investigating J.B. Bowling scared J.B. when he mentioned it was strange that the counterfeit bills were passed the first night Johnny became manager when Johnny himself didn’t know he was going to be manager.


Larry felt that his wife Chris was rejecting him sexually to get revenge for his leaving her for Sandra and going through the divorce. Although neither wanted another child, neither would submit to sterilization and Chris refused to take the pill. Feeling caged in by her remarriage and the contraceptive impasse, Chris increased her alcoholic nips, even taking a flask to work. Dr. Robert Monday noticed Chris’ pain and offered to help. She asked for tranquilizers to help her, but he refused, saying they might just become a crutch. Chris then accused him of not being a friend. Susan set Chris up again to appear uncooperative, widening the breech between Max and Chris. Larry confronted Chris about finding another job, refusing to believe Chris and Max maintain a professional attitude at the office. When Chris admitted she had no intention of finding another job Larry arranged to see Sandra. Sandra, however, told him she only wanted him in an honest relationship and if he was feeling quilty and wanted someone to dump it on, he could go back to Chris. Larry ran into Maria at Sandra’s apartment and offered to help. At work, Susan Prichett discovered Chris’ flask and subtly encouraged Chris to drink, resulting in Chris making mistakes that aggravated Max, culminating in his finding her drunk at the end of the day. He drove her home where she made several alcoholic attempts to seduce him, adding to his disgust. Larry arrived home to find Chris in Max’s arms through no fault of Max’s, adding to Larry’s suspicions. Chris swore to stop drinking, but when Sandra called from Maria’s to ask Larry’s help, Chris didn’t listen to Larry’s explanation, and took a drink before going to work. When she couldn’t reach Larry after work, Chris felt things were back where they were before the divorce. Larry arrived home to find Chris drunk and he called Sandra to come verify his whereabouts. Lori was disgusted at seeing Chris drunk. Chris wouldn’t listen but wished she could believe. She left. Larry withdrew his help from Maria to assuage Chris.


Bored, restless, and unable to bend about her feelings for Larry, Monica Courtland succumbed to the persistent charms of Robert Monday. Max warned Robert that he wouldn’t tolerate Robert’s establishing a personal relationship with patients until Robert pointed out that Max had one with Joan Willis.


Love Of Life


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Jean Arley


Rick Latimer was very broken up when Kate told him she was going to marry Dr. Ted Chandler and move and Monterey, California, but tried to pass it off as a business disappointment when Meg sensed his feeling for Kate. Rick knew the way to keep Meg and her $200.000 interested in Beaver Ridge Lodge project was to keep her happy emotionally. After insisting that Beatrice, Kate’s mother, come to California with them, Ted and Kate were married in Mayor Bruce Sterling’s office by Bruce in a simple but beautiful ceremony. Meg wanted to keep her personal relationship with Rick a secret because she was afraid Van would use it against her. Rick let Meg have her way when she disapproved of the interior sketches for the lodge and he gave her a free hand at decoration when she said she intended to use her own money, not the $200.000 she was giving him, even consenting to have her mother, Sarah Caldwell, fill the dining room with live green plants.


At Arlene’s insistence, Ben tried once again to ask Meg for the $500.000 she promised to give him as a wedding present on the day he married Betsy Crawford to buy a house, a car and a stock the pro shop at the lodge. Meg said that he could start anytime and she’d pay the bills, but he’d not get his $500.000 until his wedding day. Ben was very uncomfortable when Betsy read him a letter from her father praising his integrity. Betsy questioned the advisability of giving them $500.000 because they hadn’t earned it and she wanted Ben to stand on his own. Meg said she looked on it as a freedom, not an obligation. Ben decided he had to divorce Arlene “temporarily” because marrying Betsy was the only way he would see this money, but Arlene wanted $10.000 as an incentive to share Ben with Betsy and advised him to get it from Rick before she talked. Rick told Arlene that this had better not be blackmail after Ben confessed his marriage to Arlene and his desire to do anything for ½ million dollars, giving Rick one month after his marriage to complete the Beaver Ridge project before Mg went to pieces over his running off with Arlene. Betsy had found a stone cottage that she had fallen in love with. At the same time, Arlene had found and furnished an apartment in silver, mauve and fur. Ben thought it was ridiculous to spend so much effort and money since they would be leaving in about 6 weeks because Betsy’s parents were coming home early. She told him everything was movable, but the bed – and that moved. – Rick asked Ben how he could have gotten everything so messed up when he could have been such a good con man.


