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Looks like Disney's "payola" effort to get Lift Me Up to #1 didn't work.   LMU got 48.1 million in radio audience, compared to Anti-Hero getting 37.6 million radio airplay audience impressions (up 17%).   Usually on radio, songs build up week to week.  Also, I wonder if Disney influenced Billboard to start using the new tracking method (that now gives more points to radio) on Monday October 31 (in the middle of the tracking week too!), because the new method was suppose to start in December. 

Anti-Hero becomes Taylor's first multi-week #1 since Look What You Made Me Do in 2017.

Very surprised Midnight Rain did that well in the second week.  It doesn't have the "at the beginning of the album" boost, and it didn't get any promotion, and it's not a top favourite among fans, from what I've seen.  LOL   But it's doing well on streaming.  Weird. 



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Drake thought he was going to get another #1 but Taylor decided to block him by releasing 6 remixes. LOL  Pure speculation on my part, based on what I know of Taylor, I bet she was a bit pissed off at her record label and Drake for dropping his album so soon after hers. He was suppose to released one week after hers but they delayed to two weeks.  I think it was a mistake by Republic Records to release albums from their top 2 artists so close to each other.   This is like Disney releasing an Avengers movie and then two weeks later releasing an X-Men movie. 

From Chart Data:

- "Anti-Hero" rises to #1 on the Digital Song Sales chart for the first time with over 327K sold (up 1,793%), the biggest US pure sales week for any track in the 2020s decade.

- "Anti-Hero" earns the biggest US pure sales week for any song since her own "Look What You Made Me Do", over 5 years ago.

- "Anti-Hero" earns the biggest US sales week for any song this year, with over 550K units sold in its third week. It's the only song to sell over 500,000 in a single week this year.





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