Cal was upset over David’s mental relapse, but Van and Bruce assured her that David could be stronger when he was well for having dealt with his feelings about his father. David feared rejection from Cal and told Dr. Bryson that she was his only reason for getting well. He already feared Cal would find someone else and Meg furthered this fear when she finally visited him. Meg, Van and Bruce all agreed Cal should take a vacation and Cal was going to take her grandmother with her until Dr. Bryson called asking Cal to reassured David after her mother’s visit. Cal had to assure David that she had no desire to date anyone else after Meg had planted the idea that Cal might get bored waiting for him. Meg asked Rick to offer Cal the granary so that she would be away from Van. Cal was suspicious, but Rick assured her that Meg had nothing to do with it and she promised to consider the offer.


Diana got her divroce from Charles in Alabama and decided a child would make things perfect in her relationship with Jamie, but she agreed to wait. At Kate’s wedding, Johnny, Di’s step-grandson, wouldn’t apologize when he caused Jamie to spill punch all over Di. They decided that Johnny had to apologize before they could give in to him, which he finally did. Di, a social worker, had a 42-year-old pregnant woman as a patient who couldn’t get over her fear of having a first child at this age. She claimed she and Di were too old to have children, so Di told Jamie she didn’t want to wait to have children. Di saw Dr. Bryson at Van and Jamie’s request and decided that if Jamie was willing to have a child, then they should before the risk got greated. Charles walked in as Van was telling Di she hoped Di didn’t want a baby to hold onto Jamie and Charles insisted that Di was out of her mind to let Jamie talk her into this. Unable to convince Di, Charles deided to go to Jamie.


Felicia started planting seeds of doubt in Charles’ mind about keeping Sarah as a housekeeper because her family might need her. Felicia’s headaches got worse but she refused to go back to Dr. Bryson because she felt he would suggest that she stop seeing Charles because her former lover, whose death drew her into therapy in the beginning, was also an older man. Felicia blew up at Sarah accusing Sarah of resenting the time Charles spent with her, but then begged forgivenesse. Sarah realized who was behing Charles letting her go. Felicia flew into a rage and called Dr. Bryson for help when Charles attempted to make love to her and she then became upset with Dr. Bryson, rejecting therapy when he asked her who Charles reminded her of when she became aggressive. She apologized to Charles for her behavior, but told him she didn’t want to go back into therapy and was solaced when Charles told her he liked her the way she was. However, Charles was dismayed when Felicia made it clear she wanted to be only good friends and resented his insisting they be intimate.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


Joe and Viki were arguing over Joe’s response to everyone’s problems but hers when Viki got a call saying her father, Victor Lord, was at Dorian Cramer’s where he had had a heart attack. Matt McAllister had called for Jim Craig, Victor’s doctor, but since he was out of town, Larry Wolek, Victor’s son-in-law came over. Dorian had ordered an ambulance from Richmond Memorial Hospital where she was on staff since her dismissal from Llanview Hospital. Larry, Joe and Viki all rushed there. Larry assured Viki that Dorian had given Victor excellent care. Matt, Victor’s protégé, was afraid Victor would die before his (Matt’s) ambitions were filled. Viki felt this was her fault since she argued with Victor about Joe and feared that Dorian would let him die since he was the major contributor to the hospital that dismissed her. When the ambulance arrived, Dorian had to tell Larry that only she could go with Victor since she was not on staff at Richmond. When Victor came around, Dorian assured him that he would live and when Jim arrived he was satisfied with Dorian’s care, but was not satisfied that she didn’t call his partner when he couldn’t be reached since Victor was his patient. Dorian claimed she was only trying to save Victor, but Dorian and Matt were both counting on Victor as their ladder to success. Dorian asked Matt’s help since Jim wanted to move Victor to Llanview Hospital in a couple of days and then he’d be out of her hands. Being truthful and straight would get anyone on Victor’s good side and Dorian used this, not backing down when she gave an order. Victor used the move to Llanview to show how much power he had. He knew Dorian was using him and told her he’d think it over whether he wanted moved since she had promised him he could go home quickly and Jim had threatened a long confinement since he disobeyed last time. Finally, Victor said he’d go to Llanview which was more convenient for Jim, but only on the condition that Dorian go along. When Jim said this was impossible, Victor threatened re-evaluation of his funding of Llanview if he was refused. The Llanview Hospital medical board conceded that Dorian might treat Victor and only Victor, but she felt this was the first step. Although Victor approved of Dorian’s relationship with Matt, she had too many scores to settle to become involved.

Timmy Siegel was quitting law school with only 6 months to go. He found it hard to tell his mother, Eileen, but when pushed to the wall about joining his late father’s firm, Tim finally told her he had no respect for the profession and even though his mother and sister badgered him, he refused to budge. Eileen was trying to get Joe and Jim to use some of her trust fund to help Ben Farmer, her lover, start an advertising business. Besides not liking Ben, they felt the business venture unwise. Her daughter Julie was making life miserable by suggesting that Ben was only interested in her money. Ben had finally landed a client, so Eileen asked Viki’s help, but Viki advised her to decide if she loved Ben first and then see if that was altering her judgement. Julie visited Ben telling him to stay away from her mother. Eileen visited Ben knowing and afraid he would ask about the money and became very upset when he mentioned Julie’s visit. She was ready to help by offering her house as an office, but left crying when Ben wanted capital. After another fight with her mother, Julie decided to move out so that if Ben came back, Eileen would have a chance.


Timmy became friendly with Jenny, but was bewildered to find she was a nun when he asked for a date and shifted his attention to Sheila Raferty, a new nurse. Sheila was jealous of Tim’s preoccupation with Jenny as Tim felt Jenny was throwing her life away. Tim got a job through Jim doing construction work at the hospital.


Pressure was getting Cathy down when she was to give a lecture and her nurse-sitter became ill. When Joe heard this he offered to watch Megan, his daughter. Cathy began to doubt herself, but Steve told her she had never to doubt but that she did the right thing. Julie wondered if Cathy was still interested in Joe when she asked if Viki was pregnant. Joe and Cathy settled their differences over Megan’s care and Jo was allowed to see her whenever he pleased. Jim, Cathy’s father, told Cathy that Dr. Thornby wanted Megan admitted to the hospital for tests so that she could be operated on within a week. Cathy was sure that Megan had been so weel the operation wasn’t necessary, but as Cathy stood with Joe after admitting the child, Megan had an attack.


When Susan didn’t show up for work, Larry got the superintendent to let him into her apartment when knocking didn’t bring her to the door. She tried to fool him by putting a robe on over the dress she slept in after drinking herself to sleep. Larry lectured her again about seeing Dr. Polk but she claimed three Hollywood shrinks didn’t help her mother. Then, she refused to accept a call from her mother even though Larry tried to convince her it didn’t have to be because her mother was drinking. Susan claimed her mother drove her to drink and Larry said knowing what caused the problem solved half of it and he’d always be there to help. When Timmy met Susan at the hospital he was sure he knew her. Susan tried to talk to tim before he told anyone that they once spent a weekend together. After a trying evening at the Rib Cage she told Tim she had changed, no longer drank or saw her mother, and really liked Larry and begged him to tell Larry.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Visiting Jennifer in prison, Scott told her he had moved up the hearing date and she had to be good until then. When she went back to her cell, Jennifer looked for the tranquilizers she hid in her pillow and was caught when she became frantic because they were missing. The whole wing was searched when she insisted she lost only a picture and a letter, but ather the search, Marie, another prisoner and Jennifer’s friend, told her she got rid of the pills out of fear Jennifer might use them. Marie was setting up a grievance committee and was warned by Mrs. Jackson, the prison psychologist, against starting trouble. Mrs. Jackson called Jennifer in to tell her that her name would be brought before the parole board meeting in 3 weeks and if she was very good, stayed away from bad crowds and did as she was told, then she could have her baby out of prison. When word got back to the committee that Jennifer wanted to quit they elected new leadership and send Jennifer several threatening messages, letting her know they had ways of hurting people “accidentally.”


After visiting Jennifer, Scott started drinking his meals at home and at bars. Jennifer’s father was making good on his threat to ruin Scott’s law practice. Kathy and Scott drew up their own divorce papers, but when Scott told her how much he loved and needed her, Kathy insisted on getting the divorce immediately in the Virgin Islands. Eric, their ward, told Scott he would always love Kathy and hate Jennifer for breaking them up. He asked Ellie if he could live with her if Kathy wouldn’t take him because he would not live with Jennifer. John and Ellie both told Scott he had to get hold of himself. John became very angry when clients he had referred to Scott couldn’t even reach Scott. Eunice decided Doug, Scott’s deceased father, would have wanted her to talk to him.


Tony insisted on seeing his chart because he didn’t believe he was being told the truth about his heart condition. When Jo suggested a vacation when he was released from the hospital, Tony told her he thought he was being lied to, that he would never be will and the risk of having another heart attack was great. He called John in to update his will so that Jo would be provided for. Tony was moved to a private room and tried to do too much, convinced he could prove them wrong. When he was released to go tome, Tony was concerned about returning to surgery and about functioning as a husband. Jo finally called psychiatrist Wade Collins asking him to help Tony out of his depression without letting him know. This was just what Wade needed because he was feeling guilt over being a bad son since his father’s recent death because he had put off visits to his father and had taken him for granted. This proved his wife Janet’s theory that doctors were people too. Wade couldn’t help Tony’s depression because Tony had convinced himself that his career was finished even when he was told that although they would like him to take a leave of absence and do research writing, the doctors will let him follow post operative cases for half days. He jumped to the conclusion that he would never operate again, but was told to have a little patience.


Stephanie was depressed after he realized she had lost Tony forever through her own greed and with Tony ill, Stephanie was very down. Her daughter Wendy said they Scouts were going on an overnight campout but secretly went to Oakdale to see her father, Dave Wilkins, to see if he could bring Stephane out of her depression. However, he only got abuse when he returned Wendy. Dave got a job as construction foreman in Henderson and took Stephanie and Wendy out to celebrate. He told Stephanie not to count him out of her life.


Liza cancelled out an evening with Bruce, her fiancé, Amy, her best friend and Steve, Amy’s brother, to whom she felt a strong attraction. Learning Steve had decided to leave town, Liza asked him not to go. She realized she was really in love with him and became confused because she didn’t want to hurt Bruce. She told her grandfather Stu Bergman she took back everything she said about his ideas on live being old-fashioned because it was overpowering, intoxicating and wonderful and she had to break up with Bruce. Stu asked her to wait until she had considered it carefully, but Liza couldn’t let Bruce feel she loved him. Bruce refused to believe Liza was serious and by not taking his ring back he didn’t have to accept this. Steve got an apartment and a job with Dave Wilkins. Liza was no longer afraid of a physical commitment and confessed how happy this new love had made her to her mother Janet Collins. Liza decided that Bruce had to accept reality and insisted he take his ring and understood their future didn’t include marriage. Feeling he was in the right, Bruce went to tell Steve that he wouldn’t let Liza get hurt and that everything was fine until he came alone. Bruce was telling Steve that he wouldn’t let him take Liza through his hippy hitchhiking way of life when Liza walked in. Bruce wanted to take Liza home, but she refused, telling Bruce that she was responsible for her own life and he had to let her make her own decisions. Janet was concerned that Liza was rushing into this especially when she found Liza was having an affair with Steve and the family didn’t even know him. Liza fixed up Steve’s apartment, cooked dinner and then broke the news that he was to meet her family. He was upset that she didn’t ask him first, but agreed to  the dinner plans.




Written by: Robert J. Shaw & Winifred Wolfe / Don Appell, Doris Frankel & Frank Salisbury

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Extermely worried about the anonymous notes she had received saying, “Those who live in sin, die in sin,” Heather was afraid to stay alone in the cabin she shared with Jerry. Jerry tried to reassure Heather by having an old friend and neighbour, Vic Kirby, change the locks. Vic expressed his distate that Heather was living with Jerry outside wedlock. Jerry told Heather she was being too hard on Eve by not telling her of his background, but Heather said her mother deserved her enmity for lack of faith in Jerry. Jerry went to the hospital, with Heather’s blessing, to accept a staff position from Stan Kurtz. When he arrived at Stan’s office, he overheard Eve expressing outrage that everyone knew about Jerry except her. Jerry stepped in, arranged a meeting and told Eve the whole story about Wendy and why he left medicine. The New York police still hadn’t found Wendy’s murderer. Eve was pleased with Jerry’s telling her, but had persistent uneasiness about him. When Eve realized that Jerry was in love with Heather and they intended to be married, she began plans for a big wedding, despite their expressed wish for a small, simple ceremony, Heather began to receive anonymour phone calls where the person didn’t say anything, and her panic increased when she discovered Vic Kirby had a key made for himself when he changed the lock. She begged Jerry to get the key from Vic. Unaware that they were being recorded by a voice-activated tape recorder hidden high in the cabin rafters, Heather and Jerry planned an immediate elopement. When Scott and Jill dropped by unexpectedly, they were invited to accompany Heather and Jerry who were married in a lovely simple ceremony across the state line. Later that night as Jerry and Heather celebrated their marriage, they received another phone call – “Till death do us apart. Death to Heather.” Jerry made an appointment with Lt. Price and asked Vic for his key, which Vic gave up grudgingly ,saying he has had a key to the cabin since before Jerry was born. Vic went on to express his disapproval of Heather and the marriage. During a hurried lunch, Heather and Jerry told Eve of their wedding, upsetting Eve. Greg thought it was great. Despite her continued misgivings about Jerry, Eve planned a reception for the couple and she and Greg went to the cabin for dinner, and witnessed one of the awful phone calls. Lt. Price wasn’t optimistic. Terri told Stan that the person threatening Heather was deranged, but could be anyone. Concerned about Heather, Julian got involved when it came out Vic’s wife died the previous year embittering him, and Vic had a key to the cabin. Julian interviewed Vic and was upset by Vic’s attitude towards Heather.


When Ned, Eve’s lover, asked if the reason she was spending so much energy on wedding plans for Heather, was because she wanted a wedding of her own, Eve assured him she was satisfied with the status quo, so he hinted that she was still keeping herself free for Julian. Eve disabused him of that idea, later admitting to herself that Ned was right because she would always love Julian. Eve decided as a wedding present, she would give Jerry and Heather a completely furnished expensive apartment. Ned told her they would hate it because it wouldn’t be theirs, upsetting Eve.


A new cub reporter on the paper, Carrie Wheeler, complained to Julian, that her talents as a reporter were being wasted on society news and she asked for an assignment she created which infringed on Greg’s beat. Julian turned her down, saying it was important to her experience to do society news, so Carrie went to Kate who, when she learned of Julian’s decision, backed Julian and upbraided Carrie for trying to play them against each other. Carrie harbored jealous, hurt feelings against Greg. Ginger Cooper then began to play matchmaker, since Jill appeared out of the picture for Greg.


Skipper MacKenzie saw Ellen as his step-mother, not Jill. Skipper was released from the hospital. Ellen asked Jill to consider the idea that her attraction to Scott might be to a father figure, since Ben and Scott shared many qualities. Jill accused Ellen of using that as an excuse because she wanted Scott for herself, but when Scott received an offer form Eastern University that he couldn’t turn down and asked Jill to marry him, Jill turned him down, saying it was too soon after her husband Mitch’s death for her to make such a commitment. Jill apologized to Ellen and realized she still had a strong attraction to Greg.


Kate was entranced by the idea of bearing Julian’s child, telling Tom Conway that having a child was the ultimate fulfilment for a woman. Tom scorned motherhood, especially for Kate, pointing out that Julian would insist she give up her job and its social position and amenities and that babies were hard work. Kate mentioned a baby nurse, and Tom said Julian would never hear of that. Knowing Tom was right, Kate was torn when she thought she was pregnant. When her pregnancy was confirmed, Tom’s worst predictions began to come true when a delighted Julian said she could quit her job and everything else and concentrate on their baby. Kate told him to stop being oversolicitous.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


Snapper was very uptight thinking about the letter from his father who was requesting a visit after he deserted the family 9 years ago. Chris, his wife, came across the typed letter from Chicago with no return address and thinking it might be Sallyn the mother of Snapper’s one, opened it. Chris assumed that Snapper would contact his father, but Snapper told her to forget it. Finally Snapper decided to tell his mother Liz but when he found that Sam Powers had finally brought a smile to her face after 9 lonely years, he tore up the letter vowing that his mother would not be hurt.


Gwen Sherman had donated the money she made as a prostitute to an orphanage run by Sister Theresa, a Mexican run, and was also donating her time. After Greg told Gwen how much in need of money they were, Gwen persuaded an old “customer” who gave her a hard time at the restaurant where she worked to help by telling Sister Theresa in his presence how happy he would be to write them a check. Gwen asked Sister Theresa if, with her past, it was possible to become a nun and she received the answer she wanted. Greg called the Allegro for Gwen and was told that she had left to become a nun. He went to the orphanage to say goodbye and wished her well.


When Chris saw Greg ask the Sisters to pray for his father, she could ne longer keep Snapper’s secret. Greg pushed her for information and she thought she remembered the letterhead saying “Regis”. Greg called but found out that his father had never been registered and rooms started at $75 and hung up before the heard the clerk say they were sometimes confused with the “Regent.” Liz cancelled a dinner with Sam when she rememberd it was her wedding anniversary, but Sam convinced her that she had to live for the present and she went out, much to Greg’s regret. Greg told Snapper he knew about the letter and would find out what was going on at the Regis and then told his mother. Snapper realized he was contacting the wrong hotel.


Kay Chancellor’s luncheon for Jill her companion and Liz was successful in that it made Liz feel sorry for her, but it had convinced Phillip, Kay’s husband, that she was well enough to be asked for a divorce. When Kay asked her son, Brock, how God decided who received when two good people wanted the same thing, he replied: “The most deserving one.” Kay told Jill that she thought Phillip was planning something special for her when she was well. Phillip asked Jill to dinner not giving her time to go home to change. Kay used the opportunity to make Jill feel guilty when she fussed, insisting that Jill wear one of her dresses. Phillip and Jill both agreed that she could no longer remain in Kay’s employ and Phillip insisted on supporting her. Jill asked to quit immediately, but Kay persuaded her to give 2 weeks notice hoping that would be enough time to avert the divorce she was sure Phillip would ask for. Phillip and Jill wondered where Kay could have gone on her own when she visited Liz at the factory to tell her Jill had quit and to ask her help as she was sure Liz knew about Jill and Phillip. Liz tried to convince Jill that she couldn’t build a happy marriage on another woman’s misery. Kay realized she had to move quickly if she was going to keep Phillip. She offered Jill something her mother couldn’t give her – a college education at a good eastern school.


Lorie was 3 months being in her rent, her father Stuart had disowned her, so she asked Phillip Chancellor for a loan and a job, but told him not to feel obligated because she saw him with Jill.


All of Jennifer’s daughters were concerned about her: two hoping she would make the right decision – although they differed on what that was – and two wondering what was bothering her. No knowing that Dr. Bruce Henderson was the reason Jennifer had to get away, Stuart called him unadvertently giving Bruce the information he wanted – Jennifer’s destination – Key Biscayne, Florida. Lorie showed up at Leslie’s apartment thinking Leslie would have joined their mother in Florida and she would have Brad, Leslie’s husband, to herself. Lorie felt that at almost fifty their mother was old enough to make her own mind. Mark, Bruce’s son, tried to make Stuart aware that he should convince Jennifer how much he needed her without coming out with the truth.


Bruce called Jennifer from the lobby saying he would leave if she wanted him to, but she invited him up telling him that she was terribly lonely, but hadn’t made up her mind and wouldn’t go home until she did. After spending several days with Bruce, she decided to ask Stuart for a divorce and she and Bruce would but a piece of land and he could practice in Florida. Lorie had called Mark saying she wanted to discuss his father and her mother, making him break a date with her sister Peggy. Mark found that Lorie was in favor of the divorce and asked if it wasn’t because she resented her father’s favoritism of Leslie and wanted to get back at him. On a hunch, Peggy went to Lorie’s and when she found Mark there, broke down cyring and rushed out convinced that Lorie was trying to steal Mark from her. Mark went to see Peggy, but unable to get her to trust him he had to tell her about his father and her mother. When Leslie couldn’t reach her mother by phone and then found out Dr. Henderson was still registered at the hotel she decided to fly to Florida, but was stopped by Lorie, who received a call saying Jennifer wanted to meet with all the girls at 3:00 at the house, but had told Stuart she would be home, in the evening. Jennifer told the girls she had spent her life denying herself love for their sake and hoped they would understand when she asked Stuart a divorce. Stuart told Brad that he had been thinking wile Jennifer had been away and wanted Brad to take over more responsibility so that he could fill the void in Jennifer’s life as the girls had left by growing up and, he added, he was becoming fatigued. He had made arrangements to take Jennifer on a much wanted trip to Europe for a month. Brad detained him when he wanted to go home early, and later Brad and Sam Powers found Stuart lying unconscious on his office floor. Brad massaged Stuart’s heart on the way to the hospital saving his life. Snapper asked Brad how he knew what to do but Brad told him to forget it. Peggy broke down at the hospital refusing to stay in the house with her mother, so Lorie would take care of her. At the house, Leslie gave her mother the airline tickets to Europe and Jennifer was explaining that you couldn’t buy love when Brad called asking them to return to the hospital when Stuart suddenly went into cardiac arrest. Brad injected adrenalin and massaged Stuart’s heart until it resumed functioning on its own. Brad said, “Nice work Docotor,” to Snapper who replied, “That’s what I was going to say, DOCTOR!”

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Brad on Y&R being revealed as a doctor while saving his father in law's life  was something similar to when Bill Bell was at ATWT and Neil Wade was revealed to be a doctor when he performed a tracheotomy on Grandpa Hughes - his soon to be grandfather in law.

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True, Bill Foster's absence and return was recylced on B&B twelve years later.


What is refereshing in these Y&R synopsis is the fact that the main storylines revolve around the older characters. Kay's failing marriage, Jennifer cheating on Stuart with Bruce and Bill's upcoming return to Liz's life, just as she has found happiness with Sam. The younger set are definitely playing more of a supporting role during this time. 


I also like the fact that you still see Liz at the factory.


I do wonder where the whole Jill finding a gun story was going. Did Jill think Kay was going to kill herself? Or was it implied more that Kay might kill Jill and Phillip? 


Lorie's inclusion in the Jill/Phillip/Kay story was interesting. I doubt Bell had changed his plans for Jill and Phillip, but maybe he was going to complicate matters more with her involvement. Then again maybe he had little for Lorie to do and just put her there until he could give her more story.

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You know funny you say that, before reading i did hear some stuff about Lorie and Phillip but was never able to see proof that they interacted, but seeing this is gold I really wonder how long Lorie was apart of this triangle that would basically go on for decades.


I wonder if there was any scenes of Kay confronting Lorie or having any conversation to find out more about jill/Phillip.


As far as i know Lorie and Kay rarely interacted back then so im guessing this must have been one of some of there interactions if that happened.

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ATWT-What was Lisa’s relationships with her daughter-in-laws Carol and Natalie like? 

Thanks again for sharing! Reading these Y&R recaps are exciting and so fascinating to read the actual details, especially Lorie being thrown in the mix with Phillip. 

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AMC, still on fire! I've always been fascinated by the Margo character, but that fascination just keeps growing. Obviously by this point, Erica was fast becoming soaps' most well-known schemer and conniver, but Margo and Claudette seemed to be much more malicious, and I finally see now why they didn't build more around the two characters in the long run.

The Phoebe/Charles/Mona story - I've always thought of it as lightweight comic relief that cropped up in the late 70s, and I never realized just how long and spread out the development of Charles and Mona's relationship was. Charles and Phoebe were still together when Erica married Tom over three years later.

I'm curious as to how the child abuse storyline really played out onscreen. The Doctors had done a child abuse story a few years earlier, and AMC had just introduced Tad two years earlier as a victim of child abuse and neglect. Were the Coles meant to be long-term or were they just shoe-horned in for the purpose of the abuse story and to facilitate couple drama for the main characters.

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Thank you kindly for putting these up, you basically have added more y&r histrionics to my head, i forgot brock and jill married omg i can't wait to read about how that went

Your right there was a 1979 episode i was reading and it said Lorie went over to Kay's and they discussed jill and I think Derek at the time so i know if we go way back there had to have been some sort of other scene shared.

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I don't think I realized just how brief Victor and Dorian's union was in fact. She moved quickly.


I haven't read my AMC 25th anniversary book in years, not sure that I knew about the story with Ann and the suspected child abuse. Sounds interesting.

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